echo CLMContent::componentheading($heading);
    echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('TOURNAMENT_ROUNDNOTPUBLISHED'));
    // Turnier/Runde kann ausgegeben werden
} else {
    $turParams = new JParameter($this->turnier->params);
    $heading .= ": " . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_ROUND') . " " . $this->round->nr;
    if ($this->round->datum != "0000-00-00" and $turParams->get('displayRoundDate', 1) == 1) {
        $heading .= ', ' . JHTML::_('date', $this->round->datum, JText::_('%d. %B %Y'));
    if ($this->turnier->dg > 1 and $this->round->dg == 1) {
        $heading .= " (" . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_STAGE_1') . ")";
    if ($this->turnier->dg > 1 and $this->round->dg == 2) {
        $heading .= " (" . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_STAGE_2') . ")";
    echo CLMContent::componentheading($heading);
    // Navigationsmenu
    require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'submenu_t.php';
    // Table aufziehen
    echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="runde">';
    // Kopfzeile
    echo '<tr><td colspan="9">';
    echo '<div style="text-align:left; padding-left:1%">';
    echo '<b>' . $this->round->name . '</b>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</td></tr>';
    // Ende Kopfzeile
    // headers

    $counter = ceil(count($mannschaft) / 2);
    if ($counter < 2 and count($mannschaft) > 1) {
    echo $counter;
    echo JText::_('LEAGUE_RATING_BEST_TEAM_II');
    echo $liga[0]->name;
    if (!$mannschaft) {
        echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('LEAGUE_NO_GAMES'));
    } else {
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="statistik">
        echo JText::_('DWZ_NR');
        echo JText::_('DWZ_NAME');
        echo JText::_('LEAGUE_STAT_LEAGUE');
Beispiel #3
    if (!isset($dwz[0]) || $dwz[0]->dsb_datum == 0) {
        $hint_dwzdsb = JText::_('DWZ_DSB_COMMENT_UNCLEAR');
} else {
    $hint_dwzdsb = JText::_('DWZ_DSB_COMMENT_LEAGUE') . ' ' . utf8_decode(JText::_('ON_DAY')) . ' ' . JHTML::_('date', $params[$dwz_date], JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_CLM_F'));
if (!$dwz or $dwz[0]->published == "0") {
    echo '<br><div class="wrong">' . JText::_('NOT_PUBLISHED') . '<br>' . JText::_('GEDULD') . '</div><br>';
} else {

    if (!$liga) {
        echo "<br>" . CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('DWZ_NO_RESULTS')) . "<br>";
    } elseif ($liga[0]->anzeige_ma == 1) {
        echo "<br>" . CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('TEAM_FORMATION_BLOCKED')) . "<br>";
    } else {
        $count = 0;
        $x = 0;
<!-- ///////////////////// DWZ Auswertung ///////////////// -->

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="dwz_liga">
        foreach ($liga as $liga) {
            if ($x % 2 == 0) {
                $zeilenr = 'zeile1';
            } else {
                $zeilenr = 'zeile2';
echo $imageDir . 'pdf_button.png';
" title="<?php 
"  class="CLMTooltip" /></a></div>
// Componentheading
$heading = $this->turnier->name . ": " . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_PARTICIPANTLIST');
echo CLMContent::componentheading($heading);
// Navigationsmenu
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'submenu_t.php';
if ($this->turnier->published == 0) {
    echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('TOURNAMENT_NOTPUBLISHED') . "<br/>" . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_PATIENCE'));
} elseif (count($this->players) == 0) {
    echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('TOURNAMENT_NOPLAYERSREGISTERED'));
} else {
    $turParams = new JParameter($this->turnier->params);

	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="turnier_teilnehmer" <?php 
    if ($fixth_ttln == "1") {

		<th class="tt_col_1"><?php 
Beispiel #5
    <div class="clear"></div>


// Prüfen ob ZPS vorhanden ist
if (!$liga[0]->Vereinname) {
    echo "<br>" . CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('CLUB_UNKNOWN')) . "<br>";
} else {
    if ($itemid != '') {
        $postlink = '&saison=' . $sid . '&zps=' . $urlzps . '&Itemid=' . $itemid;
    } else {
        $postlink = '&saison=' . $sid . '&zps=' . $urlzps;

<form id="adminForm" action="<?php 
    echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_clm&view=dwz' . $postlink);
" method="post" name="adminForm">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="dwz" <?php 
    if ($fixth_dwz == "1") {
echo $imageDir . 'pdf_button.png';
" title="<?php 
"  class="CLMTooltip" /></a></div>
// componentheading vorbereiten
$heading = $this->turnier->name . ": " . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_PAIRINGLIST');
echo CLMContent::componentheading($heading);
// Navigationsmenu
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'submenu_t.php';
if ($this->turnier->published == 0) {
    echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('TOURNAMENT_NOTPUBLISHED') . "<br/>" . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_PATIENCE'));
} elseif ($this->turnier->rnd == 0) {
    echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('TOURNAMENT_NOROUNDS'));
} else {
    $turParams = new JParameter($this->turnier->params);
    // alle Runden durchgehen
    foreach ($this->rounds as $value) {
        // published?
        if ($value->published == 1) {
            // Table aufziehen
            echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="runde">';
            // Kopfzeile
            echo '<tr><td colspan="9">';
            echo '<div style="text-align:left; padding-left:1%">';
            echo '<b>';
            echo $value->name;
            if ($value->datum != "0000-00-00" and $turParams->get('displayRoundDate', 1) == 1) {
                echo ',&nbsp;' . JHTML::_('date', $value->datum, JText::_('%d. %B %Y'));
Beispiel #7
                for ($y = 0; $y < $liga[0]->teil / 2; $y++) {
                    if (!isset($summe[$sum_paar])) {
                    if ($summe[$sum_paar]->runde == $x + 1 + 3 * $liga[0]->runden and $summe[$sum_paar]->paarung == $y + 1) {
                        $sum_paar = $sum_paar + 2;
                    if ($dwzgespielt[$z2]->dwz and $dwzgespielt[$z2]->runde == $x + 1 and $dwzgespielt[$z2]->paar == $y + 1 and $dwzgespielt[$z2]->dg == 4 and $paar[$z]->hmnr != 0 and $paar[$z]->gmnr != 0) {
                echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('PAAR_UNPUBLISHED'));


<div class="legend">
<p><img src="<?php 
    echo CLMImage::imageURL('accept.png');
" width="16" height="16"/> = <?php 
Beispiel #8
    //$config = clm_core::$db->config();
    //$dwz	= $config->dwz_wertung;
<!-- /// DWZ Auswertung /// -->
<div class="title"><?php 
    echo JText::_('PLAYER_DWZ_EVAL');

    //if($dwz =="0") {
    // Einzelauswertung der Ligen
    foreach ($spieler as $spielerl) {
        if ($spielerl->Punkte == 0 and $spielerl->Partien == 0) {
            echo CLMContent::clmWarning($spielerl->liga_name . '-' . JText::_('PLAYER_NO_EVAL_GAMES')) . '<br>';
        } else {
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="spielerdwzneu">
        <th class="anfang" colspan="9"><?php 
            echo $spielerl->liga_name;
        <td><a title="<?php 
            echo $hint_dwzdsb;
" class="CLMTooltip"><?php 
            echo JText::_('PLAYER_RATING_OLD');
Beispiel #9
<div class="clr"></div>

require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'submenu.php';
//if (
if (!$liga or $liga[0]->published == "0") {
    echo "<br>" . CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('NOT_PUBLISHED') . '<br>' . JText::_('GEDULD')) . "<br>";
} else {
    if ($liga[0]->rnd == 0) {
        echo "<br>" . CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('NO_ROUND_CREATED') . '<br>' . JText::_('NO_ROUND_CREATED_HINT')) . "<br>";
    } else {
        if ($liga[$runde - 1]->pub == 0) {
            echo "<br>" . CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('ROUND_UNPUBLISHED') . '<br>' . JText::_('ROUND_UNPUBLISHED_HINT')) . "<br>";
        } else {

            // Kommentare zur Liga
            if (isset($liga[$runde - 1]->comment) and $liga[$runde - 1]->comment != "") {
<div id="desc">
    <p class="run_note_title"><?php 
                echo JText::_('NOTICE');
                echo nl2br($liga[$runde - 1]->comment);
 * @email
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// Stylesheet laden
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'css_path.php';
echo "<div id='clm'><div id='turnier_info'>";
// Konfigurationsparameter auslesen
$itemid = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
// componentheading vorbereiten
$heading = $this->turnier->name;
echo CLMContent::componentheading($heading);
// Navigationsmenu
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'submenu_t.php';
// Turnier unveröffentlicht?
if ($this->turnier->published == 0) {
    echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('TOURNAMENT_NOTPUBLISHED') . "<br/>" . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_PATIENCE'));
    // Turnier
} else {

		<th align="left" colspan="2" class="anfang"><?php 
    echo JText::_('TOURNAMENT_DATA');
		<td align="left" width="100"><?php 
Beispiel #11

	<div id="pdf">
	<!--<img src="printButton.png" alt="drucken"  /></a>-->

    echo CLMContent::createPDFLink('rangliste', JText::_('PDF_RANGLISTETABLE'), array('saison' => $sid, 'layout' => 'rang', 'liga' => $lid));
    if ($pdf_melde == 1) {
        // Neue Ausgabe: Saisonstart
        echo CLMContent::createPDFLink('rangliste', JText::_('PDF_RANGLISTE_TEAM_LISTING'), array('saison' => $sid, 'layout' => 'start', 'liga' => $lid));
        if ($jid != 0) {
            echo CLMContent::createPDFLink('rangliste', JText::_('PDF_RANGLISTE_LIGAHEFT_1'), array('saison' => $sid, 'layout' => 'heft', 'o_nr' => 1, 'saison' => $sid, 'liga' => $lid));
        echo CLMContent::createPDFLink('rangliste', JText::_('PDF_RANGLISTE_LIGAHEFT'), array('saison' => $sid, 'layout' => 'heft', 'o_nr' => 0, 'saison' => $sid, 'liga' => $lid));
    echo CLMContent::createViewLink('tabelle', JText::_('RANGLISTE_GOTO_TABELLE'), array('saison' => $sid, 'liga' => $lid, 'Itemid' => $item));
	<div class="clr"></div>

    require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'submenu.php';


	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="rangliste">
			<th class="rang"><div><?php 
    echo JText::_('RANG');
Beispiel #12
// Stylesheet laden
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'css_path.php';
// Browsertitelzeile setzen
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
<div >
<div id="termine">
	<div class="componentheading"><?php 
echo JText::_('TERMINE_HEAD');

// PDF-Links
echo CLMContent::createPDFLink('termine', JText::_('TERMINE_SHORT_PRINT'), array('layout' => 'termine_short', 'saison' => $sid));
echo CLMContent::createPDFLink('termine', JText::_('TERMINE_LONG_PRINT'), array('layout' => 'termine_long', 'saison' => $sid));

	<!-- Navigationsmenu -->
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'submenu.php';
    <br />
if (isset($termine[0]) and $termine[0]->nr == 0) {
    <div class="wrong"><?php 
    echo JText::_('NO_ROUNDS');
Beispiel #13
    } else {
		<div class="clmbox"><?php 
        echo "|  ";
	<div id="pdf">
    if ($jid != "0") {
        echo CLMContent::createPDFLink('mannschaft', JText::_('PDF_TEAM1'), array('layout' => 'team', 'o_nr' => 1, 'saison' => $mannschaft[0]->sid, 'liga' => $mannschaft[0]->liga, 'tlnr' => $mannschaft[0]->tln_nr));
    echo CLMContent::createPDFLink('mannschaft', JText::_('PDF_TEAM'), array('layout' => 'team', 'o_nr' => 0, 'saison' => $mannschaft[0]->sid, 'liga' => $mannschaft[0]->liga, 'tlnr' => $mannschaft[0]->tln_nr));
    <div class="clr"></div>
    if ($lparams['noOrgReference'] == '0') {
    <div class="teamdetails">
        <div id="leftalign">
        if ($man_manleader == "1") {
            echo JText::_('TEAM_LEADER');
Beispiel #14
    $diff = $spielfrei[0]->count;

	<div class="componentheading">

    echo JText::_('Tabelle');
    echo "&nbsp;" . $liga[0]->name;

	<div id="pdf">
	<!--<img src="printButton.png" alt="drucken"  /></a>-->

    echo CLMContent::createPDFLink('tabelle', JText::_('TABELLE_PDF'), array('saison' => $sid, 'layout' => 'tabelle', 'liga' => $lid));
    echo CLMContent::createViewLink('rangliste', JText::_('TABELLE_GOTO_RANGLISTE'), array('saison' => $sid, 'liga' => $lid));

	<div class="clr"></div>

    require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'submenu.php';


	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="rangliste">
			<th class="rang"><div><?php 
    echo JText::_('RANG');
    $heading = $this->turnier->name . ": " . $this->turnier->spRangName . " " . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_RANKING');
} else {
    $heading = $this->turnier->name . ": " . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_RANKING');
echo CLMContent::componentheading($heading);
// Navigationsmenu
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'submenu_t.php';
if ($this->turnier->published == 0) {
    echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('TOURNAMENT_NOTPUBLISHED') . "<br/>" . JText::_('TOURNAMENT_PATIENCE'));
} elseif ($spRang == 0 and $this->turnier->playersCount < $this->turnier->teil) {
    //Änderung wegen Sonderranglisten
} elseif ($spRang != 0 and $this->turnier->playersCount == 0) {
    //Hinzugefügt wegen Sonderranglisten
    echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('TOURNAMENT_SPECIALRANKING_NOPLAYERS'));
} else {
    $turParams = new JParameter($this->turnier->params);
    $heim = array(1 => "W", 0 => "S");
    $fwFieldNames = array(1 => 'sum_bhlz', 'sum_busum', 'sum_sobe', 'sum_wins');
    // Anzahl FW-Spalten
    $rightcol = 0;
    // Breite fuer Rechte Spalte
    for ($f = 1; $f <= 3; $f++) {
        $fwFieldName = 'tiebr' . $f;
        if ($this->turnier->{$fwFieldName} > 0) {
    if ($this->turnier->typ == 1) {
        // CH-System
    if ($ex > 0) {
<div class="hint"><?php 
        echo JText::_('LEAGUE_RATING_IMPOSSIBLE');
</div><br /><?php 
    //	}
    // Auswertung der gesamten Saison
    //	else {
    if (count($spieler) > 1) {
        if ($spieler[0]->SPunkte == 0 and $spieler[0]->SPartien == 0) {
            echo CLMContent::clmWarning(JText::_('SEASON') . " " . $spieler[0]->s_name . " - " . JText::_('PLAYER_NO_EVAL_GAMES')) . '<br>';
        } else {
            $hint_dwznew = "";
            foreach ($dwz_date_new as $dwz_date_liga) {
                if ($dwz_date_liga->lid == 0) {
                    if ($dwz_date_liga->nr_aktion == 101) {
                        $hint_dwznew = JText::_('DWZ_COMMENT_SRUN') . ' ' . utf8_decode(JText::_('ON_DAY')) . ' ' . utf8_decode(JHTML::_('date', $dwz_date_liga->datum, JText::_('%d. %B %Y ,  %H %M')));
                    if ($dwz_date_liga->nr_aktion == 102) {
                        $hint_dwznew = JText::_('DWZ_COMMENT_DEL') . ' ' . utf8_decode(JText::_('ON_DAY')) . ' ' . utf8_decode(JHTML::_('date', $dwz_date_liga->datum, JText::_('%d. %B %Y ,  %H %M')));