Beispiel #1

if (!$core->authControl->checkPermission('bi_adm', 'can_monitor')) {
// We use the same scripts as in the list.html to handle ajax lists, get them
$listHTML = new CKTemplate($core->template);
$listHTML->fetch(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/" . $this->name . "/payload/template/list.html");
$core->template->assign("commonscript", $listHTML->get("_commonScripts"));
$monitorXML = $this->getMonitorArray();
$monitorTP = $core->template->get("_monitorLists");
$temp = "";
$getOnlyThis = isset($_REQUEST['filter']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['filter']) ? $_REQUEST['filter'] : -1;
if (is_array($monitorXML)) {
    // 	now perform sql queries COUNTING items we are monitoring
    $c = 0;
    foreach ($monitorXML as $monitoredItem) {
        if ($getOnlyThis == -1 || $getOnlyThis == $c) {
            if (!isset($monitoredItem['monitor_level'])) {
                $monitoredItem['monitor_level'] = 'low';
            $outputData = array("frommonitor" => $c, "module" => $monitoredItem['module'], "level" => $monitoredItem['monitor_level'], "title" => isset($monitoredItem['monitor_text_plural']) ? $monitoredItem['monitor_text_plural'] : (isset($monitoredItem['monitor_text']) ? $monitoredItem['monitor_text'] : $monitoredItem['module']));
            $temp .= $monitorTP->techo($outputData);
    $core->template->assign("_monitorLists", $temp);
Beispiel #2
function echoCalendar(&$containerTP, $width = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $highlights = array(), $dayborder = 0, $prevquery = "", $nextquery = "", $divname = "inlinecalendar")
      width should be divisible by 7
      highlights is an array, each with the following:
     	'day' => # day
     	'title' => title on the cell (if nothing, will use the day #)
     	'link' => link if click on the cell (if nothing, no link)
     	'class' => (optional) class for the cell
      dayborder is the number in pixels of border (+margin +padding) you will use on each cell
    $tp = new CKTemplate($containerTP);
    if (!is_file(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/calendar.html")) {
        return "echoCalendar: File not found";
    $tp->fetch(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/calendar.html");
    if ($month == 0) {
        $month = date("m");
    if ($year == 0) {
        $year = date("Y");
    $width = 7 * floor($width / 7);
    $widthDay = floor($width / 7) - 2 * $dayborder;
    $month = (int) $month;
    $year = (int) $year;
    if ($year < 100) {
        $year += 2000;
    if ($month < 10) {
        $month = "0" . $month;
    $initDay = $year . "-" . $month . "-01";
    $endDate = datecalc($initDay, 0, 1);
    $monthLine = $tp->get("_line");
    $dayTp = $tp->get("_day");
    $temp = "";
    // <-- main
    $tempL = "";
    // <-- a line
    $column = date("w", tomktime($initDay));
    // where this month starts
    $today = date("Y-m-d");
    $daysOnPreviousMonth = $column;
    while ($daysOnPreviousMonth > 0) {
        $tempL .= $dayTp->techo(array('class' => 'calendarDayEmpty', "title" => "&nbsp;", "widthday" => $widthDay));
    while (datecompare($endDate, $initDay)) {
        // while we are within the month (loop will increase initDay)
        $isWeekend = $column == 0 || $column == 6;
        $isToday = $initDay == $today;
        $day = substr($initDay, 8, 2);
        // the following line will put the appropriate class on the day depending on start/end of the project, weekend or deadline
        $output = array("class" => $isToday ? "calendarDayToday" : ($isWeekend ? "calendarDayWeekend" : "calendarDayNormal"), "title" => (int) $day, "widthday" => $widthDay);
        // now we check if we have a highlight
        foreach ($highlights as $high) {
            if ($high['day'] == $day) {
                $output['class'] = isset($high['class']) && $high['class'] != '' ? $high['class'] : "calendarDayHighlight";
                $output['title'] = isset($high['title']) ? $high['title'] : (int) $day;
                if (isset($high['link']) && $high['link'] != '') {
                    $output['title'] = "<a href=\"" . $high['link'] . "\">" . $output['title'] . "</a>";
        $tempL .= $dayTp->techo($output);
        if ($column == 6) {
            // end of a line
            $temp .= $monthLine->techo(array("_day" => $tempL));
            // <-- echo line
            $tempL = "";
        if ($column >= 7) {
            $column = 0;
        $initDay = datecalc($initDay, 0, 0, 1);
    if ($column != 0) {
        // we might not have finished the last line ... check it:
        for ($column = $column; $column < 7; $column++) {
            $tempL .= $dayTp->techo(array('class' => 'calendarDayEmpty', "title" => "", "widthday" => $widthDay));
        $temp .= $monthLine->techo(array("_day" => $tempL));
        // <-- echo line
        $tempL = "";
    $tp->assign("width", $width);
    $tp->assign("month", $month);
    $tp->assign("year", $year);
    $tp->assign("widthday", $widthDay);
    $tp->assign("_line", $temp);
    $tp->assign("calendar", $divname);
    if ($prevquery != '' && $nextquery != '') {
        $tp->assign("ajaxcommandprev", $prevquery);
        $tp->assign("ajaxcommandnext", $nextquery);
    } else {
    return $tp->techo();
Beispiel #3

// this code is taken from default.php
$template = new CKTemplate($core->template);
$template->fetch(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/bi_adm/payload/template/skin/" . $this->skin . "/admframe.html");
$mObj = $template->get("_monitor");
// monitored items
if (is_file(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/monitor.xml") && $core->authControl->checkPermission('bi_adm', 'can_monitor')) {
    // we have monitored items AND can see them
    $monitorXml = $this->getMonitorArray();
    // now perform sql queries COUNTING items we are monitoring
    $monitorTxt = "";
    $c = 0;
    $totalItems = 0;
    foreach ($monitorXml as $monitoredItem) {
        $monitoredModule = $core->loaded($monitoredItem['module'], true);
        $monitoredItem['sql'] = str_replace("\$id_user", $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_ACCESS_USER]['id'], $monitoredItem['sql']);
        $sql = $monitoredModule->get_base_sql("(" . $monitoredItem['sql'] . ")", "", "");
        $sql['ORDER'] = array();
        $sql['SELECT'] = array("count(*) as myresult");
        if (!isset($monitoredItem['monitor_level'])) {
            $monitoredItem['monitor_level'] = 'warning';
        $ok = $core->dbo->query($sql, $r, $n);
        if ($ok) {
            if ($n > 0) {
                list($n) = $core->dbo->fetch_row($r);
            $monitorData = array('monitor' => $c, 'level' => $monitoredItem['monitor_level'], 'notifies' => $n, 'txt' => $n == 1 ? isset($monitoredItem['monitor_text']) ? $core->langOut($monitoredItem['monitor_text']) : '' : (isset($monitoredItem['monitor_text_plural']) ? $core->langOut($monitoredItem['monitor_text_plural']) : ''));
            $totalItems += $n;
            $monitorTxt .= $mObj->techo($monitorData);
Beispiel #4
    $ppage = new CKTemplate($this->template);
    for ($c = 0; $c < $n; $c++) {
        $dados = $this->dbo->fetch_assoc($r);
        $rssItem = array("title" => $dados[$it[$rssId]], "description" => $dados[$idesc[$rssId]], "date" => $dateField != "" ? gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", tomktime($dados[$dateField])) . " GMT" : $NOWdate, "link" => $ppage->techo($dados));
        if (!isset($category[$rssId]) || $category[$rssId] != "") {
            if ($hasCategory) {
                $rssItem['category'] = $dados[$category[$rssId]];
        $mylist[] = $rssItem;
function datesort($a, $b)
    return datecompare($a['date'], $b['date']) ? 1 : -1;
uksort($mylist, "datesort");
$obj = $rssTemplate->get("_itens");
$temp = "";
$exclude = !$hasCategory ? array("_category") : array();
foreach ($mylist as $item) {
    $temp .= $obj->techo($item, $exclude);
$rssTemplate->assign("_itens", $temp);
if ($echoHeader) {
return $rssTemplate->techo();
Beispiel #5
    if ($innerFile != "") {
        if ($file != "") {
            $mail->assignFile("CONTENT", $innerFile);
        } else {
        # no template, but we have a file
} else {
    if ($file == "") {
        $mail->tbreak("{CONTENT} ");
        # no template nor file
        if (is_file(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/automail.html")) {
            $smh = new CKTemplate($this->template);
            $smh->fetch(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/automail.html");
            $objField = $smh->get("_field");
            $temp = "";
            foreach ($_POST as $name => $data) {
                if ($name != "haveinfo") {
                    $temp .= $objField->techo(array('name' => $name, 'content' => nl2br($data)));
            $smh->assign("_field", $temp);
            $template = $smh->techo();
        } else {
            foreach ($_POST as $name => $data) {
                if ($name != "haveinfo") {
                    if (strpos($data, "\n") !== false) {
                        $template .= "<strong>{$name}</strong>: <br/><blockquote>" . nl2br($data) . "</blockquote>\n";
Beispiel #6
 function field_interface($field, $action, &$data)
     if ($field == "permissions") {
         $output = "";
         // makes sure it's loaded
         $perm = array();
         $allperm = $this->parent->permissionTemplate;
         // get default permission array
         if (isset($data['permissions']) && $data['permissions'] != "") {
             $perm = unserialize($data['permissions']);
         // loads
         // merge with standard permissions to make sure we have ALL permissions (example: a new module was added and this group still don't have permissions set?)
         foreach ($perm as $name => $permission) {
             $allperm[$name] = $permission;
         // if a permission is lacking, will not override, thus using default
         // load template
         $mytp = new CKTemplate($this->parent->template);
         $mytp->fetch(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/" . $this->name . "/payload/permission_field.html");
         $customPerm = $mytp->get("_custompermission");
         $objPerm = $mytp->get("_permission");
         foreach ($this->parent->modules as $name => $pmodule) {
             if ($pmodule->options[CONS_MODULE_SYSTEM]) {
             // cannot edit system modules
             $locker = "ccccccccc";
             if ($pmodule->permissionOverride != "") {
                 $locker = $pmodule->permissionOverride;
                 $hasSOME = false;
                 for ($pos = 0; $pos < 9; $pos++) {
                     if ($pmodule->permissionOverride[$pos] == "c") {
                         $hasSOME = true;
             if ($hasSOME) {
                 $thisPermission = array('title' => $this->parent->langOut($name) . (defined("CONS_MODULE_PARTOF") && $pmodule->options[CONS_MODULE_PARTOF] != '' ? " (" . $this->parent->langOut($pmodule->options[CONS_MODULE_PARTOF]) . ")" : ""), 'module' => $name, 'mr_checked' => $allperm[$name][0] == "1" || $locker[0] == "a" ? true : "", 'mr_disabled' => $locker[0] != "c" ? "disabled" : "", 'mw_checked' => $allperm[$name][1] == "1" || $locker[1] == "a" ? true : "", 'mw_disabled' => $locker[1] != "c" ? "disabled" : "", 'me_checked' => $allperm[$name][2] == "1" || $locker[2] == "a" ? true : "", 'me_disabled' => $locker[2] != "c" ? "disabled" : "", 'gr_checked' => $allperm[$name][3] == "1" || $locker[3] == "a" ? true : "", 'gr_disabled' => $locker[3] != "c" ? "disabled" : "", 'gw_checked' => $allperm[$name][4] == "1" || $locker[4] == "a" ? true : "", 'gw_disabled' => $locker[4] != "c" ? "disabled" : "", 'ge_checked' => $allperm[$name][5] == "1" || $locker[5] == "a" ? true : "", 'ge_disabled' => $locker[5] != "c" ? "disabled" : "", 'or_checked' => $allperm[$name][6] == "1" || $locker[6] == "a" ? true : "", 'or_disabled' => $locker[6] != "c" ? "disabled" : "", 'ow_checked' => $allperm[$name][7] == "1" || $locker[7] == "a" ? true : "", 'ow_disabled' => $locker[7] != "c" ? "disabled" : "", 'oe_checked' => $allperm[$name][8] == "1" || $locker[8] == "a" ? true : "", 'oe_disabled' => $locker[8] != "c" ? "disabled" : "");
                 $output .= $objPerm->techo($thisPermission);
             $pos = 9;
         foreach ($this->parent->loadedPlugins as $pname => $plugin) {
             // stand alone plugins (no module)
             if (count($plugin->customPermissions) != 0) {
                 $pos = 9;
                 foreach ($plugin->customPermissions as $ptag => $pi18n) {
                     $thisPermission = array('title' => $pos == 9 ? $this->parent->langOut($pname) : '', 'pname' => 'c_' . $pname . "_" . $ptag, 'ptitle' => $pi18n, 'checked' => isset($allperm["plugin_" . $pname][$pos]) && $allperm["plugin_" . $pname][$pos] == '1' ? true : '');
                     $output .= $customPerm->techo($thisPermission);
         $mytp->assign("_permission", $output);
         $mytp->assign("_custompermission", "");
         $output = $mytp->techo();
         if ($output == '') {
             return false;
         return $output;
     return true;