Beispiel #1
 private function flows()
     $max = $this->input->get_post('max');
     $offset = $this->input->get_post('offset');
     if (empty($max)) {
         $max = $this->flows_per_page;
     $data = $this->init_view_data();
     $flows = VBX_Flow::search(array(), $max, $offset);
     if (empty($flows)) {
         set_banner('flows', $this->load->view('banners/flows-start', array(), true));
     $flows_with_numbers = array();
     foreach ($flows as $flow) {
         $flows_with_numbers[] = array('id' => $flow->id, 'name' => trim($flow->name), 'numbers' => $flow->numbers, 'voice_data' => $flow->data, 'sms_data' => $flow->sms_data);
     $data['items'] = $flows_with_numbers;
     $data['highlighted_flows'] = array($this->session->flashdata('flow-first-save', 0));
     // pagination
     $total_items = VBX_Flow::count();
     $page_config = array('base_url' => site_url('flows/'), 'total_rows' => $total_items, 'per_page' => $max);
     $data['pagination'] = CI_Template::literal($this->pagination->create_links());
     $this->respond('Call Flows', 'flows', $data);
Beispiel #2
 function index()
     $data = $this->init_view_data();
     $numbers = array();
     try {
         $numbers = $this->vbx_incoming_numbers->get_numbers();
     } catch (VBX_IncomingNumberException $e) {
         $this->error_message = ErrorMessages::message('twilio_api', $e->getCode());
     $incoming_numbers = array();
     // now generate table
     if (count($numbers) > 0) {
         $flows = VBX_Flow::search();
         foreach ($numbers as $item) {
             $item_msg = '';
             if (is_object($this->new_number) && $this->new_number->id == $item->id) {
                 $item_msg = 'New';
             $flow_name = '(Not Set)';
             foreach ($flows as $flow) {
                 if ($flow->id == $item->flow_id) {
                     $flow_name = '';
             $incoming_numbers[] = array('id' => $item->id, 'name' => $item->name, 'trial' => isset($item->trial) && $item->trial == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'phone' => format_phone($item->phone), 'pin' => $item->pin, 'status' => $item_msg, 'flow_id' => $item->flow_id, 'flow_name' => $flow_name, 'flows' => $flows);
     $data['highlighted_numbers'] = array($this->session->flashdata('new-number'));
     $data['items'] = $incoming_numbers;
     $data['twilio_sid'] = $this->twilio_sid;
     if (empty($this->error_message)) {
         $error_message = $this->session->flashdata('error');
         if (!empty($error_message)) {
             $this->error_message = $this->session->flashdata('error');
     if (!empty($this->error_message)) {
         $data['error'] = CI_Template::literal($this->error_message);
     $data['counts'] = $this->message_counts();
     $this->respond('', 'numbers', $data);
Beispiel #3
 function __construct()
     parent::__construct('public', 'default');
     //if($this->CI->router->class!='home' && $this->CI->router->class!='authorize'){
     //	$this->SetSession('current_controll',$this->CI->router->class);
     $lang = $this->GetSession('lang');
     if (empty($lang)) {
         $lang = $this->CI->uri->getLang();
     $this->lang = $lang;
     $this->write('copyright', $this->config['copyright'], true);
     $this->write('title_page', $this->config['sitename'], true);
     $this->write('lang', $lang, true);
Beispiel #4
 public function index()
     $redirect = $this->input_redirect();
     if ($this->session->userdata('loggedin')) {
         if (VBX_User::signature($this->user_id) == $this->session->userdata('signature')) {
             return $this->redirect($redirect);
     $this->template->write('title', 'Log In');
     $data = array();
     $data['redirect'] = $redirect;
     if ($this->input->post('login')) {
     // admin check sets flashdata error message
     if (!isset($data['error'])) {
         $error = $this->session->flashdata('error');
         if (!empty($error)) {
             $data['error'] = CI_Template::literal($error);
     return $this->respond('', 'login', $data, 'login-wrapper', 'layout/login');
Beispiel #5
 private function inbox($group = false)
     $max = $this->input->get_post('max');
     $offset = $this->input->get_post('offset');
     $do_transcriptions = $this->vbx_settings->get('transcriptions', $this->tenant->id);
     if (!$max) {
         $max = self::PAGE_SIZE;
     $this->template->add_css(asset_url('assets/c/messages.css'), 'link');
     $data = $this->init_view_data();
     $inbox_counts = $data['counts'];
     if ($group && !array_key_exists($group, $inbox_counts)) {
     $this->template->add_js('messages/scripts' . ($group ? '/' . $group : '') . '?' . http_build_query(compact('max', 'offset')), 'dynamic');
     $data['group'] = $group;
     $total_items = 0;
     $folders = array();
     if (!$group) {
         $data['group_name'] = 'Inbox';
         $groups = array_keys($inbox_counts);
     } else {
         $data['group_name'] = $inbox_counts[$group]->name;
         $groups = array($group);
         $folders[$group] = $inbox_counts[$group];
     $users = $group == 0 ? array($this->user_id) : array();
     $message_options = array('group' => $groups, 'user' => $users);
     $messages = $this->vbx_message->get_messages($message_options, $offset, $max);
     $total_items = $messages['total'];
     $items = array();
     $group_name = '';
     $data['active_users'] = $this->vbx_user->get_active_users();
     if ($messages['total'] < 1) {
         $group_name = $inbox_counts[$group]->name;
     } else {
         uasort($messages['messages'], 'sort_by_date');
         foreach ($messages['messages'] as $item) {
             $group_name = '';
             $group_id = 0;
             if ($item->owner_type == 'group' && isset($inbox_counts[$item->owner_id])) {
                 $group_name = $inbox_counts[$item->owner_id]->name;
                 $group_id = $item->owner_id;
             if ($item->owner_type == 'user' && isset($inbox_counts[$item->owner_id])) {
                 $group_name = 'Inbox';
                 $group_id = $item->owner_id;
             $this->session->set_flashdata('selected-folder', $group_name);
             $this->session->set_flashdata('selected-folder-id', $group_id);
             $short_summary = null;
             if (is_null($item->content_text)) {
                 $short_summary = '&nbsp;';
                 if ($do_transcriptions) {
                     $short_summary = "(no transcription)";
             } else {
                 $short_summary = substr($item->content_text, 0, 125) . (strlen($item->content_text) > 125 ? '...' : '');
             $date_recorded = date('c', strtotime($item->created));
             $date_updated = date('c', strtotime($item->updated));
             $assigned_user = null;
             foreach ($data['active_users'] as $u) {
                 if ($u->id == $item->assigned_to) {
                     $assigned_user = clone $u;
             $items[] = array('id' => $item->id, 'folder' => $group_name, 'folder_id' => $group_id, 'short_summary' => $short_summary, 'assigned' => $item->assigned_to, 'type' => $item->type, 'assigned_user' => $assigned_user, 'ticket_status' => $item->ticket_status, 'archived' => $item->status == 'archived' ? true : false, 'unread' => $item->status == 'new' ? true : false, 'recording_url' => $item->content_url, 'recording_length' => format_player_time($item->size), 'received_time' => $date_recorded, 'last_updated' => $date_updated, 'called' => format_phone($item->called), 'caller' => format_phone($item->caller), 'original_called' => $item->called, 'original_caller' => $item->caller, 'owner_type' => $item->owner_type);
         $group_name = 'Inbox';
     // set up pagination
     $group_id = $group === false ? 0 : $group;
     $page_config = array('base_url' => site_url('messages/inbox/' . $group_id), 'total_rows' => $total_items, 'per_page' => $max, 'uri_segment' => 4);
     $data['items'] = $json['messages']['items'] = $items;
     // render to output array
     $data['pagination'] = CI_Template::literal($this->pagination->create_links());
     $data['transcribe'] = $do_transcriptions;
     /* Return current group */
     if ($group !== false && $group >= 0) {
         // $json = $messages;
         $json['id'] = $group;
         $json['name'] = $inbox_counts[$group]->name;
         $json['read'] = $inbox_counts[$group]->read;
         $json['new'] = $inbox_counts[$group]->new;
         $json['messages']['total'] = $total_items;
         $json['messages']['offset'] = $offset;
         $json['messages']['max'] = $max;
     } else {
         /* Return folder summary */
         foreach ($inbox_counts as $folder_count) {
             $folders[] = $folder_count;
         $json = array('max' => $max, 'offset' => $offset, 'total' => $total_items, 'folders' => $folders);
     $data['json'] = $json;
     $this->respond(' - ' . $group_name, 'messages/inbox', $data);
Beispiel #6
 function index()
     $max = $this->input->get_post('max');
     $offset = $this->input->get_post('offset');
     if (empty($offset)) {
         $offset = 0;
     if (empty($max)) {
         $max = $this->numbers_per_page;
     $data = $this->init_view_data();
     $data['selected_country'] = $this->vbx_settings->get('numbers_country', $this->tenant->id);
     $numbers = array();
     $total_numbers = 0;
     $data['countries'] = array();
     $data['openvbx_js']['countries'] = array();
     try {
         $numbers = $this->vbx_incoming_numbers->get_numbers();
         $countries = $this->vbx_incoming_numbers->get_available_countries();
         // lighten the payload as we don't need the url data in the view
         foreach ($countries as &$country) {
             $data['countries'][$country->country_code] = $country->country;
             $country->available = array_keys(get_object_vars($country->subresource_uris));
             unset($country->uri, $country->subresource_uris);
         $data['openvbx_js']['countries'] = json_encode($countries);
     } catch (VBX_IncomingNumberException $e) {
         $this->error_message = $e->getMessage();
     $data['incoming_numbers'] = array();
     $data['available_numbers'] = array();
     $data['other_numbers'] = array();
     $data['count_real_numbers'] = 0;
     // now generate table
     if (count($numbers) > 0) {
         $this->flows = $this->get_flows_list();
         $data['flow_options'] = $this->get_flow_options($this->flows);
         foreach ($numbers as $item) {
             $item_msg = '';
             if (is_object($this->new_number) && $this->new_number->id == $item->id) {
                 $item_msg = 'New';
             $item->phone_formatted = format_phone($item->phone);
             $capabilities = array();
             if (!empty($item->capabilities)) {
                 foreach ($item->capabilities as $cap => $enabled) {
                     if ($enabled) {
                         array_push($capabilities, ucfirst($cap));
             $item->capabilities = $capabilities;
             $item->status = null;
             if ($item->installed) {
                 // Number is installed in this instance of OpenVBX
                 $item->trial = isset($item->trial) && $item->trial == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                 $item->status = $item_msg;
                 array_push($data['incoming_numbers'], $item);
             } elseif ((!empty($item->url) || !empty($item->smsUrl)) && $offset == 0) {
                 // Number is in use elsewhere
                 array_push($data['other_numbers'], $item);
             } elseif ($offset == 0) {
                 // Number is open for use
                 array_push($data['available_numbers'], $item);
             if ($item->id !== 'Sandbox') {
     $data['highlighted_numbers'] = array($this->session->flashdata('new-number'));
     $data['twilio_sid'] = $this->twilio_sid;
     if (empty($this->error_message)) {
         $error_message = $this->session->flashdata('error');
         if (!empty($error_message)) {
             $this->error_message = $this->session->flashdata('error');
     if (!empty($this->error_message)) {
         $data['error'] = CI_Template::literal($this->error_message);
     $data['counts'] = $this->message_counts();
      * $numbers is a list of phone numbers straight from the Twilio API,
      * there's no fancy query logic here, just slicing up the array.
     $total_numbers = count($data['incoming_numbers']);
     $data['incoming_numbers'] = array_slice($data['incoming_numbers'], $offset, $max, true);
     // pagination
     $page_config = array('base_url' => site_url('numbers'), 'total_rows' => $total_numbers, 'per_page' => $max);
     $data['pagination'] = CI_Template::literal($this->pagination->create_links());
     $this->respond('', 'numbers/numbers', $data);
Beispiel #7
 function index()
     $data = $this->init_view_data();
     $data['selected_country'] = $this->vbx_settings->get('numbers_country', $this->tenant->id);
     $numbers = array();
     $data['countries'] = array();
     $data['openvbx_js']['countries'] = array();
     try {
         $numbers = $this->vbx_incoming_numbers->get_numbers();
         $countries = $this->vbx_incoming_numbers->get_available_countries();
         // lighten the payload as we don't need the url data in the view
         foreach ($countries as &$country) {
             $data['countries'][$country->country_code] = $country->country;
             $country->available = array_keys(get_object_vars($country->subresource_uris));
             unset($country->uri, $country->subresource_uris, $country->client);
         $data['openvbx_js']['countries'] = json_encode($countries);
     } catch (VBX_IncomingNumberException $e) {
         $this->error_message = $e->getMessage();
     $data['incoming_numbers'] = array();
     $data['available_numbers'] = array();
     $data['other_numbers'] = array();
     $data['count_real_numbers'] = 0;
     // now generate table
     if (count($numbers) > 0) {
         $this->flows = $this->get_flows_list();
         $data['flow_options'] = $this->get_flow_options($this->flows);
         foreach ($numbers as $item) {
             $item_msg = '';
             if (is_object($this->new_number) && $this->new_number->id == $item->id) {
                 $item_msg = 'New';
             $item->phone_formatted = format_phone($item->phone);
             if (!empty($item->pin)) {
                 $item->pin = implode('-', str_split($item->pin, 4));
             $capabilities = array();
             if (!empty($item->capabilities)) {
                 foreach ($item->capabilities as $cap => $enabled) {
                     if ($enabled) {
                         array_push($capabilities, ucfirst($cap));
             $item->capabilities = $capabilities;
             $item->status = null;
             if ($item->installed) {
                 // Number is installed in this instance of OpenVBX
                 $item->trial = isset($item->trial) && $item->trial == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                 $item->status = $item_msg;
                 array_push($data['incoming_numbers'], $item);
             } elseif (!empty($item->url) || !empty($item->smsUrl)) {
                 // Number is in use elsewhere
                 array_push($data['other_numbers'], $item);
             } else {
                 // Number is open for use
                 array_push($data['available_numbers'], $item);
             if ($item->id !== 'Sandbox') {
     $data['highlighted_numbers'] = array($this->session->flashdata('new-number'));
     $data['twilio_sid'] = $this->twilio_sid;
     if (empty($this->error_message)) {
         $error_message = $this->session->flashdata('error');
         if (!empty($error_message)) {
             $this->error_message = $this->session->flashdata('error');
     if (!empty($this->error_message)) {
         $data['error'] = CI_Template::literal($this->error_message);
     $data['counts'] = $this->message_counts();
     $this->respond('', 'numbers/numbers', $data);
Beispiel #8
 function index()
     $data = $this->init_view_data();
     $data['selected_country'] = $this->vbx_settings->get('numbers_country', $this->tenant->id);
     $numbers = array();
     $data['countries'] = array();
     try {
         $numbers = $this->vbx_incoming_numbers->get_numbers();
         $countries = $this->vbx_incoming_numbers->get_available_countries();
         // lighten the payload as we don't need the url data in the view
         foreach ($countries as &$country) {
             $data['countries'][$country->country_code] = $country->country;
             $country->available = array_keys(get_object_vars($country->subresource_uris));
             unset($country->uri, $country->subresource_uris);
         $data['openvbx_js']['countries'] = json_encode($countries);
     } catch (VBX_IncomingNumberException $e) {
         $this->error_message = ErrorMessages::message('twilio_api', $e->getCode());
     $incoming_numbers = array();
     // now generate table
     if (count($numbers) > 0) {
         $flows = VBX_Flow::search();
         foreach ($numbers as $item) {
             $item_msg = '';
             if (is_object($this->new_number) && $this->new_number->id == $item->id) {
                 $item_msg = 'New';
             $flow_name = '(Not Set)';
             foreach ($flows as $flow) {
                 if ($flow->id == $item->flow_id) {
                     $flow_name = '';
             $capabilities = array();
             if (!empty($item->capabilities)) {
                 foreach ($item->capabilities as $cap => $enabled) {
                     if ($enabled) {
                         array_push($capabilities, ucfirst($cap));
             $incoming_numbers[] = array('id' => $item->id, 'name' => $item->name, 'trial' => isset($item->trial) && $item->trial == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'phone' => format_phone($item->phone), 'pin' => $item->pin, 'status' => $item_msg, 'flow_id' => $item->flow_id, 'flow_name' => $flow_name, 'flows' => $flows, 'capabilities' => $capabilities);
     $data['highlighted_numbers'] = array($this->session->flashdata('new-number'));
     $data['items'] = $incoming_numbers;
     $data['twilio_sid'] = $this->twilio_sid;
     if (empty($this->error_message)) {
         $error_message = $this->session->flashdata('error');
         if (!empty($error_message)) {
             $this->error_message = $this->session->flashdata('error');
     if (!empty($this->error_message)) {
         $data['error'] = CI_Template::literal($this->error_message);
     $data['counts'] = $this->message_counts();
     $this->respond('', 'numbers', $data);