function executeComponent() { $arFilter = array('IBLOCK_ID' => $this->arParams['IBLOCK_ID'], 'ACTIVE' => 'Y'); if (true || $this->StartResultCache()) { $CIBlockElement = new CIBlockElement(); $CFile = new \CFile(); $aElts = array(); $eltsSelectFields = array_merge(array('ID', 'NAME', 'CODE', 'PREVIEW_PICTURE', 'DETAIL_PICTURE', 'DETAIL_PAGE_URL'), $this->getIBlockProperties($this->arParams['IBLOCK_ID'])); $rsElts = $CIBlockElement->GetList(array('SORT' => 'asc', 'date_active_from' => 'DESC'), $arFilter, false, false, array('ID', 'NAME')); if (intval($rsElts->SelectedRowsCount())) { while ($arElt = $rsElts->Fetch()) { $aElts[] = array('ID' => $arElt['ID'], 'NAME' => $arElt['NAME']); } $arElt = $CIBlockElement->GetList(array('SORT' => 'asc', 'ID' => 'DESC'), array_merge($arFilter, array('ID' => $aElts[0]['ID'])), false, false, $eltsSelectFields)->GetNext(); if ($arElt['DETAIL_PICTURE']) { $arElt['DETAIL_PICTURE'] = $CFile->GetPath($arElt['DETAIL_PICTURE']); } elseif ($arElt['PREVIEW_PICTURE']) { $arElt['DETAIL_PICTURE'] = $CFile->GetPath($arElt['PREVIEW_PICTURE']); } $arPrice = CPrice::GetList(array(), array("PRODUCT_ID" => $arElt['ID']))->Fetch(); $arElt['PRICE'] = $arPrice['PRICE']; $this->arResult['ITEMS'] = $aElts; $this->arResult['ITEM'] = $arElt; $this->IncludeComponentTemplate(); } } }
function trackStartedTask($stopStartedTask = true) { CModule::IncludeModule('iblock'); $res = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("IBLOCK_ID" => TASKS_IBLOCK_ID, 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', "PROPERTY_PROGRAMMER" => CUser::GetID(), "PROPERTY_STATUS" => STATUS_LIST_WORK), false, false, array('ID', 'NAME', 'PROPERTY_PROJECT', 'PROPERTY_STATUS_DATE')); if ($taskArr = $res->Fetch()) { if ($stopStartedTask) { CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValuesEx($taskArr['ID'], TASKS_IBLOCK_ID, array('STATUS' => STATUS_LIST_PAUSE)); } $link = TASKS_LIST_URL . $taskArr["PROPERTY_PROJECT_VALUE"] . '/' . $taskArr['ID'] . '/'; $date = new DateTime($taskArr["PROPERTY_STATUS_DATE_VALUE"]); $curdate = new DateTime(); $diff = $date->diff($curdate); $h = $diff->format('%h'); $i = $diff->format('%i'); if ($h || $i) { $timingText = ''; if ($h) { $timingText = "{$h} ч, "; } if ($i) { $timingText = $timingText . "{$i} мин. "; } $decTime = $h + $i / 60; $decTime = round($decTime, 2); $el = new CIBlockElement(); if ($el->Add(array("DATE_ACTIVE_FROM" => ConvertTimeStamp(time(), "SHORT"), "MODIFIED_BY" => CUser::GetID(), "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => false, "IBLOCK_ID" => TRACKING_IBLOCK_ID, "NAME" => 'Без названия' . ' (' . $decTime . 'ч.)', "ACTIVE" => "Y", "PROPERTY_VALUES" => array("HOURS" => $decTime, "TASK" => $taskArr['ID'])))) { crmEntitiesHelper::recalcTaskTracking($taskArr['ID']); ToolTip::Add("+ {$timingText} в трекер задачи \"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$link}\">{$taskArr['ID']} {$taskArr['NAME']}</a>\""); } else { ToolTip::AddError($el->LAST_ERROR); } } } }
/** * Получает результат запроса для поиска списка элементов * * @param array $filter * @param array $orderBy * @param array $selectedFields * @param mixed $navStartParams * * @return \CIBlockResult */ public function rawFindBy(array $filter = array(), array $orderBy = array('sort' => 'asc'), array $selectedFields = array('*', 'PROPERTY_*'), $navStartParams = null) { if (!isset($filter['IBLOCK_ID']) && $this->iBlockId) { $filter['IBLOCK_ID'] = $this->iBlockId; } return $this->iBEGateway->GetList($orderBy, $filter, false, is_null($navStartParams) ? false : $navStartParams, $selectedFields); }
public function transformTags($aOldTags, $aNewTags, $bSaveOldTags = false, $sOperation = false) { $aElements = $this->getMaterialsByTags($aOldTags); $mResult = array('iTotalElements' => count($aElements), 'iProcessedElements' => 0, 'aErrorElementID' => array()); if (!empty($aElements)) { $oElement = new CIBlockElement(); foreach ($aElements as $aElement) { $aTags = explode(',', $aElement['TAGS']); $aNewTags = array_map('trim', array_unique(array_merge($aTags, $aNewTags))); if (!$bSaveOldTags) { foreach ($aNewTags as $iKey => &$sTag) { $sTag = trim($sTag); if (in_array($sTag, $aOldTags)) { unset($aNewTags[$iKey]); } } } //var_dump($aElement['TAGS'],implode( ', ', $aNewTags ) ); $bResult = $oElement->Update($aElement['ID'], array('TAGS' => implode(', ', $aNewTags))); if ($bResult) { $mResult['iProcessedElements']++; } else { $mResult['aErrorElementID'][] = array('ID' => $aElement['ID'], 'IBLOCK_ID' => $aElement['IBLOCK_ID'], 'FORMATTED_LINK' => $this->getElementLink($aElement)); } } } return $mResult; }
function storeResult($arResult, $arParams) { $iblock = CIBlock::GetList( array(), array( 'TYPE' => $arParams['IBLOCK_TYPE'], 'CODE' => $arParams['IBLOCK_CODE'], ) ); $iblock = $iblock->Fetch(); $el = new CIBlockElement; $props = array(); foreach ($arResult['FIELDS_LIST'] as $arField) { if ($arField['FIELD_TYPE'] == 'TEXT' || $arField['FIELD_TYPE'] == 'NUMBER') { $props[$arField['CODE']] = array( 'VALUE' => $arResult['POST_DATA']['~'.$arField['CODE']], ); } elseif ($arField['FIELD_TYPE'] == 'TEXTAREA') { $props[$arField['CODE']] = array( 'VALUE' => array( 'TYPE' => 'text', 'TEXT' => $arResult['POST_DATA']['~'.$arField['CODE']], ), ); } elseif ($arField['FIELD_TYPE'] == 'LIST') { $propEnum = CIBlockPropertyEnum::GetList( array(), array( 'XML_ID' => $arResult['POST_DATA']['~'.$arField['CODE']], 'CODE' => $arField['CODE'], 'IBLOCK_ID' => $iblock['ID'], ) ); $propEnum = $propEnum->Fetch(); if ( ! $propEnum) return false; $props[$arField['CODE']] = array( 'VALUE' => $propEnum['ID'], ); } } $res = $el->Add(array( 'IBLOCK_TYPE' => $arParams['IBLOCK_TYPE'], 'IBLOCK_ID' => $iblock['ID'], 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'PROPERTY_VALUES' => $props, 'ACTIVE_FROM' => ConvertTimeStamp(time()+CTimeZone::GetOffset(), 'FULL'), 'NAME' => 'Form result', # !!! NEED TO REPLACE TO DEFAULT VALUE )); if (!$res) { return array( 'MESSAGE' => $el->LAST_ERROR, ); } return true; }
function AddProduct($NAME) { $iblock_permission = CIBlock::GetPermission(IBLOCK_ID); if ($iblock_permission < "W") { $GLOBALS["USER"]->RequiredHTTPAuthBasic(); return new CSOAPFault('Server Error', 'Unable to authorize user.'); } $code = self::translit($NAME); $i = 1; while (true) { $res = CIBlockElement::Getlist(array(), array("CODE" => $code), false, array("CODE")); if ($res->Fetch()) { $code = self::translit($NAME) . $i; } else { break; } $i++; } $arFields = array("IBLOCK_ID" => IBLOCK_ID, "NAME" => $NAME); $ib_element = new CIBlockElement(); $result = $ib_element->Add($arFields); if ($result > 0) { return $result; } return new CSOAPFault('Server Error', 'Error: ' . $ib_element->LAST_ERROR); }
public function Execute() { if (!CModule::IncludeModule("intranet")) { return CBPActivityExecutionStatus::Closed; } $absenceIblockId = COption::GetOptionInt("intranet", 'iblock_absence', 0); if ($absenceIblockId <= 0) { return CBPActivityExecutionStatus::Closed; } $rootActivity = $this->GetRootActivity(); $documentId = $rootActivity->GetDocumentId(); $documentService = $this->workflow->GetService("DocumentService"); $arAbsenceUserTmp = $this->AbsenceUser; $arAbsenceUser = CBPHelper::ExtractUsers($arAbsenceUserTmp, $documentId, false); $arAbsenceTypes = array(); $dbTypeRes = CIBlockPropertyEnum::GetList(array("SORT" => "ASC", "VALUE" => "ASC"), array('IBLOCK_ID' => $absenceIblockId, 'PROPERTY_ID' => 'ABSENCE_TYPE')); while ($arTypeValue = $dbTypeRes->GetNext()) { $arAbsenceTypes[$arTypeValue['XML_ID']] = $arTypeValue['ID']; } foreach ($arAbsenceUser as $absenceUser) { $arFields = array("ACTIVE" => "Y", "IBLOCK_ID" => $absenceIblockId, 'ACTIVE_FROM' => $this->AbsenceFrom, 'ACTIVE_TO' => $this->AbsenceTo, "NAME" => $this->AbsenceName, "PREVIEW_TEXT" => $this->AbsenceDesrc, "PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE" => "text", "PROPERTY_VALUES" => array("USER" => $absenceUser, "STATE" => $this->AbsenceState, "FINISH_STATE" => $this->AbsenceFinishState, "ABSENCE_TYPE" => $arAbsenceTypes[$this->AbsenceType])); $el = new CIBlockElement(); $el->Add($arFields); } return CBPActivityExecutionStatus::Closed; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getFiles($insertId, array $attachFields) { $filesList = array(); $iblockElement = new \CIBlockElement(); $builderData = $this->builder->getBuilderData(); $filter = array('ID' => $insertId, 'IBLOCK_ID' => $builderData['DATA']['ID']); $elementDb = $iblockElement->getList(array(), $filter, false, false, array()); if (!($element = $elementDb->getNextElement())) { return $filesList; } $fields = $element->getFields(); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $attachFields) && is_numeric($value)) { $filesList[] = $value; } } $propertyList = $element->getProperties(); foreach ($propertyList as $key => $property) { if (!in_array($key, $attachFields)) { continue; } if (is_numeric($property['VALUE'])) { $filesList[] = $property['VALUE']; } elseif (is_array($property['VALUE'])) { $filesList = array_merge_recursive($filesList, $property['VALUE']); } } return $filesList; }
/** * TASK performs with ACTION = INSERT * * @param int $limit * @return string */ public static function taskInsertElement($limit = 500) { if (($limit = (int) $limit) < 0) { return; } $iblockElement = new \CIBlockElement(); $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); // We get a task with the `ACTION` of `INSERT` $sql = "\n SELECT t1.ID as TASK_ID, t1.PARAMS, t1.FILTER_USER_ID, t3.*\n FROM b_citfact_filter_subscribe_stack as t1\n LEFT JOIN b_citfact_filter_subscribe_user as t2 ON t2.ID = t1.FILTER_USER_ID\n LEFT JOIN b_citfact_filter_subscribe as t3 ON t3.ID = t2.FILTER_USER\n WHERE t1.ACTION = 'INSERT' AND t3.ACTIVE = 'N'\n LIMIT 1\n "; $task = (array) $connection->query($sql)->fetch(); if (!empty($task)) { $filter['IBLOCK_ID'] = $task['IBLOCK_ID']; if ($task['SECTION_ID'] > 0) { $filter['SECTION_ID'] = $task['SECTION_ID']; } $filter = array_merge($filter, unserialize($task['FILTER'])); $elementResult = $iblockElement->GetList(array('ID' => 'ASC'), $filter, false, array('nTopCount' => $limit), array('ID')); while ($element = $elementResult->fetch()) { Model\SubscribeNotifyTable::add(array('FILTER_USER_ID' => $task['FILTER_USER_ID'], 'ELEMENT_ID' => $element['ID'])); } Model\SubscribeStackTable::delete(array('ID' => $task['TASK_ID'])); } return "Citfact\\FilterSubscribe\\Agent::taskInsertElement({$limit})"; }
/** * Created by JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: oleg * Date: 01.10.12 * Time: 21:06 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ function agent_kingcoupon_pars() { require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_before.php"; CModule::IncludeModule("iblock"); CModule::IncludeModule("mytb"); $content = file_get_contents(""); preg_match_all("#kingcoupon\\.ru/offer/([0-9]+)/#is", $content, $arr); $xml = file_get_contents(""); $svg = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); $clubListID = array(); foreach ($arr[1] as $var) { $clubListID[$var] = $var; } foreach ($svg->offers->offer as $var) { $R = array(); if (in_array($var->id, $arr[1])) { $R['clubName'] = (string) $var->supplier->name; foreach ((array) $var->supplier->addresses as $address) { if (is_array($address)) { foreach ((array) $address as $var1) { $R['clubAdress'][] = (string) $var1->name; } } else { $R['clubAdress'][] = $address->name; } } foreach ((array) $var->supplier->tel as $tel) { $R['clubPhone'][] = $tel; } $id = $var->id; $url = preg_replace("#http://#i", "", $var->supplier->url); $url = preg_replace("#^([^/]+)/.*#i", "\\1", $url); $url = str_replace("www.", "", $url); $R['url'] = $url; $arSelect = array("ID", "NAME"); $arFilter = array("IBLOCK_ID" => IB_CLUB_ID, "PROPERTY_SITE" => "%" . $url . "%"); $res = CIBlockElement::GetList(array("SORT" => "DESC"), $arFilter, FALSE, FALSE, $arSelect); if (!$res->Fetch()) { $PROP = array(); // $PROP["PHONE"] = $R['clubPhone']; // $PROP["ADDRESS"] = $R['clubAdress']; $PROP["SITE"] = $R['url']; $PROP["LIST"] = array(54); $el = new CIBlockElement(); $arLoadProductArray = array("IBLOCK_ID" => IB_CLUB_ID, "PROPERTY_VALUES" => $PROP, "NAME" => $R['clubName'], "TAGS" => "kingcoupon", "ACTIVE" => "Y", "SORT" => "0"); if ($PRODUCT_ID = $el->Add($arLoadProductArray)) { foreach ($R['clubAdress'] as $addressItem) { MyTbCore::Add(array("CLUB_ID" => $PRODUCT_ID, "SITY_ID" => 1, "ADDRESS" => $addressItem, "PHONE" => serialize($R['clubPhone'])), "address"); printAr($addressItem); } } else { echo "Error: " . $el->LAST_ERROR; } } } } return "agent_kingcoupon_pars();"; }
function executeDown() { CModule::IncludeModule('iblock'); $obj_ib_element = new CIBlockElement(); $r = $obj_ib_element->Delete(2); if (!$r) { throw new \Exception('Fail do remove element with id = 1'); } return true; }
public static function connectToUser($userID, $providerName, $userProfile) { CModule::IncludeModule("iblock"); $el = new \CIBlockElement(); $PROP = array(); $PROP["USER_ID"] = $userID; $PROP["SOCIAL_PROVIDER"] = $providerName; $PROP["SOCIAL_ID"] = $userProfile["identifier"]; $arLoadProductArray = array("IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => false, "IBLOCK_ID" => USER_SOCIAL_IB, "PROPERTY_VALUES" => $PROP, "NAME" => trim("Пользователь №" . $userID), "ACTIVE" => "Y"); $el->Add($arLoadProductArray); \CUserEx::capacityAdd($userID, 1); }
public function save() { \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule("iblock"); $errors =& $this->arResult["forms"][$this->request->getPost("id")]["errors"]; $el = new CIBlockElement(); $this->element_id = $el->Add(array("IBLOCK_ID" => 4, "NAME" => "({$this->arResult["forms"][$this->request->getPost("id")]["title"]})Обращение от {$this->request->getPost("first_name")} {$this->request->getPost("last_name")}", "PREVIEW_TEXT" => $this->request->getPost("comment"), "PROPERTY_VALUES" => array("TREATMENT_REASON" => $this->request->getPost("reason_for_treatment"), "PHONE" => $this->request->getPost("phone"), "EMAIL" => $this->request->getPost("email"), "FILE" => $this->request->getFile("file")))); if ($this->element_id !== false) { return true; } $errors[] = $res->LAST_ERROR; return false; }
/** * Метод вернет массив параметров из инфоблока "Параметры Автонаценки". * * @return array */ function getOptions() { $filterParams = array('ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'IBLOCK_CODE' => 'autoprice_options'); $orderParams = array('SORT' => 'ASC'); $selectParams = array('ID', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID', 'NAME', 'CODE', 'PROPERTY_PARAM', 'PROPERTY_MARKUP'); $result = array(); $iBlockElement = new CIBlockElement(); $dbElements = $iBlockElement->GetList($orderParams, $filterParams, false, false, $selectParams); while ($element = $dbElements->GetNext()) { $result[] = $element; } return $result; }
function addElementReview($arResult, $ID_SECTION, $IBLOCK_ID) { CModule::IncludeModule('iblock'); $property_enums = CIBlockPropertyEnum::GetList(array("DEF" => "DESC", "SORT" => "ASC"), array("IBLOCK_ID" => $IBLOCK_ID, "CODE" => "RATING", "VALUE" => $arResult['RATING'])); while ($rating = $property_enums->GetNext()) { $arRating = $rating["ID"]; } $current_date = dateActiveFrom(date('d.m.Y')); $NAME = $current_date . ' ' . $arResult['NAME']; $arFields = array("ACTIVE" => "N", "IBLOCK_ID" => $IBLOCK_ID, "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => $ID_SECTION, "NAME" => $NAME, "DETAIL_TEXT" => "Описание элемента", "PROPERTY_VALUES" => array("NAME" => $arResult['NAME'], "EMAIL" => $arResult['EMAIL'], "RATING" => array('VALUE' => $arRating), "BENEFITS" => $arResult['BENEFITS'], "DISADVANTAGES" => $arResult['DISADVANTAGES'], "COMMENT" => $arResult['COMMENT'])); $oElement = new CIBlockElement(); $idElement = $oElement->Add($arFields, false, false, true); return $idElement; }
/** * Выключает прошедшие акции * User: Tabota Oleg ( * Date: 18.11.12 16:20 * File name: no_active_stock.php */ function no_active_stock() { require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_before.php"; CModule::IncludeModule("iblock"); $sort = array("SORT" => "ASC"); $filter = array("ACTIVE" => "Y", "IBLOCK_ID" => IB_SUB_STOCK_ID, "<DATE_ACTIVE_TO" => date("d.m.Y")); $select = array("ID", "IBLOCK_ID"); $ob = CIBlockElement::GetList($sort, $filter, FALSE, FALSE, $select); while ($row = $ob->Fetch()) { $el = new CIBlockElement(); $el->Update(intval($row['ID']), array("ACTIVE" => "N")); } return "no_active_stock();"; }
function OnAfterUserAddHandler(&$arFields) { if (intval($arFields["ID"]) > 0) { global $USER; $noticeDefault = array("day" => array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), "metod" => array("sms", "email")); $PROP['USER'] = $arFields["ID"]; $PROP["NOTICE"] = serialize($noticeDefault); $arLoadProductArray = array("MODIFIED_BY" => $USER->GetID(), "IBLOCK_ID" => IB_USER_PROPS, "PROPERTY_VALUES" => $PROP, "NAME" => $arFields["LOGIN"], "ACTIVE" => "Y"); $el = new CIBlockElement(); $el->Add($arLoadProductArray); return true; } else { return TRUE; } }
public static function GetElementID($element_id, $element_code, $section_id, $section_code, $arFilter) { $element_id = (int) $element_id; $element_code = (string) $element_code; if ($element_id > 0) { return $element_id; } elseif ($element_code != '') { if (!is_array($arFilter)) { $arFilter = array(); } $arFilter['=CODE'] = $element_code; $section_id = (int) $section_id; $section_code = (string) $section_code; if ($section_id > 0) { $arFilter['SECTION_ID'] = $section_id; } elseif ($section_code != '') { $arFilter["SECTION_CODE"] = $section_code; } $rsElement = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), $arFilter, false, false, array("ID")); if ($arElement = $rsElement->Fetch()) { return (int) $arElement["ID"]; } } return 0; }
function getItem() { $arSelect = array(); $arFilter = array("IBLOCK_ID" => (int) $GLOBALS['AQW_BRANDS']['IBLOCK_ID'], "ID" => $this->getItemID(), "GLOBAL_ACTIVE" => "Y"); $res = CIBlockElement::GetList(array("DATE_CREATE" => "DESC"), $arFilter, false, array("nPageSize" => $this->limit), $arSelect); return $res->GetNext(); }
/** * Воззвращаем список новостей клуба * @return mixed */ function getList($filter = array()) { $filter['IBLOCK_ID'] = IB_SUB_NEWS_ID; $filter['PROPERTY_CLUB_ID'] = $this->clubID; $ob = CIBlockElement::GetList(array("ACTIVE_FROM" => "DESC"), $filter, false, FALSE, array("ID", "NAME", "ACTIVE_FROM", "DETAIL_TEXT", "PREVIEW_PICTURE")); return $ob; }
function OnProductCatalogHandler($ID, $arFields) { Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('iblock'); Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('catalog'); define('IBLOCK_ID_PRODUCTS', 2); define('IBLOCK_ID_OFFERS', 3); $query = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Query(Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable::getEntity()); $query->setSelect(array("ID", "IBLOCK_ID"))->setFilter(array("ID" => $ID))->setOrder(array("ID" => "ASC")); $resElement = $query->exec()->fetch(); if ($resElement['IBLOCK_ID'] == IBLOCK_ID_PRODUCTS) { CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValuesEx($ID, $resElement['IBLOCK_ID'], array("AVAILABLE_QUANTITY_CATALOG" => $arFields['QUANTITY'])); } elseif ($resElement['IBLOCK_ID'] == IBLOCK_ID_OFFERS) { //1 $rsElementOffer = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $ID), false, false, array("ID", "IBLOCK_ID", 'NAME', "PROPERTY_CML2_LINK"))->fetch(); $resElemOfferProduct = (int) $rsElementOffer['PROPERTY_CML2_LINK_VALUE']; //2 $resOffersCML2 = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("PROPERTY_CML2_LINK" => $resElemOfferProduct, 'IBLOCK_ID' => IBLOCK_ID_OFFERS), false, false, array("ID", "IBLOCK_ID", 'NAME')); //3 $arrOffersIDs = array(); while ($res = $resOffersCML2->fetch()) { $arrOffersIDs[] = $res['ID']; } //4 $availQuant = array(); foreach ($arrOffersIDs as $k => $v) { $ar_res_cat = CCatalogProduct::GetList(array("ID" => "DESC"), array("ID" => (int) $v), false, false, array("ID", "QUANTITY", 'ELEMENT_IBLOCK_ID', 'ELEMENT_NAME'))->fetch(); $availQuant[] = $ar_res_cat['QUANTITY']; } //5 $minAvailQuant = (int) min($availQuant); //6 $resUpdateSCU = CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValuesEx($resElemOfferProduct, IBLOCK_ID_PRODUCTS, array("AVAILABLE_QUANTITY_CATALOG" => $minAvailQuant)); } }
function updateResult($ID_RESULT, $STEP, $RES, $MSG){ if (!CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")): return false; endif; global $USER; $actionStr = getActionStr($STEP); if ($RES == "success"): $STATUS = "success"; $MESSAGE = "Успешно"; elseif ($RES == "fail"): $STATUS = "fail"; $MESSAGE = "Ошибка"; else: $STATUS = "processed"; $MESSAGE = "Исполняется"; endif; if ($MSG): $MESSAGE = $MSG; endif; $PROP = array(); $PROP = array( "ACTION" => $actionStr, "STATUS" => $STATUS, "MESSAGE" => $MESSAGE, "OFF_TIME" => mktime(), "TYPE" => $STEP ); foreach ($PROP as $code => $value) : CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValues($ID_RESULT, 23, $value, $code); endforeach; return $ID_RESULT; }
/** * Delete * @param $IblockTypeCode * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public static function Delete($IblockTypeCode) { $Iblock = new \CIBlock(); $iblockEl = new \CIBlockElement(); $dbIblock = $Iblock->GetList(array(), array('TYPE' => $IblockTypeCode)); while ($dbRow = $dbIblock->Fetch()) { $iblockElDbRes = $iblockEl->GetList(array(), array('IBLOCK_ID' => $dbRow['ID'])); if ($iblockElDbRes !== false && $iblockElDbRes->SelectedRowsCount()) { throw new BimException('Can not delete iblock type: iblock id =' . $dbRow['ID'] . ' have elements'); } } if (!\CIBlockType::Delete($IblockTypeCode)) { throw new BimException('Delete iblock type error!'); } return true; }
/** @return \CDBResult */ public function getData() { $iblockId = $this->getFieldValue('IBLOCK', null); $propertyNameId = $this->getFieldValue('PROPERTY_NAME', null); $propertyEmailId = $this->getFieldValue('PROPERTY_EMAIL', null); if ($iblockId && $propertyEmailId) { // if property is property with code like '123' $propertyNameValue = null; $propertyEmailValue = null; if (is_numeric($propertyEmailId)) { $propertyEmailId = "PROPERTY_" . $propertyEmailId; $propertyEmailValue = $propertyEmailId . "_VALUE"; } $selectFields = array($propertyEmailValue); if ($propertyNameId) { if (is_numeric($propertyNameId)) { $propertyNameId = "PROPERTY_" . $propertyNameId; $propertyNameValue = $propertyNameId . "_VALUE"; } $selectFields[] = $propertyNameValue; } $filter = array('IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, '!' . $propertyEmailId => false); $iblockElementListDb = \CIBlockElement::getList(array('id' => 'asc'), $filter, false, false, $selectFields); // replace property names from PROPERTY_123_VALUE to EMAIL, NAME $iblockElementDb = new CDBResultSenderConnector($iblockElementListDb); $iblockElementDb->senderConnectorFieldEmail = $propertyEmailValue; $iblockElementDb->senderConnectorFieldName = $propertyNameValue; } else { $iblockElementDb = new \CDBResult(); $iblockElementDb->InitFromArray(array()); } return $iblockElementDb; }
/** * Возвращаем данные столика * @param $arData * @return CDBResult|CIBlockResult|string */ function getInfo($tableID, $arData = false, $GetNext = false) { $arFilterTable = array("IBLOCK_ID" => IB_TABLE_ID, "PROPERTY_CLUB" => $this->clubID, "ID" => intval($tableID)); $arSelectTable = array("ID"); $arOrderTable = array(); $arOrder = is_array($arData["arSelect"]) ? array_merge($arData["arOrder"], $arOrderTable) : $arOrderTable; $arGroupBy = is_array($arData["arGroupBy"]) ? array_merge($arData["arGroupBy"], array()) : false; $arNavStartParams = is_array($arData["arGroupBy"]) ? array_merge($arData["arNavStartParams"], array()) : false; $arSelect = is_array($arData["arSelect"]) ? array_merge($arData["arSelect"], $arSelectTable) : $arSelectTable; $arFilter = is_array($arData["arFilter"]) ? array_merge($arData["arFilter"], $arFilterTable) : $arFilterTable; $res = CIBlockElement::GetList($arOrder, $arFilter, $arGroupBy, $arNavStartParams, $arSelect); if (!$res) { return Errors::run("404"); } $ob = $GetNext ? $res->GetNext() : $res->Fetch(); if (isset($ob["PREVIEW_PICTURE"])) { $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($ob["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]); $ob["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] = $arFile["SRC"]; } if (isset($ob["PROPERTY_PRICE_GROUP_VALUE"])) { $res = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => intval($ob["PROPERTY_PRICE_GROUP_VALUE"]), "IBLOCK_ID" => IB_PRICE_GROUP), false, false, array("NAME", "ID", "PROPERTY_PRICE")); $ob["PROPERTY_PRICE_GROUP"] = $res->Fetch(); } return $ob; }
/** * ’эндлер, отслеживающий изменени¤ в инфоблоках * @param $arFields * @return bool */ static function getCradoBaners() { //$arResult = array(); CModule::IncludeModule('iblock'); global $DB; $result = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM b_cradobaners'); $arResult = array(); $i = 0; while ($res = $result->fetch()) { $arResult[$i]['ID'] = $res['ID']; $arResult[$i]['COUNT_CLICK'] = $res['UF_COUNTCLICK']; $arResult[$i]['COUNT_VIEW'] = $res['UF_COUNTVIEW']; $arResult[$i]['DATE_LAST_CLICK'] = $res['UF_DATECLICK']; $obElement = CIBlockElement::GetByID($res['UF_IDBANERS']); if ($arEl = $obElement->GetNext()) { //$arResult[$i]['BANNER'] = $arEl; $arResult[$i]['BANNER']['ID'] = $arEl['ID']; $arResult[$i]['BANNER']['NAME'] = $arEl['NAME']; //Баннер в категории if ($arEl['PREVIEW_PICTURE'] != '') { $arResult[$i]['BANNER']['BANNER_CATEGORY'] = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arEl['PREVIEW_PICTURE'], array('width' => 140, 'height' => 95), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, true); } if ($arEl['DETAIL_PICTURE'] != '') { $arResult[$i]['BANNER']['BANNER_ELEMENT'] = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arEl['DETAIL_PICTURE'], array('width' => 82, 'height' => 140), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, true); } } $i++; } return $arResult; }
/** Returns an array, containing information about the product block on its ID. * @param $elementId * @return array|string */ public static function getProductInfo($elementId) { $elementId = intval($elementId); $result = ""; if ($elementId <= 0) { return $result; } $dbProduct = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $elementId), false, false, array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID', 'DETAIL_PICTURE', 'PREVIEW_PICTURE', 'NAME', 'XML_ID')); while ($arProduct = $dbProduct->GetNext()) { $imgCode = ""; if ($arProduct["IBLOCK_ID"] > 0) { $arProduct["EDIT_PAGE_URL"] = CIBlock::GetAdminElementEditLink($arProduct["IBLOCK_ID"], $elementId, array("find_section_section" => $arProduct["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"])); } if ($arProduct["DETAIL_PICTURE"] > 0) { $imgCode = $arProduct["DETAIL_PICTURE"]; } elseif ($arProduct["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] > 0) { $imgCode = $arProduct["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]; } $arProduct["NAME"] = $arProduct["NAME"]; $arProduct["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"] = htmlspecialcharsex($arProduct["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]); if ($imgCode > 0) { $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($imgCode); $arImgProduct = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arFile, array('width' => 80, 'height' => 80), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, false, false); $arProduct["IMG_URL"] = $arImgProduct['src']; } return $arProduct; } return $result; }
function createSmartFilterSeoXML() { if (CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")) { $resElDB = CIBlockElement::GetList(array("SORT" => "ASC"), array('IBLOCK_ID' => SEO_IBLOCK), false, false, array('PROPERTY_TARGET_ON', 'PROPERTY_INDEX', 'PROPERTY_FOLLOW', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'ID', 'NAME')); $protocol = CMain::IsHTTPS() ? "https" : "http"; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] > 0 && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ":") === false) { $host .= ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } $curDate = date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s P"); $strBeginSmartFilter = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<urlset xmlns=\"\">\n"; $index = 0; while ($res = $resElDB->fetch()) { $exp = explode('*', $res['PROPERTY_TARGET_ON_VALUE']['TEXT']); $urlFilter = trim($exp[0]); //clean url of smart filter if ($index == 0) { $strBeginSmartFilter .= "\t<url>\n\t\t"; $index++; } else { $strBeginSmartFilter .= "<url>\n\t\t"; } $strBeginSmartFilter .= "<loc>" . $protocol . "://" . $host . $urlFilter . "</loc>\n\t\t"; $strBeginSmartFilter .= "<lastmod>" . $curDate . "</lastmod>\n\t"; $strBeginSmartFilter .= "</url>"; } $strBeginSmartFilter .= "</urlset\n>"; $smartXmlFileName = 'sitemap_iblock_' . SEO_IBLOCK . '.xml'; $el = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $smartXmlFileName, "w"); fwrite($el, $strBeginSmartFilter); fclose($el); return "createSmartFilterSeoXML();"; } }
protected function loadFromDatabase() { if (!isset($this->fields) && $this->iblock_id > 0 && is_array($this->id)) { $this->fields = array(); foreach ($this->id as $id) { if ($id > 0) { $propertyList = \CIBlockElement::getProperty($this->iblock_id, $id, array("sort" => "asc"), array("EMPTY" => "N")); while ($property = $propertyList->fetch()) { if ($property["VALUE_ENUM"] != "") { $value = $property["VALUE_ENUM"]; } elseif ($property["PROPERTY_TYPE"] === "E") { $value = new ElementPropertyElement($property["VALUE"]); } elseif ($property["PROPERTY_TYPE"] === "G") { $value = new ElementPropertySection($property["VALUE"]); } else { if (strlen($property["USER_TYPE"])) { $value = new ElementPropertyUserField($property["VALUE"], $property); } else { $value = $property["VALUE"]; } } $this->fields[$property["ID"]][] = $value; $this->fieldMap[$property["ID"]] = $property["ID"]; if ($property["CODE"] != "") { $this->fieldMap[strtolower($property["CODE"])] = $property["ID"]; } } } } } return is_array($this->fields); }
public static function getJobName($id) { if (empty($id)) { return false; } $result = false; $obCache = new CPHPCache(); $dir = '/companies/names'; if ($obCache->InitCache(9999999999, md5($id), $dir)) { $result = $obCache->GetVars(); } elseif ($obCache->StartDataCache() && \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('iblock')) { if ($result = CIBlockElement::GetByID($id)->Fetch()) { if (defined('BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE')) { $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->StartTagCache($dir); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->RegisterTag('iblock_id_' . $result['IBLOCK_ID']); } $result = $result['NAME']; if (defined('BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE')) { $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->EndTagCache(); } } $obCache->EndDataCache($result); } return $result; }