Beispiel #1
 public function checkVideoAccess($videoid = null)
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $jinput = $mainframe->input;
     $userId = $jinput->get('userid', 0, 'INT');
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $actor = CFactory::getuser($userId);
     // check privacy
     $allowed = true;
     // verify video-level privacy setting
     if ($videoid) {
         if (!CPrivacy::isAccessAllowed($my->id, $actor->id, 'video', 'video', $videoid)) {
             $allowed = false;
     } else {
         if (!CPrivacy::isAccessAllowed($my->id, $actor->id, 'privacyVideoView', 'privacyVideoView')) {
             $allowed = false;
     if (!$allowed) {
         echo "<div class=\"cEmpty cAlert\">" . JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_PRIVACY_ERROR_MSG') . "</div>";
     if (!$config->get('enablevideos')) {
         $redirect = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=frontpage', false);
         $mainframe->redirect($redirect, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_VIDEOS_DISABLED'), 'warning');
     return true;
Beispiel #2
 public function checkPhotoAccess($albumid = null, $photoid = null)
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $jinput = $mainframe->input;
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $userId = $jinput->get('userid');
     $groupId = $jinput->get('groupid');
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     if ($userId) {
         $creator = CFactory::getuser($userId);
         $creatorId = $creator->id;
     if ($albumid) {
         $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable');
         $creatorId = $album->creator;
     if ($photoid) {
         $photo = JTable::getINstance('Photo', 'CTable');
         $creatorId = $photo->creator;
     // check privacy
     $allowed = true;
     // default privacy levels
     if (isset($creatorId) && !$groupId) {
         if (isset($album) && $album->permission <= 10) {
             return true;
         } else {
             if (!CPrivacy::isAccessAllowed($my->id, $creatorId, 'privacyPhotoView', 'privacyPhotoView')) {
                 $allowed = false;
     } elseif (isset($groupId) && $groupId) {
         $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
         if ($group->approvals == 1 && !$group->isMember($my->id) && !COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin()) {
             $allowed = false;
         } else {
             $allowed = true;
     if (!$allowed) {
         echo "<div class=\"cEmpty cAlert\">" . JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_PRIVACY_ERROR_MSG') . "</div>";
     if (!$config->get('enablephotos')) {
         $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTOS_DISABLED'), '');
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #3
  * Return rows of activities
 function getActivities($userid = '', $friends = '', $afterDate = null, $maxEntries = 20, $respectPrivacy = true, $exclusions = null, $displayArchived = false)
     $db =& $this->getDBO();
     $my = CFactory::getuser();
     $todayDate = new JDate();
     // Oversampling, to cater for aggregated activities
     $maxEntries = $maxEntries < 0 ? 0 : $maxEntries;
     $maxEntries = $maxEntries * 8;
     $orWhere = array();
     $andWhere = array();
     $onActor = '';
     //default the 1st condition here so that if the date is null, it wont give sql error.
     if (!$displayArchived) {
         $andWhere[] = "`archived`=0";
     if (!empty($userid)) {
         $orWhere[] = "(a.`actor`=" . $db->Quote($userid) . ")";
         $onActor = " AND (a.`actor`=" . $db->Quote($userid) . ")";
     if (!empty($friends)) {
         $orWhere[] = "(a.`actor` IN (" . implode(',', $friends) . ")" . ")";
     if (!empty($userid)) {
         $orWhere[] = "(a.`target`=" . $db->Quote($userid) . ")";
     if (!empty($afterDate)) {
         $andWhere[] = "(a.`created` between " . $db->Quote($afterDate->toMySQL()) . " and " . $db->Quote($todayDate->toMySQL()) . ")";
     if (!is_null($exclusions)) {
         $exclusionQuery = '(a.`id` NOT IN (';
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($exclusions); $i++) {
             $exclusion = $exclusions[$i];
             $exclusionQuery .= $db->Quote($exclusion);
             if ($i != count($exclusions) - 1) {
                 $exclusionQuery .= ',';
         $exclusionQuery .= ') )';
         $andWhere[] = $exclusionQuery;
     if ($respectPrivacy) {
         // Add friends limits, but admin should be able to see all
         // @todo: should use global admin code check instead
         if ($my->id == 0) {
             // for guest, it is enough to just test access <= 0
             $andWhere[] = "(a.`access` <= 10)";
         } elseif (!($my->usertype == 'Super Administrator' || $my->usertype == 'Administrator' || $my->usertype == 'Manager')) {
             $orWhere[] = "((a.`access` = 0) {$onActor})";
             $orWhere[] = "((a.`access` = 10) {$onActor})";
             $orWhere[] = "( (a.`access` = 20) AND ({$my->id} != 0)  {$onActor})";
             if ($my->id != 0) {
                 $orWhere[] = "( (a.access = 30) AND ( = {$my->id}) {$onActor})";
                 $orWhere[] = "( (a.access = 30) AND ( IN (SELECT c.`connect_to`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `#__community_connection` as c\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc.`connect_from` = {$my->id}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc.`status` = 1) ) {$onActor} )";
     if (!empty($userid)) {
         //get the list of acitivity id in archieve table 1st.
         $subQuery = 'SELECT b.`activity_id` FROM #__community_activities_hide as b WHERE b.`user_id` = ' . $db->Quote($userid);
         $subResult = $db->loadResultArray();
         $subString = implode(',', $subResult);
         if (!empty($subString)) {
             $andWhere[] = "a.`id` NOT IN ({$subString}) ";
     $whereOr = implode(' OR ', $orWhere);
     $whereAnd = implode(' AND ', $andWhere);
     // Actors can also be your friends
     // We load 100 activities to cater for aggregated content
     $date = CTimeHelper::getDate();
     //we need to compare where both date with offset so that the day diff correctly.
     $sql = "SELECT a.*, TO_DAYS(" . $db->Quote($date->toMySQL(true)) . ") -  TO_DAYS( DATE_ADD(a.`created`, INTERVAL " . $date->getOffset() . " HOUR ) ) as 'daydiff' " . " FROM #__community_activities as a " . " WHERE " . " ( {$whereOr} ) AND " . " {$whereAnd} ORDER BY a.`created` DESC LIMIT " . $maxEntries;
     // Remove the bracket if it is not needed
     $sql = JString::str_ireplace("WHERE  (  ) AND", ' WHERE ', $sql);
     // 		echo $sql;exit;
     $result = $db->loadObjectList();
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         JError::raiseError(500, $db->stderr());
     // @todo: write a plugin that return the html part of the whole system
     return $result;