$data[$i] = 0;
# Close the connection
# If there is data in the set draw the graph
if ($i > 1) {
    #$daypoint = 1440 / $collection_interval;
    $scalingfactor = $daypoint / $xlegendpoints;
    switch ($period) {
        case 'day':
            $image->setX($i + 1.0E-5, 0, 1);
            for ($j = 1; $j <= $xlegendpoints * 2; $j++) {
                $image->setItemData(1 + $j * $scalingfactor / 2, $j);
                # *2);
        case 'week':
            # Use first letter format for X labels
            $image->setX($i + 1.0E-5, 0, $daypoint);
            $xlegendpoint = ceil($i / $daypoint);
            for ($j = 1; $j <= $xlegendpoint; $j++) {
                $axis_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - ($xlegendpoint - $j), date("Y"));
                $image->setItemData($j * $daypoint, date("D", $axis_time));
        case 'month':
 $image->setItemData(0, 0);
 # There may be holes in usage stats ie. only 1 or 3 licenses are
 # used. We loop through the array. If there is no record we set
 # the value to zero
 for ($i = 0; $i <= $upper_limit; $i++) {
     if (isset($data[$i])) {
         $image->setData($i + 1, $data[$i]);
     } else {
         $image->setData($i + 1, 0);
     $image->setItemData($i + 1, $i);
 $image->setX($i + 1.0E-5, 0, ceil($upper_limit / 15));
 # Upper and lower indices and scale step
 $image->setY(max($data) + 1.0E-5, 0, (int) (100 * max($data) / 5) / 100);
 # Axis legend
 $image->paintScale("Licenses used", "Time used in hours", 1);
 # Graph color
 $image->setGraphcolor(100, 200, 100);
 if (isset($_GET['debug'])) {
     print "SQL: " . $sql . "\n";
     echo "If following array is empty your license utilization table is not\n            being populated. Most common problem is that license_util.php script is not\n            being run periodically ie. every 15 minutes.<p><PRE>";
 } else {