Beispiel #1
 function getMobileReports()
     define('PATH_TO_MOBILE_REPORTS', '/bitrix/admin/mobile/sale_reports_view.php');
     // Using report module
     if (!CModule::IncludeModule('report')) {
         return false;
     // Using catalog module
     if (!CModule::IncludeModule('catalog')) {
         return false;
     $dbRepList = Bitrix\Report\ReportTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'TITLE', 'SETTINGS'), 'filter' => array('=CREATED_BY' => $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(), '=OWNER_ID' => CBaseSaleReportHelper::getOwners())));
     $arMenuItems = array();
     while ($arReport = $dbRepList->fetch()) {
         $settings = unserialize($arReport['SETTINGS']);
         if (isset($settings['mobile']) && is_array($settings['mobile']) && isset($settings['mobile']['enabled']) && $settings['mobile']['enabled'] == true) {
             if (count($settings['select']) <= COLUMNS_COUNT_FOR_SIMPLE_TEMPLATE) {
                 $template = "admin_mobile";
             } else {
                 $template = "admin_mobile_encl";
             $arMenuItems[] = array("text" => htmlspecialcharsbx($arReport['TITLE']), "data-url" => PATH_TO_MOBILE_REPORTS . '?ID=' . $arReport['ID'] . '&rep_templ=' . $template);
     if (empty($arMenuItems)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return array("text" => GetMessage("SMOB_REPORTS"), "type" => "section", "items" => $arMenuItems);
Beispiel #2
			"items_id" => "menu_sale_stat",
			"items" => array(),

			$arSaleReports = array();
			if(method_exists($adminMenu, "IsSectionActive"))
				if($adminMenu->IsSectionActive("menu_sale_report") && CModule::IncludeModule("report"))
					$dbRepList = Bitrix\Report\ReportTable::getList(array(
						'select' => array('ID', 'TITLE', 'DESCRIPTION'),
						'filter' => array('=CREATED_BY' => $USER->GetID(), '=OWNER_ID' => CBaseSaleReportHelper::getOwners())
					while($arReport = $dbRepList->fetch())
						$arSaleReports[] = array(
							"text" => htmlspecialcharsbx($arReport["TITLE"]),
							"title" => htmlspecialcharsbx($arReport["DESCRIPTION"]),
							"url" => "sale_report_view.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&ID=".$arReport["ID"],
							"more_url" => array("sale_report_construct.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&ID=".$arReport["ID"]),

			$arMenu["items"][] = array(
				"text" => GetMessage("SALE_REPORTS_DESCR"),
 public static function formatResultsTotal(&$total, &$columnInfo, $bFormatOnly = false)
     parent::formatResultsTotal($total, $columnInfo);
     foreach ($total as $k => &$v) {
         // Formatting of monetary fields.
         foreach (self::$monetaryFields as $monField) {
             if (preg_match('/' . $monField . '$/', $k)) {
                 if (!$bFormatOnly) {
                     $v = self::calculateInReportCurrency($v);
                 $v = number_format(doubleval($v), 2, '.', ' ');
         // Formatting fields with goods quantity.
         foreach (self::$goodsQuantityFields as $qField) {
             if (preg_match('/' . $qField . '$/', $k)) {
                 if (!empty($v) && !is_null($v) && $v != '&nbsp;') {
                     if (self::$fDecimalQuant) {
                         $v = sprintf('%.3f', round($v, 3));
                     } else {
                         $v = sprintf('%d', round($v, 0));
         // Formatting fields without summary calculation.
         foreach (self::$withoutTotalFields as $wtField) {
             if (preg_match('/TOTAL_' . $wtField . '$/', $k)) {
         // Formatting fields of price types
         if (!$bFormatOnly) {
             if (preg_match('/[A-Za-z_]*PRICE_TYPE_[0-9]+$/', $k) && !empty($v) && $v !== '&nbsp;') {
                 $v = trim($v);
                 $spacePos = strpos($v, ' ');
                 $v = number_format(doubleval(substr($v, 0, $spacePos)), 2, '.', ' ') . substr($v, $spacePos);
    $reportCurrency = CCurrencyLang::GetById($reportCurrencyId, LANGUAGE_ID);
    $reportWeightUnits = CBaseSaleReportHelper::getDefaultSiteWeightUnits();
    $arParams['REPORT_CURRENCY_LABEL_TEXT'] = GetMessage('SALE_REPORT_VIEW_CURRENCY_LABEL_TITLE') . ': ' . $reportCurrency['FULL_NAME'];
    $arParams['REPORT_WEIGHT_UNITS_LABEL_TEXT'] = GetMessage('SALE_REPORT_VIEW_WEIGHT_UNITS_LABEL_TITLE') . ': ' . $reportWeightUnits;
    // Beforehand we get report parameters.
    $arRepParams = array();
    if (!($arRepParams = Bitrix\Report\ReportTable::getById($ID)->fetch())) {
        $errorMessage .= GetMessage("SALE_REPORT_VIEW_ERROR_GET_REP_PARAMS") . '<br>';
        $fCriticalError = true;
if (!$fCriticalError) {
    // get helper name
    $arParams['OWNER_ID'] = $arRepParams['OWNER_ID'];
    $arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'] = CBaseSaleReportHelper::getHelperByOwner($arRepParams['OWNER_ID']);
    // fill report title
    $arParams['TITLE'] = $arRepParams['TITLE'];
if (!$fCriticalError) {
    // helper specific filters
    if ($arParams['OWNER_ID'] === 'sale_SaleProduct') {
        // Product custom filter (set value to helper)
        if (!empty($arParams['F_SALE_PRODUCT'])) {
            call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'setCustomProductFilter'), $arParams['F_SALE_PRODUCT']);
        // Product custom "types of prices" filter (set report setting to helper)
        $arRepSetting = unserialize($arRepParams['SETTINGS']);
        if ($arRepSetting['helper_spec']['ucspt'] === true) {
            call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'enablePriceTypesColumns'), true);
Beispiel #5
                 if (!CReport::Delete($ID)) {
                     if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) {
                         $lReports->AddGroupError($ex->GetString(), $ID);
                     } else {
                         $lReports->AddGroupError(GetMessage("SALE_REPORT_ERROR_DELREPFROMLIST"), $ID);
 // Getting reports list.
 $dbRepList = Bitrix\Report\ReportTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'TITLE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'CREATED_DATE', 'MARK_DEFAULT'), 'filter' => array('=CREATED_BY' => $USER->GetID(), '=OWNER_ID' => CBaseSaleReportHelper::getOwners())));
 $dbRepList = new CAdminResult($dbRepList, $sTableID);
 $lReports->AddHeaders(array(array('id' => 'TITLE', 'content' => '<b>' . GetMessage('SALE_REPORT_LIST_TITLE') . '</b>', 'sort' => 'TITLE', 'default' => true), array('id' => 'CREATED_DATE', 'content' => '<b>' . GetMessage('SALE_REPORT_LIST_CREATED_DATE') . '</b>', 'sort' => 'CREATED_DATE', 'default' => true)));
 // $arRes containing array as: array( 'ID' =>..., 'TITLE'=>..., 'DESCRIPTION'=>..., 'CREATED_DATE'=>... ).
 $nReports = 0;
 while ($arRes = $dbRepList->NavNext(false)) {
     $lRow = $lReports->AddRow($arRes['ID'], $arRes);
     $lRow->AddViewField('TITLE', "<a href='" . "sale_report_view.php?lang=" . LANG . '&ID=' . $arRes['ID'] . "' title='" . $arRes['DESCRIPTION'] . "'>" . $arRes['TITLE'] . "</a>");
     $createdDateStr = $arRes['CREATED_DATE'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime || $arRes['CREATED_DATE'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\Date ? ConvertTimeStamp($arRes['CREATED_DATE']->getTimestamp(), 'SHORT') : '';
     $lRow->AddViewField('CREATED_DATE', $createdDateStr);
     $markNum = 0;
     if (isset($arRes['MARK_DEFAULT'])) {
         $markNum = intval($arRes['MARK_DEFAULT']);
Beispiel #6

						<span name="report-filter-value-control-PRODUCT.GoodsSection:PRODUCT.SECT">
							<select class="report-filter-select sale-report-site-dependent" name="value" tid="Section">
        echo CBaseSaleReportHelper::getSectionsSelectHTMLOptions();

						<span name="report-filter-value-control-IBLOCK.SectionElement:IBLOCK_ELEMENT.IBLOCK_SECTION">
							<select class="report-filter-select sale-report-site-dependent" name="value" tid="Section">
        echo CBaseSaleReportHelper::getSectionsSelectHTMLOptions();
							<!-- Loading lists of filters dependent on a site when the filter of a site is changed -->
							<script type="text/javascript">
									function ()
										var siteSelect = BX('sale-site-filter');
										if (siteSelect)
											BX.bind(siteSelect, 'change', onChangeSiteFilter);
								function onChangeSiteFilter()
Beispiel #7
    public static function getMap()
        // Get weight factor
        $siteId = '';
        $weight_koef = 0;
        $site_currency = '';
        if (class_exists('\\CBaseSaleReportHelper')) {
            if (\CBaseSaleReportHelper::isInitialized()) {
                $siteId = \CBaseSaleReportHelper::getDefaultSiteId();
                if ($siteId !== null) {
                    $weight_koef = intval(\CBaseSaleReportHelper::getDefaultSiteWeightDivider());
                // Get site currency
                $site_currency = \CBaseSaleReportHelper::getSiteCurrencyId();
        if ($weight_koef <= 0) {
            $weight_koef = 1;
        global $DB, $DBType;
        if (function_exists('___dbCastIntToChar') !== true) {
            eval('function ___dbCastIntToChar($dbtype, $param)' . '{' . '   $result = $param;' . '   if (ToLower($dbtype) === "mssql")' . '   {' . '       $result = "CAST(".$param." AS VARCHAR)";' . '   }' . '   return $result;' . '}');
        $fieldsMap = array('ID' => array('data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true), 'TIMESTAMP_X' => array('data_type' => 'integer'), 'DATE_UPDATED' => array('data_type' => 'datetime', 'expression' => array($DB->datetimeToDateFunction('%s'), 'TIMESTAMP_X')), 'QUANTITY' => array('data_type' => 'float'), 'PURCHASING_PRICE' => array('data_type' => 'float'), 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY' => array('data_type' => 'string'), 'IBLOCK' => array('data_type' => 'Bitrix\\Iblock\\Element', 'reference' => array('=this.ID' => 'ref.ID')), 'NAME' => array('data_type' => 'string', 'expression' => array('%s', 'IBLOCK.NAME')), 'NAME_WITH_IDENT' => array('data_type' => 'string', 'expression' => array($DB->concat('%s', '\' [\'', ___dbCastIntToChar($DBType, '%s'), '\']\''), 'NAME', 'ID')), 'ACTIVE' => array('data_type' => 'boolean', 'expression' => array('%s', 'IBLOCK.ACTIVE'), 'values' => array('N', 'Y')), 'WEIGHT' => array('data_type' => 'float'), 'WEIGHT_IN_SITE_UNITS' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('%s / ' . $DB->forSql($weight_koef), 'WEIGHT')), 'PRICE' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('(SELECT b_catalog_price.PRICE FROM b_catalog_price
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_group ON b_catalog_group.ID = b_catalog_price.CATALOG_GROUP_ID
						b_catalog_price.PRODUCT_ID = %s
						b_catalog_group.base = \'Y\'
						( b_catalog_price.quantity_from <= 1 OR b_catalog_price.quantity_from IS NULL )
						( b_catalog_price.quantity_to >= 1 OR b_catalog_price.quantity_to IS NULL))', 'ID')), 'CURRENCY' => array('data_type' => 'string', 'expression' => array('(SELECT b_catalog_price.CURRENCY FROM b_catalog_price
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_group ON b_catalog_group.ID = b_catalog_price.CATALOG_GROUP_ID
						b_catalog_price.PRODUCT_ID = %s
						b_catalog_group.base = \'Y\'
						( b_catalog_price.quantity_from <= 1 OR b_catalog_price.quantity_from IS NULL )
						( b_catalog_price.quantity_to >= 1 OR b_catalog_price.quantity_to IS NULL))', 'ID')), 'SUMMARY_PRICE' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('%s * %s', 'QUANTITY', 'PRICE')), 'CURRENT_CURRENCY_RATE' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY c, b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND c = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = %s
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID', 'CURRENCY')), 'CURRENT_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY c, b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND c = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = %s
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID', 'CURRENCY')), 'CURRENT_SITE_CURRENCY_RATE' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = \'' . $DB->forSql($site_currency) . '\'
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = \'' . $DB->forSql($site_currency) . '\'
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID')), 'CURRENT_SITE_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = \'' . $DB->forSql($site_currency) . '\'
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = \'' . $DB->forSql($site_currency) . '\'
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID')), 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY_RATE' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY c, b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND c = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = %s
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID', 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY')), 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY c, b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND c = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = %s
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID', 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY')), 'PRICE_IN_SITE_CURRENCY' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('%s * (%s * %s / %s / %s)', 'PRICE', 'CURRENT_CURRENCY_RATE', 'CURRENT_SITE_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT', 'CURRENT_SITE_CURRENCY_RATE', 'CURRENT_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT')), 'PURCHASING_PRICE_IN_SITE_CURRENCY' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('%s * (%s * %s / %s / %s)', 'PURCHASING_PRICE', 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY_RATE', 'CURRENT_SITE_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT', 'CURRENT_SITE_CURRENCY_RATE', 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT')), 'SUMMARY_PRICE_IN_SITE_CURRENCY' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('%s * (%s * %s / %s / %s)', 'SUMMARY_PRICE', 'CURRENT_CURRENCY_RATE', 'CURRENT_SITE_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT', 'CURRENT_SITE_CURRENCY_RATE', 'CURRENT_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT')), 'VIEWS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP' => array('data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array('(SELECT  SUM(1) FROM b_catalog_product, b_sale_viewed_product WHERE %s = b_sale_viewed_product.PRODUCT_ID
					AND b_catalog_product.ID = b_sale_viewed_product.PRODUCT_ID
					AND b_sale_viewed_product.DATE_VISIT %%RT_TIME_INTERVAL%% AND b_sale_viewed_product.LID %%RT_SITE_FILTER%%)', 'ID')), 'ORDERS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP' => array('data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array('(SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT b_sale_order.ID)
					FROM b_catalog_product
						INNER JOIN b_sale_basket ON b_catalog_product.ID = b_sale_basket.PRODUCT_ID
						INNER JOIN b_sale_order ON b_sale_basket.ORDER_ID = b_sale_order.ID
							b_catalog_product.ID = %s
						AND b_sale_order.PAYED = \'Y\'
						AND b_sale_order.DATE_INSERT %%RT_TIME_INTERVAL%%
						AND b_sale_basket.LID %%RT_SITE_FILTER%%)', 'ID')), 'SALED_PRODUCTS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP' => array('data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array($DB->isNull('(SELECT  SUM(b_sale_basket.QUANTITY)
						FROM b_sale_basket
							INNER JOIN b_sale_order ON b_sale_basket.ORDER_ID = b_sale_order.ID
						WHERE b_sale_basket.PRODUCT_ID = %s
							AND b_sale_order.PAYED = \'Y\'
							AND b_sale_order.DEDUCTED = \'Y\'
							AND b_sale_order.DATE_INSERT %%RT_TIME_INTERVAL%%
							AND b_sale_basket.LID %%RT_SITE_FILTER%%)', 0) . '+' . $DB->isNull('(SELECT  SUM(b_catalog_docs_element.AMOUNT)
						FROM b_catalog_store_docs
							INNER JOIN b_catalog_docs_element on b_catalog_store_docs.ID = b_catalog_docs_element.DOC_ID
						WHERE b_catalog_store_docs.DOC_TYPE = \'D\'
							AND b_catalog_store_docs.STATUS = \'Y\'
							AND b_catalog_store_docs.DATE_DOCUMENT %%RT_TIME_INTERVAL%%
							AND b_catalog_docs_element.ELEMENT_ID = %s)', 0), 'ID', 'ID')), 'ARRIVED_PRODUCTS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('(SELECT  SUM(b_catalog_docs_element.AMOUNT)
						FROM b_catalog_store_docs
						INNER JOIN b_catalog_docs_element on b_catalog_store_docs.ID = b_catalog_docs_element.DOC_ID
						WHERE b_catalog_store_docs.DOC_TYPE in (\'A\', \'R\')
							AND b_catalog_store_docs.STATUS = \'Y\'
							AND b_catalog_store_docs.DATE_DOCUMENT %%RT_TIME_INTERVAL%%
							AND b_catalog_docs_element.ELEMENT_ID = %s)', 'ID')), 'CONVERSION' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('100 * CASE WHEN %s IS NULL OR %s = 0 THEN NULL ELSE %s / %s END', 'VIEWS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP', 'VIEWS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP', 'ORDERS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP', 'VIEWS_IN_PERIOD_BY_SHOP')));
        return $fieldsMap;
Beispiel #8
    public static function getMap()
        // Get weight factor
        $siteId = '';
        $weight_koef = 0;
        $site_currency = '';
        if (class_exists('\\CBaseSaleReportHelper')) {
            if (\CBaseSaleReportHelper::isInitialized()) {
                $siteId = \CBaseSaleReportHelper::getDefaultSiteId();
                if ($siteId !== null) {
                    $weight_koef = intval(\CBaseSaleReportHelper::getDefaultSiteWeightDivider());
                // Get site currency
                $site_currency = \CBaseSaleReportHelper::getSiteCurrencyId();
        if ($weight_koef <= 0) {
            $weight_koef = 1;
        global $DB, $DBType;
        if (function_exists('___dbCastIntToChar') !== true) {
            eval('function ___dbCastIntToChar($dbtype, $param)' . '{' . '   $result = $param;' . '   if (ToLower($dbtype) === "mssql")' . '   {' . '       $result = "CAST(".$param." AS VARCHAR)";' . '   }' . '   return $result;' . '}');
        $fieldsMap = array('ID' => array('data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true), 'TIMESTAMP_X' => array('data_type' => 'integer'), 'DATE_UPDATED' => array('data_type' => 'datetime', 'expression' => array($DB->datetimeToDateFunction('%s'), 'TIMESTAMP_X')), 'QUANTITY' => array('data_type' => 'float'), 'PURCHASING_PRICE' => array('data_type' => 'float'), 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY' => array('data_type' => 'string'), 'IBLOCK' => array('data_type' => 'Bitrix\\Iblock\\Element', 'reference' => array('=this.ID' => 'ref.ID')), 'NAME' => array('data_type' => 'string', 'expression' => array('%s', 'IBLOCK.NAME')), 'NAME_WITH_IDENT' => array('data_type' => 'string', 'expression' => array($DB->concat('%s', '\' [\'', ___dbCastIntToChar($DBType, '%s'), '\']\''), 'NAME', 'ID')), 'ACTIVE' => array('data_type' => 'boolean', 'expression' => array('%s', 'IBLOCK.ACTIVE'), 'values' => array('N', 'Y')), 'WEIGHT' => array('data_type' => 'float'), 'WEIGHT_IN_SITE_UNITS' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('%s / ' . $DB->forSql($weight_koef), 'WEIGHT')), 'PRICE' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('(SELECT b_catalog_price.PRICE FROM b_catalog_price
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_group ON b_catalog_group.ID = b_catalog_price.CATALOG_GROUP_ID
						b_catalog_price.PRODUCT_ID = %s
						b_catalog_group.base = \'Y\'
						( b_catalog_price.quantity_from <= 1 OR b_catalog_price.quantity_from IS NULL )
						( b_catalog_price.quantity_to >= 1 OR b_catalog_price.quantity_to IS NULL))', 'ID')), 'CURRENCY' => array('data_type' => 'string', 'expression' => array('(SELECT b_catalog_price.CURRENCY FROM b_catalog_price
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_group ON b_catalog_group.ID = b_catalog_price.CATALOG_GROUP_ID
						b_catalog_price.PRODUCT_ID = %s
						b_catalog_group.base = \'Y\'
						( b_catalog_price.quantity_from <= 1 OR b_catalog_price.quantity_from IS NULL )
						( b_catalog_price.quantity_to >= 1 OR b_catalog_price.quantity_to IS NULL))', 'ID')), 'SUMMARY_PRICE' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array('%s * %s', 'QUANTITY', 'PRICE')), 'CURRENT_CURRENCY_RATE' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY c, b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND c = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = %s
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID', 'CURRENCY')), 'CURRENT_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY c, b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND c = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = %s
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID', 'CURRENCY')), 'CURRENT_SITE_CURRENCY_RATE' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = \'' . $DB->forSql($site_currency) . '\'
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = \'' . $DB->forSql($site_currency) . '\'
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID')), 'CURRENT_SITE_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = \'' . $DB->forSql($site_currency) . '\'
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = \'' . $DB->forSql($site_currency) . '\'
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID')), 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY_RATE' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY c, b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND c = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = %s
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC', 1) . ')', 'ID', 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY')), 'PURCHASING_CURRENCY_RATE_CNT' => array('data_type' => 'float', 'expression' => array($DBType === 'oracle' ? '(SELECT r FROM (SELECT b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY c, b_catalog_product.ID i, (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END) r
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					ORDER BY DATE_RATE DESC) WHERE i = %s AND c = %s AND ROWNUM = 1)' : '(' . $DB->topSql('SELECT (CASE WHEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT IS NOT NULL THEN b_catalog_currency_rate.RATE_CNT ELSE b_catalog_currency.AMOUNT_CNT END)
					FROM b_catalog_product INNER JOIN b_catalog_currency ON 1=1
						LEFT JOIN b_catalog_currency_rate ON (b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = b_catalog_currency_rate.CURRENCY AND b_catalog_currency_rate.DATE_RATE <= ' . $DB->datetimeToDateFunction('b_catalog_product.TIMESTAMP_X') . ')
					WHERE b_catalog_product.ID = %s AND b_catalog_currency.CURRENCY = %s
        return $fieldsMap;


						<span name="report-filter-value-control-StoreProduct:SALE_PRODUCT">
							<select class="report-filter-select" name="value" tid="Section" multiple="multiple" size="5">
								<option value="" selected="selected"><?php 
        echo GetMessage('REPORT_IGNORE_FILTER_VALUE');
        foreach (CBaseSaleReportHelper::getProductStores() as $k => $v) {
									<option value="<?php 
            echo htmlspecialcharsbx($k);
            echo htmlspecialcharsbx($v);

						<style type="text/css">