  * Function will transfer all profile's polls;
  * @return : (string) - error message or empty;
 function process()
     $sTableMainNew = $this->sTablePrefix . $this->oDolModule->_oDb->_sTableMain;
     if ($this->oMigrationModule->_oDb->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$sTableMainNew}`") > 0) {
         return 'Error: it is possible to transfaer data to clean install only, in your case some existing data was found.';
     $sQuery = "SELECT * FROM `SDatingEvents`";
     $rResult = mysql_query($sQuery, $this->rOldDb);
     while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult)) {
         $r = $this->escapeData($r);
         //count participants
         $iParticipants = $this->getParticipantsCount($r['ID']);
         $sStatus = $r['Status'] == 'Active' ? 'approved' : 'pending';
         // execute query;
         $sQuery = "\r\n                    INSERT INTO\r\n                        `{$sTableMainNew}` \r\n                    SET \r\n                        `ID` = {$r['ID']},\r\n                        `Title` = '{$r['Title']}', \r\n                        `EntryUri` = '{$r['EntryUri']}',\r\n                        `Description` = '{$r['Description']}',\r\n                        `Status` = '{$sStatus}', \r\n                        `Country` = '{$r['Country']}',\r\n                        `City` = '{$r['City']}',\r\n                        `Place` = '{$r['Place']}',\r\n                        `PrimPhoto` = '',\r\n                        `Date` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$r['EventStart']}'),\r\n                        `EventStart` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$r['EventStart']}'),\r\n                        `EventEnd` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$r['EventStart']}'),\r\n                        `ResponsibleID` = '{$r['ResponsibleID']}',\r\n                        `EventMembershipFilter` = '{$this->aDefValues['EventMembershipFilter']}',\r\n                        `Tags` = '{$r['Tags']}',\r\n                        `Categories` = '',\r\n                        `Views` = '0',\r\n                        `Rate` = '0',\r\n                        `RateCount` = '0',\r\n                        `CommentsCount` = '0',\r\n                        `FansCount` = '{$iParticipants}',\r\n                        `Featured` = '0',\r\n                        `allow_view_event_to` = '{$this->aDefValues['allow_view_event_to']}',\r\n                        `allow_view_participants_to` = '{$this->aDefValues['allow_view_participants_to']}',\r\n                        `allow_comment_to` = '{$this->aDefValues['allow_comment_to']}',\r\n                        `allow_rate_to` = '{$this->aDefValues['allow_rate_to']}',\r\n                        `allow_join_to` = '{$this->aDefValues['allow_join_to']}',\r\n                        `allow_post_in_forum_to` = '{$this->aDefValues['allow_post_in_forum_to']}',\r\n                        `JoinConfirmation` = '{$this->aDefValues['JoinConfirmation']}',\r\n                        `allow_upload_photos_to` = '{$this->aDefValues['allow_upload_photos_to']}',\r\n                        `allow_upload_videos_to` = '{$this->aDefValues['allow_upload_videos_to']}',\r\n                        `allow_upload_sounds_to` = '{$this->aDefValues['allow_upload_sounds_to']}',\r\n                        `allow_upload_files_to` = '{$this->aDefValues['allow_upload_files_to']}'\r\n               ";
         $iResult = (int) $this->oMigrationModule->_oDb->query($sQuery);
         if ($iResult <= 0) {
             return 'Database error: can not insert new event into the table.';
         //reparse tags
         $oTag = new BxDolTags();
         $oTag->reparseObjTags('bx_events', $r['ID']);
         // transfer partocipants
         // transfer photo;
  * Function migrate shared_photos data;
  * @return : (integer) operation result;
 function getMigration()
     if (!$this->oDolModule) {
         $this->setResultStatus('System error: object  instance is not received');
         return MIGRATION_FAILED;
     // set new status;
     $this->setResultStatus('Shared photos transfer now');
     mysql_query('SET NAMES utf8', $this->rOldDb);
     $sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->aOldTables['main']}` GROUP BY `medID`";
     $rResult = mysql_query($sqlQuery, $this->rOldDb);
     while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult)) {
         $sUri = !$this->isEntryExisting($aRow['medUri']) ? $aRow['medUri'] : uriGenerate($aRow['medTitle'], $this->sType . '_main', 'Uri');
         $sUri = $this->oMigrationModule->_oDb->escape($sUri);
         $aSizeInfo = $this->getSizeInfo($aRow['medID'] . '.' . $aRow['medExt']);
         $sSize = $aSizeInfo['width'] . 'x' . $aSizeInfo['height'];
         $sStatus = $aRow['Approved'] == 'true' ? 'approved' : 'disapproved';
         $sHash = md5(microtime());
         // escape all data;
         $aRow = $this->escapeData($aRow);
         $sqlQuery = "\n\t                INSERT INTO \n\t                \t`{$this->sType}_main`\n\t                SET\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Owner` = '{$aRow['medProfId']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Ext`   = '{$aRow['medExt']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Size`  = '{$sSize}',\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Title` = '{$aRow['medTitle']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Uri`   = '{$sUri}',\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Desc`  = '{$aRow['medDesc']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Tags`  = '{$aRow['medTags']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Date`  = '{$aRow['medDate']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Views` = '{$aRow['medViews']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Hash`  = '{$sHash}',\n\t\t\t\t\t  `Status` = '{$sStatus}'\n                ";
         $iResult = (int) $this->oMigrationModule->_oDb->query($sqlQuery);
         if ($iResult <= 0) {
             $this->setResultStatus('Database error. Cannot insert new photo to the database.');
             return MIGRATION_FAILED;
         // get last file id;
         $iFileId = $this->oMigrationModule->_oDb->lastId();
         //transform the file
         $this->_exportFile(array('medID' => $aRow['medID'], 'medFile' => $aRow['medFile'], 'medProfId' => $aRow['medProfId'], 'medExt' => $aRow['medExt'], 'newID' => $iFileId));
         $oTag = new BxDolTags();
         $oTag->reparseObjTags($this->sType, $iFileId);
         // define album
         $sError = $this->_defineAlbum($iFileId, $aRow['medProfId'], $aRow['medTitle']);
         if ($sError) {
             return MIGRATION_FAILED;
         $sError = $this->_exportFavorites(array('old' => $aRow['medID'], 'new' => $iFileId));
         if ($sError) {
             return MIGRATION_FAILED;
         $sError = $this->_exportVotings(array('old' => $aRow['medID'], 'new' => $iFileId));
         if ($sError) {
             return MIGRATION_FAILED;
         $sError = $this->_exportComments(array('old' => $aRow['medID'], 'new' => $iFileId));
         if ($sError) {
             return MIGRATION_FAILED;
     // set as finished;
     $this->setResultStatus('All photos were transferred');
  * Function migrate sounds;
  * @return : (integer) operation result;
 function getMigration()
     if (!$this->oDolModule) {
         $this->setResultStatus('System error: object  instance is not received');
         return MIGRATION_FAILED;
     // set new status;
     $this->setResultStatus('All sounds transfer now');
     mysql_query('SET NAMES utf8', $this->rOldDb);
     $sQuery = "SELECT * FROM `RayMusicFiles`";
     $rResult = mysql_query($sQuery, $this->rOldDb);
     while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult)) {
         if (!$this->isSoundsExisting($aRow['ID'])) {
             // escape all data;
             $aRow = $this->escapeData($aRow);
             //transform the file
             if (!$this->_exportFile($aRow['ID'])) {
             // define file status;
             $sFileStatus = $aRow['Approved'] == 'true' ? 'approved' : 'disapproved';
             // execute query;
             $sQuery = "\r\n                    \tINSERT INTO\r\n                    \t\t`RayMp3Files`\r\n                    \tSET\r\n                    \t\t`ID` \t\t\t= {$aRow['ID']},\r\n                    \t\t`Title` \t\t= '{$aRow['Title']}',\r\n                    \t\t`Uri` \t\t\t= '{$aRow['Uri']}',\r\n                    \t\t`Tags` \t\t\t= '{$aRow['Tags']}',\r\n                    \t\t`Description` \t= '{$aRow['Description']}',\r\n                    \t\t`Time`\t \t\t= '{$aRow['Time']}',\r\n                    \t\t`Date`\t \t\t= '{$aRow['Date']}',\r\n                    \t\t`Reports` \t\t= '{$aRow['Reports']}',\r\n                    \t\t`Owner` \t\t= '{$aRow['Owner']}',\r\n                    \t\t`Listens` \t\t= '{$aRow['Listens']}',\r\n                    \t\t`Status` \t\t= '{$sFileStatus}'\r\n\t\r\n                    ";
             $iResult = (int) $this->oMigrationModule->_oDb->query($sQuery);
             if ($iResult <= 0) {
                 $this->setResultStatus('Database error. Cannot insert new sound in the database.');
                 return MIGRATION_FAILED;
             $oTag = new BxDolTags();
             $oTag->reparseObjTags($this->sType, $aRow['ID']);
             // define sound's album;
             $sError = $this->_defineSoundsAlbum($aRow['ID'], $aRow['Owner'], $aRow['Title']);
             if ($sError) {
                 return MIGRATION_FAILED;
             $sError = $this->_exportVotings($aRow['ID']);
             if ($sError) {
                 return MIGRATION_FAILED;
             $sError = $this->_exportComments($aRow['ID']);
             if ($sError) {
                 return MIGRATION_FAILED;
         } else {
             $this->setResultStatus('Duplicate data. 
                 		Sounds with similar info already exists 
                 		(remove all sounds and start again');
             return MIGRATION_FAILED;
     // set as finished;
     $this->setResultStatus('All sound were transferred (' . $this->iTransffered . ' items)');
 function processing()
     global $sModule;
     global $sFfmpegPath;
     global $sModulesPath;
     global $sFilesPath;
     $iFilesCount = getSettingValue($sModule, "processCount");
     if (!is_numeric($iFilesCount)) {
         $iFilesCount = 2;
     $iFailedTimeout = getSettingValue($sModule, "failedTimeout");
     if (!is_numeric($iFailedTimeout)) {
         $iFailedTimeout = 1;
     $iFailedTimeout *= 86400;
     $sDbPrefix = DB_PREFIX . ucfirst($sModule);
     $iCurrentTime = time();
     do {
         //remove all tokens older than 10 minutes
         if (!getResult("DELETE FROM `" . $sDbPrefix . "Tokens` WHERE `Date`<'" . ($iCurrentTime - 600) . "'")) {
         if (!getResult("UPDATE `" . $sDbPrefix . "Files` SET `Date`='" . $iCurrentTime . "', `Status`='" . STATUS_FAILED . "' WHERE `Status`='" . STATUS_PROCESSING . "' AND `Date`<'" . ($iCurrentTime - $iFailedTimeout) . "'")) {
         $rResult = getResult("SELECT * FROM `" . $sDbPrefix . "Files` WHERE `Status`='" . STATUS_PENDING . "' ORDER BY `ID` LIMIT " . $iFilesCount);
         if (!$rResult) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rResult); $i++) {
             $aFile = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult);
             if (convertVideo($aFile['ID'])) {
                 $sType = 'bx_videos';
                 //album counter & cover update
                 if (getSettingValue($sModule, "autoApprove") == TRUE_VAL) {
                     $oAlbum = new BxDolAlbums($sType);
                     if (getParam($oAlbum->sAlbumCoverParam) == 'on') {
                 //tags & categories parsing
                 $oTag = new BxDolTags();
                 $oTag->reparseObjTags($sType, $aFile['ID']);
                 $oCateg = new BxDolCategories($aFile['Owner']);
                 $oCateg->reparseObjTags($sType, $aFile['ID']);
             } else {
                 if (!getResult("UPDATE `" . $sDbPrefix . "Files` SET `Status`='" . STATUS_FAILED . "' WHERE `ID`='" . $aFile['ID'] . "'")) {
     } while (false);
 function processing()
     $aIds = array();
     if ($this->_oModule->_oDb->publish($aIds)) {
         foreach ($aIds as $iId) {
             //--- Entry -> Publish for Alerts Engine ---//
             $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts($this->_oModule->_oConfig->getAlertsSystemName(), 'publish', $iId);
             //--- Entry -> Publish for Alerts Engine ---//
             //--- Reparse Global Tags ---//
             $oTags = new BxDolTags();
             $oTags->reparseObjTags($this->_oModule->_oConfig->getTagsSystemName(), $iId);
             //--- Reparse Global Tags ---//
             //--- Reparse Global Categories ---//
             $oCategories = new BxDolCategories();
             $oCategories->reparseObjTags($this->_oModule->_oConfig->getCategoriesSystemName(), $iId);
             //--- Reparse Global Categories ---//
 function reparseTags($iSiteId)
     $o = new BxDolTags();
     $o->reparseObjTags('bx_sites', $iSiteId);
 function savePage()
     $aDiff = $this->getDiffValues(0);
     list($aUpd, $aMedia) = $this->oPF->getPageFromValues($aDiff);
     $sDelimeter = getParam('ml_clonetwo_multi_divider');
     $sDelimeter = $sDelimeter ? $sDelimeter : ';';
     if ($aDiff['title']) {
         $aUpd['uri'] = uriGenerate($aDiff['title'], 'ml_clonetwo_main', 'title');
     $sTitle = $aDiff['title'] ? $aDiff['title'] : db_value("SELECT `title` FROM `ml_clonetwo_main` WHERE `id` = {$this->iPageID} LIMIT 1");
     if (!empty($aMedia)) {
         foreach ($aMedia as $sKey => $sValue) {
             $aMediaData = explode($sDelimeter, $aUpd[$sValue]);
             switch ($sKey) {
                 case 'photo':
                     $sTable = 'ml_clonetwo_images';
                     $iIdField = 'entry_id';
                     $iMedIdField = 'media_id';
                     if ($_POST['thumb_radio']) {
                         db_res("UPDATE `ml_clonetwo_main` SET `thumb` = {$_POST['thumb_radio']} WHERE `id` = {$this->iPageID} LIMIT 1");
                     if (!empty($_POST[$sValue . '_check_photos'])) {
                         foreach ($_POST[$sValue . '_check_photos'] as $sValue) {
                             if ($sValue) {
                                 db_res("DELETE FROM `{$sTable}` WHERE `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID} AND `{$iMedIdField}` = {$sValue} LIMIT 1");
                     if (BxDolRequest::serviceExists("photos", "perform_photo_upload", 'Uploader')) {
                         $i = 0;
                         foreach ($aMediaData as $sData) {
                             $aInfo = array('medTitle' => $_POST[$sValue . '_title_photos'][$i] ? $_POST[$sValue . '_title_photos'][$i] : $_FILES[$sValue]['name'][$i], 'Categories' => array($aUpd['title'] . ' ' . _t("_bx_{$sKey}s")), 'album' => _t('_ml_clonetwo_photo_album', $aUpd['title']));
                             if ($sData) {
                                 $iMediaId = BxDolService::call("photos", "perform_photo_upload", array($GLOBALS['dir']['tmp'] . $sData, $aInfo, false), 'Uploader');
                                 if ($iMediaId) {
                                     @unlink($GLOBALS['dir']['tmp'] . $sData);
                                     if (db_value("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$sTable}'")) {
                                         db_res("INSERT INTO `{$sTable}` SET `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID}, `{$iMedIdField}` = {$iMediaId}");
                                     if (!db_value("SELECT `thumb` FROM `ml_clonetwo_main` WHERE `id` = {$this->iPageID} LIMIT 1") && $i == 0) {
                                         db_res("UPDATE `ml_clonetwo_main` SET `thumb` = {$iMediaId} WHERE `id` = {$this->iPageID} LIMIT 1");
                 case 'video':
                     $sTable = 'ml_clonetwo_videos';
                     $iIdField = 'entry_id';
                     $iMedIdField = 'media_id';
                     if (!empty($_POST[$sValue . '_check_videos'])) {
                         foreach ($_POST[$sValue . '_check_videos'] as $sValue) {
                             if ($sValue) {
                                 db_res("DELETE FROM `{$sTable}` WHERE `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID} AND `{$iMedIdField}` = {$sValue} LIMIT 1");
                     if (BxDolRequest::serviceExists("videos", "perform_video_upload", 'Uploader')) {
                         $i = 0;
                         if ($sData) {
                             foreach ($aMediaData as $sData) {
                                 $aInfo = array('medTitle' => $_POST[$sValue . '_title_videos'][$i] ? $_POST[$sValue . '_title_videos'][$i] : $_FILES[$sValue]['name'][$i], 'Categories' => array($aUpd['title'] . ' ' . _t("_bx_{$sKey}s")), 'album' => _t('_ml_clonetwo_photo_album', $aUpd['title']));
                                 $iMediaId = BxDolService::call("videos", "perform_video_upload", array($GLOBALS['dir']['tmp'] . $sData, $aInfo, false), 'Uploader');
                                 if ($iMediaId) {
                                     @unlink($GLOBALS['dir']['tmp'] . $sData);
                                     if (db_value("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$sTable}'")) {
                                         db_res("INSERT INTO `{$sTable}` SET `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID}, `{$iMedIdField}` = {$iMediaId}");
                 case 'sound':
                     $sTable = 'ml_clonetwo_sounds';
                     $iIdField = 'entry_id';
                     $iMedIdField = 'media_id';
                     if (!empty($_POST[$sValue . '_check_sounds'])) {
                         foreach ($_POST[$sValue . '_check_sounds'] as $sValue) {
                             if ($sValue) {
                                 db_res("DELETE FROM `{$sTable}` WHERE `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID} AND `{$iMedIdField}` = {$sValue} LIMIT 1");
                     if (BxDolRequest::serviceExists("sounds", "perform_music_upload", 'Uploader')) {
                         $i = 0;
                         if ($sData) {
                             foreach ($aMediaData as $sData) {
                                 $aInfo = array('medTitle' => $_POST[$sValue . '_title_sounds'][$i] ? $_POST[$sValue . '_title_sounds'][$i] : $_FILES[$sValue]['name'][$i], 'Categories' => array($aUpd['title'] . ' ' . _t("_bx_{$sKey}s")), 'album' => _t('_ml_clonetwo_photo_album', $aUpd['title']));
                                 $iMediaId = BxDolService::call("sounds", "perform_music_upload", array($GLOBALS['dir']['tmp'] . $sData, $aInfo, false), 'Uploader');
                                 if ($iMediaId) {
                                     @unlink($GLOBALS['dir']['tmp'] . $sData);
                                     if (db_value("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$sTable}'")) {
                                         db_res("INSERT INTO `{$sTable}` SET `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID}, `{$iMedIdField}` = {$iMediaId}");
                 case 'file':
                     $sTable = 'ml_clonetwo_files';
                     $iIdField = 'entry_id';
                     $iMedIdField = 'media_id';
                     if (!empty($_POST[$sValue . '_check_files'])) {
                         foreach ($_POST[$sValue . '_check_files'] as $sValue) {
                             if ($sValue) {
                                 db_res("DELETE FROM `{$sTable}` WHERE `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID} AND `{$iMedIdField}` = {$sValue} LIMIT 1");
                     if (BxDolRequest::serviceExists("files", "perform_file_upload", 'Uploader')) {
                         $i = 0;
                         if ($sData) {
                             foreach ($aMediaData as $sData) {
                                 $aInfo = array('medTitle' => $_POST[$sValue . '_title_files'][$i] ? $_POST[$sValue . '_title_files'][$i] : $_FILES[$sValue]['name'][$i], 'Categories' => array($aUpd['title'] . ' ' . _t("_bx_{$sKey}s")), 'album' => _t('_ml_clonetwo_photo_album', $aUpd['title']));
                                 $iMediaId = BxDolService::call("files", "perform_file_upload", array($GLOBALS['dir']['tmp'] . $sData, $aInfo, false), 'Uploader');
                                 if ($iMediaId) {
                                     @unlink($GLOBALS['dir']['tmp'] . $sData);
                                     if (db_value("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$sTable}'")) {
                                         db_res("INSERT INTO `{$sTable}` SET `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID}, `{$iMedIdField}` = {$iMediaId}");
                 case 'youtube':
                     $i = 0;
                     $sTable = 'ml_clonetwo_youtube';
                     $iUIdField = 'id';
                     $iIdField = 'id_entry';
                     $sUrlField = 'url';
                     $sTitleField = 'title';
                     if (!empty($_POST[$sValue . '_check_youtube'])) {
                         foreach ($_POST[$sValue . '_check_youtube'] as $sValue) {
                             if ($sValue) {
                                 db_res("DELETE FROM `{$sTable}` WHERE `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID} AND `{$iUIdField}` = {$sValue} LIMIT 1");
                     foreach ($aMediaData as $sData) {
                         if ($sData) {
                             $sTitle = $_POST[$sValue . '_title_youtube'][$i];
                             if (db_value("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$sTable}'") && $sData) {
                                 db_res("INSERT INTO `{$sTable}` SET `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID}, `{$sUrlField}` = '{$sData}', `{$sTitleField}` = '{$sTitle}'");
                 case 'rss':
                     $i = 0;
                     $sTable = 'ml_clonetwo_rss';
                     $iUIdField = 'id';
                     $iIdField = 'id_entry';
                     $sUrlField = 'url';
                     $sTitleField = 'name';
                     if (!empty($_POST[$sValue . '_check_rss'])) {
                         foreach ($_POST[$sValue . '_check_rss'] as $sValue) {
                             if ($sValue) {
                                 db_res("DELETE FROM `{$sTable}` WHERE `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID} AND `{$iUIdField}` = {$sValue} LIMIT 1");
                     foreach ($aMediaData as $sData) {
                         if ($sData) {
                             $sTitle = $_POST[$sValue . '_title_rss'][$i];
                             if (db_value("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$sTable}'") && $sData) {
                                 db_res("INSERT INTO `{$sTable}` SET `{$iIdField}` = {$this->iPageID}, `{$sUrlField}` = '{$sData}', `{$sTitleField}` = '{$sTitle}'");
     $oModuleDb = new BxDolModuleDb();
     $aModule = $oModuleDb->getModuleByUri('clonetwo');
     $iProfileId = getLoggedId();
     $o = new BxDolTags();
     $o->reparseObjTags('ml_clonetwo', $this->iPageID);
     $o = new BxDolCategories();
     $o->reparseObjTags('ml_clonetwo', $this->iPageID);
     $this->oPC->updatePage($this->iPageID, $aUpd);
 function _actDelete($aIds)
     if (!$this->_isDeleteAllowed(true)) {
         return false;
     if (is_int($aIds) || is_string($aIds)) {
         $aIds = array((int) $aIds);
     $bResult = $this->_oDb->deleteEntries($aIds);
     if ($bResult) {
         $oTags = new BxDolTags();
         $oCategories = new BxDolCategories();
         $oSubscription = BxDolSubscription::getInstance();
         foreach ($aIds as $iId) {
             //--- Entry -> Delete for Alerts Engine ---//
             $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts($this->_oConfig->getAlertsSystemName(), 'delete', $iId, BxDolTextData::getAuthorId());
             //--- Entry -> Delete for Alerts Engine ---//
             //--- Reparse Global Tags ---//
             $oTags->reparseObjTags($this->_oConfig->getTagsSystemName(), $iId);
             //--- Reparse Global Tags ---//
             //--- Reparse Global Categories ---//
             $oCategories->reparseObjTags($this->_oConfig->getCategoriesSystemName(), $iId);
             //--- Reparse Global Categories ---//
             //--- Remove all subscriptions ---//
             $oSubscription->unsubscribe(array('type' => 'object_id', 'unit' => $this->_oConfig->getSubscriptionsSystemName(), 'object_id' => $iId));
             //--- Remove all subscriptions ---//
     return $bResult;
Beispiel #9
 function reparseTags($iEntryId)
     $iEntryId = (int) $iEntryId;
     $o = new BxDolTags();
     $o->reparseObjTags($this->_sPrefix, $iEntryId);
Beispiel #10
function reparseObjTags($sType, $iID)
    $oTags = new BxDolTags();
    $oTags->reparseObjTags($sType, $iID);
Beispiel #11
 function deletePoll($iId)
     $aPoll = $this->_oDb->getPollInfo($iId);
     if (empty($aPoll) || !is_array($aPoll)) {
         return false;
     $aPoll = array_shift($aPoll);
     if (!isLogged() || !isAdmin() && $aPoll['id_profile'] != getLoggedId()) {
         return false;
     $oTag = new BxDolTags();
     $oTag->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iId);
     $oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
     $oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iId);
     // create system event
     $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_poll', 'delete_poll', $iId);
     return true;
  * Function migrate shared_photos data;
  * @return : (integer) operation result;
 function getMigration()
     if (!$this->oDolModule) {
         $this->setResultStatus('System error: object  instance is not received');
         return MIGRATION_FAILED;
     // set new status;
     $this->setResultStatus('Videos transfer now');
     mysql_query('SET NAMES utf8', $this->rOldDb);
     $sqlQuery = "SELECT `ID`, `Title`, `Uri`, `Tags`, `Description`, `Time`, `Date`, `Owner`, if(`Approved`<>'true', 'disapproved', 'approved') as `Status` FROM `{$this->aOldTables['main']}` ORDER BY `ID` ASC";
     $rResult = mysql_query($sqlQuery, $this->rOldDb);
     if ($rResult) {
         while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult)) {
             if (!$this->isEntryExisting($aRow['Uri'])) {
                 //transform the file
                 if (!$this->_exportFile(array('medID' => $aRow['ID']))) {
                 // escape all data;
                 foreach ($aRow as $sKey => $mValue) {
                     $aRow[$sKey] = $this->oMigrationModule->_oDb->escape($mValue);
                     $sqlBody .= "`{$sKey}` = '{$aRow[$sKey]}', ";
                 $sqlBody = trim($sqlBody, ', ');
                 $sqlQuery = "\n\t                \tINSERT INTO \n\t                \t\t`RayVideoFiles`\n\t                \tSET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  {$sqlBody}\n\t                ";
                 $sqlBody = '';
                 $iResult = (int) $this->oMigrationModule->_oDb->query($sqlQuery);
                 if ($iResult <= 0) {
                     $this->setResultStatus('Database error. Cannot insert new photo to the database.');
                     return MIGRATION_FAILED;
                 $oTag = new BxDolTags();
                 $oTag->reparseObjTags($this->sType, $aRow['ID']);
                 // define album
                 $sError = $this->_defineAlbum($aRow['ID'], $aRow['Owner'], $aRow['Title']);
                 if ($sError) {
                     return MIGRATION_FAILED;
                 $sError = $this->_exportFavorites($aRow['ID']);
                 if ($sError) {
                     return MIGRATION_FAILED;
                 $sError = $this->_exportVotings($aRow['ID']);
                 if ($sError) {
                     return MIGRATION_FAILED;
                 $sError = $this->_exportComments($aRow['ID']);
                 if ($sError) {
                     return MIGRATION_FAILED;
             } else {
                 $this->setResultStatus('Duplicate data. Feedback with similar info already exists (remove all news and start again)');
                 return MIGRATION_FAILED;
     // set as finished;
     $this->setResultStatus('All Videos were transferred (' . $this->iTransffered . ' items)');
Beispiel #13
  * Fired when post status is changed to approved or disapproved
 function onPostApproveDisapprove($iBPostID, $isApprove)
     $aPostInfo = $this->_oDb->getPostInfo($iBPostID);
     if (!$aPostInfo) {
     //reparse tags
     $oTags = new BxDolTags();
     $oTags->reparseObjTags('blog', $iBPostID);
     //reparse categories
     $oCategories = new BxDolCategories($aPostInfo['OwnerID']);
     $oCategories->reparseObjTags('bx_blogs', $iBPostID);
     $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_blogs', $isApprove ? 'approve' : 'disapprove', $iBPostID, $this->_iVisitorID);
Beispiel #14
  * Function will edit poll's information ;
  * @param   : $iPollId       (integer) - poll's Id ;
  * @param   : $sPollQuestion (string)  - poll's qiestion ;
  * @param   : $sPollAnswers  (string)  - poll's answers list ;
  * @param   : $bActive       (boolean) - is active or not ;
  * @param   : $bApprove      (boolean) - approve or not ;
  * @return  : (integer) - number of affected rows ;
 function editPoll($iPollId, $sPollQuestion, $sPollAnswers, $sCategory, $bActive = true, $bApprove = false, $sTags = null, $iCommentGroupValue = 3, $iVoteGroupValue = 3, $iViewGroupValue = 3)
     if (!$sPollQuestion or !$sPollAnswers) {
         $this->sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_EMPTY_FIELDS);
     } else {
         // check poll's owner Id;
         $aPoolInfo = $this->_oDb->getPollInfo($iPollId);
         if ($this->aPollSettings['admin_mode'] or $this->aPollSettings['member_id'] and $aPoolInfo[0]['id_profile'] == $this->aPollSettings['member_id']) {
             $aPoolInfo = array('question' => $sPollQuestion, 'answers' => $sPollAnswers, 'status' => $bActive ? 'active' : null, 'Id' => $iPollId, 'tags' => $sTags, 'allow_comment' => $iCommentGroupValue, 'allow_vote' => $iVoteGroupValue, 'category' => $sCategory, 'allow_view' => $iViewGroupValue);
             if ($this->aPollSettings['admin_mode']) {
                 $aPoolInfo['approve'] = $bApprove ? true : false;
             $this->sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_EDITED);
             // create system event
             $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_poll', 'edit', $iPollId);
             // reparse poll's tags;
             $oTag = new BxDolTags();
             $oTag->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iPollId);
             $oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
             $oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iPollId);
         } else {
             $this->sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_NOT_ALLOW);
Beispiel #15
  * Deleting Advertisement from `bx_ads_main`
  * @param $iID	ID of deleting Advertisement
  * @return Text presentation of result
 function ActionDeleteAdvertisement($iID)
     $iDeleteAdvertisementID = (int) $iID;
     $iAdvOwner = $this->_oDb->getOwnerOfAd($iDeleteAdvertisementID);
     if (!$this->isAllowedDelete($iAdvOwner)) {
         return $this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied();
     if ($iDeleteAdvertisementID > 0) {
         $sSuccDel = _t("_bx_ads_Ad_succ_deleted");
         $sFailDel = _t("_bx_ads_Ad_fail_delete");
         $sRetHtml = '';
         $sMediaIDs = $this->_oDb->getMediaOfAd($iDeleteAdvertisementID);
         if ($sMediaIDs != '') {
             $aChunks = explode(',', $sMediaIDs);
             foreach ($aChunks as $sMedId) {
                 $iMedId = (int) $sMedId;
                 if ($iMedId) {
                     $sMediaFileName = $this->_oDb->getMediaFile($iMedId);
                     if ($sMediaFileName != '') {
                         @unlink(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $this->sUploadDir . 'img_' . $sMediaFileName);
                         @unlink(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $this->sUploadDir . 'thumb_' . $sMediaFileName);
                         @unlink(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $this->sUploadDir . 'big_thumb_' . $sMediaFileName);
                         @unlink(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $this->sUploadDir . 'icon_' . $sMediaFileName);
         if ($this->_oDb->deleteAd($iDeleteAdvertisementID)) {
             $this->isAllowedDelete($iAdvOwner, true);
             // perform action
             $oCmts = new BxDolCmts('ads', $iDeleteAdvertisementID);
             //reparse tags
             $oTags = new BxDolTags();
             $oTags->reparseObjTags('ad', $iDeleteAdvertisementID);
             // delete views
             $oViews = new BxDolViews('ads', $iDeleteAdvertisementID, false);
             $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('ads', 'delete', $iDeleteAdvertisementID, $iDeleteAdvertisementID);
             $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t($sSuccDel));
         } else {
             $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t($sFailDel));
         return $sRetHtml;
     } else {
         return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured'));
 function _processProfileEdit($oAlert)
     //--- reparse profile tags
     $oTags = new BxDolTags();
     $oTags->reparseObjTags('profile', $oAlert->iObject);
Beispiel #17
 function deletePoll($iId)
     $aPoll = $this->_oDb->getPollInfo($iId);
     if (empty($aPoll) || !is_array($aPoll)) {
         return false;
     $aPoll = array_shift($aPoll);
     if (!isLogged() || !isAdmin() && $aPoll['id_profile'] != getLoggedId()) {
         return false;
     $oTag = new BxDolTags();
     $oTag->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iId);
     $oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
     $oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iId);
     //delete all subscriptions
     $oSubscription = BxDolSubscription::getInstance();
     $oSubscription->unsubscribe(array('type' => 'object_id', 'unit' => 'bx_poll', 'object_id' => $iId));
     // create system event
     $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_poll', 'delete_poll', $iId);
     return true;
Beispiel #18
 function insertSharedMediaToDb($sExt, $aFileInfo)
     if (getParam('bx_files_activation') == 'on') {
         $bAutoActivate = true;
         $sStatus = 'approved';
     } else {
         $bAutoActivate = false;
         $sStatus = 'pending';
     $sFileTitle = addslashes($aFileInfo['medTitle']);
     $sFileDesc = addslashes($aFileInfo['medDesc']);
     $sFileTags = addslashes($aFileInfo['medTags']);
     $iAllowDownload = (int) $aFileInfo['AllowDownload'];
     $sCategory = implode(CATEGORIES_DIVIDER, $aFileInfo['Categories']);
     $sAlbum = isset($aFileInfo['album']) ? $aFileInfo['album'] : getParam('sys_album_default_name');
     $sMedUri = uriGenerate($sFileTitle, $this->oModule->_oDb->sFileTable, $this->oModule->_oDb->aFileFields['medUri']);
     $sDimension = (int) $aFileInfo['medSize'];
     $sExtDb = trim($sExt, '.');
     $sCurTime = time();
     $iInsertedID = $this->oModule->_oDb->insertData(array('medProfId' => $this->_iOwnerId, 'medExt' => $sExtDb, 'medTitle' => $sFileTitle, 'medUri' => $sMedUri, 'medDesc' => $sFileDesc, 'medTags' => $sFileTags, 'Categories' => $sCategory, 'medSize' => $sDimension, 'Approved' => $sStatus, 'medDate' => $sCurTime, 'AllowDownload' => $iAllowDownload));
     if (0 < $iInsertedID) {
         $oTag = new BxDolTags();
         $oTag->reparseObjTags('bx_files', $iInsertedID);
         $oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
         $oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_files', $iInsertedID);
         $this->addObjectToAlbum($this->oModule->oAlbums, $sAlbum, $iInsertedID, $bAutoActivate);
         return $iInsertedID;
     } else {
         return 0;
 function showFinishPage($iEntryId, $sUri, $sTitle, $sStatus)
     global $site;
     if ($iEntryId) {
         if ($sStatus == 'approved') {
             $o = new BxDolTags();
             $o->reparseObjTags('ml_clonetwo', $iEntryId);
             $iEntryId = (int) $iEntryId;
             $o = new BxDolCategories();
             $o->reparseObjTags('ml_clonetwo', $iEntryId);
         $sTitle = addslashes($sTitle);
         db_res("INSERT INTO `ml_clonetwo_forum` SET `forum_uri` = '{$sUri}', `cat_id` = 1, `forum_title` = '{$sTitle}', `forum_desc` = '" . getNickName($this->_iProfileId) . "', `forum_last` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `forum_type` = 'public', `entry_id` = '{$iEntryId}'");
Beispiel #20
  * Deleting Advertisement from `bx_ads_main`
  * @param $iID	ID of deleting Advertisement
  * @return Text presentation of result
 function ActionDeleteAdvertisement($iID)
     $iDeleteAdvertisementID = (int) $iID;
     $iAdvOwner = $this->_oDb->getOwnerOfAd($iDeleteAdvertisementID);
     if (!$this->isAllowedDelete($iAdvOwner)) {
         return $this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied();
     if ($iDeleteAdvertisementID > 0) {
         $sSuccDel = _t("_bx_ads_Ad_succ_deleted");
         $sFailDel = _t("_bx_ads_Ad_fail_delete");
         $sRetHtml = '';
         $sMediaIDs = $this->_oDb->getMediaOfAd($iDeleteAdvertisementID);
         if ($sMediaIDs != '') {
             $aChunks = explode(',', $sMediaIDs);
             foreach ($aChunks as $sMedId) {
                 $iMedId = (int) $sMedId;
                 if ($iMedId) {
                     $sMediaFileName = $this->_oDb->getMediaFile($iMedId);
                     if ($sMediaFileName != '') {
                         @unlink(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $this->sUploadDir . 'img_' . $sMediaFileName);
                         @unlink(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $this->sUploadDir . 'thumb_' . $sMediaFileName);
                         @unlink(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $this->sUploadDir . 'big_thumb_' . $sMediaFileName);
                         @unlink(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $this->sUploadDir . 'icon_' . $sMediaFileName);
         if ($this->_oDb->deleteAd($iDeleteAdvertisementID)) {
             $this->isAllowedDelete($iAdvOwner, true);
             // perform action
             $oCmts = new BxDolCmts('ads', $iDeleteAdvertisementID);
             //reparse tags
             $oTags = new BxDolTags();
             $oTags->reparseObjTags('ad', $iDeleteAdvertisementID);
             // delete views
             $oViews = new BxDolViews('ads', $iDeleteAdvertisementID, false);
             // delete associated locations
             if (BxDolModule::getInstance('BxWmapModule')) {
                 BxDolService::call('wmap', 'response_entry_delete', array($this->_oConfig->getUri(), $iDeleteAdvertisementID));
             //delete all subscriptions
             $oSubscription = BxDolSubscription::getInstance();
             $oSubscription->unsubscribe(array('type' => 'object_id', 'unit' => 'ads', 'object_id' => $iDeleteAdvertisementID));
             $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('ads', 'delete', $iDeleteAdvertisementID, $iDeleteAdvertisementID);
             $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t($sSuccDel));
         } else {
             $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t($sFailDel));
         return $sRetHtml;
     } else {
         return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured'));
Beispiel #21
 function actionEdit($iFileId)
     $bAjax = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $iFileId = (int) $iFileId > 0 ? (int) $iFileId : (int) bx_get('fileId');
     if (!$iFileId || !$bAjax) {
     $aManageArray = array('medTitle', 'medTags', 'medDesc', 'medProfId', 'Categories', 'AllowDownload', 'medUri');
     $aInfo = $this->_oDb->getFileInfo(array('fileId' => $iFileId), false, $aManageArray);
     $sLangPref = '_' . $this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix();
     if (!$this->isAllowedEdit($aInfo)) {
         $sCode = MsgBox(_t($sLangPref . '_access_denied')) . $sJsCode;
     } else {
         $oCategories = new BxDolCategories();
         $aCategories = $oCategories->getGroupChooser($this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix(), $this->_iProfileId, true);
         $aCategories['value'] = explode(CATEGORIES_DIVIDER, $aInfo['Categories']);
         $aAllowDownload = $this->oPrivacy->getGroupChooser($this->_iProfileId, $this->_oConfig->getUri(), 'download');
         $aAllowDownload['value'] = $aInfo['AllowDownload'];
         $sUrlPref = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri();
         $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('id' => $sLangPref . '_upload_form', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $sUrlPref . 'edit/' . $iFileId, 'onsubmit' => "return bx_ajax_form_check(this)"), 'params' => array('db' => array('submit_name' => 'do_submit'), 'checker_helper' => 'BxSupportCheckerHelper'), 'inputs' => array('header' => array('type' => 'block_header', 'caption' => _t('_Info')), 'title' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'medTitle', 'caption' => _t('_Title'), 'required' => true, 'checker' => array('func' => 'length', 'params' => array(3, 128), 'error' => _t('_td_err_incorrect_length')), 'value' => $aInfo['medTitle']), 'tags' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'medTags', 'caption' => _t('_Tags'), 'info' => _t('_Tags_desc'), 'value' => $aInfo['medTags']), 'description' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'medDesc', 'caption' => _t('_Description'), 'value' => $aInfo['medDesc']), 'categories' => $aCategories, 'AllowDownload' => $aAllowDownload, 'fileId' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'fileId', 'value' => $iFileId), 'medProfId' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'medProfId', 'value' => $this->_iProfileId), 'do_submit' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'do_submit', 'value' => 1), 'submit' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'submit_press', 'value' => _t('_Submit'), 'colspan' => true)));
         $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
         if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
             $aValues = array();
             foreach ($aManageArray as $sKey) {
                 if ($sKey != 'Categories') {
                     $aValues[$sKey] = $_POST[$sKey];
                 } else {
                     $aValues[$sKey] = implode(CATEGORIES_DIVIDER, $_POST[$sKey]);
             if ($this->_oDb->updateData($iFileId, $aValues)) {
                 $sType = $this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix();
                 $oTag = new BxDolTags();
                 $oTag->reparseObjTags($sType, $iFileId);
                 $oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
                 $oCateg->reparseObjTags($sType, $iFileId);
                 $sCode = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->msgBox(_t($sLangPref . '_save_success'), 3, 'window.location="' . $sUrlPref . 'view/' . $aInfo['medUri'] . '";');
             } else {
                 $sCode = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->msgBox(_t('_sys_save_nothing'));
         } else {
             $sCode = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('default_padding.html', array('content' => $oForm->getCode()));
             $sCode = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('popup.html', array('title' => $aInfo['medTitle'], 'content' => $sCode));
             $sCode = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->transBox($sCode, TRUE);
     echo $sCode;
 function adminDisapproveFile($iFileId)
     $iFileId = (int) $iFileId;
     $aInfo = $this->_oDb->getFileInfo(array('fileId' => $iFileId), true, array('Approved'));
     if ($aInfo['Approved'] == 'approved') {
         $this->oAlbums->updateObjCounterById($iFileId, false);
         //tags & categories parsing
         $oTag = new BxDolTags();
         $oTag->reparseObjTags($this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix(), $iFileId);
         $oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
         $oCateg->reparseObjTags($this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix(), $iFileId);
Beispiel #23
     * Generate Form for NewPost/EditPost
     * @param $iPostID - Post ID
     * @return HTML presentation of data
    function AddNewPostForm($iPostID = 0, $bBox = true)
        if ($iPostID == 0) {
            if (!$this->isAllowedPostAdd()) {
                return $this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied();
        } else {
            $iOwnerID = (int) $this->_oDb->getPostOwnerByID($iPostID);
            if (!$this->isAllowedPostEdit($iOwnerID)) {
                return $this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied();
        $sPostCaptionC = _t('_Title');
        $sPostTextC = _t('_Post') . ' ' . _t('_Text');
        $sAssociatedImageC = _t('_associated_image');
        $sAddBlogC = $iPostID ? _t('_Submit') : _t('_Add Post');
        $sTagsC = _t('_Tags');
        $sNewPostC = _t('_New Post');
        $sEditPostC = _t('_bx_blog_Edit_post');
        $sDelImgC = _t('_Delete image');
        $sErrorC = _t('_Error Occured');
        $sCaptionErrorC = _t('_bx_blog_Caption_error');
        $sTextErrorC = _t('_bx_blog_Text_error');
        $sTagsInfoC = _t('_sys_tags_note');
        $sLink = $this->genBlogFormUrl();
        $sAddingForm = '';
        $oCategories = new BxDolCategories();
        $aAllowView = $this->oPrivacy->getGroupChooser($this->_iVisitorID, 'bx_blogs', 'view', array(), _t('_bx_blog_privacy_view'));
        $aAllowRate = $this->oPrivacy->getGroupChooser($this->_iVisitorID, 'bx_blogs', 'rate', array(), _t('_bx_blog_privacy_rate'));
        $aAllowComment = $this->oPrivacy->getGroupChooser($this->_iVisitorID, 'bx_blogs', 'comment', array(), _t('_bx_blog_privacy_comment'));
        $sAction = $iPostID == 0 ? 'new_post' : 'edit_post';
        //adding form
        $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('name' => 'CreateBlogPostForm', 'action' => $sLink, 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'), 'params' => array('db' => array('table' => $this->_oConfig->sSQLPostsTable, 'key' => 'PostID', 'submit_name' => 'add_button')), 'inputs' => array('PostCaption' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'PostCaption', 'caption' => $sPostCaptionC, 'required' => true, 'checker' => array('func' => 'length', 'params' => array(3, 255), 'error' => $sCaptionErrorC), 'db' => array('pass' => 'Xss')), 'Tags' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Tags', 'caption' => $sTagsC, 'info' => $sTagsInfoC, 'required' => false, 'db' => array('pass' => 'Xss')), 'PostText' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'html' => 2, 'name' => 'PostText', 'caption' => $sPostTextC, 'required' => true, 'checker' => array('func' => 'length', 'params' => array(3, 65535), 'error' => $sTextErrorC), 'db' => array('pass' => 'XssHtml')), 'Categories' => $oCategories->getGroupChooser('bx_blogs', $this->_iVisitorID, true), 'File' => array('type' => 'file', 'name' => 'BlogPic[]', 'caption' => $sAssociatedImageC), 'AssociatedImage' => array('type' => 'hidden'), 'allowView' => $aAllowView, 'allowRate' => $aAllowRate, 'allowComment' => $aAllowComment, 'hidden_action' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'action', 'value' => $sAction), 'add_button' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'add_button', 'value' => $sAddBlogC)));
        if ($iPostID > 0) {
            $aBlogPost = $this->_oDb->getJustPostInfo($iPostID);
            $sPostCaption = $aBlogPost['PostCaption'];
            $sPostText = $aBlogPost['PostText'];
            $sPostTags = $aBlogPost['Tags'];
            $sPostPicture = $aBlogPost['PostPhoto'];
            if ($sPostPicture != '') {
                $sBlogsImagesUrl = BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_URL;
                $sPostPictureTag = <<<EOF
<div class="marg_both_left" id="edit_post_image_{$iPostID}">
\t<img alt="" style="width: 110px; height: 110px; background-image: url({$sBlogsImagesUrl}big_{$sPostPicture});" src="{$sSpacerName}" />
\t<a href="{$sLink}?action=del_img&amp;post_id={$iPostID}" onclick="BlogpostImageDelete('{$sLink}?action=del_img&post_id={$iPostID}&mode=ajax', 'edit_post_image_{$iPostID}');return false;" >{$sDelImgC}</a>
                $aForm['inputs']['AssociatedImage']['type'] = 'custom';
                $aForm['inputs']['AssociatedImage']['content'] = $sPostPictureTag;
                $aForm['inputs']['AssociatedImage']['caption'] = $sAssociatedImageC;
            $aCategories = explode(';', $aBlogPost['Categories']);
            $aForm['inputs']['PostCaption']['value'] = $sPostCaption;
            $aForm['inputs']['PostText']['value'] = $sPostText;
            $aForm['inputs']['Tags']['value'] = $sPostTags;
            $aForm['inputs']['Categories']['value'] = $aCategories;
            $aForm['inputs']['allowView']['value'] = $aBlogPost['allowView'];
            $aForm['inputs']['allowRate']['value'] = $aBlogPost['allowRate'];
            $aForm['inputs']['allowComment']['value'] = $aBlogPost['allowComment'];
            $aForm['inputs']['hidden_postid'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'EditPostID', 'value' => $iPostID);
            if ($aBlogPost['PostPhoto'] != '' && file_exists(BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . 'small_' . $aBlogPost['PostPhoto'])) {
                $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubIconUrl(BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_URL . 'small_' . $aBlogPost['PostPhoto']);
            } else {
        if (empty($aForm['inputs']['allowView']['value']) || !$aForm['inputs']['allowView']['value']) {
            $aForm['inputs']['allowView']['value'] = BX_DOL_PG_ALL;
        if (empty($aForm['inputs']['allowRate']['value']) || !$aForm['inputs']['allowRate']['value']) {
            $aForm['inputs']['allowRate']['value'] = BX_DOL_PG_ALL;
        if (empty($aForm['inputs']['allowComment']['value']) || !$aForm['inputs']['allowComment']['value']) {
            $aForm['inputs']['allowComment']['value'] = BX_DOL_PG_ALL;
        $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
        if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
            $iOwnID = $this->_iVisitorID;
            $sCurTime = time();
            $sPostUri = uriGenerate(bx_get('PostCaption'), $this->_oConfig->sSQLPostsTable, 'PostUri');
            $sAutoApprovalVal = getParam('blogAutoApproval') == 'on' ? "approval" : "disapproval";
            /*$aCategories = array();
            		foreach (bx_get('Category') as $sKey => $sVal) {
            			if ($sVal != '') {
            				$aCategories[] = process_db_input($sVal);
            		$sCategories = implode(CATEGORIES_DIVIDER, $aCategories);*/
            $aValsAdd = array('PostDate' => $sCurTime, 'PostStatus' => $sAutoApprovalVal);
            if ($iPostID == 0) {
                $aValsAdd['OwnerID'] = $iOwnID;
                $aValsAdd['PostUri'] = $sPostUri;
            $iBlogPostID = -1;
            if ($iPostID > 0) {
                $oForm->update($iPostID, $aValsAdd);
                $this->isAllowedPostEdit($iOwnerID, true);
                $iBlogPostID = $iPostID;
            } else {
                $iBlogPostID = $oForm->insert($aValsAdd);
            if ($iBlogPostID) {
                $this->iLastPostedPostID = $iBlogPostID;
                if ($_FILES) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['BlogPic']['tmp_name']); $i++) {
                        if ($_FILES['BlogPic']['error'][$i]) {
                        if (0 < $_FILES['BlogPic']['size'][$i] && 0 < strlen($_FILES['BlogPic']['name'][$i]) && 0 < $iBlogPostID) {
                            $sTmpFile = $_FILES['BlogPic']['tmp_name'][$i];
                            if (file_exists($sTmpFile) == false) {
                            $aSize = getimagesize($sTmpFile);
                            if (!$aSize) {
                            switch ($aSize[2]) {
                                case IMAGETYPE_JPEG:
                                case IMAGETYPE_GIF:
                                case IMAGETYPE_PNG:
                                    $sOriginalFilename = $_FILES['BlogPic']['name'][$i];
                                    $sExt = strrchr($sOriginalFilename, '.');
                                    $sFileName = 'blog_' . $iBlogPostID . '_' . $i;
                                    move_uploaded_file($sTmpFile, BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . $sFileName . $sExt);
                                    if (strlen($sExt)) {
                                        imageResize(BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . $sFileName . $sExt, BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . 'small_' . $sFileName . $sExt, $this->iIconSize / 1, $this->iIconSize / 1);
                                        imageResize(BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . $sFileName . $sExt, BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . 'big_' . $sFileName . $sExt, $this->iThumbSize, $this->iThumbSize);
                                        imageResize(BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . $sFileName . $sExt, BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . 'orig_' . $sFileName . $sExt, $this->iImgSize, $this->iImgSize);
                                        chmod(BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . 'small_' . $sFileName . $sExt, 0644);
                                        chmod(BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . 'big_' . $sFileName . $sExt, 0644);
                                        chmod(BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . 'orig_' . $sFileName . $sExt, 0644);
                                        $this->_oDb->performUpdatePostWithPhoto($iBlogPostID, $sFileName . $sExt);
                                        @unlink(BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_PATH . $sFileName . $sExt);
                                    return false;
                //reparse tags
                $oTags = new BxDolTags();
                $oTags->reparseObjTags('blog', $iBlogPostID);
                //reparse categories
                $oCategories = new BxDolCategories();
                $oCategories->reparseObjTags('bx_blogs', $iBlogPostID);
                $sAlertAction = $iPostID == 0 ? 'create' : 'edit_post';
                $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_blogs', $sAlertAction, $iBlogPostID, $this->_iVisitorID);
                return $this->GenPostPage($iBlogPostID);
            } else {
                return MsgBox($sErrorC);
        } else {
            $sAddingForm = $oForm->getCode();
        $sCaption = $iPostID ? $sEditPostC : $sNewPostC;
        $sAddingFormVal = '<div class="blogs-view usualTextMarg">' . $sAddingForm . '</div>';
        return $bBox ? DesignBoxContent($sCaption, '<div class="blogs-view usualTextMarg">' . $sAddingForm . '</div>', 1) : $sAddingFormVal;
Beispiel #24
 function initMusicFile($iMusicID, $sTitle, $sCategories, $sTags, $sDesc)
     $sMedUri = uriGenerate($sTitle, $this->oModule->_oDb->sFileTable, $this->oModule->_oDb->aFileFields['medUri']);
     $bRes = $this->oModule->_oDb->updateData($iMusicID, array('Categories' => $sCategories, 'medTitle' => $sTitle, 'medTags' => $sTags, 'medDesc' => $sDesc, 'medUri' => $sMedUri));
     $oTag = new BxDolTags();
     $oTag->reparseObjTags('bx_sounds', $iMusicID);
     $oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
     $oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_sounds', $iMusicID);
     $bRes = true;
     //TODO chech why if false
     return $bRes;
Beispiel #25
 function getEditForm($aValues, $aAddFields = array())
     $oCategories = new BxDolCategories();
     if (isset($this->_aForm['inputs']['categories'])) {
         //--- convert post form to edit one ---//
         $this->_aForm['inputs']['categories'] = $oCategories->getGroupChooser($this->_oModule->_oConfig->getCategoriesSystemName(), $this->_iOwnerId, true, $aValues['categories']);
     if (!empty($aValues) && is_array($aValues)) {
         foreach ($aValues as $sKey => $sValue) {
             if (array_key_exists($sKey, $this->_aForm['inputs'])) {
                 if ($this->_aForm['inputs'][$sKey]['type'] == 'checkbox') {
                     $this->_aForm['inputs'][$sKey]['checked'] = (int) $sValue == 1 ? true : false;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->_aForm['inputs'][$sKey]['type'] == 'select_box' && $this->_aForm['inputs'][$sKey]['name'] == 'Categories') {
                         $aCategories = preg_split('/[' . $oCategories->sTagsDivider . ']/', $sValue, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                         $this->_aForm['inputs'][$sKey]['value'] = $aCategories;
                     } else {
                         $this->_aForm['inputs'][$sKey]['value'] = $sValue;
         $this->_aForm['inputs']['id'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'id', 'value' => $aValues['id'], 'db' => array('pass' => 'Int'));
         $this->_aForm['inputs']['post']['value'] = _t("_td_edit");
     $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($this->_aForm);
     if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
         $iDateNow = mktime();
         $iDatePublish = $oForm->getCleanValue('when');
         if ($iDatePublish > $iDateNow) {
             $iStatus = BX_TD_STATUS_PENDING;
         } else {
             if ($iDatePublish <= $iDateNow && $this->_oModule->_oConfig->isAutoapprove()) {
                 $iStatus = BX_TD_STATUS_ACTIVE;
             } else {
                 $iStatus = BX_TD_STATUS_INACTIVE;
         $aDefFields = array('date' => $iDateNow, 'status' => $iStatus);
         $oForm->update($aValues['id'], array_merge($aDefFields, $aAddFields));
         //--- 'System' -> Edit for Alerts Engine ---//
         $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts($this->_oModule->_oConfig->getAlertsSystemName(), 'edit', $aValues['id'], $this->_iOwnerId);
         //--- 'System' -> Edit for Alerts Engine ---//
         //--- Reparse Global Tags ---//
         $oTags = new BxDolTags();
         $oTags->reparseObjTags($this->_oModule->_oConfig->getTagsSystemName(), $aValues['id']);
         //--- Reparse Global Tags ---//
         //--- Reparse Global Categories ---//
         $oCategories->reparseObjTags($this->_oModule->_oConfig->getCategoriesSystemName(), $aValues['id']);
         //--- Reparse Global Categories ---//
         header('Location: ' . $oForm->aFormAttrs['action']);
     } else {
         return $oForm->getCode();
 function insertSharedMediaToDb($sExt, $aFileInfo, $iAuthorId = 0, $aExtraData = array())
     if (!$iAuthorId) {
         $iAuthorId = $this->_iOwnerId;
     if (getParam($this->oModule->_oConfig->aGlParams['auto_activation']) == 'on') {
         $bAutoActivate = true;
         $sStatus = 'approved';
     } else {
         $bAutoActivate = false;
         $sStatus = 'pending';
     $sFileTitle = $aFileInfo['medTitle'];
     $sFileDesc = $aFileInfo['medDesc'];
     $sFileTags = $aFileInfo['medTags'];
     $sCategory = implode(CATEGORIES_DIVIDER, $aFileInfo['Categories']);
     $sDimension = isset($aFileInfo['dimension']) ? $aFileInfo['dimension'] : (int) $aFileInfo['medSize'];
     $sAlbum = mb_strlen($_POST['extra_param_album']) > 0 ? $_POST['extra_param_album'] : getParam('sys_album_default_name');
     $sAlbum = isset($aFileInfo['album']) ? $aFileInfo['album'] : $sAlbum;
     $sMedUri = uriGenerate($sFileTitle, $this->oModule->_oDb->sFileTable, $this->oModule->_oDb->aFileFields['medUri']);
     $sExtDb = trim($sExt, '.');
     $sCurTime = time();
     $aData = array('medProfId' => $iAuthorId, 'medExt' => $sExtDb, 'medTitle' => $sFileTitle, 'medUri' => $sMedUri, 'medDesc' => $sFileDesc, 'medTags' => $sFileTags, 'Categories' => $sCategory, 'medSize' => $sDimension, 'Approved' => $sStatus, 'medDate' => $sCurTime);
     $aData = array_merge($aData, $aExtraData);
     $iInsertedID = $this->oModule->_oDb->insertData($aData);
     if (0 < $iInsertedID) {
         $oTag = new BxDolTags();
         $oTag->reparseObjTags($this->oModule->_oConfig->sPrefix, $iInsertedID);
         $oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
         $oCateg->reparseObjTags($this->oModule->_oConfig->sPrefix, $iInsertedID);
         $aAlbumParams = isset($aFileInfo['albumPrivacy']) ? array('privacy' => $aFileInfo['albumPrivacy']) : array();
         $this->addObjectToAlbum($this->oModule->oAlbums, $sAlbum, $iInsertedID, $bAutoActivate, $iAuthorId, $aAlbumParams);
         return $iInsertedID;
     return 0;
Beispiel #27
 function actionEdit($iFileId)
     $iFileId = (int) $iFileId > 0 ? (int) $iFileId : (int) $_POST['fileId'];
     if ($iFileId == 0) {
     $this->aPageTmpl['name_index'] = 44;
     $sJsCode = '<script language="javascript">window.setTimeout(function () { window.parent.opener.location = window.parent.opener.location; window.parent.close(); }, 3000); </script>';
     $aManageArray = array('medTitle', 'medTags', 'medDesc', 'medProfId', 'Categories', 'AllowDownload');
     $aInfo = $this->_oDb->getFileInfo(array('fileId' => $iFileId), false, $aManageArray);
     if (!$this->isAllowedEdit($aInfo)) {
         $sCode = MsgBox(_t('_' . $this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix() . '_access_denied')) . $sJsCode;
     } else {
         $oCategories = new BxDolCategories();
         $aCategories = $oCategories->getGroupChooser($this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix(), $this->_iProfileId, true);
         $aCategories['value'] = explode(CATEGORIES_DIVIDER, $aInfo['Categories']);
         $aAllowDownload = $this->oPrivacy->getGroupChooser($this->_iProfileId, $this->_oConfig->getUri(), 'download');
         $aAllowDownload['value'] = $aInfo['AllowDownload'];
         $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('id' => $this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix() . '_upload_form', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'edit/' . $iFileId), 'params' => array('db' => array('submit_name' => 'submit'), 'checker_helper' => 'BxSupportCheckerHelper'), 'inputs' => array('header' => array('type' => 'block_header', 'caption' => _t('_Info')), 'title' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'medTitle', 'caption' => _t('_Title'), 'required' => true, 'value' => $aInfo['medTitle'], 'checker' => array('func' => 'length', 'params' => array(3, 128), 'error' => _t('_td_err_incorrect_length'))), 'tags' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'medTags', 'caption' => _t('_Tags'), 'info' => _t('_Tags_desc'), 'value' => $aInfo['medTags']), 'description' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'medDesc', 'caption' => _t('_Description'), 'required' => true, 'value' => $aInfo['medDesc'], 'checker' => array('func' => 'length', 'params' => array(3, 65536), 'error' => _t('_td_err_incorrect_length'))), 'categories' => $aCategories, 'AllowDownload' => $aAllowDownload, 'fileId' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'fileId', 'value' => $iFileId), 'medProfId' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'medProfId', 'value' => $this->_iProfileId), 'submit' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'submit', 'value' => _t('_Submit'), 'colspan' => true)));
         $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
         if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
             $aValues = array();
             foreach ($aManageArray as $sKey) {
                 if ($sKey != 'Categories') {
                     $aValues[$sKey] = $_POST[$sKey];
                 } else {
                     $aValues[$sKey] = implode(CATEGORIES_DIVIDER, $_POST[$sKey]);
             if ($this->_oDb->updateData($iFileId, $aValues)) {
                 $sType = $this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix();
                 $oTag = new BxDolTags();
                 $oTag->reparseObjTags($sType, $iFileId);
                 $oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
                 $oCateg->reparseObjTags($sType, $iFileId);
                 $sCode = MsgBox(_t('_' . $this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix() . '_save_success')) . $sJsCode;
         } else {
             $sCode = $oForm->getCode();
             $this->aPageTmpl['css_name'] = array('forms_adv.css', 'explanation.css');
     $this->aPageTmpl['header'] = _t('_Edit');
     $this->_oTemplate->pageCode($this->aPageTmpl, array('page_main_code' => $sCode));