  * TextField::getField()
  * Return the HTML of the field
  * @return string: the html
  * @access public
  * @author Johan Wiegel
 function getField()
     // view mode enabled ?
     if ($this->getViewMode()) {
         // get the view value..
         return $this->_getViewValue();
     //$this->_form->_setJS( '<script>function SetUrl( sUrl ){document.getElementById(\'bestand\').value=sUrl}</script>', $isFile = false, $before = true);
     $oButton = new Button($this->_form, 'Bladeren');
     $oButton->setExtra("onclick=\"window.open( '" . FH_FHTML_DIR . "filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Type=File&naam=" . $this->_sName . "&Connector=../../connectors/php/connector.php?ServerPath=" . $this->_path . "','','modal=yes,width=650,height=400');\"");
     $sButton = $oButton->getButton();
     return sprintf('<input type="text" name="%s" id="%1$s" value="%s" size="%d" %s' . FH_XHTML_CLOSE . '>%s %s ', $this->_sName, isset($this->_mValue) ? htmlspecialchars($this->_mValue) : '', $this->_iSize, (isset($this->_iTabIndex) ? 'tabindex="' . $this->_iTabIndex . '" ' : '') . (isset($this->_sExtra) ? ' ' . $this->_sExtra . ' ' : ''), isset($this->_sExtraAfter) ? $this->_sExtraAfter : '', $sButton);
  * FormHandler::backButton()
  * Generate a back button to go one page back in a multi-paged form
  * @param string $caption: The caption of the button
  * @param string $name: The name of the button
  * @param string $extra: CSS, Javascript or other which are inserted into the HTML tag
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @author Teye Heimans
 function backButton($caption = null, $name = null, $extra = null)
     static $setJS = false;
     // include the needed javascript file
     if (!$setJS) {
         $this->_setJS(FH_FHTML_DIR . 'js/page_back.js', true);
         $setJS = true;
     // get new button name if none given
     if (empty($name)) {
         $name = $this->_getNewButtonName();
     $extra .= ' onclick="pageBack(document.forms[\'' . $this->_name . '\']);"';
     // if no caption is given, get our own caption
     if (is_null($caption)) {
         $caption = $this->_text(38);
     // create new button
     $btn = new Button($this, $name);
     if (!empty($extra)) {
     // register the button
     $this->_registerField($name, $btn);