Beispiel #1
 public function equals(Bug $bug)
     if (strcmp($this->title, $bug->getTitle()) == 0 && strcmp($this->description, $bug->getDescription()) == 0 && strcmp($this->getStatus()->getName(), $bug->getStatus()->getName()) == 0 && $this->getUser()->equals($bug->getUser())) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Beispiel #2
 public function Fire()
     if ($this->input->do == 'submit') {
         $bug = new Bug($this->input->bug_id);
         try {
         } catch (phalanx\data\ModelException $e) {
             EventPump::Pump()->RaiseEvent(new StandardErrorEvent(l10n::S('BUG_ID_NOT_FOUND')));
         $body = trim($this->input->body);
         if (empty($body)) {
             EventPump::Pump()->RaiseEvent(new StandardErrorEvent(l10n::S('COMMENT_MISSING_BODY')));
         $comment = new Comment();
         $comment->bug_id = $bug_id;
         $comment->post_user_id = Bugdar::$auth->current_user();
         $comment->post_date = time();
         $comment->body = $body;
         $this->comment_id = $comment->comment_id;
         $search = new SearchEngine();
         EventPump::Pump()->PostEvent(new StandardSuccessEvent('view_bug/' . $bug_id, l10n::S('USER_REGISTER_SUCCESS')));
Beispiel #3
 public function getBugs($from, $many)
     $res = $this->db->getValues("bug_id", "bugs", "bugl_id = {$this->bugl_id} ", "", "");
     $bugs = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
         $bug = new Bug();
         $bugs[$i] = $bug;
     return $bugs;
Beispiel #4
 public function actionBug()
     //$this->layout = '//layouts/clean';
     $model = new Bug();
     $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Bug');
     if (isset($_POST['Bug'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Bug'];
         $url = $model->send();
     $this->render('bug', array('model' => $model, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider));
 function testEagerFetchingManyToOne()
     $bug = new Bug();
     $bug->Title = 'Test Bug';
     $project = new Project();
     $project->setName('Test Project');
     $outlet = Outlet::getInstance();
     // clear cache because it will be used to check if project was loaded
     $bug = $outlet->from('Bug')->with('Project')->find();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count(OutletMapper::$map['Project']));
Beispiel #6
 public function Fire()
     $bug = new Bug($this->input->_id);
     try {
     } catch (\phalanx\data\ModelException $e) {
         EventPump::Pump()->RaiseEvent(new StandardErrorEvent(l10n::S('BUG_ID_NOT_FOUND')));
     $this->bug = $bug;
     $this->bug_reporter = $bug->FetchReporter();
     $this->attributes = $bug->FetchAttributes();
     $this->comments = $bug->FetchComments();
  * Try indirectly saving the same project twice
  * and make sure it only gets inserted once
 function testIndirectSave()
     $outlet = Outlet::getInstance();
     $p = new Project();
     $p->setName('Project 1');
     $b1 = new Bug();
     $b1->Title = 'Bug 1';
     $b2 = new Bug();
     $b2->Title = 'Bug 2';
     $this->assertEquals(count($outlet->select('Project', 'where {Project.Name} = ?', array('Project 1'))), 1, 'Only one project inserted');
 function testManyToMany()
     $user = new User();
     $user->Firstname = 'Alvaro';
     $user->LastName = 'Carrasco';
     $bug = new Bug();
     $bug->Name = 'Test Bug';
     $project = new Project();
     $project->setName('Test Project');
     $outlet = Outlet::getInstance();
     $this->assertTrue(count($user->getBugs()) == 1, 'One project attached to this user');
Beispiel #9
function aside_html()
    $bug = new Bug();
    $str = '
<h4 class="font-thin">最新反馈</h4>
<section class="panel panel-default">
      <div class="table-responsive">
            <table class="table table-striped b-t b-light">
    $result_all = $bug->bug_status(2);
    foreach ($result_all as $value_all) {
        if ($value_all['status'] == 0) {
            $str .= '                           <tr><td><span class="label label-info">新发布</span>&nbsp;';
        } else {
            if ($value_all['status'] == 1) {
                $str .= '                           <tr><td><span class="label label-danger">修复中</span>&nbsp;';
            } else {
                if ($value_all['status'] == 2) {
                    $str .= '                           <tr><td><span class="label label-success">已修复</span>&nbsp;';
                } else {
                    if ($value_all['status'] == 3) {
                        $str .= '                           <tr><td><span class="label label-default">已关闭</span>&nbsp;';
        $str .= '<a href="/app/feedback/bug_info.php?bug_name=' . $value_all['bugid'] . '">' . $value_all['title'] . '</a></td></tr>
    $str .= '
    return $str;
 public function test_create_and_retrieve()
     global $entityManager;
     $bug = new Bug();
     $bug->setDescription('test description');
     $bug->setStatus('test status');
     $id = $bug->getId();
     $this->assertFirstGreaterThanSecond($id, 0);
     /** @var Bug $bugOut */
     $bugOut = $entityManager->find('Bug', $id);
     $this->assertEqual($bugOut->getId(), $id);
     $this->assertEqual($bugOut->getDescription(), 'test description');
     $this->assertEqual($bugOut->getStatus(), 'test status');
     $this->assertEqual(strlen($bugOut->getCreated()), 19, 'created');
     $this->assertEqual(strlen($bugOut->getUpdated()), 19, 'created');
 function setProject(Project $ref)
     if (is_null($ref)) {
         throw new OutletException("You can not set this to NULL since this relationship has not been marked as optional");
         return parent::setProject(null);
     $this->ProjectID = $ref->ProjectID;
     return parent::setProject($ref);
Beispiel #12
 static function select($options)
     $result = self::$db->query(self::toSQLselect($options));
     $bugs = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $bugs[] = Bug::fromArray($row);
     return $bugs;
 function userSection()
     $userId = Session::get('userId');
     if (!isset($userId)) {
         return Redirect::to('/');
     $runningProjects = Project::where('status', '=', 'active')->count();
     $closedProjects = Project::where('status', '=', 'closed')->count();
     $currentBugs = Bug::where('status', '=', 'active')->count();
     $fixedBugs = Bug::where('status', '=', 'fixed')->count();
     $unresolvedBugs = Bug::where('status', '=', 'unresolved')->count();
     $userBugs = BugUser::where('user_id', '=', $userId)->where('status', '=', 'active')->with('bug')->with('bug.project')->get();
     return View::make('users.user-section')->with('runningProjects', $runningProjects)->with('closedProjects', $closedProjects)->with('currentBugs', $currentBugs)->with('fixedBugs', $fixedBugs)->with('unresolvedBugs', $unresolvedBugs)->with('userBugs', $userBugs);
 function removeProject($id)
     if (isset($id)) {
         $project = Project::find($id);
         if (isset($project)) {
             $project->status = 'removed';
             Bug::where('project_id', '=', $id)->update(array('status' => 'removed'));
             echo 'done';
         } else {
             echo 'invalid';
     } else {
         echo 'invalid';
 protected function _get_mantis_attr($attr_name)
     if ($attr_name == 'bug_id') {
         return Bug::get_mantis_id_from_url($this->rsrc_data['bug']);
     } elseif ($attr_name == 'reporter_id') {
         return User::get_mantis_id_from_url($this->rsrc_data['reporter']);
     } elseif ($attr_name == 'view_state') {
         return $this->rsrc_data['private'] ? VS_PRIVATE : VS_PUBLIC;
     } elseif ($attr_name == 'date_submitted' || $attr_name == 'last_modified') {
         return date_to_sql_date($this->rsrc_data[$attr_name]);
     } elseif ($attr_name == 'note') {
         return $this->rsrc_data['text'];
     } elseif (in_array($attr_name, Bugnote::$mantis_attrs)) {
         return $this->rsrc_data[$attr_name];
    public function update(Bug $bug)
        $query = $this->_db->prepare(' UPDATE t_bug SET 
		bug=:bug, lien=:lien, updated=:updated, updatedBy=:updatedBy
		WHERE id=:id') or die(print_r($this->_db->errorInfo()));
        $query->bindValue(':id', $bug->id());
        $query->bindValue(':bug', $bug->bug());
        $query->bindValue(':lien', $bug->lien());
        $query->bindValue(':updated', $bug->updated());
        $query->bindValue(':updatedBy', $bug->updatedBy());
 public function createAction()
     $view = new ViewModel();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $strUser = $request->getPost()->user;
         $strProductIds = $request->getPost()->products;
         $strDescription = $request->getPost()->description;
         $reporter = $entityManager->find("User", $strUser);
         $engineer = $entityManager->find("User", $strUser);
         if (!$reporter || !$engineer) {
             echo "No reporter and/or engineer found for the input.\n";
         $bug = new \Bug();
         $bug->setCreated(new \DateTime("now"));
         foreach ($strProductIds as $productId) {
             $product = $entityManager->find("Product", $productId);
         $view->setVariable('bug', $bug);
     } else {
         // If you don't have parameters in the query, you can use the getResult() shortcut
         $users = $entityManager->getRepository('User')->findAll();
         $view->setVariable('users', $users);
         $products = $entityManager->getRepository('Product')->findAll();
         $view->setVariable('products', $products);
     return $view;
Beispiel #18
  * This method saves uploaded file to its persistent location. 
  * @throws Exception
 public function saveFileAttachment()
     // Set filename attribute
     $this->filename = basename($this->fileAttachment->getName());
     // Set filesize attribute
     $this->filesize = $this->fileAttachment->getSize();
     // Get bug model this attachment belongs to.
     $bugChange = BugChange::model()->findByPk($this->bug_change_id);
     $bug = Bug::model()->findByPk($bugChange->bug_id);
     // Check project quota
     if ($bug->project->bug_attachment_files_disc_quota > 0) {
         $totalFileSize = 0;
         $percentOfDiskQuota = 0;
         $bug->project->getBugAttachmentCount($totalFileSize, $percentOfDiskQuota);
         if ($bug->project->bug_attachment_files_disc_quota * 1024 * 1024 - $totalFileSize - $this->filesize < 0) {
             $this->addError('fileAttachment', 'Bug attachment quota for this project has exceeded.');
             throw new Exception('Bug attachment quota constrained.');
     // Calc md5 hash and save it as model attribute
     $this->md5 = md5_file($this->fileAttachment->getTempName());
     // Create the directory where we will place the uploaded file
     $subDir1 = substr($this->md5, 0, 3);
     $subDir2 = substr($this->md5, 3, 3);
     $dirName = Yii::app()->getBasePath() . "/data/bugAttachments/" . $subDir1 . "/" . $subDir2;
     if (!@is_dir($dirName)) {
         if (False == @mkdir($dirName, 0777, TRUE)) {
             $error = error_get_last();
             $this->addError("fileAttachment", "Couldn't make directory for file attachment.");
             throw new Exception('Could not make directory for file attachment.');
     // Move uploaded file to an appropriate directory and delete temp file
     $fileName = $dirName . "/" . $this->md5;
     if (!$this->fileAttachment->saveAs($fileName, true) && !$this->ignoreFileAttachmentErrors) {
         $this->addError("fileAttachment", "Couldn't save file attachment");
         throw new Exception('Could not save file attachment');
Beispiel #19

$id = $_GET['id'];
echo '<h2 style="text-align:center">Viewing Bug #' . $id . '</h2>';
$bug = new Bug();
Beispiel #20
 public function put($request)
      *      Replaces the bug resource using the representation provided.
      *      @param $request - The HTTP request we're responding to
     $this->bug_id = Bug::get_mantis_id_from_url($request->url);
     # Access checks are from Mantis's bug_update.php
     if (!(access_has_bug_level(access_get_status_threshold($f_new_status, bug_get_field($this->bug_id, 'project_id')), $this->bug_id) || access_has_bug_level(config_get('update_bug_threshold'), $this->bug_id) || bug_get_field($this->bug_id, 'reporter_id') == auth_get_current_user_id() && (ON == config_get('allow_reporter_reopen') || ON == config_get('allow_reporter_close')))) {
         throw new HTTPException(403, "Access denied to update bug");
     bug_update($this->bug_id, $this->to_bugdata(), TRUE);
     $resp = new Response();
     $resp->status = 204;
     return $resp;
Beispiel #21
 public function testsave()
     $bug = new Bug();
     $bug->name = 'test';
     $bug->bug_number = '1';
     $bug->type = 'Defect';
     $bug->priority = 'Urgent';
     $bug->status = 'New';
     $bug->resolution = 'Accepted';
     //test for record ID to verify that record is saved
     $this->assertEquals(36, strlen($bug->id));
     //mark the record as deleted and verify that this record cannot be retrieved anymore.
     $result = $bug->retrieve($bug->id);
     $this->assertEquals(null, $result);
Beispiel #22
    $status = $_POST['status'];
    $user_id = $_POST['user'];
    if ($title == '') {
        $title = $bug->getTitle();
    if ($description == '') {
        $description = $bug->getDescription();
    if ($status == $bug->getStatus()->getNumber() || $status == 99) {
        $status = $bug->getStatus()->getNumber();
    if ($user_id == $bug->getUser()->getId() || $user_id == -1) {
        $user_id = $bug->getUser()->getId();
    $user_update = $user_access_object->getUserById($user_id);
    $updated_bug = new Bug($title, $description, $user_update, $status_access_object->getStatusWhere(array('number' => $status))[0], $bug->getId());
    if ($updated_bug->equals($bug)) {
        echo '<div class="ui visible message blue" style="margin-top: 5%"><div class="header">NOTICE</div> No edits detected.</div>';
    } else {
        if ($bug_access_object->updateBugById($updated_bug, $bug_id)) {
            echo '<div class="ui success message" style="margin-top: 5%"><div class="header">SUCCESS</div> Bug has been updated.</div>';
            $bug = $updated_bug;
        } else {
            echo '<div class="ui error message" style="margin-top: 5%"><div class="header">ERROR</div> Failed to update bug.</div>';

<div class="ui one column relaxed grid" style="margin-top: 1%;">
    <div class="column">
Beispiel #23
 public function testTwoBugsAreNotEqual()
     $newBug = new Bug("Bug title1", "Bug description1", new User("username1", "password", null, null), new Status(null, "OPEN", 1), null);
     $this->assertNotEquals(TRUE, $newBug->equals($this->bug));

$entityManager = (require_once __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.php');
$theReporterId = $argv[1];
$theDefaultEngineerId = $argv[2];
$productIds = explode(",", $argv[3]);
/** @var User $reporter */
$reporter = $entityManager->find("User", $theReporterId);
/** @var User $engineer */
$engineer = $entityManager->find("User", $theDefaultEngineerId);
if (!$reporter || !$engineer) {
    echo "No reporter and/or engineer found for the input.\n";
$bug = new Bug();
$bug->setDescription("Something does not work again!");
$bug->setCreated(new DateTime("now"));
foreach ($productIds as $productId) {
    /** @var Product $product */
    $product = $entityManager->find("Product", $productId);
echo "Your new Bug Id: " . $bug->getId() . "\n";
 public function get_feed_data_struct($idcat = 0, $name = '')
     $querier = PersistenceContext::get_querier();
     $lang = LangLoader::get('common', 'bugtracker');
     //Configuration load
     $config = BugtrackerConfig::load();
     $types = $config->get_types();
     $categories = $config->get_categories();
     $severities = $config->get_severities();
     $priorities = $config->get_priorities();
     $versions = $config->get_versions_detected();
     $site_name = GeneralConfig::load()->get_site_name();
     $feed_module_name = $idcat == 1 ? $lang['titles.solved'] : $lang['titles.unsolved'];
     $data = new FeedData();
     $data->set_title($feed_module_name . ' - ' . $site_name);
     $data->set_date(new Date());
     $data->set_link(SyndicationUrlBuilder::rss('bugtracker', $idcat));
     $data->set_desc($feed_module_name . ' - ' . $site_name);
     $data->set_lang(LangLoader::get_message('xml_lang', 'main'));
     $results = $querier->select("SELECT bugtracker.*, author.*\r\n\t\tFROM " . BugtrackerSetup::$bugtracker_table . " bugtracker\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " author ON author.user_id = bugtracker.author_id\r\n\t\tWHERE " . ($idcat == 1 ? "(status = '" . Bug::FIXED . "' OR status = '" . Bug::REJECTED . "')" : "status <> '" . Bug::FIXED . "' AND status <> '" . Bug::REJECTED . "'") . "\r\n\t\tORDER BY " . ($idcat == 1 ? "fix_date" : "submit_date") . " DESC");
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         $bug = new Bug();
         $link = BugtrackerUrlBuilder::detail($bug->get_id() . '-' . $bug->get_rewrited_title());
         $description = FormatingHelper::second_parse($bug->get_contents());
         $description .= '<br /><br />' . $lang['labels.fields.reproductible'] . ' : ' . ($bug->is_reproductible() ? LangLoader::get_message('yes', 'common') : LangLoader::get_message('no', 'common'));
         if ($bug->is_reproductible()) {
             $description .= '<br />' . FormatingHelper::second_parse($bug->get_reproduction_method()) . '<br />';
         if ($types) {
             $description .= '<br />' . $lang['labels.fields.type'] . ' : ' . (isset($types[$bug->get_type()]) ? stripslashes($types[$bug->get_type()]) : $lang['notice.none']);
         if ($categories) {
             $description .= '<br />' . $lang['labels.fields.category'] . ' : ' . (isset($categories[$bug->get_category()]) ? stripslashes($categories[$bug->get_category()]) : $lang['notice.none_e']);
         if ($severities) {
             $description .= '<br />' . $lang['labels.fields.severity'] . ' : ' . (isset($severities[$bug->get_severity()]) ? stripslashes($severities[$bug->get_severity()]['name']) : $lang['notice.none']);
         if ($priorities) {
             $description .= '<br />' . $lang['labels.fields.priority'] . ' : ' . (isset($priorities[$bug->get_priority()]) ? stripslashes($priorities[$bug->get_priority()]) : $lang['notice.none_e']);
         if ($versions) {
             $description .= '<br />' . $lang['labels.fields.version'] . ' : ' . (isset($versions[$bug->get_detected_in()]) ? stripslashes($versions[$bug->get_detected_in()]['name']) : $lang['notice.not_defined']);
         $item = new FeedItem();
     return $data;
Beispiel #26
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Bug::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
 * Description:  TODO: To be written.
 * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
require_once 'XTemplate/xtpl.php';
require_once 'data/Tracker.php';
require_once 'modules/Bugs/Bug.php';
require_once 'modules/Bugs/Forms.php';
require_once 'modules/Releases/Release.php';
global $app_strings;
global $mod_strings;
global $mod_strings;
global $current_user;
global $sugar_version, $sugar_config;
$focus = new Bug();
$seedRelease = new Release();
if (isset($_REQUEST['record'])) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['isDuplicate']) && $_REQUEST['isDuplicate'] == 'true') {
    $focus->id = "";
    $focus->bug_number = "";
$prefillArray = array('priority' => 'priority', 'name' => 'name', 'description' => 'description', 'status' => 'status', 'type' => 'type');
foreach ($prefillArray as $requestKey => $focusVar) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST[$requestKey]) && is_null($focus->{$focusVar})) {
        $focus->{$focusVar} = urldecode($_REQUEST[$requestKey]);
if (is_null($focus->status)) {
 $account->industry = array_rand($app_list_strings['industry_dom']);
 $account->account_type = "Customer";
 $account_ids[] = $account->id;
 $accounts[] = $account;
 // Create a case for the account
 $case = new aCase();
 $case->account_id = $account->id;
 $case->priority = array_rand($app_list_strings['case_priority_dom']);
 $case->status = array_rand($app_list_strings['case_status_dom']);
 $case->name = $sugar_demodata['case_seed_names'][mt_rand(0, 4)];
 $case->assigned_user_id = $account->assigned_user_id;
 $case->assigned_user_name = $account->assigned_user_name;
 // Create a bug for the account
 $bug = new Bug();
 $bug->account_id = $account->id;
 $bug->priority = array_rand($app_list_strings['bug_priority_dom']);
 $bug->status = array_rand($app_list_strings['bug_status_dom']);
 $bug->name = $sugar_demodata['bug_seed_names'][mt_rand(0, 4)];
 $bug->assigned_user_id = $account->assigned_user_id;
 $bug->assigned_user_name = $account->assigned_user_name;
 $note = new Note();
 $note->parent_type = 'Accounts';
 $note->parent_id = $account->id;
 $seed_data_index = mt_rand(0, 3);
 $note->name = $sugar_demodata['note_seed_names_and_Descriptions'][$seed_data_index][0];
 $note->description = $sugar_demodata['note_seed_names_and_Descriptions'][$seed_data_index][1];
 $note->assigned_user_id = $account->assigned_user_id;
 $note->assigned_user_name = $account->assigned_user_name;
Beispiel #29
function bug_by_search($name, $where = '', $msi_id = '0')
    $seed = new Bug();
    if (!$seed->ACLAccess('ListView')) {
        return array();
    if ($where == '') {
        $where = $seed->build_generic_where_clause($name);
    $response = $seed->get_list("name", $where, 0);
    $list = $response['list'];
    $output_list = array();
    // create a return array of names and email addresses.
    foreach ($list as $value) {
        $output_list[] = get_bean_array($value, $msi_id, 'Bug');
    return $output_list;
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * All copies of the Covered Code must include on each user interface screen:
 *    (i) the "Powered by SugarCRM" logo and
 *    (ii) the SugarCRM copyright notice
 * in the same form as they appear in the distribution.  See full license for
 * requirements.
 * The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
 * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) 2004-2006 SugarCRM, Inc.;
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
 * Description:  TODO: To be written.
 * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
require_once 'modules/Bugs/Bug.php';
global $mod_strings;
$focus = new Bug();
if (!isset($_REQUEST['record'])) {
header("Location: index.php?module=" . $_REQUEST['return_module'] . "&action=" . $_REQUEST['return_action'] . "&record=" . $_REQUEST['return_id']);