  * Add notification for the users whose 'My post approved' set 1.
  * @param Int $ownerID
  * @param Int $topicID
  * @param Int $replyID
 public function addNotificationsForPendingPost($ownerID, $topicID, $replyID = null)
     global $db, $BUCKYS_GLOBALS;
     $forumSettings = BuckysUser::getUserForumSettings($ownerID);
     $activity = new BuckysActivity();
     if ($forumSettings['notifyRepliedToMyTopic']) {
         if ($replyID == null) {
             $activity->addActivity($ownerID, $topicID, 'forum', BuckysForumNotification::ACTION_TYPE_TOPIC_APPROVED, 0);
         } else {
             $activity->addActivity($ownerID, $topicID, 'forum', BuckysForumNotification::ACTION_TYPE_REPLY_APPROVED, $replyID);
     return true;
  * It will create Notification on Activities table
  * @param integer $userID
  * @param integer $senderID   (the man who creates this alert)
  * @param string  $actionType : one of action types (const defined for this class)
  * @param integer $actionID   : related trade offer,  feedback ID
 function createNotification($userID, $senderID, $actionType, $actionID)
     //Check if this user will get this notification. (it will be set by Notification setting page)
     $tradeUserIns = new BuckysTradeUser();
     $userData = $tradeUserIns->getUserByID($userID);
     $flagEnabled = 0;
     // user checked that he didn't want to have this notification
     switch ($actionType) {
         case BuckysActivity::ACTION_TYPE_OFFER_ACCEPTED:
             $notificationType = BuckysActivity::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_OFFER_ACCEPTED;
             $flagEnabled = $userData['optOfferAccepted'];
         case BuckysActivity::ACTION_TYPE_OFFER_RECEIVED:
             $notificationType = BuckysActivity::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_OFFER_RECEIVED;
             $flagEnabled = $userData['optOfferReceived'];
         case BuckysActivity::ACTION_TYPE_OFFER_DECLINED:
             $notificationType = BuckysActivity::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_OFFER_DECLINED;
             $flagEnabled = $userData['optOfferDeclined'];
         case BuckysActivity::ACTION_TYPE_FEEDBACK:
             $notificationType = BuckysActivity::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_OFFER_FEEDBACK;
             $flagEnabled = $userData['optFeedbackReceived'];
     if ($flagEnabled == 1) {
         //Create Notification.
         $activityIns = new BuckysActivity();
         $activityId = $activityIns->addActivity($userID, $senderID, $this->objectType, $actionType, $actionID);
         $activityIns->addNotification($userID, $activityId, $notificationType);
  * Save Comment
  * @param Int $userID
  * @param Int $postID
  * @param String $comment
 public function saveComments($userID, $postID, $comment)
     global $db;
     $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $newId = $db->insertFromArray(TABLE_COMMENTS, array('postID' => $postID, 'commenter' => $userID, 'content' => $comment, 'posted_date' => $now));
     if (buckys_not_null($newId)) {
         //Update comments on the posts table
         $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `comments`=`comments` + 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID);
         //Add Activity
         BuckysActivity::addActivity($userID, $postID, 'post', 'comment', $newId);
         //Increase Hits
         BuckysHit::addHit($postID, $userID);
     return $newId;
  * It will create Notification on Activities table
  * @param integer $userID
  * @param integer $senderID   (the man who creates this alert)
  * @param string  $actionType : one of action types (const defined for this class)
  * @param integer $actionID   : related shop order ID
 function createNotification($userID, $senderID, $actionType, $actionID)
     //Check if this user will get this notification. (it will be set by Notification setting page)
     $userIns = new BuckysTradeUser();
     $userData = $userIns->getUserByID($userID);
     $flagEnabled = 0;
     // user checked that he didn't want to have this notification
     switch ($actionType) {
         case BuckysActivity::ACTION_TYPE_PRODUCT_SOLD:
             $flagEnabled = $userData['optProductSoldOnShop'];
     if ($flagEnabled == 1) {
         //Create Notification.
         $activityIns = new BuckysActivity();
         $activityId = $activityIns->addActivity($userID, $senderID, $this->objectType, $actionType, $actionID);
         $activityIns->addNotification($userID, $activityId, BuckysActivity::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PRODUCT_SOLD);
  * Save Comment
  * @param Int    $userID
  * @param Int    $postID
  * @param String $comment
  * @return int|null|string
 public static function saveComments($userID, $postID, $comment, $image = null)
     global $db;
     $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     if ($image != null) {
         if (file_exists(DIR_FS_PHOTO_TMP . $image)) {
             list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(DIR_FS_PHOTO_TMP . $image);
             if ($width > MAX_COMMENT_IMAGE_WIDTH) {
                 $height = $height * (MAX_COMMENT_IMAGE_WIDTH / $width);
                 $width = MAX_COMMENT_IMAGE_WIDTH;
             if ($height > MAX_COMMENT_IMAGE_HEIGHT) {
                 $width = $width * (MAX_COMMENT_IMAGE_HEIGHT / $height);
                 $height = MAX_COMMENT_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
             BuckysPost::moveFileFromTmpToUserFolder($userID, $image, $width, $height, 0, 0);
         } else {
             $image = null;
     $newId = $db->insertFromArray(TABLE_COMMENTS, ['postID' => $postID, 'commenter' => $userID, 'content' => $comment, 'image' => $image, 'posted_date' => $now]);
     if (buckys_not_null($newId)) {
         $postData = BuckysPost::getPostById($postID);
         //Update comments on the posts table
         $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `comments`=`comments` + 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID);
         //Add Activity
         $activityID = BuckysActivity::addActivity($userID, $postID, 'post', 'comment', $newId);
         //Add Notification
         if ($postData['poster'] != $userID) {
             BuckysActivity::addNotification($postData['poster'], $activityID, BuckysActivity::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_COMMENT_TO_POST);
         //Get Already Commented users which commentToComment is 1
         $query = $db->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT(pc.commenter), IFNULL(un.notifyCommentToMyComment, 1) AS notifyCommentToMyComment FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " AS pc LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_USERS_NOTIFY_SETTINGS . " AS un ON pc.commenter = un.userID WHERE pc.postID=%d AND pc.commenter != %d AND IFNULL(un.notifyCommentToMyComment, 1) > 0", $postID, $userID);
         $rows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             BuckysActivity::addNotification($row['commenter'], $activityID, BuckysActivity::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_COMMENT_TO_COMMENT);
         //Increase Hits
         BuckysHit::addHit($postID, $userID);
         //Update User Stats
         BuckysUser::updateStats($postData['poster'], 'comments', 1);
     return $newId;
  * Like Post
  * @param int $userID
  * @param int $postID
  * @param $action
  * @param bool $checkToken
  * @return bool|int|null|string
 public static function likePost($userID, $postID, $action, $checkToken = true)
     global $db;
     $post = BuckysPost::getPostById($postID);
     if ($checkToken && !buckys_check_form_token('request')) {
         buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
         return false;
     if (!$post || $post['poster'] == $userID) {
         buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
         return false;
     if ($post['visibility'] == 0 && !BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $post['poster'])) {
         buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
         return false;
     if (!BuckysUsersDailyActivity::checkUserDailyLimit($userID, 'likes')) {
         return false;
     //Check already like it or not
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT likeID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%s AND postID=%s", $userID, $postID);
     $likeId = $db->getVar($query);
     if ($action == 'likePost') {
         if ($likeId) {
             buckys_add_message(MSG_ALREADY_LIKED_POST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
             return false;
         //Like This post
         $rs = $db->insertFromArray(TABLE_POSTS_LIKES, ['userID' => $userID, 'postID' => $postID]);
         //Update likes on the posts table
         $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `likes`=`likes` + 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID);
         //Add Activity
         $activityId = BuckysActivity::addActivity($userID, $postID, 'post', 'like', $rs);
         //Add Notification
         BuckysActivity::addNotification($post['poster'], $activityId, BuckysActivity::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_LIKE_POST);
         //Increase Hits
         BuckysHit::addHit($postID, $userID);
         //Update User Stats
         BuckysUser::updateStats($post['poster'], 'likes', 1);
         return $rs;
     } else {
         if ($action == 'unlikePost') {
             if (!$likeId) {
                 buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
                 return false;
             $query = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%s AND postID=%s", $userID, $postID);
             //Update likes on the posts table
             $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `likes`=`likes` - 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID);
             //Increase Hits
             BuckysHit::removeHit($postID, $userID);
             //Update User Stats
             BuckysUser::updateStats($post['poster'], 'likes', -1);
             return true;
  * Like Post
  * @param int $userID
  * @param int $postID
 public function likePost($userID, $postID, $action)
     global $db;
     $post = BuckysPost::getPostById($postID);
     if (!$post || $post['poster'] == $userID) {
         buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
         return false;
     if ($post['visibility'] == 0 && !BuckysFriend::isFriend($userID, $post['poster'])) {
         buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
         return false;
     //Check already like it or not
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT likeID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%s AND postID=%s", $userID, $postID);
     $likeId = $db->getVar($query);
     if ($action == 'likePost') {
         if ($likeId) {
             buckys_add_message(MSG_ALREADY_LIKED_POST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
             return false;
         //Like This post
         $rs = $db->insertFromArray(TABLE_POSTS_LIKES, array('userID' => $userID, 'postID' => $postID));
         //Update likes on the posts table
         $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `likes`=`likes` + 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID);
         //Add Activity
         BuckysActivity::addActivity($userID, $postID, 'post', 'like', $rs);
         //Increase Hits
         BuckysHit::addHit($postID, $userID);
         return $rs;
     } else {
         if ($action == 'unlikePost') {
             if (!$likeId) {
                 buckys_add_message(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
                 return false;
             $query = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%s AND postID=%s", $userID, $postID);
             //Update likes on the posts table
             $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . TABLE_POSTS . ' SET `likes`=`likes` - 1 WHERE postID=%d', $postID);
             //Increase Hits
             BuckysHit::removeHit($postID, $userID);
             return true;