$visitsByBrowser = $visitGate->getCountPercentageBy('browser_id');
$visitsByBrand = $visitGate->getCountPercentageBy('device_brand_id');
$continentResult = $continentGate->findAllSorted(true);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="mui-row">
    <div class="mui-col-md-6">
        <div class="mui-panel left top">
		<!-- Dashboard Panel 1: Percentage of Visits by Browser -->

echo "<table class='mui-table' id='testtable'><thead><tr><th>Browser</th><th>Percentage of Visits</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
foreach ($visitsByBrowser as $row) {
    $browser = $browserGate->findById($row['browser_id']);
    echo "<tr><td>" . $browser->name . "</td><td>" . $row['percentage'] . "%</td></tr>";
echo "</tbody></table>";
        <div class="mui-panel left bottom">
		<!-- Dashboard Panel 2: Number of Visits by Device Brand -->
echo "<h3>Number of visits:<span id='showVisits'></span></h3>";
echo "<div class='mui-select' ><select id='brandList'><option value=''>Select a Brand:</option>";
foreach ($visitsByBrand as $row) {
    $brand = $brandGate->findById($row['device_brand_id']);

<h1> Table Gateways Tester </h1>

echo '<hr/>';
echo '<h2>Test BrowserTableGateway</h2>';
echo '<h3>Test findAll()</h3>';
$gate = new BrowserTableGateway($dbAdapter);
$result = $gate->findAll();
foreach ($result as $row) {
    echo $row->id . " - " . $row->name . "<br/>";
echo '<h3>Test findById(3)</h3>';
$result = $gate->findById(3);
echo $result->id . " - " . $result->name;
echo '<hr/>';
echo '<h2>Test DeviceBrandTableGateway</h2>';
echo '<h3>Test findAllSorted()</h3>';
$gate = new DeviceBrandTableGateway($dbAdapter);
$result = $gate->findAllSorted(true);
foreach ($result as $row) {
    echo $row->id . " - " . $row->name . "<br/>";
echo '<h3>Test findById(11)</h3>';
$result = $gate->findById(11);
echo $result->id . " - " . $result->name;
// all done close connection