public function setMessageError($e) { if (strpos($e->getMessage(), "Error while registrating")) { self::$saveBookName = strip_tags(self::$saveBookName); } self::$bookNameID = $e->getMessage(); }
<?php /** * Enter description here... * * @author Administrator * @package defaultPackage * @rcsfile $RCSfile: search.php,v $ * @revision $Revision: 1.1 $ * @date $Date: 2009/08/04 04:06:24 $ */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/"; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/story.view.class.php'; $kws = array(); if (!empty($id)) { $kws['id'] = intval($id); } if (!empty($keyword)) { $kws['keyword'] = html2text($keyword); } if (!empty($author)) { $kws['author'] = html2text($author); } if (count($kws) == 0) { ParamError(); } $bv = new BookView(0, 'search', $kws); $bv->Display(); $bv->Close();
if (!$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inQuery)) { ShowMsg("把数据保存到数据库时出错,请检查!" . str_repolace("'", "`", $dsql->GetError() . $inQuery), "-1"); $dsql->Close(); exit; } $arcID = $cid; //生成HTML //--------------------------------- //$artUrl = MakeArt($arcID,true); if (empty($artcontentUrl)) { $artcontentUrl = ""; } if ($artcontentUrl == "") { $artcontentUrl = $cfg_mainsite . $cfg_cmspath . "/book/show-photo.php?id={$arcID}&bookid={$bookid}&chapterid={$chapterid}"; } require_once DEDEROOT . '/book/include/story.view.class.php'; $bv = new BookView($bookid, 'book'); $artUrl = $bv->MakeHtml(); $bv->Close(); //--------------------------------- //返回成功信息 //---------------------------------- $msg = "\n 请选择你的后续操作:\n<a href='story_photo_edit.php?cid={$cid}'><u>继续修改</u></a>\n \n<a href='{$artUrl}' target='_blank'><u>预览漫画</u></a>\n \n<a href='{$artcontentUrl}' target='_blank'><u>预览内容</u></a>\n \n<a href='story_list_content.php?bookid={$bookid}'><u>管理所有内容</u></a>\n \n<a href='story_books.php'><u>管理所有图书</u></a>\n"; $wintitle = "成功修改内容!"; $wecome_info = "连载管理::修改漫画内容"; $win = new OxWindow(); $win->AddTitle("成功发布漫画:"); $win->AddMsgItem($msg); $winform = $win->GetWindow("hand", " ", false); $win->Display(); //ClearAllLink();
$addquery .= " And bid<='{$endid}' "; } if (!empty($catid)) { $addquery .= " And (catid='{$catid}' Or bcatid='{$catid}') "; } if (empty($makenum)) { $makenum = 50; } $dsql->SetQuery("Select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS bid From #@__story_books where {$addquery} limit {$start},{$makenum} "); $dsql->Execute(); $n = 0; $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as dd "); $limitrow = $row['dd']; while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { $start++; $bv = new BookView($row->bid, 'book'); $artUrl = $bv->MakeHtml(false); //echo "更新: <a href='$artUrl' target='_blank'>{$bv->Fields['bookname']}</a> OK!<br />\r\n"; //echo $row->bid." - "; } if ($start >= $limitrow) { ShowMsg("完成所有HTML的更新!", "javascript:;"); } else { $hasMake = $limitrow - $start; if ($limitrow > 0) { $proportion = 100 - ceil($hasMake / $limitrow * 100); } ShowMsg("已更新至:{$proportion}% 继续更新其它内容...", "makehtml_story.php?start={$start}&action=make&startid={$startid}&endid={$endid}&catid={$catid}&makenum={$makenum}"); } exit; }