Beispiel #1
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $users = User::all();
     $book_count = Book::all()->count();
     $chapter_count = Chapter::all()->count();
     return View::make('admin.admin_panel', array('pageTitle' => 'Admin Panel', 'users' => $users, 'book_count' => $book_count, 'chapter_count' => $chapter_count));
 public static function sandbox()
     // Testaa koodiasi täällä
     $torakat = Book::find(1);
     $books = Book::all();
 public function test_delete_by_find_all()
     $books = Book::all();
     foreach ($books as $model) {
     $res = Book::all();
     $this->assert_equals(0, count($res));
 public static function firstPageBooks()
     //now this method searches all the books just like "listingBooks" -method,
     //but later on (when we have more books in the database), this method wants some
     //subset of books (like every books that start with "s", or most favourite books or books selected by admin or...)
     $books = Book::all();
     //        self::sort_books($books);
     View::make('general/firstpage.html', array('books' => $books));
 public function collections()
     $collection = Book::all();
     //echo Pre::render($collection);
     # The many faces of a Eloquent Collection object...
     # Treat it like a string:
     echo $collection;
     # Treat it like an array:
     //foreach($collection as $book) {
     //	echo $book['title']."<br>";
     # Treat it like an object:
     //foreach($collection as $book) {
     // echo $book->title."<br>";
Beispiel #6
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     //getting all books from the table
     $books = Book::all();
     $isbn_list = array();
     //getting all ISBNs into a single array
     foreach ($books as $book) {
         array_push($isbn_list, $book->isbn);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
         $fake_library_id = $faker->numberBetween(1, 10);
         $fake_book_isbn = $faker->randomElement($isbn_list);
         //checking for duplications
         if (LibraryBooks::where('user_id', '=', $fake_library_id)->where('book_isbn', '=', $fake_book_isbn)->count() > 0) {
         LibraryBooks::create(array('user_id' => $fake_library_id, 'book_isbn' => $fake_book_isbn, 'copies_no' => $faker->numerify('##')));
Beispiel #7

// Modelo de objetos que se corresponde con la tabla de MySQL
class Book extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    public $timestamps = false;
// Añadir el resto del código aquí
$app->get('/books', function () use($app) {
    // Creamos un objeto collection + json con la lista de películas
    // Obtenemos el objeto request, que representa la petición HTTP
    $req = $app->request;
    // Obtenemos la ruta absoluta de este recurso
    $absUrl = $req->getScheme() . "://" . $req->getHost() . $req->getRootUri() . $req->getResourceUri();
    // Obtenemos la lista de los libros de la base de datos y la convertimos del formato Json (el devuelto por Eloquent) a un array PHP
    $libros = json_decode(\Book::all());
    $app->view()->setData(array('url' => $absUrl, 'items' => $libros));
    // Mostramos la vista
/*  Obtención de un libro en concreto  */
$app->get('/books/:name', function ($name) use($app) {
    // Creamos un objeto collection + json con el libro pasado como parámetro
    // Obtenemos el objeto request, que representa la petición HTTP
    $req = $app->request;
    // Obtenemos la ruta absoluta de este recurso
    $absUrl = $req->getScheme() . "://" . $req->getHost() . $req->getRootUri() . $req->getResourceUri();
    // Obtenemos el libro de la base de datos a partir de su id y la convertimos del formato Json (el devuelto por Eloquent) a un array PHP
    $p = \book::find($name);
    $libro = json_decode($p);
    $app->view()->setData(array('url' => preg_replace('/' . preg_quote('/' . $name, '/') . '$/', '', $absUrl), 'item' => $libro));
 public function testDeleteByFindAll()
     $books = Book::all();
     foreach ($books as $model) {
     $res = Book::all();
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($res));
Beispiel #9
 public function home()
     $rs = Book::all();
     $data = $rs->toArray();
     echo View::getView()->make('home', array('data' => $data))->render();
Beispiel #10
        echo "[]";
$app->post('/books', function () use($app) {
    $title = $app->request->post('title');
    $author = $app->request->post('author');
    $year = $app->request->post('year');
    // Or create a new book
    $book = new Book(array('title' => $title, 'author' => $author, 'year' => $year));
    echo $book->toJson();
$app->delete('/books/:id', function ($book_id) use($app) {
    $book = Book::find($book_id);
    $books = Book::all();
    echo $books->toJson();
$app->put('/books/:id', function ($book_id) use($app) {
    $title = $app->request->put('title');
    $author = $app->request->put('author');
    $year = $app->request->put('year');
    $book = Book::find($book_id);
    if ($book != null) {
        $book->id = $book_id;
        $book->title = $title;
        $book->author = $author;
        $book->year = $year;
        echo $book->toJson() . $book_id . $title . $author . $year . $book->author . $book->id;
Beispiel #11
 public function submit()
     $books = Book::all();
     return $this->response->withCollection($books, new BookTransformer());
Beispiel #12

// Modelo de objetos que se corresponde con la tabla de MySQL
class Book extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    public $timestamps = false;
/* Obtención de la lista de libros */
$app->get('/books', function () use($app) {
    // Creamos un objeto collection + json con la lista de libros
    // Obtenemos el objeto request, que representa la petición HTTP
    $req = $app->request;
    // Obtenemos la ruta absoluta de este recurso
    $absUrl = $req->getScheme() . "://" . $req->getHost() . $req->getRootUri() . $req->getResourceUri();
    // Obtenemos la lista de librosde la base de datos y la convertimos del formato Json (el devuelto por Eloquent) a un array PHP
    $books = json_decode(\Book::all());
    $app->view()->setData(array('url' => $absUrl, 'items' => $books));
    // Mostramos la vista
/*  Obtención de un libro en concreto  */
$app->get('/books/:name', function ($name) use($app) {
    // Creamos un objeto collection + json con la película pasada como parámetro
    // Obtenemos el objeto request, que representa la petición HTTP
    $req = $app->request;
    // Obtenemos la ruta absoluta de este recurso
    $absUrl = $req->getScheme() . "://" . $req->getHost() . $req->getRootUri() . $req->getResourceUri();
    // Obtenemos la película de la base de datos a partir de su id y la convertimos del formato Json (el devuelto por Eloquent) a un array PHP
    $p = \Book::find($name);
    $libro = json_decode($p);
    $app->view()->setData(array('url' => preg_replace('/' . preg_quote('/' . $name, '/') . '$/', '', $absUrl), 'item' => $libro));
  * Get all books
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $books = Book::all();
     return Response::json(['data' => $books]);
function index()
    global $twig;
    $books = new Book();
    echo $twig->render('books_list.html', array('books' => $books->all()));
 public static function index()
     $books = Book::all();
     View::make('book/index.html', array('books' => $books));