<?php /* $this->start = Carbon::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d', $start ); $this->end = Carbon::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d', $end ); $this->nights = $this->start->diffInDays( $this->end, false ); $this->property = $this->getProperty(); $this->min_nights = $this->getMinNights(); $this->max_nights = $this->getMaxNights(); $this->min_guests = $this->getMinGuests(); $this->max_guests = $this->getMaxGuests(); $this->booking_interval = $this->getBookingInterval(); $this->bookable = $this->getBookable(); */ $booking = new BonsaiBooking(75, 2, '2013-06-28', '2013-06-29'); echo $booking->calculateTotalPrice();
<?php /* Template Name: Booking Page */ if (!empty($_GET['overview'])) { $modify_url = get_permalink() . '/?' . str_replace('&overview=true', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $booking = new BonsaiBooking($_GET['_est_property_id'], $_GET['_est_guests'], $_GET['_est_start'], $_GET['_est_end']); $booking->checkBooking(); if (empty($_GET['_est_name'])) { $booking->errors->addError('Please tell us your name', 'To complete your booking we need to know your name, please full the field out', 'Name', __LINE__); } if (empty($_GET['_est_email'])) { $booking->errors->addError('Please tell us your email', 'To complete your booking we need to know your email, please full the field out', 'Email', __LINE__); } if ($booking->errors->hasError()) { $_SESSION['booking'] = $booking; header('Location: ' . $modify_url); } } get_header(); ?> <div class='row mt44'> <div class='large-9 small-12 columns centered small-centered'> <h1 class='floating-title mb44'><?php the_title(); ?> </h1> <?php if (!empty($_GET['_est_property_id']) and empty($_GET['est_success'])) {
function est_intercept_ipn() { $data = wp_parse_args($_POST['custom']); $data['_est_email'] = $_POST['payer_email']; $details = array('_est_name' => $data['n'], '_est_email' => $_POST['e'], '_est_phone' => $data['p']); $booking = new BonsaiBooking($data['_est_property_id'], $data['_est_guests'], $data['_est_start'], $data['_est_end'], $details); if (!empty($_POST['e'])) { $_POST['_est_email'] = $_POST['e']; } $booking_id = $booking->insertBooking($_POST); est_send_booking_emails($booking_id, $data); }