Beispiel #1
 public function commit()
     if (empty($this->dirty)) {
     $new = empty($this->id);
     // Now fix up the text in case there were any embedded images.
     // Do this after saving because we may not have an artefactid yet.
     // This will add a record to the artefact_file_embedded table
     // for each file that is embedded in the feedback text.
     require_once 'embeddedimage.php';
     $newtext = EmbeddedImage::prepare_embedded_images($this->get('description'), 'annotationfeedback', $this->id);
     if ($newtext !== false && $newtext !== $this->get('description')) {
         $updatedartefact = new stdClass();
         $updatedartefact->id = $this->get('id');
         $updatedartefact->description = $newtext;
         update_record('artefact', $updatedartefact, 'id');
     $data = (object) array('artefact' => $this->get('id'), 'onannotation' => $this->get('onannotation'), 'private' => $this->get('private'), 'deletedby' => $this->get('deletedby'), 'requestpublic' => $this->get('requestpublic'));
     if ($this->get('lastcontentupdate')) {
         $data->lastcontentupdate = db_format_timestamp($this->get('lastcontentupdate'));
     if ($new) {
         insert_record('artefact_annotation_feedback', $data);
     } else {
         update_record('artefact_annotation_feedback', $data, 'artefact');
     // Get the block instance that contains this artefact
     // so we can add to the view any artefacts containted in the feedback text
     // as well as the feedback itself.
     $sql = "SELECT bi.*\n                FROM {block_instance} bi\n                INNER JOIN {view_artefact} va ON va.view = bi.view\n                WHERE bi.blocktype = 'annotation'\n                AND va.artefact = ?";
     if ($blocks = get_records_sql_array($sql, array($this->get('onannotation')))) {
         require_once get_config('docroot') . 'blocktype/lib.php';
         foreach ($blocks as $bi) {
             $block = new BlockInstance($bi->id);
             $blockconfig = $block->get('configdata');
             if (isset($blockconfig['artefactid']) && $blockconfig['artefactid'] == $this->get('onannotation')) {
                 // Currently, all annotations can only exist on views.
                 // But, put the check anyway.
                 if ($block->get('view')) {
                     // We found the annotation we're inputting feedback for.
                     // Rebuild the block's list and break out of the loop.
                     //                         Otherwise, we can do this but any images that were deleted while editing will still exist.
                     //                         if (count_records_select('view_artefact', "view = {$block->get('view')} AND block = {$block->get('id')} AND artefact = {$this->get('id')}") == 0) {
                     //                             // Insert the feedback record in the view_artefact table.
                     //                             $va = new StdClass;
                     //                             $va->view = $block->get('view');
                     //                             $va->block = $block->get('id');
                     //                             // this is the feedback id that was just inserted/updated.
                     //                             $va->artefact = $this->get('id');
                     //                             insert_record('view_artefact', $va);
                     //                         }
                     //                         // Get any artefacts (i.e. images) that may have been embedded
                     //                         // in the feedback text.
                     //                         $feedbackartefacts = artefact_get_references_in_html($this->get('description'));
                     //                         if (count($feedbackartefacts) > 0) {
                     //                             // Get list of allowed artefacts.
                     //                             // Please note that images owned by other users that are place on feedback
                     //                             // will not be part of the view_artefact because the owner of the
                     //                             // annotation does not own the image being placed on the feedback.
                     //                             // Therefore, when exported as Leap2A, these images will not come through.
                     //                             require_once('view.php');
                     //                             $searchdata = array(
                     //                                             'extraselect'          => array(array('fieldname' => 'id', 'type' => 'int', 'values' => $feedbackartefacts)),
                     //                                             'userartefactsallowed' => true,  // If this is a group view, the user can add personally owned artefacts
                     //                             );
                     //                             $view = $block->get_view();
                     //                             list($allowedfeedbackartefacts, $count) = View::get_artefactchooser_artefacts(
                     //                                     $searchdata,
                     //                                     $view->get('owner'),
                     //                                     $view->get('group'),
                     //                                     $view->get('institution'),
                     //                                     true
                     //                             );
                     //                             foreach ($feedbackartefacts as $id) {
                     //                                 $va = new StdClass;
                     //                                 $va->view = $block->get('view');
                     //                                 $va->block = $block->get('id');
                     //                                 if (isset($allowedfeedbackartefacts[$id]) || isset($old[$id])) {
                     //                                     // only insert artefacts that the view can actually own
                     //                                     // and which are not already in the view_artefact table.
                     //                                     $va->artefact = $id;
                     //                                     if (count_records_select('view_artefact', "view = {$block->get('view')} AND block = {$block->get('id')} AND artefact = {$id}") == 0) {
                     //                                         insert_record('view_artefact', $va);
                     //                                     }
                     //                                 }
                     //                             }
                     //                         }
     $this->dirty = false;
Beispiel #2
  * This method extends ArtefactType::commit() by adding additional data
  * into the artefact_blog_blogpost table.
  * This method also works out what blockinstances this blogpost is in, and
  * informs them that they should re-check what artefacts they have in them.
  * The post content may now link to different artefacts. See {@link
  * PluginBlocktypeBlogPost::get_artefacts for more information}
 protected function postcommit_hook($new)
     require_once get_config('docroot') . 'blocktype/lib.php';
     require_once get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/blog/blocktype/taggedposts/lib.php';
     $data = (object) array('blogpost' => $this->get('id'), 'published' => $this->get('published') ? 1 : 0);
     if ($new) {
         insert_record('artefact_blog_blogpost', $data);
     } else {
         update_record('artefact_blog_blogpost', $data, 'blogpost');
     // We want to get all blockinstances that may contain this blog post. That is currently:
     // 1) All blogpost blocktypes with this post in it
     // 2) All blog blocktypes with this posts's blog in it
     // 3) All recentposts blocktypes with this post's blog in it
     // 4) All taggedposts blocktypes with this post's tags
     $blocks = (array) get_column_sql('SELECT block
         FROM {view_artefact}
         WHERE artefact = ?
         OR artefact = ?', array($this->get('id'), $this->get('parent')));
     if (!$blocks) {
         $blocks = array();
     // Get all "tagged blog entries" blocks that may contain this block
     // (we'll just check for a single matching tag here, and let each block
     // instance further down decide whether or not it matches
     $tags = $this->get('tags');
     if ($tags) {
         $blocks = array_merge($blocks, PluginBlocktypeTaggedposts::find_matching_blocks($tags));
     // Now rebuild the list of which artefacts these blocks contain
     // in the view_artefacts table. (This is used for watchlist notifications)
     if ($blocks) {
         foreach ($blocks as $id) {
             $instance = new BlockInstance($id);
Beispiel #3
  * Creates a View for the given user, based off a given template and other
  * View information supplied.
  * Will set a default title of 'Copy of $viewtitle' if title is not
  * specified in $viewdata and $titlefromtemplate == false.
  * @param array $viewdata See View::_create
  * @param int $templateid The ID of the View to copy
  * @param int $userid     The user who has issued the command to create the
  *                        view. See View::_create
  * @param int $checkaccess Whether to check that the user can see the view before copying it
  * @return array A list consisting of the new view, the template view and
  *               information about the copy - i.e. how many blocks and
  *               artefacts were copied
  * @throws SystemException under various circumstances, see the source for
  *                         more information
 public static function create_from_template($viewdata, $templateid, $userid = null, $checkaccess = true, $titlefromtemplate = false)
     if (is_null($userid)) {
         global $USER;
         $userid = $USER->get('id');
     $user = new User();
     $template = new View($templateid);
     if ($template->get('deleted')) {
         throw new SystemException("View::create_from_template: This template has been deleted");
     if ($checkaccess && !$template->get('template') && !$user->can_edit_view($template)) {
         throw new SystemException("View::create_from_template: Attempting to create a View from another View that is not marked as a template");
     } else {
         if ($checkaccess && !can_view_view($templateid, $userid)) {
             throw new SystemException("View::create_from_template: User {$userid} is not permitted to copy View {$templateid}");
     $view = self::_create($viewdata, $userid);
     // Set a default title if one wasn't set
     if ($titlefromtemplate) {
         $view->set('title', $template->get('title'));
     } else {
         if (!isset($viewdata['title']) && !($template->get('owner') == 0 && $template->get('type') == 'portfolio')) {
             $desiredtitle = $template->get('title');
             if (get_config('renamecopies')) {
                 $desiredtitle = get_string('Copyof', 'mahara', $desiredtitle);
             $view->set('title', self::new_title($desiredtitle, (object) $viewdata));
             $view->set('dirty', true);
     $view->urlid = generate_urlid($view->title, get_config('cleanurlviewdefault'), 3, 100);
     $viewdata['owner'] = $userid;
     $view->urlid = self::new_urlid($view->urlid, (object) $viewdata);
     try {
         $copystatus = $view->copy_contents($template);
     } catch (QuotaExceededException $e) {
         return array(null, $template, array('quotaexceeded' => true));
     // if layout is set, and it's not a default layout
     // add an entry to usr_custom_layout if one does not already exist
     if ($template->get('layout') !== null) {
         $customlayout = get_record('view_layout', 'id', $template->get('layout'), 'iscustom', 1);
         if ($customlayout !== false) {
             // is the owner of the copy going to be a group or institution or not?
             $owner = $view->owner;
             $group = $view->group;
             $institution = $view->institution;
             $haslayout = false;
             if (!empty($group)) {
                 $owner = null;
                 $haslayout = get_record('usr_custom_layout', 'layout', $template->get('layout'), 'group', $group);
             if (!empty($institution)) {
                 $owner = null;
                 $haslayout = get_record('usr_custom_layout', 'layout', $template->get('layout'), 'institution', $institution);
             } else {
                 if (isset($owner)) {
                     $haslayout = get_record('usr_custom_layout', 'layout', $template->get('layout'), 'usr', $owner);
             if (!$haslayout) {
                 $newcustomlayout = insert_record('usr_custom_layout', (object) array('usr' => $owner, 'group' => $group, 'institution' => $institution, 'layout' => $template->get('layout')));
     $blocks = get_records_array('block_instance', 'view', $view->get('id'));
     if ($blocks) {
         foreach ($blocks as $b) {
             // As some artefact references have been changed, e.g embedded images
             // we need to rebuild the artefact list for each block
             $bi = new BlockInstance($b->id);
             $configdata = unserialize($b->configdata);
             if (!isset($configdata['artefactid'])) {
             if (!isset($configdata['copytype']) || $configdata['copytype'] !== 'reference') {
             $va = new StdClass();
             $va->view = $b->view;
             $va->artefact = $configdata['artefactid'];
             $va->block = $b->id;
             insert_record('view_artefact', $va);
     if ($template->get('retainview') && !$template->get('institution')) {
         $obj = new StdClass();
         $obj->view = $view->get('id');
         $obj->ctime = db_format_timestamp(time());
         $obj->usr = $template->get('owner');
         $obj->group = $template->get('group');
         insert_record('view_access', $obj);
     return array($view, $template, $copystatus);
  * This method extends ArtefactType::commit() by adding additional data
  * into the artefact_blog_blogpost table.
  * This method also works out what blockinstances this blogpost is in, and 
  * informs them that they should re-check what artefacts they have in them.
  * The post content may now link to different artefacts. See {@link 
  * PluginBlocktypeBlogPost::get_artefacts for more information}
 public function commit()
     if (empty($this->dirty)) {
     $new = empty($this->id);
     $this->dirty = true;
     $data = (object) array('blogpost' => $this->get('id'), 'published' => $this->get('published') ? 1 : 0);
     if ($new) {
         insert_record('artefact_blog_blogpost', $data);
     } else {
         update_record('artefact_blog_blogpost', $data, 'blogpost');
     // We want to get all blockinstances that contain this blog post. That is currently:
     // 1) All blogpost blocktypes with this post in it
     // 2) All blog blocktypes with this posts's blog in it
     // With these, we tell them to rebuild what artefacts they have in them,
     // since the post content could have changed and now have links to
     // different artefacts in it
     $blockinstanceids = (array) get_column_sql('SELECT block
         FROM {view_artefact}
         WHERE artefact = ?
         OR artefact = ?', array($this->get('id'), $this->get('parent')));
     if ($blockinstanceids) {
         require_once get_config('docroot') . 'blocktype/lib.php';
         foreach ($blockinstanceids as $id) {
             $instance = new BlockInstance($id);
     $this->dirty = false;