<?php require_once MAPPER_PKG_PATH . 'BitMapper.php'; //defaults $mapper = new BitMapper(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['save'])) { if ($gBitSystem->isPackageActive('mapper')) { $mapper->storeSettings($_REQUEST); } } // assign to smarty $gBitSmarty->assign('mapperSettings', $mapper->mSettings);
<?php /** * get_content_list * * @author Christian Fowler> * @version $Revision$ * @package mapper * @subpackage functions */ /** * required setup */ require_once MAPPER_PKG_PATH . "BitMapper.php"; global $gContent; global $gLibertySystem; if (empty($gContent) || !is_object($gContent)) { $gContent = new BitMapper(); } $contentSelect = empty($_REQUEST['content_type']) ? NULL : $_REQUEST['content_type']; // get_content_list_inc doesn't use $_REQUEST parameters as it might not be the only list in the page that needs sorting and limiting $contentList = $gContent->getContentList($contentSelect, isset($offset_content) ? $offset_content : 0, isset($max_content) ? $max_content : 500, isset($content_sort_mode) ? $content_sort_mode : 'title_asc', empty($_REQUEST["find_objects"]) ? NULL : $_REQUEST["find_objects"], isset($_REQUEST['user_id']) ? $_REQUEST['user_id'] : NULL); $contentTypes = array(); foreach ($gLibertySystem->mContentTypes as $cType) { $contentTypes[$cType['content_type_guid']] = $gLibertySystem->getContentTypeName($cType['content_type_guid']); }