  * inserts data into the biblio_copy table
  * and create barcodes for the insterted titles
  * barcode is a 12 char code based on the book id
  * @param $data
  * @param $lastInsertID the last inserted id from the biblio table
  * @return nothing
 function insertBiblioCopy($data, $lastInsertID)
     $bibQ = new BiblioCopyQuery();
     $barcodenumber = $bibQ->getBarcodeNumber();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO biblio_copy (create_dt, bibid, barcode_nmbr, status_cd, status_begin_dt, copy_desc , locationid) VALUES ( ";
     $sql .= "'" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "','" . $lastInsertID . "','" . $barcodenumber . "','" . $data[3] . "','" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "','";
     $sql .= $data[7] . "','" . $data[8] . "' ) ";
     $r = $this->_act($sql);
     return $r;