Beispiel #1
  * execute
  * Main entry point, TaskManagerExecutor run this method
  * @access public
  * @author bartek@wikia
  * @author eloy@wikia
  * @param mixed $params default null: task params from wikia_tasks table
  * @return boolean: status of operation, true = success, false = failure
 function execute($params = null)
     global $wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath;
     $this->mTaskID = $params->task_id;
     $this->mParams = $params;
     $task_arguments = unserialize($params->task_arguments);
     $this->mSourceTaskId = $task_arguments["source-task-id"];
     $this->mTargetWikiId = $task_arguments["target-wiki-id"];
     #--- get data for previous task
     $oPreviousTask = BatchTask::newFromID($this->mSourceTaskId);
     if (is_null($oPreviousTask)) {
         $this->addLog("Previous task nr {$this->mSourceTaskId} doesn't exist in database");
         return false;
     $sWorkDir = $oPreviousTask->getTaskDirectory();
     $this->addLog("Opennig {$sWorkDir} directory");
     $i = 0;
     while (file_exists(sprintf("%s/%03d_dump.xml", $sWorkDir, $i))) {
         $phpFile = "php";
         $importDumpFile = $GLOBALS["IP"] . "/maintenance/importDump.php";
         $command = sprintf("SERVER_ID=%s %s %s --conf %s %s/%03d_dump.xml", $this->mTargetWikiId, $phpFile, $importDumpFile, $wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath, $sWorkDir, $i);
         $this->addLog("Running: {$command}");
         $out = wfShellExec($command, $retval);
     if (empty($i)) {
         $this->addLog("Nothing was imported. There is no dump file to process");
     return true;
  * execute
  * main entry point
  * @author Inez Korczynski (
  * @access publiic
  * @param array $params: task params
  * @return boolean: true if success, false otherwise
 function execute($params = null)
     global $wgExternalSharedDB;
     $aArgs = unserialize($params->task_arguments);
     $this->mTaskID = $params->task_id;
     $this->mSourceTaskId = $aArgs["source-task-id"];
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB);
     $oRes = $dbr->select("wikia_tasks", "task_arguments", array("task_id" => $this->mSourceTaskId), __METHOD__);
     $oRow = $dbr->fetchObject($oRes);
     $aArgsSource = unserialize($oRow->task_arguments);
     $this->mSourceUrl = $aArgsSource["source-wiki-url"];
     $oPreviousTask = BatchTask::newFromID($this->mSourceTaskId);
     $this->mPrevWorkDir = $oPreviousTask->getTaskDirectory();
     $this->addLog("Opening previous task directory {$this->mWorkDir}");
     $this->mWorkDir = $this->getTaskDirectory();
     $this->mSourceWikiUrl = $this->mSourceUrl;
     if ($this->exportPageList()) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * checkTTL
  * check grace period time for task type i.e. how long task can live
  * if time to live is longer that TTL value finish it with ERROR status
  * @access public
  * @author
  * @param array $ids: identifiers of running tasks
  * @return nothing
 public function checkTTL($ids)
     if (is_array($ids)) {
         foreach ($ids as $taskid) {
             $oTask = BatchTask::newFromID($taskid);
             if ($oTask && !empty($oTask->getData()->task_started)) {
                 $ttl = $oTask->getTTL();
                 $run = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $oTask->getData()->task_started);
                 $now = wfTimestamp();
                 if ($now - $run > $ttl) {
                     #--- kill him!
                     $oTask->addLog("TTL exceeded. Finished by task manager");
                      * alarm mail to ops
                 } else {
                     wfDebugLog("taskmanager", sprintf("Task %d (%s) live %ds, need %ds to kill.", $oTask->getData()->task_id, $oTask->getData()->task_type, $now - $run, $ttl), true);
             } else {
                 wfDebugLog("taskmanager", "strange error happen, in running task starting time is empty", true);
  * formatValue
  * @param string $field  field name
  * @param mixed  $value  value of field
  * @return string  HTML code for row
 function formatValue($field, $value)
     global $wgRequest;
     switch ($field) {
         case "task_status":
             $taskId = $this->mCurrentRow->task_id;
             $name = BatchTask::getStatusName($value);
             $offset = $wgRequest->getVal("offset", 0);
             $return = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl("action=log&id={$taskId}&offset={$offset}"), $name);
             // also, stuff to make a link for restore task as per #2478
             $taskType = $this->mCurrentRow->task_type;
             if (TASK_FINISHED_SUCCESS == $value && 'multidelete' == $taskType) {
                 $return .= sprintf("<br /><a href=\"%s\">undo</a>", $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl("action=undo&id={$taskId}"));
             return $return;
         case "task_actions":
             $iTaskID = $this->mCurrentRow->task_id;
             $iTaskStatus = $this->mCurrentRow->task_status;
             $sRetval = "";
             global $wgUser;
             if (!$wgUser->isAllowed('taskmanager-action')) {
                 return "";
             $offset = $wgRequest->getVal("offset", "");
             if ($offset !== "") {
                 $offset = "&offset={$offset}";
             switch ($iTaskStatus) {
                 case TASK_WAITING:
                     $sRetval .= sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src=\"/skins/common/images/media-playback-start.png\" title=\"Start\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>", $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl("action=start&id={$iTaskID}{$offset}"));
                 case TASK_STARTED:
                     $sRetval .= sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src=\"/skins/common/images/media-playback-stop.png\" title=\"Stop\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>", $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl("action=finish&id={$iTaskID}{$offset}"));
                 case TASK_QUEUED:
                     $sRetval .= sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src=\"/skins/common/images/media-playback-pause.png\" title=\"Stop\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>", $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl("action=stop&id={$iTaskID}{$offset}"));
                 case TASK_FINISHED_SUCCESS:
                 case TASK_FINISHED_ERROR:
                 case TASK_FINISHED_UNDO:
             $sRetval .= sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src=\"/skins/common/images/process-stop.png\" title=\"Remove\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t</a>", $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl("action=remove&id={$iTaskID}{$offset}"));
             return $sRetval;
         case "task_added":
         case "task_started":
         case "task_finished":
             if (empty($value)) {
                 return "<em>not yet</em>";
             } else {
                 return wfTimestamp(TS_EXIF, $value);
         case "task_type":
             $Task = BatchTask::newFromID($this->mCurrentRow->task_id);
             if (is_null($Task)) {
                 $description = Xml::element("span", null, "Unknown type");
             } else {
                 $description = "<span>" . $Task->getDescription() . "</span>";
             return $description;
         case "task_user_id":
             if ($value) {
                 $oUser = User::newFromId($value);
                 $label = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", $oUser->getUserPage()->getLocalUrl(), $oUser->getName());
             } else {
                 $label = "<b>Anonymous</b>";
             return $label;
             return $value;
  * getPreviousTaskDirectory
  * get proper folder for previous task
  * @author bartek@wikia
  * @author eloy@wikia
  * @return mixed: path to directory or null if not defined
 public function getPreviousTaskDirectory()
     $oPreviousTask = BatchTask::newFromID($this->mGrabberID);
     return $oPreviousTask->getTaskDirectory();