protected function refreshCurrentUser()
     $currUser = $this->getCurrentUser();
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `store` WHERE `ename`='{$currUser['ename']}' limit 1";
     $currUser = BaseData::sql($sql);
     if (!$currUser) {
         $_SESSION['manage_islogin'] = 0;
         $_SESSION['manage_user'] = array();
     $_SESSION['manage_user'] = $currUser[0];
     return $currUser[0];
  * 订单详情
 public function detailAction()
     $this->mustLogin = 1;
     $oid = $this->param('o', '');
     $details = array();
     $totalPrice = 0;
     if ($oid) {
         $oid = ComTool::escape($oid);
         $sql = "SELECT a.user_id,a.user_name,a.user_tel,a.user_addr,a.create_time,a.total_cost,a.`status`,b.order_id,b.good_id,b.good_name,b.amount,b.price FROM `order` a LEFT JOIN order_detail b on where'{$oid}' and a.`status`='1'";
         $details = BaseData::sql($sql);
         if ($details) {
             foreach ($details as $detail) {
                 $totalPrice += intval($detail['price'] * $detail['amount']);
     $this->assign('totalPrice', $totalPrice);
     $this->assign('details', $details);
Beispiel #3
 static function editStoreCate($data)
     $sql = "UPDATE `store_category` SET `name`='{$data['name']}',`desc`='{$data['desc']}',update_time='{$data['update_time']}' WHERE id='{$data['id']}' AND store_id='{$data['store_id']}'";
     $res = BaseData::sql($sql);
     return $res;
Beispiel #4
  * 小店登录
 public function manage_loginAction()
     $cookieName = "last_login_manage_acc";
     $lastLoginManageAcc = '';
     $lastLoginManageAcc = Cola_Ext_Cookie::get($cookieName);
     if (ComTool::isAjax()) {
         if (isset($_POST['captcha'])) {
             $captcha = trim($this->post('captcha'));
             if (!ComTool::checkCaptcha($captcha)) {
                 ComTool::ajax(100001, '验证码错误');
         $acc = trim($this->post('user'));
         $passwd = trim($this->post('passwd'));
         /* $token = trim ( $this->post ( 'token' ) );
            if (! $acc || ! $passwd || ! $token) {
                ComTool::ajax ( 100001, '参数错误6' );
            } */
         ComTool::checkMaxLen($acc, 32, '用户名最多32位');
         ComTool::checkMinMaxLen($passwd, 6, 16, '密码6-16位');
         $acc = ComTool::escape($acc);
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `store` WHERE `ename`='{$acc}' limit 1";
         $user = BaseData::sql($sql);
         if (empty($user)) {
             ComTool::ajax(100001, '帐号或密码错误');
         $user = $user[0];
         /* $token = base64_decode ( $token ); */
         if (md5($passwd) != $user['passwd']) {
             ComTool::ajax(100001, '帐号或密码错误');
         /* if ($token != $user ['secret']) {
                ComTool::ajax ( 100001, '参数错误1' );
            } */
         Cola_Ext_Cookie::set($cookieName, $acc, 2592000);
         $_SESSION['manage_islogin'] = 1;
         $_SESSION['manage_user'] = $user;
         $returnUrl = $this->urlroot . 'shop';
         ComTool::ajax(100000, '登录成功,即将跳转', $returnUrl);
     /* $token = $this->get ( 'token', '' );
        if (! $token) {
            ComTool::redirect ( ComTool::url ( 'acc/login' ) );
        } */
     $returnUrl = urldecode($this->get('returnUrl', ''));
     $this->assign('lastLoginAcc', $lastLoginManageAcc);
     $this->assign('returnUrl', $returnUrl);
     //$this->assign ( 'token', base64_encode ( $token ) );
Beispiel #5
  * 删除商品
 public function delGoodAction()
     $currUser = $this->getCurrentUser();
     if (ComTool::isAjax()) {
         $gid = intval($this->post('gid', 0));
         $sql = "DELETE FROM `store_goods` WHERE id='{$gid}' and store_id='{$currUser['id']}';";
         $res = BaseData::sql($sql);
         if ($res === false) {
             ComTool::ajax(100001, '服务器忙,请刷新重试');
         ComTool::ajax(100000, '操作成功');