public function icView($id) { /* * Loading libraries and helpers */ $this->load->library(array('rb', 'session')); $this->load->helper(array('form')); /* * User has auth to do this? */ if (!parent::_hasAuth('view_ic', $this->session->userdata('user_ic'))) { echo "Você não tem permissão para realizar este procedimento."; exit; } /* * Retrieving the IC */ $g = R::findOne('ic', 'id=? AND active!="no" ', array($id)); /* * Can user access this IC? */ $tmp = R::findOne('ic', 'id=?', array($this->session->userdata('user_ic'))); if ($tmp->master != 'yes') { if ($this->session->userdata('user_ic') != $id) { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', 'Você não tem autorização realizar esta ação neste Centro de Informação'); redirect('dashboard/ic'); } } /* * Verifying if ic exists */ if ($g == NULL) { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', 'O centro de informação solicitado para visualização não existe.'); redirect('dashboard/ic'); } /* * Loading views */ $this->load->view('dashboard/template/header'); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/menu', array('menu' => parent::_getMenu(parent::_getIc()->id), 'ics' => parent::_getIcs(), 'ic' => parent::_getIc())); $this->load->view('dashboard/ic/view', array('ic' => $g)); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/footer'); }
public function userView($id) { /* * Loading libraries and helpers */ $this->load->library(array('rb', 'session')); $this->load->helper(array('form')); /* * User is logged ? */ if (!parent::_isLogged()) { redirect('dashboard'); exit; } /* * User has auth to do this? */ if (!parent::_hasAuth('view_user', $this->session->userdata('user_ic'))) { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', 'Você não tem autorização para visualizar um usuário.'); redirect('dashboard'); exit; } /* * Finding the user */ $user = R::findOne('user', 'id=? AND active!="no" ', array($id)); /* * Verifying if user exists */ if ($user == NULL) { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', 'O usuário solicitado para visualização não existe.'); redirect('dashboard/user'); exit; } /* * Verifying if user exists */ $this->load->view('dashboard/template/header'); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/menu', array('menu' => parent::_getMenu(parent::_getIc()->id), 'ics' => parent::_getIcs(), 'ic' => parent::_getIc())); $this->load->view('dashboard/user/view', array('user' => $user)); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/footer'); }
public function answeredView($id = NULL) { /* * Loading libraries */ $this->load->library(array('rb', 'session')); $this->load->helper(array('form')); /* * User is logged? */ if (!parent::_isLogged()) { redirect('dashboard'); exit; } /* * Verify if user has autority to view the ic's */ if (!parent::_hasAuth('view_request', $this->session->userdata('user_ic'))) { echo "Você não tem permissão para realizar este procedimento."; exit; } /* * If $id is NULL, then load all answered requests. Otherwise, show only the specified request */ if ($id == NULL) { /* * Verify if the user is logged in MASTER IC or not. If it's the MASTER IC * then it shows all the Requests, otherwise, only show Requests from actual IC. */ $requests = null; $isMasterIc = R::count('ic', 'id=? AND master="yes" ', array($this->session->userdata('user_ic'))); if ($isMasterIc) { $rows = R::getAll(' SELECT r.* FROM request AS r JOIN status AS s ON s.request_id = WHERE s.type = "request_replied" AND s.current = "Y" '); $requests = R::convertToBeans('request', $rows); } else { $rows = R::getAll(' SELECT r.* FROM request AS r JOIN status AS s ON s.request_id = WHERE s.type = "request_replied" AND s.current = "Y" AND s.ic_id = ? ', array($this->session->userdata('user_ic'))); $requests = R::convertToBeans('request', $rows); } /* * Loading views */ $this->load->view('dashboard/template/header'); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/menu', array('menu' => parent::_getMenu(parent::_getIc()->id), 'ics' => parent::_getIcs(), 'ic' => parent::_getIc())); $this->load->view('dashboard/request/answered', array('requests' => $requests)); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/footer'); } else { /* * Loading the request */ $request = R::findOne('request', ' id = ? ', array($id)); /* * Request exists? */ if ($request == NULL) { $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'A solicitação não existe.'); redirect('dashboard/request/answered'); } /* * Getting current status of request */ $status = R::findOne('status', 'request_id = ? AND current = "Y" ', array($request->id)); /* * Can user access the request? */ if (!self::_canAcessRequest($request)) { $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'Você não tem autorização para acessar esta solicitação.'); redirect('dashboard/request/answered'); } /* * Loading views */ $this->load->view('dashboard/template/header'); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/menu', array('menu' => parent::_getMenu(parent::_getIc()->id), 'ics' => parent::_getIcs(), 'ic' => parent::_getIc())); $this->load->view('dashboard/request/answered-select', array('status' => $status, 'request' => $request)); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/footer'); } }
public function manageView() { /* * Loadings libraries and helpers */ $this->load->library(array('rb')); $this->load->helper(array('form')); /* * User is logged? */ if (!parent::_isLogged()) { redirect('dashboard'); } /* * General Information */ $openRequestsQry = ' SELECT r.* FROM status AS s JOIN request AS r ON = s.request_id WHERE s.current = "Y" AND ( s.type = "waiting-open" OR s.type = "request_created" OR s.type = "request_moved" OR s.type = "request_extended" ) '; $openRequests = R::getAll($openRequestsQry); $openRequests = R::convertToBeans('request', $openRequests); $deadlineRequestsQry = ' SELECT r.* FROM status AS s JOIN request AS r ON = s.request_id WHERE ( NOW() > DATE_ADD( r.created_at, INTERVAL 20 DAY ) AND ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM status AS ss WHERE request_id = AND type = "request_extended" ) <= 0 ) OR ( NOW() > DATE_ADD( r.created_at, INTERVAL 30 DAY ) AND ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM status AS ss WHERE request_id = AND type = "request_extended" ) > 0 ) '; $deadlineRequests = R::getAll($deadlineRequestsQry); $deadlineRequests = R::convertToBeans('request', $deadlineRequests); $repliedRequestsQry = ' SELECT r.* FROM status AS s JOIN request AS r ON = s.request_id WHERE s.current = "Y" AND s.type = "request_replied" '; $repliedRequests = R::getAll($repliedRequestsQry); $repliedRequests = R::convertToBeans('request', $repliedRequests); $data = array('ics' => R::find('ic', ' active="yes" '), 'openRequests' => count($openRequests), 'deadlineRequests' => count($deadlineRequests), 'replyRequests' => count($repliedRequests), 'totalRequests' => R::count('request')); /* * Loading views */ $this->load->view('dashboard/template/header'); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/menu', array('menu' => parent::_getMenu(parent::_getIc()->id), 'ics' => parent::_getIcs(), 'ic' => parent::_getIc())); $this->load->view('dashboard/manage', $data); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/footer'); }
public function groupView($id) { /* * Loading libraries and helpers */ $this->load->library(array('rb', 'session')); $this->load->helper(array('form')); /* * User has auth to do this? */ if (!parent::_hasAuth('view_group', $this->session->userdata('user_ic'))) { echo "Você não tem permissão para realizar este procedimento."; exit; } /* * Retrieving the IC */ $g = R::findOne('group', 'id=? AND active!="no" ', array($id)); /* * Verifying if group exists */ if ($g == NULL) { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', 'O grupo solicitado para visualização não existe.'); redirect('dashboard/group'); } /* * Loading views */ $this->load->view('dashboard/template/header'); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/menu', array('menu' => parent::_getMenu(parent::_getIc()->id), 'ics' => parent::_getIcs(), 'ic' => parent::_getIc())); $this->load->view('dashboard/group/view', array('group' => $g)); $this->load->view('dashboard/template/footer'); }