Beispiel #1
 protected function _isEditedEntityLoaded($type, $config, $params, $entity)
     if (parent::_isEditedEntityLoaded($type, $config, $params, $entity) && isset($params['additional']['class_type'])) {
         return $entity->getClassType() == $params['additional']['class_type'];
     return false;
Beispiel #2
 public function checkUserEditPermissions($type, $model, $block = null, $params = array())
     if (parent::checkUserEditPermissions($type, $model, $block, $params)) {
         return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('sales/tax/rates');
     return false;
  * Return whether current request corresponds to an export one for active grid
  * @param Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http $request Request object
  * @return bool
 public function isExportRequest($request)
     if (!is_null($this->_typeModel)) {
         return $this->_typeModel->isExportRequest($request, $this->getBlockType());
     return false;
 protected function _getSavedFieldValueForRender($type, $config, $params, $entity)
     if ($config['id'] == 'store_id') {
         return $entity->getStores();
     } else {
         return parent::_getSavedFieldValueForRender($type, $config, $params, $entity);
 protected function _beforeSaveEditedFieldValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, $value)
     if ($entity->getId() == Mage_Customer_Model_Group::NOT_LOGGED_IN_ID) {
         // Prevent from unique check (also made in original form, because code input is disabled and setCode is forced)
     return parent::_beforeSaveEditedFieldValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, $value);
 protected function _getExportTypes($gridType)
     $exportTypes = parent::_getExportTypes($gridType);
     foreach ($exportTypes as $key => $type) {
         if (!isset($type['params'])) {
             $exportTypes[$key]['params'] = array();
         $exportTypes[$key]['params'] = array_merge($exportTypes[$key]['params'], array('order_id' => $this->_getOrderId()));
     return $exportTypes;
 protected function _beforeSaveEditedFieldValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, $value)
     $model = Mage::getModel('catalogsearch/query');
     if ($model->getId() && $model->getId() != $entity->getId()) {
         Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Search Term with such search query already exists.'));
     return parent::_beforeSaveEditedFieldValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, $value);
Beispiel #8
 protected function _isEditedEntityLoaded($type, $config, $params, $entity)
     if (parent::_isEditedEntityLoaded($type, $config, $params, $entity)) {
         if ($entity->getStatus() == $entity->getPendingStatus()) {
             return isset($params['additional']['use_pending_filter']);
         } else {
             return !isset($params['additional']['use_pending_filter']);
     return false;
Beispiel #9
 protected function _beforeApplyEditedFieldValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, &$value)
     if (Mage::helper('customgrid')->isMageVersionGreaterThan(1, 5, 0) && in_array($config['id'], array('sitemap_filename', 'sitemap_path'))) {
         $fileName = $config['id'] == 'sitemap_filename' ? $entity->getSitemapFilename() : $value;
         $path = $config['id'] == 'sitemap_path' ? $entity->getSitemapPath() : $value;
         if (!empty($fileName) && !empty($path)) {
             $resultPath = rtrim($path, '\\/') . DS . $fileName;
             $helper = Mage::helper('adminhtml/catalog');
             $validator = Mage::getModel('core/file_validator_availablePath');
             if (!$validator->isValid($resultPath)) {
                 Mage::throwException(implode("\n", $validator->getMessages()));
     if (Mage::helper('customgrid/config_editor')->getSitemapDeleteFile() && $entity->getSitemapFilename() && file_exists($entity->getPreparedFilename())) {
     return parent::_beforeApplyEditedFieldValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, $value);
 protected function _getSavedFieldValueForRender($type, $config, $params, $entity)
     if ($config['id'] == 'qty') {
         if ($stockItem = $entity->getStockItem()) {
             // Reload stock item to get the updated value
         $value = $this->_getProductInventoryData($entity, 'qty') * 1;
         return strval($value) !== '' ? $value : 0;
     return parent::_getSavedFieldValueForRender($type, $config, $params, $entity);
Beispiel #11
 protected function _beforeApplyEditedFieldValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, &$value)
     $entity->addData(array('tax_customer_class' => array_unique($entity->getCustomerTaxClasses()), 'tax_product_class' => array_unique($entity->getProductTaxClasses()), 'tax_rate' => array_unique($entity->getRates())));
     return parent::_beforeApplyEditedFieldValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, $value);
 protected function _getSavedFieldValueForRender($type, $config, $params, $entity)
     if ($config['id'] == 'store_ids') {
         $storesIds = $entity->getStoreIds();
         return is_array($storesIds) ? $storesIds : explode(',', $storesIds);
     } else {
         return parent::_getSavedFieldValueForRender($type, $config, $params, $entity);
  * Iterate collection and call callback method per item
  * For callback method first argument always is item object
  * @param string $callback
  * @param array $args additional arguments for callback method
  * @return Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid
 public function _exportIterateCollection($callback, array $args)
     if (!is_array($this->_blcg_exportInfos)) {
         return parent::_exportIterateCollection($callback, $args);
     } else {
         // Custom export
         if (!is_null($this->_blcg_exportedCollection)) {
             $originalCollection = $this->_blcg_exportedCollection;
         } else {
             $originalCollection = $this->getCollection();
         if ($originalCollection->isLoaded()) {
             // Should do the trick in all exceptions (if not loaded page size can be changed)
             Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('customgrid')->__('This grid does not seem to be compatible with the custom export. If you wish to report this problem, please indicate this class name : "%s"', get_class($this)));
         // 1000 up to 1.4, class var from 1.5
         $exportPageSize = isset($this->_exportPageSize) ? $this->_exportPageSize : 1000;
         $infos = $this->_blcg_exportInfos;
         $total = isset($infos['custom_size']) ? intval($infos['custom_size']) : (isset($infos['size']) ? intval($infos['size']) : $exportPageSize);
         if ($total <= 0) {
         $fromResult = isset($infos['from_result']) ? intval($infos['from_result']) : 1;
         $pageSize = min($total, $exportPageSize);
         $page = ceil($fromResult / $pageSize);
         $pitchSize = $fromResult > 1 ? $fromResult - 1 - ($page - 1) * $pageSize : 0;
         $break = false;
         $count = null;
         while ($break !== true) {
             $collection = clone $originalCollection;
             if (!is_null($this->_blcg_typeModel)) {
                 $this->_blcg_typeModel->beforeGridExportLoadCollection($this, $collection);
             if (!is_null($this->_blcg_typeModel)) {
                 $this->_blcg_typeModel->afterGridExportLoadCollection($this, $collection);
             if (is_null($count)) {
                 $count = $collection->getSize();
                 $total = min(max(0, $count - $fromResult + 1), $total);
                 if ($total == 0) {
                     $break = true;
                 $first = true;
                 $exported = 0;
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($collection as $item) {
                 if ($first) {
                     if ($i++ < $pitchSize) {
                     } else {
                         $first = false;
                 if (++$exported > $total) {
                     $break = true;
                 call_user_func_array(array($this, $callback), array_merge(array($item), $args));
 protected function _beforeSaveEditedFieldValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, $value)
     $category = Mage::registry('current_category')->getId() ? Mage::registry('current_category') : null;
     if ($category) {
     $product = Mage::registry('current_product')->getId() ? Mage::registry('current_product') : null;
     if ($product) {
     if ($product || $category) {
         $catalogUrlModel = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/url');
         $idPath = $catalogUrlModel->generatePath('id', $product, $category);
         // If redirect specified try to find friendly URL
         $found = false;
         if (in_array($entity->getOptions(), array('R', 'RP'))) {
             $rewrite = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/url')->getRewriteByIdPath($idPath, $entity->getStoreId());
             if (!$rewrite) {
                 Mage::throwException('Chosen product does not associated with the chosen store or category.');
             if ($rewrite->getId() && $rewrite->getId() != $entity->getId()) {
                 $found = true;
         if (!$found) {
             $entity->setTargetPath($catalogUrlModel->generatePath('target', $product, $category));
     return parent::_beforeSaveEditedFieldValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, $value);
  * Update grid available custom columns and save
  * @param array $columns New columns informations
  * @return this
 public function updateCustomColumns(array $columns, $mustSave = true)
     $helper = $this->_getHelper();
     if (!is_null($this->_typeModel)) {
         $typeCode = $this->_typeModel->getCode();
     } else {
         return $this;
     $availableColumns = $this->getAvailableCustomColumns();
     $availableCodes = array_keys($availableColumns);
     // Requested codes
     $customCodes = !is_null($typeCode) ? $columns : array();
     // Codes of the same grid type that are already used
     $usedCodes = array();
     // IDs that should be removed
     $removedIds = array();
     foreach ($this->_originIds[self::GRID_COLUMN_ORIGIN_CUSTOM] as $columnId) {
         if (!is_null($typeCode)) {
             $parts = explode('/', $this->_columns[$columnId]['index']);
             if ($typeCode == $parts[0] && in_array($parts[1], $customCodes) && in_array($parts[1], $availableCodes)) {
                 $usedCodes[] = $parts[1];
             } else {
                 $removedIds[] = $columnId;
         } else {
             $removedIds[] = $columnId;
     // Add new columns whenever needed
     $newCodes = array_intersect($availableCodes, array_diff($customCodes, $usedCodes));
     $columnsGroups = $this->getCustomColumnsGroups();
     foreach ($newCodes as $code) {
         $newColumnId = $this->_getNextCustomColumnId();
         $columnModel = $availableColumns[$code];
         if (isset($columnsGroups[$columnModel->getGroupId()]) && $this->_getConfigHelper()->getAddGroupToCustomColumnsDefaultHeader()) {
             $header = $helper->__('%s (%s)', $columnModel->getName(), $columnsGroups[$columnModel->getGroupId()]);
         } else {
             $header = $columnModel->getName();
         $this->_columns[$newColumnId] = array('grid_id' => $this->getId(), 'id' => $newColumnId, 'index' => $typeCode . '/' . $code, 'width' => '', 'align' => self::GRID_COLUMN_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, 'header' => $header, 'order' => $this->_getNextOrder(), 'origin' => self::GRID_COLUMN_ORIGIN_CUSTOM, 'is_visible' => 1, 'filter_only' => 0, 'is_system' => 0, 'missing' => 0, 'store_id' => null, 'renderer_type' => null, 'renderer_params' => null, 'allow_edit' => 0, 'custom_params' => null);
         $this->_originIds[self::GRID_COLUMN_ORIGIN_CUSTOM][] = $newColumnId;
     // Remove necessary IDs
     foreach ($removedIds as $columnId) {
     // Recompute max order, as it may have now changed
     return $mustSave ? $this->save() : $this->setDataChanges(true);
 protected function _afterSaveEditedAttributeValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, $value, $result)
     if ($this->_mustUseDefaultValueForSave($config, $params)) {
         // Force product reload if default value was used, to ensure getting the good (default) value for rendering
         $config['config']['render_reload'] = true;
     TODO from 1.5, but what about giving the choice to the user ? and for which attributes ?
     (not just all, as it is certainly not useful in most of the cases)
     // Mage::getModel('catalogrule/rule')->applyAllRulesToProduct($productId);
     return parent::_afterSaveEditedAttributeValue($type, $config, $params, $entity, $value, $result);