public function setAlertOnSell($customerData = NULL, $searchData = NULL, $merchantId = NULL, $type = NULL, $label = NULL, $cultureCode = NULL, $processRequest = NULL, $enabled = NULL)
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlCreateUserAlert, 'data' => array('customerData' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString(BFCHelper::getJsonEncodeString($customerData)), 'searchData' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString(BFCHelper::getJsonEncodeString($searchData)), 'merchantId' => $merchantId, 'type' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($type), 'label' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($label), 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($cultureCode), 'processUserAlert' => $processRequest, 'enabled' => $enabled, '$format' => 'json'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $alert = null;
     //$r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url, "POST");
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         $alert = (int) $res->d->CreateUserAlert;
         //$alert = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
     return $alert;
Beispiel #2
 public function getPrivacyFromService($language = '')
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlGetPrivacy, 'data' => array('cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), '$format' => 'json'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $return = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $return = $res->d->results->GetPrivacy;
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $return = $res->d->GetPrivacy;
     return $return;
 public function setInfoRequest($customerData = NULL, $suggestedStay = NULL, $creditCardData = NULL, $otherNoteData = NULL, $merchantId = 0, $type = NULL, $userNotes = NULL, $label = NULL, $cultureCode = NULL, $processInfoRequest = NULL, $mailFrom = NULL)
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlCreateInfoRequest, 'data' => array('customerData' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString(BFCHelper::getJsonEncodeString($customerData)), 'suggestedStay' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString(BFCHelper::getJsonEncodeString($suggestedStay)), 'otherNoteData' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($otherNoteData), 'infoRequestType' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($type), 'userNotes' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($userNotes), 'label' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($label), 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($cultureCode), 'processInfoRequest' => $processInfoRequest, 'mailFrom' => $mailFrom, '$format' => 'json'));
     if (!empty($merchantId) && intval($merchantId) > 0) {
         $options['data']['merchantId'] = $merchantId;
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $order = null;
     //$r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url, "POST");
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         $order = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
     return $order;
 public function GetResourcesByIds($listsId, $language = '')
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlGetResourcesByIds, 'data' => array('ids' => '\'' . $listsId . '\'', 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), '$format' => 'json', '$select' => 'Area,Rooms,Description,MerchantId,ResourceId,MerchantName,LocationName,Address,ImageUrl,LogoUrl,XPos,YPos,LocationZone,IsNewBuilding,IsReservedPrice,IsAddressVisible,IsShowcase,IsForeground,AddedOn,IsHighlight,MainMerchantCategoryId'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $resources = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url, "POST");
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $resources = json_encode($res->d->results);
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $resources = json_encode($res->d);
     return $resources;
 public function GetCondominiumsByIds($listsId, $language = '')
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlGetCondominiumsByIds, 'data' => array('ids' => '\'' . $listsId . '\'', 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), '$format' => 'json', '$select' => 'CondominiumId,Name,Description,MerchantId,AddressData,DefaultImg,XGooglePos,YGooglePos'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $resources = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url, "POST");
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $resources = json_encode($res->d->results);
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $resources = json_encode($res->d);
     return $resources;
 public function setRating($name = NULL, $city = NULL, $typologyid = NULL, $email = NULL, $nation = NULL, $merchantId = NULL, $value1 = NULL, $value2 = NULL, $value3 = NULL, $value4 = NULL, $value5 = NULL, $totale = NULL, $pregi = NULL, $difetti = NULL, $userId = NULL, $cultureCode = NULL, $checkin = NULL, $resourceId = NULL, $orderId = NULL, $label = NULL)
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlCreateRating, 'data' => array('name' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($name), 'city' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($city), 'typologyid' => $typologyid, 'email' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($email), 'nation' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($nation), 'merchantId' => $merchantId, 'value1' => $value1, 'value2' => $value2, 'value3' => $value3, 'value4' => $value4, 'value5' => $value5, 'total' => $totale, 'notesData' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($pregi), 'notesData1' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($difetti), 'userId' => $userId, 'orderId' => $orderId, 'resourceId' => $resourceId, 'checkin' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($checkin), 'label' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($label), 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($cultureCode), 'processRating' => 1, '$format' => 'json'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $ratingId = 0;
     //$r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url, "POST");
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         //$ratingId = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
         //			$resRating = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $ratingId = $res->d->results->CreateRating;
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $ratingId = $res->d->CreateRating;
         //			$ratingId = $resRating->CreateRating;
     return $ratingId;
 public function setCrew($customerData = NULL, $merchantId = NULL, $orderId = NULL)
     $params = $this->getState('params');
     if ($customerData == null) {
         $customerData = $params['customerData'];
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlCreateCrew, 'data' => array('crewData' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString(BFCHelper::getJsonEncodeString($customerData)), 'merchantId' => $merchantId, 'orderId' => $orderId, '$format' => 'json', '$expand' => 'ChildCrews'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $crew = null;
     //$r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url, "POST");
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         $crew = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
     return $crew[0];
 public function getCriteoConfiguration($pagetype = 0, $merchantsList = array(), $orderId = null)
     $language = JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag();
     $options = array('path' => $this->GetCriteoConfiguration, 'data' => array('cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), '$format' => 'json', 'pagetype' => $pagetype, 'callerUrl' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString(JURI::current()), 'merchantsList' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString(join(',', $merchantsList))));
     if (isset($orderId) && !empty($orderId)) {
         $options["data"]["orderId"] = $orderId;
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $return = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $return = $res->d->results;
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $return = json_decode($res->d->GetCriteoConfiguration);
     return $return;
 public function getTotal()
     $userId = '';
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     if ($user->id != 0) {
         $userId = $user->id . "|" . $user->username . "|" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
     } else {
         return 0;
     $language = JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag();
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlGetOrdersCount, 'data' => array('userid' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($userId), 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), '$format' => 'json'));
     //		$this->applyDefaultFilter($options);
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $count = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $count = (int) $r;
         //			$res = json_decode($r);
         //			$count = $res->d->GetOffersCount;
     return $count;
 public function setCounterByResourceId($resourceId = null, $what = '', $language = '')
     $params = $this->getState('params');
     if ($merchantId == null) {
         $merchantId = $params['merchantId'];
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlResourceCounter, 'data' => array('resourceId' => $resourceId, 'what' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($what), 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), '$format' => 'json'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $res = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $resReturn = $res->d->results;
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $resReturn = $res->d;
         if (!empty($resReturn)) {
             $res = $resReturn->OnSellUnitCounter;
     return $res;
 public function getServicesByIds($listsId, $language = '')
     // with randor order is not possible to otrder by another field
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlServicesbyid, 'data' => array('$format' => 'json', 'ids' => '\'' . $listsId . '\'', 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language)));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $services = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $services = $res->d->results;
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $services = $res->d;
     return $services;
 public function getServicesForSearchOnSell($language = '')
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlServices, 'data' => array('$format' => 'json', 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), 'typeId' => 2));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $services = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $services = $res->d->results;
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $services = $res->d;
     return $services;
Beispiel #13
 public function getResourcesFromService($start, $limit, $ordering, $direction, $ignorePagination = false, $jsonResult = false)
     $store = $this->getStoreId();
     $language = JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag();
     $this->currentOrdering = $ordering;
     $this->currentDirection = $direction;
     $params = $this->getState('params');
     $newsearch = $params['newsearch'];
     $tagId = $params['tagId'];
     $searchid = "resources" . $tagId;
     $merchantResults = $params['show_grouped'];
     //		$condominiumsResults = $params['condominiumsResults'];
     $sessionkey = 'tags.' . $searchid . '.results';
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $results = null;
     if ($newsearch == "0") {
         $cachedresults = $session->get($sessionkey);
         try {
             if (isset($cachedresults) && !empty($cachedresults)) {
                 $results = (array) json_decode(gzuncompress(base64_decode($cachedresults)));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //			echo 'Exception: ',   $e->getMessage(), "<br />";
             //echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
         //		}else{
         //			BFCHelper::setFilterSearchParamsSession(null);
     if ($results == null) {
         $options = array('path' => $this->urlResources, 'data' => array('$format' => 'json', 'topRresult' => 0, 'calculate' => 0, 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), 'lite' => 1, 'tagids' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($tagId)));
         //			$this->applyDefaultFilter($options);
         $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
         $results = null;
         $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
         if (isset($r)) {
             $res = json_decode($r);
             //				$results = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
             if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
                 $results = $res->d->results;
             } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
                 $results = $res->d;
             try {
                 if (!empty($results)) {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 //echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
         // saves parameters into session
         //			BFCHelper::setSearchParamsSession($params);
         try {
             // save current search in session to disable all further calculations upon reordering and filtering
             $compr = base64_encode(gzcompress(json_encode($results), true));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
         $session->set($sessionkey, $compr);
         //ciclo per filtrare i possibili filtri
         //			$filtersenabled = array();
         //			$filtersenabled['count'] = 0;
         //			if(!empty($results)){
         //				$filtersenabled['count'] = count($results);
         //				//per condominiumsResults non \E8 necessario filtrare i condomini per caratteristiche, sio basano sulle risorse
         //				if ($merchantResults) {
         //					$tmpstars = array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return $i->MrcRating; }, $results));
         //					$filtersenabled['stars'] = implode(',',$tmpstars);
         //					$tmplocationzones = array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return $i->MrcZoneId; }, $results));
         //					$filtersenabled['locationzones'] = implode(',',$tmplocationzones);
         //				}else{
         //					$tmpstars = array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return $i->ResRating; }, $results));
         //					$filtersenabled['stars'] = implode(',',$tmpstars);
         //					$tmplocationzones = array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return $i->ResZoneId; }, $results));
         //					$filtersenabled['locationzones'] = implode(',',$tmplocationzones);
         //				}
         //				$tmpmastertypologies = array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return $i->MasterTypologyId; }, $results));
         //				$filtersenabled['mastertypologies'] = implode(',',$tmpmastertypologies);
         //				// elenco merchantGroup presenti nella ricerca
         //				$tmpmerchantgroups = array_unique(explode(",",array_reduce($results,
         //						function($returnedList, $item){
         //							$val =  preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $item->MrcTagsIdList);
         //							if (!empty($val)) {
         //								$returnedList .= "," .$val;
         //							}
         //							return $returnedList;
         //						}
         //						)));
         //				foreach( $tmpmerchantgroups as $key => $value ) {
         //					if( empty( $tmpmerchantgroups[ $key ] ) )
         //						unset( $tmpmerchantgroups[ $key ] );
         //				}
         //				$filtersenabled['merchantgroups'] = implode(',',$tmpmerchantgroups);
         // elenco Servizi presenti nella ricerca
         //				$tmpservices = array_unique(explode(",",array_reduce($results,
         //						function($returnedList, $item){
         //							$val =  preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $item->MrcServiceIdList);
         //							if (!empty($val)) {
         //								$returnedList .= "," .$val;
         //							}
         //							$val =  preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $item->ResServiceIdList);
         //							if (!empty($val)) {
         //								$returnedList .= "," .$val;
         //							}
         //							return $returnedList;
         //						}
         //				)));
         //				foreach( $tmpservices as $key => $value ) {
         //					if( empty( $tmpservices[ $key ] ) )
         //						unset( $tmpservices[ $key ] );
         //				}
         //				$filtersenabled['services'] = implode(',',$tmpservices);
         //				// elenco BookingType presenti nella ricerca
         //				$tmpbookingtype = array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return $i->BookingType; }, $results));
         //				foreach( $tmpbookingtype as $key => $value ) {
         //					if( empty( $tmpbookingtype[ $key ] ) )
         //						unset( $tmpbookingtype[ $key ] );
         //				}
         //				$filtersenabled['bookingtypes'] = implode(',',$tmpbookingtype);
         ////				$tmpoffers = array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return $i->TotalPrice>$i->Price; }, $results));
         //				$tmpoffers = array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return $i->IsOffer; }, $results));
         ////				$tmpoffers = array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return !empty($i->DiscountId); }, $results));
         //				foreach( $tmpoffers as $key => $value ) {
         //					if( empty( $tmpoffers[ $key ] ) )
         //						unset( $tmpoffers[ $key ] );
         //				}
         //				$filtersenabled['offers'] = implode(',',$tmpoffers);
         //				$prices = array_map(function ($i) { return $i->Price; }, $results) ;
         //				$filtersenabled['pricemin'] = round(min($prices)-1, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
         //				$filtersenabled['pricemax'] =  round(max($prices)+1, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
         //			}
         //			BFCHelper::setEnabledFilterSearchParamsSession($filtersenabled);
     //		$results = $this->filterResults($results);
     // ordering is taking place here only for simple results, merchants are ordered by the grouping function
     if (isset($ordering) && !$merchantResults && !empty($results)) {
         switch (strtolower($ordering)) {
             case 'stay':
                 usort($results, function ($a, $b) use($ordering, $direction) {
                     return BFCHelper::orderBy($a, $b, 'TotalPrice', $direction);
             case 'rooms':
                 usort($results, function ($a, $b) use($ordering, $direction) {
                     return BFCHelper::orderBy($a, $b, 'Rooms', $direction);
             case 'offer':
                 usort($results, function ($a, $b) use($ordering, $direction) {
                     //						return BFCHelper::orderBySingleDiscount($a, $b, $direction);
                     return BFCHelper::orderBy($a, $b, 'PercentVariation', $direction);
     //		if ($condominiumsResults && !empty($results)) {
     //			// grouping and ordering
     //						$results = $this->groupResultsByCondominium($results);
     //		}
     if ($merchantResults && !empty($results)) {
         // grouping and ordering
         $results = $this->groupResultsByMerchant($results, $ordering, $direction);
     $this->count = count($results);
     if (!$ignorePagination && isset($start) && (isset($limit) && $limit > 0) && !empty($results)) {
         $results = array_slice($results, $start, $limit);
         $params = $this->getState('params');
         //			$checkin = $params['checkin'];
         //			$duration = $params['duration'];
         //			$persons = $params['paxes'];
         //			$paxages = $params['paxages'];
     if ($jsonResult && !empty($results)) {
         $arr = array();
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             $val = new StdClass();
             if ($merchantResults) {
                 $val->MerchantId = $result->MerchantId;
                 $val->XGooglePos = $result->XGooglePos;
                 $val->YGooglePos = $result->YGooglePos;
             } elseif ($condominiumsResults) {
                 $val->Resource = new StdClass();
                 $val->Resource->ResourceId = $result->CondominiumId;
                 $val->Resource->XGooglePos = $result->XGooglePos;
                 $val->Resource->YGooglePos = $result->YGooglePos;
             } else {
                 $val->Resource = new StdClass();
                 $val->Resource->ResourceId = $result->ResourceId;
                 $val->Resource->XGooglePos = $result->ResLat;
                 $val->Resource->YGooglePos = $result->ResLng;
             $arr[] = $val;
         return json_encode($arr);
     return $results;
     //return $jsonResult ? json_encode($results) : $results;
 public function getMerchantRatingsFromService($start, $limit, $merchantId = null, $language = '')
     $params = $this->getState('params');
     if ($merchantId == null) {
         $merchantId = $params['merchantId'];
     if ($language == null) {
         $language = BFCHelper::getState('merchantdetails', 'language');
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlMerchantRating, 'data' => array('cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), '$format' => 'json'));
     if (isset($start) && $start > 0) {
         $options['data']['skip'] = $start;
     if (isset($limit) && $limit > 0) {
         $options['data']['top'] = $limit;
     if (isset($merchantId) && $merchantId > 0) {
         $options['data']['MerchantId'] = $merchantId;
     $filters = $params['filters'];
     // typologyid filtering
     if ($filters != null && $filters['typologyid'] != null && $filters['typologyid'] != "0") {
         //			$options['data']['$filter'] .= ' and TypologyId eq ' .$filters['typologyid'];
         $options['data']['tipologyId'] = $filters['typologyid'];
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $ratings = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         //			$ratings = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $ratings = $res->d->results;
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $ratings = $res->d;
     return $ratings;
 public function GetResourcesCalculateByIds($listsId, $language = '')
     $params = $this->getState('params');
     $ci = $params['checkin'];
     $du = $params['duration'];
     //$px = array_fill(0,(int)$params['paxes'],BFCHelper::$defaultAdultsAge);
     //$ex = $params['extras'];
     $paxages = $params['paxages'];
     if ($ci == null || $du == null || $paxages == null) {
         return null;
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlGetCalculateResourcesByIds, 'data' => array('ids' => '\'' . $listsId . '\'', 'checkin' => '\'' . $ci->format('Ymd') . '\'', 'duration' => $du, 'paxages' => '\'' . implode('|', $paxages) . '\'', 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), '$format' => 'json'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $resources = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $resources = json_encode($res->d->results);
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $resources = json_encode($res->d);
     return $resources;
 public function getMerchantOfferFromService($language = null)
     $params = $this->getState('params');
     $offerId = $params['offerId'];
     if ($language == null) {
         $language = BFCHelper::getState('merchantdetails', 'language');
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlMerchantOffer, 'data' => array('id' => $offerId, 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), '$format' => 'json'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $offer = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         //			$offer = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
         if (!empty($res->d->GetVariationPlanById)) {
             $offer = $res->d->GetVariationPlanById;
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $offer = $res->d;
     return $offer;
Beispiel #17
 public function getOrderFromService($orderId = null)
     $params = $this->getState('params');
     $checkmode = $params['checkmode'];
     $donation = $params['donation'];
     $data = array('checkMode' => $checkmode, '$format' => 'json');
     if ($checkmode & OrderCheckMode::OrderId) {
         $orderId = $params['orderId'];
         $data['orderId'] = $orderId;
     if ($checkmode & OrderCheckMode::ExternalOrderId) {
         $externalOrderId = $params['externalOrderId'];
         $data['externalOrderId'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString($externalOrderId);
     if ($checkmode & OrderCheckMode::CustomerId) {
         $customerId = $params['customerId'];
         $data['customerId'] = $customerId;
     if ($checkmode & OrderCheckMode::ExternalCustomerId) {
         $externalCustomerId = $params['externalCustomerId'];
         $data['externalCustomerId'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString($externalCustomerId);
     if ($checkmode & OrderCheckMode::CheckIn) {
         $checkIn = $params['checkIn'];
         $data['checkIn'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString($checkIn);
     if ($checkmode & OrderCheckMode::CheckOut) {
         $checkOut = $params['checkOut'];
         $data['checkOut'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString($checkOut);
     if ($checkmode & OrderCheckMode::CustomerFirstname) {
         $customerFirstname = $params['customerFirstname'];
         $data['customerFirstname'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString($customerFirstname);
     if ($checkmode & OrderCheckMode::CustomerLastname) {
         $customerLastname = $params['customerLastname'];
         $data['customerLastname'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString($customerLastname);
     if ($checkmode & OrderCheckMode::Email) {
         $email = $params['email'];
         $data['email'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString($email);
         $data['cultureCode'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString($params['cultureCode']);
         $data['merchantCode'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString(COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_EXTERNALMERCHANTCODE);
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlGetOrder, 'data' => $data);
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $order = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         //			$order = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $order = $res->d->results;
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $order = $res->d;
     return $order;
 public function setOrderPayment($orderId = NULL, $status = 0, $sendEmails = false, $amount, $bankId, $paymentData = NULL, $cultureCode = NULL, $processOrder = NULL)
         $this->urlCreateOrderPayment = '/CreateOrderPaymentFrom' . COM_BOOKINGFORCONNECTOR_USEEXTERNALUPDATEORDERSYSTEM;
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlCreateOrderPayment, 'data' => array('orderId' => $orderId, 'amount' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString((string) $amount), 'bankId' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($bankId), 'status' => $status, 'sendEmails' => $sendEmails, 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($cultureCode), 'processOrder' => $processOrder, 'paymentData' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($paymentData), '$format' => 'json'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $order = null;
     //$r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url, "POST");
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         //			$order = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $order = $res->d->results;
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $order = $res->d;
     return $order;
 public function getSearchResults($start, $limit, $ordering, $direction, $merchantid, $condominiumid = null, $ignorePagination = false, $jsonResult = false, $excludedResources = array(), $requiredOffers = array(), $overrideFilters = null)
     $this->currentOrdering = $ordering;
     $this->currentDirection = $direction;
     $params = $this->getState('params');
     $searchid = '';
     $newsearch = true;
     //$pricerange = $params['pricerange'];
     $merchantResults = false;
     $condominiumsResults = false;
     //$sessionkey = 'search.' . $searchid . '.results';
     $language = JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag();
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $results = null;
     if ($results == null) {
         //			echo 'No result: <br />';
         $filterData = array('$format' => 'json', 'getAllResults' => 1, 'merchantId' => $merchantid, 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), 'lite' => 1);
         if (!$ignorePagination && isset($limit) && $limit > 0) {
             $filterData['topRresult'] = $limit;
         if (!$ignorePagination && isset($start) && $start > 0) {
             $filterData['skip'] = $start;
         if (isset($condominiumid)) {
             $filterData['condominiumId'] = $condominiumid;
         if (!empty($excludedResources)) {
             if (is_array($excludedResources)) {
                 $filterData['excludedIds'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString(implode(',', $excludedResources));
             } else {
                 $filterData['excludedIds'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString($excludedResources);
         if (!empty($requiredOffers)) {
             if (is_array($requiredOffers)) {
                 $filterData['variationPlanIds'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString(implode(',', $requiredOffers));
             } else {
                 $filterData['variationPlanIds'] = BFCHelper::getQuotedString($requiredOffers);
         $options = array('path' => $this->urlSearchAllCalculate, 'data' => $filterData);
         $this->applyDefaultFilter($options, $overrideFilters);
         $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
         $results = null;
         $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
         if (isset($r)) {
             $res = json_decode($r);
             //				$results = $res->d->results ?: $res->d;
             if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
                 $results = $res->d->results;
             } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
                 $results = $res->d;
             try {
                 if (!empty($results)) {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 //echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
         $onlystay = '1';
         if (!empty($results) && $onlystay == '1') {
             $results = array_filter($results, function ($result) {
                 return $result->Price > 0;
     return $results;
     //return $jsonResult ? json_encode($results) : $results;
 public function getMerchantsByIds($listsId, $language = '')
     $options = array('path' => $this->urlGetMerchantsByIds, 'data' => array('ids' => '\'' . $listsId . '\'', 'cultureCode' => BFCHelper::getQuotedString($language), '$format' => 'json'));
     $url = $this->helper->getQuery($options);
     $merchants = null;
     $r = $this->helper->executeQuery($url);
     if (isset($r)) {
         $res = json_decode($r);
         if (!empty($res->d->results)) {
             $merchants = json_encode($res->d->results);
         } elseif (!empty($res->d)) {
             $merchants = json_encode($res->d);
     return $merchants;