  * Run the autogroup_test_coverage tests using one externally defined code coverage reporter
  * allowing further process of coverage data once tests are over. Supports multiple
  * instrumentations (code coverage gathering sessions) to be executed.
 public function run_with_external_coverage($simpletestreporter, $covrecorder)
     if (moodle_coverage_recorder::can_run_codecoverage() && $this->performcoverage) {
     } else {
         // Testing without coverage
Beispiel #2
    while (@ob_end_flush()) {
    foreach ($tests as $i => $database) {
        $dbinfo = $dbinfos[$i];
        $UNITTEST->func_test_db = $database;
        // pass the db to the tests through global
        print_heading('Running tests on: ' . $dbinfo['name'], '', 3);
        // TODO: localise
        // Create the group of tests.
        $test = new AutoGroupTest(false, true);
        $test->addTestFile($CFG->libdir . '/dml/simpletest/testdml.php');
        $test->addTestFile($CFG->libdir . '/ddl/simpletest/testddl.php');
        // Make the reporter, which is what displays the results.
        $reporter = new ExHtmlReporter($showpasses);
        echo '<hr />';
// Print the form for adjusting options.
print_simple_box_start('center', '70%');
echo '<form method="post" action="dbtest.php">';
echo '<div>';
print_heading("Run functional database tests");
// TODO: localise
echo '<p>';
print_checkbox('showpasses', 1, $showpasses, get_string('showpasses', 'simpletest'));
echo '</p>';
echo '<p><strong>' . "Databases:" . '</strong>';
echo '<ul>';