
require_once "Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php";
require_once "Vindicia/Soap/Const.php";
$abill = new AutoBill();
$sparseReturnDescriptor = '';
// We want full AutoBill object returned
$tx_vid = "";
// Grab this from the value associated with the name 'vid' in the query string of the URL when customer arrives at your return page after completing the MOLPay payment
$response = $abill->finalizeCustomerAction($sparseReturnDescriptor, $tx_vid);
if ($response['returnCode'] == 200) {
    $returned_abill = $response['data']->autobill;
    if ($returned_abill->status == 'PendingCustomerAction') {
        print "Payment approval is pending. Access will be granted after payment is cleared \n";
        // Store the transaction in local "pend" table and monitor it for approval
        // using a Transaction->fetchDeltaSince() based cron job
    } else {
        if ($returned_abill->status == 'Active') {
            print "Payment is successful! \n";
        } else {
            if ($returned_abill->status == 'Suspended' || $returned_bill->status == 'Cancelled') {
                print "Payment was declined, please try your purchase again \n";
            } else {
                print "Error: Unexpected autobill status\n";
                print "Vindicia soap id: " . $response['data']->return->soapId . "\n";
} else {
    print "Error: Vindicia return code: " . $response['returnCode'] . "  ";
    print " return string: " . $response['returnString'] . "  ";