  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionTambah()
     $model = new AuthItem();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['AuthItem'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['AuthItem'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             $this->redirect(array('ubah', 'id' => $model->name));
     $this->render('tambah', array('model' => $model));
 public function safeUp()
     /* Всем администраторам назначается роль admin */
     $adminRole = new AuthItem();
     $adminRole->name = AuthItem::ROLE_ADMIN;
     $adminRole->description = Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Admin');
     $adminRole->type = AuthItem::TYPE_ROLE;
     $admins = User::model()->findAllByAttributes(['access_level' => User::ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN]);
     foreach ($admins as $admin) {
         $assign = new AuthAssignment();
         $assign->itemname = $adminRole->name;
         $assign->userid = $admin->id;
  * Create permission form
 public function actionCreate($type = null)
     // Check Access
     $model = new AuthItem();
     if (isset($_POST['AuthItem'])) {
         if ($model->save()) {
             fok(at('Permission Created!'));
             // Log Message
             alog(at("New permission created: '{name}'.", array('{name}' => $model->name)));
     } else {
         if ($type !== null) {
             $model->type = $type;
     // Add Breadcrumb
     $this->addBreadCrumb(at('Create Permission'));
     $this->title[] = at('Create Permission');
     $this->render('form', array('model' => $model));
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new AuthItem();
     $operationsList = $tasksList = array();
     $operations = AuthItem::model()->findAll('type = :type', array(':type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION));
     foreach ($operations as $op) {
         $operationsList[$op->name] = $op->description . "({$op->name})";
     $tasks = AuthItem::model()->findAll('type = :type', array(':type' => AuthItem::TYPE_TASK));
     foreach ($tasks as $task) {
         $tasksList[$task->name] = $task->description . "({$task->name})";
     if (Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest && isset($_POST['AuthItem'])) {
         $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
         try {
             $model->attributes = Yii::app()->request->getPost('AuthItem');
             if ($model->save()) {
                 $children = array();
                 if ($model->type == AuthItem::TYPE_TASK) {
                     $children = Yii::app()->request->getPost('operations');
                 } elseif ($model->type == AuthItem::TYPE_ROLE) {
                     $children = Yii::app()->request->getPost('tasks');
                 // сохранить чайлдов
                 if (!empty($children)) {
                     foreach ($children as $name) {
                         $child = new AuthItemChild();
                         $child->setAttributes(array('parent' => $model->name, 'child' => $name));
                         if (!$child->save()) {
                             throw new CDbException('Ошибка при сохранении связанных объектов!');
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'Действие добавлено!');
                 $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->name));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', $e->getMessage());
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model, 'operations' => $operationsList, 'tasks' => $tasksList));
  * Autocreating of authItems
 public function actionAutoCreateItems()
     $controller = str_replace("Controller", "", $_POST["controller"]);
     $actions = isset($_POST["actions"]) ? $_POST["actions"] : array();
     $message = "";
     $createTasks = isset($_POST["createTasks"]) ? $_POST["createTasks"] : 0;
     $tasks = isset($_POST["tasks"]) ? $_POST["tasks"] : array("");
     if ($createTasks == "1") {
         $message = "<div style='font-weight:bold'>" . Helper::translate('srbac', 'Creating tasks') . "</div>";
         foreach ($tasks as $key => $taskname) {
             $auth = new AuthItem();
             $auth->name = $taskname;
             $auth->type = 1;
             try {
                 if ($auth->save()) {
                     $message .= "'" . $auth->name . "' " . Helper::translate('srbac', 'created successfully') . "<br />";
                 } else {
                     $message .= "<div style='color:red;font-weight:bold'>" . Helper::translate('srbac', 'Error while creating') . ' ' . $auth->name . '<br />' . Helper::translate('srbac', 'Possible there\'s already an item with the same name') . "</div><br />";
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $message .= "<div style='color:red;font-weight:bold'>" . Helper::translate('srbac', 'Error while creating') . ' ' . $auth->name . '<br />' . Helper::translate('srbac', 'Possible there\'s already an item with the same name') . "</div><br />";
     $message .= "<div style='font-weight:bold'>" . Helper::translate('srbac', 'Creating operations') . "</div>";
     foreach ($actions as $action) {
         $act = explode("action", $action, 2);
         $a = trim($controller . (count($act) > 1 ? $act[1] : ucfirst($act[0])));
         $auth = new AuthItem();
         $auth->name = $a;
         $auth->type = 0;
         try {
             if ($auth->save()) {
                 $message .= "'" . $auth->name . "' " . Helper::translate('srbac', 'created successfully') . "<br />";
                 if ($createTasks == "1") {
                     if ($this->_isUserOperation($auth->name)) {
                         $this->_assignChild($tasks["user"], array($auth->name));
                     $this->_assignChild($tasks["admin"], array($auth->name));
             } else {
                 $message .= "<div style='color:red;font-weight:bold'>" . Helper::translate('srbac', 'Error while creating') . ' ' . $auth->name . '<br />' . Helper::translate('srbac', 'Possible there\'s already an item with the same name') . "</div><br />";
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $message .= "<div style='color:red;font-weight:bold'>" . Helper::translate('srbac', 'Error while creating') . ' ' . $auth->name . '<br />' . Helper::translate('srbac', 'Possible there\'s already an item with the same name') . "</div><br />";
     echo $message;
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreateAction()
     $model = new AuthItem();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['AuthItem'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['AuthItem'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             $this->logAudit("Action " . $model->name . " was created ");
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->name));
     $this->render('createAction', array('model' => $model));
 public function actionManage()
     if (isset($_POST['AuthItem'])) {
         $items_names = array();
         foreach ($_POST['AuthItem'] as $task_name => $data) {
             if (!isset($data['description'])) {
             $items_names[] = $task_name;
             if (!isset($data['operations'])) {
             foreach ($data['operations'] as $name => $description) {
                 $items_names[] = $name;
         $items_names = array_map(function ($v) {
             return "'{$v}'";
         }, $items_names);
         $items_names = implode(',', $items_names);
         AuthItem::model()->delete("name NOT IN ({$items_names})");
         foreach ($_POST['AuthItem'] as $task_name => $data) {
             if (!isset($data['description'])) {
             $task = AuthItem::model()->findByPk($task_name);
             if (!$task) {
                 $task = new AuthItem();
                 $task->type = CAuthItem::TYPE_TASK;
                 $task->name = $task_name;
                 $task->description = $data['description'];
             if ($task->save() && isset($data['operations'])) {
                 foreach ($data['operations'] as $name => $description) {
                     $operation = AuthItem::model()->findByPk($name);
                     if (!$operation) {
                         $operation = new AuthItem();
                         $operation->type = CAuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION;
                         $operation->name = $name;
                         $operation->description = $description;
                     if ($operation->save()) {
                         $auth_item_child = AuthItemChild::model()->findByAttributes(array('parent' => $task->name, 'child' => $operation->name));
                         if (!$auth_item_child) {
                             $auth_item_child = new AuthItemChild();
                             $auth_item_child->parent = $task->name;
                             $auth_item_child->child = $operation->name;
     $auth_items = array();
     $tasks = $this->getModulesTasks();
     foreach ($tasks as $task) {
         $auth_items[] = array('id' => $task['name'], 'name' => $task['name'], 'exists' => $task['exists'], 'description' => $task['description']);
         if (isset($task['operations'])) {
             foreach ($task['operations'] as $operation) {
                 $operation['parent'] = $task['name'];
                 $operation['id'] = $operation['name'];
                 $auth_items[] = $operation;
     $data_provider = new CArrayDataProvider($auth_items, array('pagination' => false));
     $this->render('manage', array('data_provider' => $data_provider, 'tasks' => $this->getModulesTasks()));
	* Update an auth item.
	* Note: The item's type can not be changed.
	public function actionManage($item) {
		$item = $this->authManager->getEAuthItem($item);
		if (empty($item))
			throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('RbamModule.rbam','Authorisation item not found.'));
		$authItem = new AuthItem('update'); // $authItem is a CFormModel
		$attributes = array();
  	foreach ($authItem->getAttributes() as $name=>$value)
	  	$authItem->$name = $item->$name;
		$form = $authItem->getForm(!in_array($item->name, $this->getModule()->getDefaultRoles()));
		if ($form->submitted($form->uniqueId)) {
			$response = array();
			if ($authItem->save($item)) {
				$response['content'] = Yii::t('RbamModule.rbam','"{item}" {type} updated.', array(
					'{type}'=>$this->type($item->type, true)
				if ($item->name!==$_POST['AuthItem']['oldName'])
					$response['redirect'] = $this->createUrl($this->action->id, array('item'=>$item->name));
			else {
				$errors = array();
				foreach ($authItem->getErrors() as $attribute=>$attributeErrors)
					foreach ($attributeErrors as $error)
						$errors[] = array(
				$response = compact('errors');
			header('Content-type: application/json');
			echo CJSON::encode($response);
		if (Yii::app()->getUser()->checkAccess($this->getModule()->authAssignmentsManagerRole)) {
			$authAssignment = new AuthAssignment('upate'); // $authAssignment is a CFormModel
			$assignmentForm = $authAssignment->getForm();			
			$assignmentForm = null;

		$this->pageTitle = $this->_pageTitle($this->action->id, array(
			'{type}'=>$this->type($item->type, true, true)
		$this->breadcrumbs = array(

		$this->render('form', compact('item', 'form', 'assignmentForm'));
 public function actionCreate()
     $parent = $this->getItem();
     $item = new AuthItem();
     $item_child = new AuthItemChild();
     if (isset($_POST['AuthItem'])) {
         $item->attributes = $_POST['AuthItem'];
         $item_child->attributes = $_POST['AuthItemChild'];
         $item_child->child = $item->name;
         if ($item->validate() && $item_child->validate()) {
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'name' => $item->name));
     $this->render('create', array('parent' => $parent, 'item' => $item, 'item_child' => $item_child));
Beispiel #10
  * @desc
 public function actionEdit()
     $this->checkAccess('RbacViewer', true);
     $model = new AuthItem();
     if (empty($_POST)) {
         if (isset($_GET['item'])) {
             if (in_array($_GET['item'], $this->protectedItems)) {
                 $this->messageErrors[] = "Warning! Item is protected by Controller";
             $model->attributes = $_GET;
             if ($model->validate()) {
                 $name = urldecode($_GET['item']);
                 if ($item = $model->findByAttributes(array('name' => $name))) {
                     // display edit Item box
                     $this->editItem = $item;
                 } else {
                     $this->messageErrors[] = "The Item you want to edit does not exist";
             } else {
                 $this->messageErrors[] = "Unsecure Data detected. Please mail the Siteadmin if this Problem returns.";
         } else {
             //ignore missing item and display index
     } else {
         $this->checkAccess('RbacEditor', true);
         // filter names
         $_POST['editItem']['name'] = $this->filterString($_POST['editItem']['name'], $this->filterNames);
         $model->attributes = $_POST['editItem'];
         $oldName = $_POST['oldName'];
         if (in_array($oldName, $this->protectedItems) || in_array($_POST['editItem']['name'], $this->protectedItems)) {
             $this->messageErrors[] = "Sorry, Item is protected by Controller";
         if ($model->validate()) {
             if (isset($_POST['updateItem'])) {
                 $this->_updateItem($_POST['editItem'], $oldName);
             } elseif (isset($_POST['createItem'])) {
                 if (!AuthItem::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $_POST['editItem']['name']))) {
                     $this->messageSuccess[] = "Item {$_POST['editItem']['name']} successfull created.";
                 } else {
                     $this->messageErrors[] = "Create Error: New Item <i>{$_POST['editItem']['name']}</i> already exists";
                     $this->editItem = $model;
             } elseif (isset($_POST['deleteItem'])) {
                 AuthItem::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('name' => $oldName));
                 AuthItemChild::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('parent' => $oldName));
                 AuthItemChild::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('child' => $oldName));
                 AuthAssignment::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('itemname' => $oldName));
                 $this->messageSuccess[] = "Item {$oldName} successfull deleted.";
             } else {
                 // ignore not existing submit option and render page
         } else {
             //use Yii error system
             $this->editItem = $model;
 public function actionImport()
     $modulesList = [];
     $modules = [];
     foreach (Yii::app()->getModules() as $key => $value) {
         $key = strtolower($key);
         $module = Yii::app()->getModule($key);
         if ($module instanceof \yupe\components\WebModule) {
             $modulesList[$key] = $module->getName();
             $modules[$key] = $module;
     if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->isPostRequest) {
         $importModules = array_intersect(Yii::app()->getRequest()->getPost('modules', []), array_keys($modules));
         foreach ($importModules as $moduleName) {
             /* @var $module \yupe\components\WebModule */
             $module = $modules[$moduleName];
             $rules = $module->getAuthItems();
             // 1 - получить все элементы из дерева
             $items = $this->getRulesList($rules);
             $parentsChildren = $this->getRulesParentsAndChildren($items);
             // обновляем
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 $model = AuthItem::model()->findByPk($item['name']);
                 if (!$model) {
                     $model = new AuthItem();
                 $model->attributes = $item;
             // удаляем удаленные из модуля
             // оставшиеся
             $availableItems = array_map(function ($x) {
                 return $x['name'];
             }, $items);
             /* удаляем правила */
             $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
             $criteria->addCondition('name like :rule');
             $criteria->params = [':rule' => ucfirst($moduleName) . '.%'];
             $criteria->addNotInCondition('name', $availableItems);
             /* создаем связи */
             foreach ($parentsChildren as $pair) {
                 $model = AuthItemChild::model()->findByPk(['parent' => $pair['parent'], 'child' => $pair['child']]);
                 if (!$model) {
                     $model = new AuthItemChild();
                     $model->attributes = $pair;
         Yii::app()->getUser()->setFlash(yupe\widgets\YFlashMessages::SUCCESS_MESSAGE, Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Items successfully imported!'));
     $this->render('import', ['modules' => $modulesList]);
  * 增加角色
 public function actionRoleCreate()
     $request = new Request(array('restful' => false));
     if (is_object($request->params)) {
         $params = get_object_vars($request->params);
     } else {
         $params = $request->params;
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     $model = new AuthItem();
     $model->attributes = array('name' => $params['roleName'], 'type' => CAuthItem::TYPE_ROLE, 'description' => $params['roleDescription'], 'bizrule' => $params['roleBizRule'], 'data' => $params['roleData']);
     $authItem = AuthItem::model()->find('name = :name', array(':name' => $params['roleName']));
     if (empty($authItem)) {
         if ($model->save()) {
             $data = array('roleName' => $model->name);
             $paerentRoleName = $params['parentRoleName'];
             $auth = Yii::app()->authManager;
             $role = $auth->addItemChild($paerentRoleName, $params['roleName']);
             if ($role) {
                 $success = true;
                 $message = '该操作添加成功';
                 $data = array();
             } else {
                 $success = true;
                 $message = '该操作添加失败';
                 $data = array();
         } else {
             $success = false;
             $message = '添加角色失败';
             $data = array();
     } else {
         $success = false;
         $message = '添加角色或权限已经存在';
         $data = array();
     $res = new Response();
     $res->success = $success;
     $res->message = $message;
     $res->data = $data;
     echo $res->to_json();