function get_banner($banner_slug, $echo = true, $url_and_link = false) { $banner_id = get_post_id_by_slug($banner_slug, 'banners'); $banners = new Attachments('banner_attachments', $banner_id); $output = ""; if ($banners->exist()) { $i = 0; //пишем всю эту муть.. там в Attachments::()->OneSort(); $o = $banners->OneSort(); if (empty($o)) { $o = 0; } //ты втираешь мне какуюто Дичь!? if ($banners->total() > 1) { if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION[$banner_slug])) { $_SESSION[$banner_slug] = $o; $_SESSION[start] = true; } else { $_SESSION[start] = false; } $i = intval($_SESSION[$banner_slug]); //извольте?!? if ($_SESSION[start]) { $i = $i; } else { if ($i < $banners->total() - 1) { $_SESSION[$banner_slug] = ++$i; } else { $_SESSION[$banner_slug] = $i = 0; } } } if ($banners->get_single($i)) { if ($url_and_link) { return array('url' => $banners->url($i), 'link' => $banners->field('link_url', $i)); } if ($banners->type($i) == 'image') { $b_url = $banners->field('link_url', $i); if (!empty($b_url)) { $output .= '<noindex><a rel="nofollow" href="' . $b_url . '" target="_blank">'; } $output .= '<img src="' . $banners->url($i) . '" width="100%" />'; if (!empty($b_url)) { $output .= '</a></noindex>'; } } if ($banners->type($i) == 'application') { $hb = explode("x", $banner_slug); $parent_id = $banner_slug . '_' . $banners->id($i); $output .= '<div id="' . $parent_id . '"><script type="text/javascript">'; $output .= 'swfobject.embedSWF("' . $banners->url($i) . '", "' . $parent_id . '", "100%", "' . $hb[1] . '", "10.0.0", "install flash player", null, {menu: "false", wmode: "transparent", scale:"default"}, null);'; $output .= '</script></div>'; } } } else { if ($echo) { echo $output; } else { return false; } } if ($echo) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } }
</span> <!-- <span class="main-content__item__foot"></span>--> </a> <?php // retrieve all Attachments for the 'attachments' instance of post 123 $attachments = new Attachments('attachments', get_the_ID()); ?> <?php if ($attachments->exist()) { ?> <?php while ($attachments->get()) { ?> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $attachments->url(); ?> " class="hidden-<?php echo get_the_ID(); ?> "> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } }
} ?> </div> <!-- <h3>--><?php //the_title(); ?> <!--</h3>--> </div> <?php // retrieve all Attachments for the 'attachments' instance of post 123 $attachments = new Attachments('attachments', get_the_ID()); $data = $attachments->get_attachments(); if (!empty($data)) { $data = []; while ($attachments->get()) { $data[] = array('url' => $attachments->url(), 'title' => $attachments->field('title'), 'caption' => $attachments->field('caption')); } } ?> <div class="page__body page__scrolltext"> <div class="col-xs-3"> <?php if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $item) { ?> <a class="author__photo--item" href="<?php echo $item['url']; ?> " data-lightbox="example-set" data-title="<?php echo $item['caption'];
$attachments = new Attachments('netevl_attachments_' . $thisPostType); ?> <div class="cpts-table-box list-item"> <div class="col"> <h3 class="title"><?php the_title(); ?> </h3> <?php if ($attachments->exist()) { $index = 0; while ($attachment = $attachments->get()) { //$is_right = $themeMethods->checkUserRoles(); $is_right = true; $cssClass = $index == 0 ? ' is-current' : ' is-old'; echo sprintf('<a href="%s" class="attr%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', $is_right ? $attachments->url() : '#', $is_right ? $cssClass : '', $attachment->fields->file_title); $index++; } } ?> </div> <div class="col col-author"> Autor: <strong>Oswald</strong> </div> </div> <!--<a href="#" class="show-list">Zobrazit vše</a>--> <?php } ?>
function printElement($post) { $attachments = new Attachments('gallery_attachments', $post->ID); $path_img = esc_url(get_template_directory_uri()) . '/images/'; if ($attachments->exist()) { //VIDEO INTERNO //echo '<div class="swiper-slide video-player-interno">'; echo '<video class="cover-video" autoplay muted loop>'; while ($attachments->get()) { $extension = explode('.', $attachments->url()); $ext = $extension[count($extension) - 1]; echo '<source src="' . $attachments->url() . '" type="video/' . $ext . '">'; } echo '</video>'; //echo '<div class="slide-description"><img src="'.$path_img.'video_play_black.png" /><h1 class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">'.$post->post_title.'</h1><p class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">'.$post->post_content.'</p></div>'; //echo '</div>'; } else { if (wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID)) != false) { //è un'immagine echo '<div class="swiper-slide">'; echo '<div class="swiper-slide-image" style="background:url(\'' . wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID)) . '\') center center" />'; echo '<div class="slide-description hidden-xs hidden-sm"><h1>' . $post->post_title . '</h1><p>' . $post->post_content . '</p></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } else { //è un video di youtube //$embed_video = str_replace('watch?v=', 'embed/', get_post_meta($post->ID, 'video', true)); $embed_video = explode('watch?v=', get_post_meta($post->ID, 'video', true)); $idVideo = $embed_video[count($embed_video) - 1]; ?> <div id="video"></div> <script> $('#video').YTPlayer({ fitToBackground: true, videoId: '<?php echo $idVideo; ?> ' }); </script> <?php } } }
<?php $thisPostType = get_post_type(); $attachments = new Attachments('netevl_attachments_' . $thisPostType); $fileCz = null; $fileEn = null; if ($attachments->exist()) { while ($attachment = $attachments->get()) { if ($attachment->fields->file_lang == 'cz') { $fileCz = $attachments->url(); } if ($attachment->fields->file_lang == 'en') { $fileEn = $attachments->url(); } } } $schvaleno = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_netevl_' . $thisPostType . '_schvaleno', true); ?> <div class="page-header"> <h1><?php the_title(); ?> </h1> <ul class="info-bar"> <?php if (strlen($schvaleno) > 0) { ?> <li class="info-released"><strong><?php echo $schvaleno; ?>
function get_attachments_array($name, $srcSize = 'full') { $return = array(); $attachments = new Attachments($name); if ($attachments->exist()) { $i = 0; while ($attachments->get()) { $return[$i]['id'] = $attachments->id(); $return[$i]['type'] = $attachments->type(); $return[$i]['subtype'] = $attachments->subtype(); $return[$i]['url'] = $attachments->url(); $return[$i]['thumbnail'] = $attachments->image('thumbnail'); $return[$i]['srcfull'] = $attachments->src('full'); $return[$i]['src'] = $attachments->src($srcSize); $return[$i]['filesize'] = $attachments->filesize(); $return[$i]['title'] = $attachments->field('title'); $return[$i]['caption'] = $attachments->field('caption'); $i++; } } return $return; }
function getSection($sectionName, $posts, $thisPostType) { $rtn = '<section class="section">'; $rtn .= '<h2 class="section-title">' . $sectionName . '</h2>'; $rtn .= '<table class="cpts-table">'; $rtn .= '<thead>'; $rtn .= '<tr>'; $rtn .= '<th class="col-number">Číslo</th>'; $rtn .= '<th class="col-name">Název</th>'; $rtn .= '<th class="col-date">Schváleno</th>'; $rtn .= '<th class="col-download">Česky</th>'; $rtn .= '<th class="col-download">Anglicky</th>'; $rtn .= '</tr>'; $rtn .= '</thead>'; $rtn .= '<tbody>'; while ($posts->have_posts()) { $posts->the_post(); $attachments = new Attachments('netevl_attachments_' . $thisPostType); $fileCz = null; $fileEn = null; if ($attachments->exist()) { while ($attachment = $attachments->get()) { if ($attachment->fields->file_lang == 'cz') { $fileCz = $attachments->url(); } if ($attachment->fields->file_lang == 'en') { $fileEn = $attachments->url(); } } } $rtn .= '<tr>'; $rtn .= '<td class="col-number">' . get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_netevl_' . $thisPostType . '_cislo', true) . '</td>'; $rtn .= '<td class="col-name"><h3 class="title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h3></td>'; $rtn .= '<td class="col-date">' . get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_netevl_' . $thisPostType . '_schvaleno', true) . '</td>'; $rtn .= '<td class="col-download">'; if (!is_null($fileCz)) { $rtn .= '<a href="' . $fileCz . '" class="picto-pdf" target="_blank"></a>'; } $rtn .= '</td>'; $rtn .= '<td class="col-download">'; if (!is_null($fileEn)) { $rtn .= '<a href="' . $fileEn . '" class="picto-pdf" target="_blank"></a>'; } $rtn .= '</td>'; $rtn .= '</tr>'; } $rtn .= '</tbody>'; $rtn .= '</table>'; $rtn .= '</section>'; echo $rtn; }