// Test for essential session variables and trigger an error if they do not exist.
$session_id = session_id();
$str = "tA_set RepsTowardM_to_zero.php line 7. Must be in a session to record data to database ";
if (!isset($session_id)) {
    // Trigger fatal error.
    trigger_error("{$str}", E_USER_ERROR);
$str = "tA_set RepsTowardM_to_zero.php line 12. Session must have a tA_S_ID to record data to database.";
if (!isset($_SESSION["tA_S_ID"])) {
    // Trigger fatal error.
    trigger_error("Session must have a tA_S_ID to record data to database.", E_USER_ERROR);
$str = "tA_set RepsTowardM_to_zero.php line 17.  Session must have a tG_AssignmentName to record data to database.";
if (!isset($_SESSION["tG_AssignmentName"])) {
    // Trigger fatal error.
    trigger_error("{$str}", E_USER_ERROR);
$str = "tA_set RepsTowardM_to_zero.php line 22.  Session must have a tA_StartRec to record data to database.";
if (!isset($_SESSION["tA_StartRec"])) {
    // Trigger fatal error.
    trigger_error("{$str}", E_USER_ERROR);
//$log_file = fopen("/var/www/tutor/tA_set RepsTowardM_to_zero.php", "a");
//$string="\ntA_set RepsTowardM_to_zero.php"."\n";
//fwrite  ( $log_file, $string);
require "../classes/Assignment.class.php";
// Here we start to update the assignment.
$a = new AssignmentsClass();
// Here we start to update the assignment.
$y = $a->set_RepsTowardM_to_zero($_SESSION['tA_S_ID'], $_SESSION["tA_AssignmentsName"], $_SESSION["tA_id"]);
Beispiel #2
fwrite($log_file, $string);
$tA_LastModifiedDateTime = time();
$value_array['tA_Post_date'] = $tA_LastModifiedDateTime + $post_date_time;
$string = "\n" . __LINE__ . '$tA_LastModifiedDateTime = ' . $tA_LastModifiedDateTime;
fwrite($log_file, $string);
$v = var_export($value_array, TRUE);
$string = "\n" . __LINE__ . '$value_array["tA_Post_date"] = ' . $v;
fwrite($log_file, $string);
$value_array["tA_RepsTowardM"] = $tA_RepsTowardM;
// Set at lines 75-85
// $value_array['tA_ErrorsMade'] set at line 145
$value_array['tA_LastModifiedDateTime'] = $tA_LastModifiedDateTime;
$v = var_export($value_array, TRUE);
$string = __LINE__ . ' $value_array = ' . "{$v}\n\n";
fwrite($log_file, $string);
$classInstance = new AssignmentsClass();
$returnedValue = $classInstance->updateFields($value_array, $where_array);
$string = __LINE__ . ' $returnedValue = ' . $returnedValue . "\n\n";
fwrite($log_file, $string);
$string = __LINE__ . ' gettype($returnedValue) = ' . gettype($returnedValue) . "\n\n";
fwrite($log_file, $string);
// Returns count of rows affected.
if ($returnedValue !== 1) {
    // Serious Error..
    $string = "\n" . __LINE__ . " update_tA_TC.php failed to record data in tAssignments.";
    fwrite($log_file, $string);
 * Clone and instert a lesson incremented by one in some lessons.
 * Applies to Spelling or typing or some types of math with many parameters.
require "../../vendor/autoload.php";
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
// Must get tA_id for the lesson to be tested.
require_once "../test_lesson_include.php";
$_SESSION['tA_S_ID'] = "zxcvb";
$_SESSION['tA_StartRec'] = 1;
$class_instance = new AssignmentsClass();
$target_assignment_name = 'gA_clockwise_counterclockwise';
// $secondary_assignment_name = 'gA_left_right_blocks';.
$lessons_to_ta = array(array('ga' => 'gA_left_right_blocks', 'tA_PostDateIncrement' => 0), array('ga' => 'gA_typing_lessons_cl', 'tA_PostDateIncrement' => 0), array('ga' => 'gA_spelling', 'tA_PostDateIncrement' => 0), array('ga' => 'gA_horizontal_vertical_diagonal', 'tA_PostDateIncrement' => 0), array('ga' => 'gA_one_digit_addition_vertical_clues', 'tA_PostDateIncrement' => 0), array('ga' => 'gA_clockwise_counterclockwise', 'tA_PostDateIncrement' => 2));
foreach ($lessons_to_ta as $v1) {
    $_SESSION['tG_AssignmentName'] = $v1["ga"];
    $_SESSION['tA_PostDateIncrement'] = $v1['tA_PostDateIncrement'];
    $_SESSION['tA_Post_date'] = round(microtime(TRUE), 3, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN) + $_SESSION['tA_PostDateIncrement'];
    $result = $class_instance->insertRecord($_SESSION);
$result = $class_instance->getSpecificStudentAssignmentFromDbAsArray($_SESSION['tA_S_ID'], $target_assignment_name, $_SESSION['tA_StartRec']);
// Echo $_SESSION['tG_AssignmentName'];.
$_SESSION['tA_id'] = $result['tA_id'];
// Echo $_SESSION['tA_id'];
// Load the lesson to test.
// Test for essential session variables and trigger an error if they do not exist.
$session_id = session_id();
$str = __LINE__ . " tA_set RepsTowardM_to_zero.php Must be in a session to record data to database ";
if (!isset($session_id)) {
    // Trigger fatal error.
    trigger_error("{$str}", E_USER_ERROR);
$str = __LINE__ . " increment_tA_ErrorsMade.php Session must have a tA_S_ID to record data to database.";
if (!isset($_SESSION["tA_S_ID"])) {
    // Trigger fatal error.
    trigger_error("Session must have a tA_S_ID to record data to database.", E_USER_ERROR);
$str = __LINE__ . " increment_tA_ErrorsMade.php Session must have a tG_AssignmentName to record data to database.";
if (!isset($_SESSION["tG_AssignmentName"])) {
    // Trigger fatal error.
    trigger_error("{$str}", E_USER_ERROR);
$str = __LINE__ . "  increment_tA_ErrorsMade.php Session must have a lesson_id to record data to database.";
if (!isset($_SESSION["lesson_id"])) {
    // Trigger fatal error.
    trigger_error("{$str}", E_USER_ERROR);
//$log_file = fopen("/var/www/tutor/tA_set RepsTowardM_to_zero.php", "a");
//$string="\ntA_set RepsTowardM_to_zero.php"."\n";
//fwrite  ( $log_file, $string);
require "../classes/Assignment.class.php";
// Here we start to update the assignment.
$a = new AssignmentsClass();
// Here we start to update the assignment.
$y = $a->increment_tA_ErrorsMade($_SESSION['tA_S_ID'], $_SESSION["tA_AssignmentsName"], $_SESSION["lesson_id"]);
  * Test cAssignmentGetNextLesson().
 public function testcAssignmentGetNextLesson()
         Tests cAssignment_get_next_lesson.php Does not show up on missing
         tests because cAssignments is not in assignments.class
         Function cAssignments_get_next_lesson is called from javascript.
     // Next reset myArray to origninal values.
     // Add a new row to delete.
     $ac_class_instance = new AssignmentsClass();
     $temp_student_id = 'abcdefg';
     $this->myArray['tA_S_ID'] = $temp_student_id;
     // Set to a different value.
     // Insure no previous lessons for this student.
     $result = $ac_class_instance->insertRecord($this->myArray);
     $this->assertTrue($result == 1);
     $_SESSION['tA_S_ID'] = $temp_student_id;
// This file requires, as input,  a student id.
// Insure the student identifier is present. Error if not found.
if (empty($_data['tA_S_ID']) === TRUE) {
    $msg = ' cAssignment_get_next_lesson.php    Must have "tA_S_ID" in $_data.';
    $msg = $msg . "\n" . __LINE__ . ' Missing $_data["tA_S_ID"] can not proceed';
    trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR);
// Now get the student information and set all session variables.
$_data['tA_S_ID'] = filter_var($_data['tA_S_ID'], FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW);
$string = "\n" . __LINE__ . ' $_data["tA_S_ID"] = ' . $_data['tA_S_ID'];
fwrite($log_file, $string . "\n\n");
$_data['last_gA'] = NULL;
// Prime session with the existing relevant data.
$_SESSION = $_data;
// Get next assignment to do from the login data.
$next_lesson = new AssignmentsClass();
// Return a single lesson as a tAssignments row.
$lesson = $next_lesson->getNextAssignmentToDo($_data['tA_S_ID'], $_data['tA_id']);
$v = var_export($lesson, TRUE);
$string = "\n" . __LINE__ . ' $lesson = ' . $v . "\n\n";
fwrite($log_file, $string . "\n");
if (is_null($lesson) == TRUE) {
    $msg = $msg . "\n" . __LINE__ . ' No lesson found.';
    trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR);
// From the assignment name retrieve the generic assignment and assign
// its variables  to the $_SESSION variable.
$my_next_ga = new GenericAClass();
$the_ga = $my_next_ga->getRowFromDbAsArray($lesson['tG_AssignmentName']);
// Pack all tGenericAssignment data into session varaiable.
foreach ($the_ga as $key => $value) {