public function replace_tag($tagdata = '', $params = '') { if ($tagdata == '') { return $tagdata; } $raw_content = parent::replace_tag($tagdata, $params); $content_obj = json_decode($raw_content); if (isset($content_obj->title_text)) { $tagdata = str_replace('{title_text}', $content_obj->title_text, $tagdata); } if (isset($content_obj->assets_file_id)) { ee()->load->add_package_path(PATH_THIRD . 'assets/'); require_once PATH_THIRD . 'assets/sources/ee/'; require_once PATH_THIRD . 'assets/helper.php'; ee()->load->library('Assets_lib'); $assets_file = ee()->assets_lib->get_file_by_id($content_obj->assets_file_id); $assets_helper = new Assets_helper(); $tagdata = $assets_helper->parse_file_tag(array($assets_file), $tagdata); } else { if (isset($content_obj->file_id)) { require_once APPPATH . 'fieldtypes/file/ft.file.php'; $ee_file = new File_ft(); $file_info = ee()->file_field->parse_field($content_obj->file_id); if ($file_info) { $tagdata = $ee_file->replace_tag($file_info, $params, $tagdata); } } } return $tagdata; }
/** * Get files and parse them */ public function files() { $tagdata = $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata; // Ignore if there's no tagdata if (!$tagdata) { return ''; } $parameters = $this->_gather_file_parameters(); $files = $this->EE->assets_lib->get_files($parameters); if ($files) { // is there a var_prefix? if (($var_prefix = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('var_prefix')) !== FALSE) { $var_prefix = rtrim($var_prefix, ':') . ':'; $tagdata = str_replace($var_prefix, '', $tagdata); } return Assets_helper::parse_file_tag($files, $tagdata); } else { return $this->EE->TMPL->no_results(); } }
/** * Perform the simple HTML upload for frontend forms. * * @param $file_info * @param $filedir_id * @return mixed */ private function _simple_html_upload($file_info, $filedir_id) { $filename = $file_info['name']; try { $source = $this->EE->assets_lib->instantiate_source_type((object) array('source_type' => 'ee', 'filedir_id' => $filedir_id)); $filedir = $source->settings(); if ($filedir->max_size && filesize($file_info['tmp_name']) > $filedir->max_size) { return FALSE; } $filename = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\\-\\.]/i', '_', $filename); $file_parts = explode('.', $filename); $ext = array_pop($file_parts); $file_base = join(".", $file_parts); $filename = $file_base . '.' . $ext; $target = $filedir->server_path . $filename; $i = 0; while (file_exists($target)) { if (is_numeric($i) && $i < 50) { $i++; } else { $i = uniqid('', TRUE); } $filename = $file_base . '_' . $i . '.' . $ext; $target = $filedir->server_path . $filename; } move_uploaded_file($file_info['tmp_name'], $target); $file_id = $this->EE->assets_lib->register_ee_file($filedir->id, $filename); if ($file_id) { Assets_helper::create_ee_thumbnails($target, $filedir->id); return $file_id; } } catch (Exception $exception) { // Skip this. } }
/** * Set Sections */ function set_sections() { // are we on the Publish page? if ($this->EE->input->get('C') == 'content_publish' && $this->EE->input->get('M') == 'entry_form') { $this->EE->lang->loadfile('matrix_multi_upload'); $query = $this->EE->db->query('SELECT action_id FROM exp_actions WHERE class = "Matrix_multi_upload_mcp" AND method = "upload"'); // is the module installed? if ($query->num_rows()) { $action_id = $query->row('action_id'); // Prefs $group_id = $this->EE->session->userdata('group_id'); $upload_prefs = Matrix_multi_upload_helper::get_upload_preferences($group_id); // are there any upload directories? if ($upload_prefs) { foreach ($upload_prefs as $row) { $upload_dirs[$row['id']] = $row['name']; } // add the Matrix Column section $this->sections['1. ' . lang('choose_col')] = '<p>' . lang('choose_col_info') . '</p>' . '<div id="mmu_matrix_col"><p class="notice">' . lang('choose_col_notice') . '</p></div>'; // get the site url if (($site_url = $this->EE->config->item('mmu_site_url')) === FALSE) { $site_url = $this->EE->functions->fetch_site_index(0, 0); } // include CSS and JS $this->_include_theme_js('lib/plupload/js/plupload.js'); $this->_include_theme_js('lib/plupload/js/plupload.html5.js'); $this->_include_theme_js('lib/plupload/js/plupload.flash.js'); $this->_include_theme_js('lib/plupload/js/jquery.plupload.queue/jquery.plupload.queue.js'); $this->_include_theme_js('scripts/matrix_multi_upload.js'); // make the upload URL available to JS $this->_include_theme_css('styles/matrix_multi_upload.css'); $this->_insert_js('MMU.FileHandler.uploadUrl = "' . $site_url . QUERY_MARKER . 'ACT=' . $action_id . '";'); // add the Plupload sections $this->sections['2. ' . lang('choose_filedir')] = '<p>' . lang('choose_filedir_info') . '</p>' . form_dropdown('mmu_filedir', $upload_dirs, '', 'id="mmu_filedir"'); $this->sections[lang('upload_files')] = '<div id="mmu_plupload" style="width: 450px; height: 330px;">' . 'You browser doesn’t support multi-file uploading.' . '</div>'; // ------------------------------------------- // Assets integration // ------------------------------------------- if (array_key_exists('assets', $this->EE->addons->get_installed())) { $this->sections['2. ' . lang('choose_files')] = '<p>' . lang('choose_files_info') . '</p>' . '<input id="mmu_choose_files" type="button" value="' . lang('choose_files') . '">'; // include the sheet resources require_once PATH_THIRD . 'assets/helper.php'; $assets_helper = new Assets_helper(); $assets_helper->include_sheet_resources(); } } else { $this->sections['Error'] = 'Either no upload directories exist, or you don’t have permission to upload to any of them.'; } } else { $this->sections['Error'] = 'The Matrix Multi-Upload module is not installed.'; } } else { // just hide the tab $this->_insert_js('jQuery("#accessoryTabs a.matrix_multi_upload").parent("li").remove()'); } }
/** * Refresh a connection information and return authorization token. * * @throws Exception */ private function _refresh_connection_information() { $settings = $this->_source_settings; $username = $settings->username; $api_key = $settings->api_key; $headers = array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json'); $payload = Assets_helper::get_json(array('auth' => array('RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials' => array('username' => $username, 'apiKey' => $api_key)))); $target_url = self::_make_authorization_request_url(); $response = self::_do_request($target_url, 'POST', $headers, array(), $payload); $body = json_decode(substr($response, strpos($response, '{'))); if (!$body) { throw new Exception(lang('wrong_credentials')); } $token = $body->access->token->id; $services = $body->access->serviceCatalog; if (!$token || !$services) { throw new Exception(lang('wrong_credentials')); } $regions = array(); // Fetch region information foreach ($services as $service) { if ($service->name == 'cloudFilesCDN' || $service->name == 'cloudFiles') { foreach ($service->endpoints as $endpoint) { if (empty($regions[$endpoint->region])) { $regions[$endpoint->region] = array(); } if ($service->name == 'cloudFilesCDN') { $regions[$endpoint->region]['cdn_url'] = $endpoint->publicURL; } else { $regions[$endpoint->region]['storage_url'] = $endpoint->publicURL; } } } } // Each region gets separate connection information foreach ($regions as $region => $data) { $connection_key = $this->_get_connection_key($username, $api_key, $region); $data = array('token' => $token, 'storage_url' => $data['storage_url'], 'cdn_url' => $data['cdn_url']); // Store this in the access store self::$_access_store[$connection_key] = $data; $this->_update_access_data($connection_key, $data); } }
/** * Display the field * * @param $data * @return string */ public function display_field($data) { ee()->load->library('table_lib'); $vars = array('field_id' => $this->field_id, 'table_rows' => FALSE, 'table_num_rows' => 0, 'table_num_cols' => 0, 'celltypes' => ee()->table_lib->get_celltypes(), 'settings' => $this->settings, 'use_assets' => FALSE); $field_id = $this->field_id; $table_post_data = ee()->input->post('table_cell_' . $field_id); $entry_id = $this->content_id(); /** * If we have POST data here it might be a result of a save with validation errors */ if ($table_post_data) { $table_num_cols = 0; $table_num_rows = count($table_post_data); if ($table_num_rows > 0) { $table_num_cols = count($table_post_data[1]); // get number of cols for first row } // convert POST data to the format we get it from the db $table_rows = array(); for ($j = 1; $j <= count($table_post_data); $j++) { $first_cell = $table_post_data[$j][1]; reset($first_cell); $row_type = key($first_cell); $row_data = array('entry_id' => $entry_id, 'row' => $j, 'row_type' => $row_type); $col_data = $table_post_data[$j]; for ($c = 1; $c <= count($col_data); $c++) { $row_data['col_' . $c] = $col_data[$c][$row_type]; // @todo fix this when each cell can have different types? } $table_rows[] = $row_data; } $vars['table_rows'] = $table_rows; $vars['table_num_rows'] = $table_num_rows; $vars['table_num_cols'] = $table_num_cols; } else { if ($entry_id > 0) { // entry is saved so we look up the saved data $field_name = ee()->table_lib->get_field_name($field_id); $q = ee()->db->where('entry_id', $entry_id)->order_by('row')->get(Table_ft::TABLE_PREFIX . $field_name); $table_rows = $q->result_array(); $table_num_rows = $q->num_rows(); $table_num_cols = 0; // count columns if ($table_num_rows > 0) { $col_id = 1; while (isset($table_rows[0]['col_' . $col_id])) { $table_num_cols++; $col_id++; } } $vars['table_rows'] = $table_rows; $vars['table_num_rows'] = $table_num_rows; $vars['table_num_cols'] = $table_num_cols; } } // Make sure that Assets is installed if (array_key_exists('assets', $this->EE->addons->get_installed())) { require_once PATH_THIRD . 'assets/helper.php'; $assets_helper = new Assets_helper(); $assets_helper->include_sheet_resources(); $vars['use_assets'] = TRUE; } ee()->cp->add_to_head('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . ee()->table_lib->get_theme_url() . 'css/table.min.css">'); $dynamic_js_vars = array('field_id' => $field_id, 'factories' => ee()->table_lib->get_js_cell_factories(), 'use_assets' => $vars['use_assets']); $dynamic_js = ee()->load->view('table_dynamic_js', $dynamic_js_vars, TRUE); ee()->cp->add_to_head($dynamic_js); ee()->cp->add_to_head('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . ee()->table_lib->get_theme_url() . 'js/table.min.js' . '"></script>'); return ee()->load->view('table_publish_view', $vars, TRUE); }
/** * Returns a path for the thumbnail source * @return mixed */ public function get_thumbnail_source_path() { $path = Assets_helper::ensure_cache_path('assets/s3_sources') . $this->file_id . '.jpg'; if (!file_exists($path)) { $location = $this->get_local_copy(); @rename($location, $path); } return Assets_helper::ensure_cache_path('assets/s3_sources') . $this->file_id . '.jpg'; }
/** * Perform image actions - resize and save dimensions. If no bucket name provided, $uri is treated as filesystem path * * @param $uri * @param $file_id * @param mixed $bucket false for uri to be treated as a filesystem path * @return bool */ private function _perform_image_actions($uri, $file_id, $bucket = FALSE) { $this->EE->load->library('filemanager'); $cache_path = 'assets/s3_sources'; $cache_path = Assets_helper::ensure_cache_path($cache_path); if ($bucket) { $target = Assets_helper::get_temp_file(); $this->_s3_set_creds($this->settings()->access_key_id, $this->settings()->secret_access_key); $this->s3->getObject($bucket, $this->_get_path_prefix() . $uri, $target); $uri = $target; } list($width, $height) = getimagesize($uri); $data = array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height); $this->_update_file($data, $file_id); if (strtolower($this->EE->config->item('assets_cache_remote_images')) !== "no") { $target_path = $cache_path . $file_id . '.jpg'; $this->EE->assets_lib->resize_image($uri, $target_path, self::IMAGE_SOURCE_SIZE); } @unlink($uri); }
/** * Get source * * @param StdCLass $data_object * @param bool $ignore_restrictions if set to TRUE, this source will not impose any filedir restrictions * @return Assets_base_source * @throws Exception */ public function instantiate_source_type($data_object, $ignore_restrictions = FALSE) { $source_key = $data_object->source_type . '_' . (isset($data_object->source_id) ? $data_object->source_id : '') . '_' . (isset($data_object->filedir_id) ? $data_object->filedir_id : '') . (int) $ignore_restrictions; if (empty($this->cache['sources'][$source_key])) { require_once PATH_THIRD . 'assets/sources/' . $data_object->source_type . '/source.' . $data_object->source_type . '.php'; require_once PATH_THIRD . 'assets/sources/' . $data_object->source_type . '/file.' . $data_object->source_type . '.php'; $source_class = 'Assets_' . $data_object->source_type . '_source'; if ($data_object->source_type == 'ee') { $settings = $this->EE->db->get_where('upload_prefs', array('id' => $data_object->filedir_id))->row(); if (empty($settings)) { throw new Exception(lang('unknown_source')); } $source_id = $data_object->filedir_id; } else { $settings = $this->EE->db->get_where('assets_sources', array('source_id' => $data_object->source_id, 'source_type' => $data_object->source_type))->row(); if (empty($settings)) { throw new Exception(lang('unknown_source')); } $source_id = $data_object->source_id; $settings = Assets_helper::apply_source_overrides($source_id, json_decode($settings->settings)); } $this->cache['sources'][$source_key] = new $source_class($source_id, $settings, $ignore_restrictions); } if (empty($this->cache['sources'][$source_key])) { throw new Exception(lang('invalid_source_path')); } return $this->cache['sources'][$source_key]; }
/** * Inserts the Wygwam config JS in the page foot. * * @static * @param array $settings The field settings */ public static function insert_config_js($settings) { $EE = get_instance(); $global_settings = self::get_global_settings(); // starting point $config = self::base_config(); // ------------------------------------------- // Editor Config // ------------------------------------------- if ($EE->db->table_exists('wygwam_configs') && is_numeric($settings['config']) && ($query = $EE->db->select('settings')->get_where('wygwam_configs', array('config_id' => $settings['config']))) && $query->num_rows()) { // merge custom settings into config $custom_settings = unserialize(base64_decode($query->row('settings'))); $config = array_merge($config, $custom_settings); } else { $settings['config'] = 'default'; } // skip if already included if (isset(self::$_included_configs) && in_array($settings['config'], self::$_included_configs)) { return; } // language if (!isset($config['language']) || !$config['language']) { $lang_map = self::lang_map(); $language = $EE->session->userdata('language'); $config['language'] = isset($lang_map[$language]) ? $lang_map[$language] : 'en'; } // toolbar if (is_array($config['toolbar'])) { $config['toolbar'] = self::create_toolbar($config['toolbar']); } // css if (!$config['contentsCss']) { unset($config['contentsCss']); } // extraPlugins $config['extraPlugins'] = (isset($config['extraPlugins']) && $config['extraPlugins'] ? $config['extraPlugins'] . ',' : '') . 'wygwam,embedmedia,readmore'; // ------------------------------------------- // File Browser Config // ------------------------------------------- $user_group = $EE->session->userdata('group_id'); $upload_dir = isset($config['upload_dir']) ? $config['upload_dir'] : NULL; $upload_prefs = self::get_upload_preferences($user_group, $upload_dir); // before doing anything, make sure that the user has access to any upload directories // (taking into account the upload directory setting) if ($upload_prefs) { $file_browser = isset($global_settings['file_browser']) ? $global_settings['file_browser'] : 'ee'; // no EE file browser for SafeCracker if (REQ == 'PAGE' && $file_browser == 'ee') { $file_browser = 'ckfinder'; } switch ($file_browser) { case 'ckfinder': // CKFinder can only pull files from a single upload directory, so make sure it's set if (!$upload_dir) { break; } if (!isset($_SESSION)) { @session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['wygwam_' . $config['upload_dir']])) { $_SESSION['wygwam_' . $config['upload_dir']] = array(); } $sess =& $_SESSION['wygwam_' . $config['upload_dir']]; // add the FCPATH if this is a relative path if (!preg_match('/^(\\/|\\\\|[a-zA-Z]+:)/', $upload_prefs['server_path'])) { $upload_prefs['server_path'] = FCPATH . $upload_prefs['server_path']; } $sess['p'] = $upload_prefs['server_path']; $sess['u'] = $upload_prefs['url']; $sess['t'] = $upload_prefs['allowed_types']; $sess['s'] = $upload_prefs['max_size']; $sess['w'] = $upload_prefs['max_width']; $sess['h'] = $upload_prefs['max_height']; $config['filebrowserImageBrowseUrl'] = self::theme_url() . 'lib/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?Type=Images&id=' . $config['upload_dir']; $config['filebrowserImageUploadUrl'] = self::theme_url() . 'lib/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Images&id=' . $config['upload_dir']; if ($upload_prefs['allowed_types'] == 'all') { $config['filebrowserBrowseUrl'] = self::theme_url() . 'lib/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?id=' . $config['upload_dir']; $config['filebrowserUploadUrl'] = self::theme_url() . 'lib/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Files&id=' . $config['upload_dir']; $config['filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl'] = self::theme_url() . 'lib/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?Type=Flash&id=' . $config['upload_dir']; $config['filebrowserFlashUploadUrl'] = self::theme_url() . 'lib/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Flash&id=' . $config['upload_dir']; } break; case 'assets': // make sure Assets is actually installed // (otherwise, just use the EE File Manager) if (array_key_exists('assets', $EE->addons->get_installed())) { // include sheet resources if (!class_exists('Assets_helper')) { require PATH_THIRD . 'assets/helper.php'; } $assets_helper = new Assets_helper(); $assets_helper->include_sheet_resources(); // if no upload directory was set, just default to "all" if (!$upload_dir) { $upload_dir = '"all"'; } $config['filebrowserBrowseFunc'] = 'function(params) { Wygwam.loadAssetsSheet(params, ' . $upload_dir . ', "any"); }'; $config['filebrowserImageBrowseFunc'] = 'function(params) { Wygwam.loadAssetsSheet(params, ' . $upload_dir . ', "image"); }'; $config['filebrowserFlashBrowseFunc'] = 'function(params) { Wygwam.loadAssetsSheet(params, ' . $upload_dir . ', "flash"); }'; break; } default: // load the file browser $EE->load->library('file_field'); $EE->file_field->browser(); // if no upload directory was set, just default to "all" if (!$upload_dir) { $upload_dir = '"all"'; } $config['filebrowserBrowseFunc'] = 'function(params) { Wygwam.loadEEFileBrowser(params, ' . $upload_dir . ', "any"); }'; $config['filebrowserImageBrowseFunc'] = 'function(params) { Wygwam.loadEEFileBrowser(params, ' . $upload_dir . ', "image"); }'; } } // add any site page data to wygwam config if ($pages = self::get_all_page_data()) { $EE->lang->loadfile('wygwam'); $site_page_string = lang('wygwam_site_page'); foreach ($pages as $page) { $config['link_types'][$site_page_string][] = array('label' => $page[2], 'url' => $page[4]); } } // ------------------------------------------- // 'wygwam_config' hook // - Override any of the config settings // if ($EE->extensions->active_hook('wygwam_config')) { $config = $EE->extensions->call('wygwam_config', $config, $settings); } // // ------------------------------------------- unset($config['upload_dir']); // ------------------------------------------- // JSONify Config and Return // ------------------------------------------- $config_literals = self::config_literals(); $config_booleans = self::config_booleans(); $js = ''; foreach ($config as $setting => $value) { if (!in_array($setting, $config_literals)) { if (in_array($setting, $config_booleans)) { $value = $value == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE; } $value = $EE->javascript->generate_json($value, TRUE); // Firefox gets an "Unterminated string literal" error if this line gets too long, // so let's put each new value on its own line if ($setting == 'link_types') { $value = str_replace('","', "\",\n\t\t\t\"", $value); } } $js .= ($js ? ',' . NL : '') . "\t\t" . '"' . $setting . '": ' . $value; } // Strip out any non-space whitespace chars $js = str_replace(array(chr(10), chr(11), chr(12), chr(13)), ' ', $js); self::insert_js(NL . "\t" . 'Wygwam.configs["' . $settings['config'] . '"] = {' . NL . $js . NL . "\t" . '};' . NL); self::$_included_configs[] = $settings['config']; }
/** * Get upload POST parameters for form uploads * * @param string $bucket Bucket name * @param string $uriPrefix Object URI prefix * @param constant $acl ACL constant * @param integer $lifetime Lifetime in seconds * @param integer $maxFileSize Maximum filesize in bytes (default 5MB) * @param string $successRedirect Redirect URL or 200 / 201 status code * @param array $amzHeaders Array of x-amz-meta-* headers * @param array $headers Array of request headers or content type as a string * @param boolean $flashVars Includes additional "Filename" variable posted by Flash * @return object */ public static function getHttpUploadPostParams($bucket, $uriPrefix = '', $acl = self::ACL_PRIVATE, $lifetime = 3600, $maxFileSize = 5242880, $successRedirect = "201", $amzHeaders = array(), $headers = array(), $flashVars = false) { // Create policy object $policy = new stdClass(); $policy->expiration = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', time() + $lifetime); $policy->conditions = array(); $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->bucket = $bucket; array_push($policy->conditions, $obj); $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->acl = $acl; array_push($policy->conditions, $obj); $obj = new stdClass(); // 200 for non-redirect uploads if (is_numeric($successRedirect) && in_array((int) $successRedirect, array(200, 201))) { $obj->success_action_status = (string) $successRedirect; } else { // URL $obj->success_action_redirect = $successRedirect; } array_push($policy->conditions, $obj); if ($acl !== self::ACL_PUBLIC_READ) { array_push($policy->conditions, array('eq', '$acl', $acl)); } array_push($policy->conditions, array('starts-with', '$key', $uriPrefix)); if ($flashVars) { array_push($policy->conditions, array('starts-with', '$Filename', '')); } foreach (array_keys($headers) as $headerKey) { array_push($policy->conditions, array('starts-with', '$' . $headerKey, '')); } foreach ($amzHeaders as $headerKey => $headerVal) { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->{$headerKey} = (string) $headerVal; array_push($policy->conditions, $obj); } array_push($policy->conditions, array('content-length-range', 0, $maxFileSize)); $policy = base64_encode(str_replace('\\/', '/', Assets_helper::get_json($policy))); // Create parameters $params = new stdClass(); $params->AWSAccessKeyId = self::$__accessKey; $params->key = $uriPrefix . '${filename}'; $params->acl = $acl; $params->policy = $policy; unset($policy); $params->signature = self::__getHash($params->policy); if (is_numeric($successRedirect) && in_array((int) $successRedirect, array(200, 201))) { $params->success_action_status = (string) $successRedirect; } else { $params->success_action_redirect = $successRedirect; } foreach ($headers as $headerKey => $headerVal) { $params->{$headerKey} = (string) $headerVal; } foreach ($amzHeaders as $headerKey => $headerVal) { $params->{$headerKey} = (string) $headerVal; } return $params; }
/** * Returns a local copy of the file * * @return mixed */ public function get_local_copy() { $location = Assets_helper::get_temp_file(); copy($this->server_path, $location); clearstatcache(); return $location; }
/** * Replace Size */ function replace_size($data, $params) { $this->_apply_params($data, $params); if (!$data) { return; } $size = $data[0]->size(); if (isset($params['unformatted']) && $params['unformatted'] == "yes") { return $size; } $size = Assets_helper::format_filesize($size); return $size == '2 GB' ? '> 2 GB' : $size; }
/** * Settings page */ function settings() { if ($this->EE->session->userdata['group_id'] != 1) { $this->_forbidden(); } $this->_set_page_title(lang('settings')); $vars['base'] = $this->base; $vars['settings'] = Assets_helper::get_global_settings(); $this->EE->load->library('table'); return $this->EE->load->view('mcp/settings', $vars, TRUE); }
/** * Applies filedir overrides from config.php file. * @param $filedir * @return mixed */ public static function apply_filedir_overrides($filedir) { static $overrides = null; if (is_null($overrides)) { $overrides = get_instance()->config->item('upload_preferences'); } if (isset($overrides[$filedir->id])) { foreach ($overrides[$filedir->id] as $property => $value) { $filedir->{$property} = $value; } } $filedir->server_path = rtrim(Assets_helper::normalize_path($filedir->server_path), '/') . '/'; return $filedir; }
/** * Create EE thumbnails. * * @param $image_path * @param $upload_folder_id * @return mixed */ public static function create_ee_thumbnails($image_path, $upload_folder_id) { if (!class_exists('Assets_ee_source')) { require_once PATH_THIRD . 'assets/sources/ee/'; } $preferences = self::_get_EE()->filemanager->fetch_upload_dir_prefs($upload_folder_id); $preferences['file_name'] = pathinfo($image_path, PATHINFO_BASENAME); $preferences['server_path'] = Assets_ee_source::resolve_server_path(Assets_helper::normalize_path($preferences['server_path'])); // Trick Filemanager into creating the thumbnail where WE need it $preferences['server_path'] .= str_replace($preferences['server_path'], '', str_replace(pathinfo($image_path, PATHINFO_BASENAME), '', $image_path)); // On Windows machines CI's Image_lib gets all sorts of confused, so have to make sure our paths use the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR separator if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === "\\") { $preferences['server_path'] = str_replace('/', '\\', $preferences['server_path']); $image_path = str_replace('/', '\\', $image_path); } return self::_get_EE()->filemanager->create_thumb($image_path, $preferences); }
/** * Return the path to the thumbnail * * @param $size * @return string */ public function get_thumb_path($size) { $path = Assets_helper::ensure_cache_path('assets/thumbs/' . $this->file_id); return $path . $this->file_id . '_' . $size . '.' . $this->extension(); }
<h2><?php echo $file->filename(); ?> </h2> <form class="assets-filedata"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr class="assets-fileinfo"> <th scope="row"><?php echo lang('size'); ?> </th> <td><?php echo Assets_helper::format_filesize($file->size()); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="assets-fileinfo"> <th scope="row"><?php echo lang('kind'); ?> </th> <td><?php echo ucfirst(lang($file->kind())); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($file->kind() == 'image') { ?> <tr class="assets-fileinfo">
/** * Load the folder structure for data migration * * @param $path * @param $folder_structure */ private function _load_folder_structure($path, &$folder_structure) { // starting with underscore or dot gets ignored $list = glob($path . '[!_.]*', GLOB_MARK); if (is_array($list) && count($list) > 0) { foreach ($list as $item) { // parse folders and add files $item = Assets_helper::normalize_path($item); if (substr($item, -1) == '/') { // add with dropped slash and parse $folder_structure[] = substr($item, 0, -1); $this->_load_folder_structure($item, $folder_structure); } } } }
<?php } ?> <?php if (in_array('date', $cols)) { ?> <td class="assets-lv-date"><?php echo Assets_helper::format_date($file->date()); ?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if (in_array('size', $cols)) { ?> <td class="assets-lv-size"><?php echo Assets_helper::format_filesize($file->size()); ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php } if ($thumbs) { Assets_helper::queue_thumb_css($thumbs, FALSE); }
/** * Return true if a file path is allowed according to settings. * * @param $path * @return bool */ protected function _is_allowed_file_path($path) { $filename = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_BASENAME); $path_to = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_DIRNAME); // Check if folder is allowed if (!empty($path_to) && $path_to != '.' && !$this->_is_allowed_folder_path($path_to)) { return FALSE; } return Assets_helper::is_allowed_file_name($filename); }
echo $thumb_html; ?> <?php if ($show_filenames) { ?> <div class="assets-tv-filename"><?php echo $file->filename(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($field_name) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?> []" value="<?php echo $file->file_id(); ?> " /> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } if ($thumbs) { Assets_helper::queue_thumb_css($thumbs, !empty($field_name)); }