Beispiel #1
    // conflated and the pipe character is a delimiter
    array_walk($list, function (&$v, $k) {
        $v = array('name' => $v, 'url' => '/artist/' . Music::encode($v) . '/album');
    $list = array_filter($list, function ($v) {
        return $v['name'] ? true : false;
    return ListPage::render('Artists', null, false, false, $list);
// artist/1/album			- list of albums for artist=1
$klein->respond('GET', '/artist/[:artist]/album', function ($request, $response) {
    // get the artist name
    $artist = Music::decode($request->param('artist'));
    // get the list of albums
    $list = Artist::getAlbums($artist);
    // walk the array and construct URLs
    // The encoded URL value is actually "artist name|album title". The artist
    // name is included to ensure that albums with the same name are not
    // conflated and the pipe character is a delimiter
    array_walk($list, function (&$v, $k) use($artist) {
        $v = array('name' => $v['album'], 'url' => '/artist/' . Music::encode($artist) . '/album/' . Music::encode($v['album']) . '/song');
    // the "all songs" link
    $allsongs = '/artist/' . Music::encode($artist) . '/song';
    // build the "previous" link data
    $previous = array('path' => '/artist', 'text' => 'Artists');
    return ListPage::render($artist, $previous, false, $allsongs, $list);
// artist/1/album/2/song	- list of songs for artist=1, album=2
Beispiel #2
  * Scan the albums & artists in the music database and create artwork for
  * them.
 public static function scanAll()
     // get some config items
     $artwork_folder = Config::get('');
     $artwork_sizes = array(180, 320);
     // get the music directory path
     $music_directory = Config::get('');
     // get the list of artists
     $artists = Artist::getList();
     // step through the artists
     foreach ($artists as $artist) {
         // get the list of albums for the current artist
         $albums = Artist::getAlbums($artist);
         // step through the albums
         foreach ($albums as $album) {
             // create a file name for the  artist/album combination
             $image_file = md5($artist . $album['album']);
             // does the file already exist?
             if (!file_exists($artwork_folder . $image_file . '.jpg')) {
                 // No! we need to extract the artwork from a song file for
                 // this artist/album
                 // get the list of songs
                 $songs = Album::getSongs($artist, $album['album']);
                 // step through the songs & attempt to extract the image
                 foreach ($songs as $song) {
                     // get the music file name
                     $music_file = $music_directory . $song['file'];
                     // make sure we have a music file to check
                     if (file_exists($music_file)) {
                         // get the image data (if we can)
                         $image = static::getImage($music_file);
                         // make sure we got an image
                         if ($image) {
                             // save the "untouched" image file
                             // save the original as a JPEG
                             imagejpeg($image, Config::get('') . $image_file . ".jpg", 100);
                             // loop through the required sizes
                             foreach ($artwork_sizes as $s) {
                                 // resize to the appropriate size
                                 $i = static::resizeImage($image, $s);
                                 // and save
                                 if ($i) {
                                     imagejpeg($i, Config::get('') . $image_file . "-{$s}.jpg", 100);
                             // END loop through the required sizes
                             // all done with this one!
                             // break out of the song loop (since we
                             // don't need to scan any more songs from
                             // this album)
                         // END make sure we got an image
                     // END make sure we have a music file to check
                 // END step through the songs
             // END does the file already exist?
         // END step through the albums
     // END step through the artists