Beispiel #1
function editpost_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $SESSION, $blogpost, $blog;
    require_once 'embeddedimage.php';
    $postobj = new ArtefactTypeBlogPost($blogpost, null);
    $postobj->set('title', $values['title']);
    $postobj->set('description', $values['description']);
    $postobj->set('tags', $values['tags']);
    if (get_config('licensemetadata')) {
        $postobj->set('license', $values['license']);
        $postobj->set('licensor', $values['licensor']);
        $postobj->set('licensorurl', $values['licensorurl']);
    $postobj->set('published', !$values['draft']);
    $postobj->set('allowcomments', (int) $values['allowcomments']);
    if (!$blogpost) {
        $postobj->set('parent', $blog);
        $blogobj = new ArtefactTypeBlog($blog);
        if ($blogobj->get('institution')) {
            $postobj->set('institution', $blogobj->get('institution'));
        } else {
            if ($blogobj->get('group')) {
                $postobj->set('group', $blogobj->get('group'));
            } else {
                $postobj->set('owner', $USER->id);
    $blogpost = $postobj->get('id');
    // Need to wait until post is saved in case we are a new blogpost before we can sort out embedded images as we need an id
    $postobj->set('description', EmbeddedImage::prepare_embedded_images($values['description'], 'blogpost', $postobj->get('id')));
    // Attachments
    $old = $postobj->attachment_id_list();
    // $new = is_array($values['filebrowser']['selected']) ? $values['filebrowser']['selected'] : array();
    $new = is_array($values['filebrowser']) ? $values['filebrowser'] : array();
    // only allow the attaching of files that exist and are editable by user
    foreach ($new as $key => $fileid) {
        $file = artefact_instance_from_id($fileid);
        if (!$file instanceof ArtefactTypeFile || !$USER->can_publish_artefact($file)) {
    if (!empty($new) || !empty($old)) {
        foreach ($old as $o) {
            if (!in_array($o, $new)) {
                try {
                } catch (ArtefactNotFoundException $e) {
        foreach ($new as $n) {
            if (!in_array($n, $old)) {
                try {
                } catch (ArtefactNotFoundException $e) {
    $result = array('error' => false, 'message' => get_string('blogpostsaved', ''), 'goto' => get_config('wwwroot') . 'artefact/blog/view/index.php?id=' . $blog);
    if ($form->submitted_by_js()) {
        // Redirect back to the blog page from within the iframe
        $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_OK, $result, false);
    $form->reply(PIEFORM_OK, $result);
Beispiel #2
        $blogpost = $postids[0]->id;
        $postobj = new ArtefactTypeBlogPost($blogpost);
        if ($postobj->get('locked')) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException(get_string('submittedforassessment', 'view'));
    } else {
        $postobj = new ArtefactTypeBlogPost($blogpost, null);
        $postobj->set('title', $title);
        $postobj->set('description', $description);
        $postobj->set('tags', $tags);
        $postobj->set('published', !$draft);
        $postobj->set('allowcomments', (int) $allowcomments);
        $postobj->set('parent', $blog);
        $postobj->set('owner', $USER->id);
// Check to see if we're creating a journal entry
// -- Finally attach the file to the blog post once uploaded and --
if ($artefact_id && $postobj) {
    // If we created or matched a blog post and created an artefact
    // attach the artefact to the blog.
// Here we need to create a new hash - update our own store of it and return it to the handset
jsonreply(array('success' => $USER->refresh_mobileuploadtoken($token)));
function jsonreply($arr)
    global $json;
    if ($json) {
Beispiel #3
  * This function updates an existing blog post.
  * @param User
  * @param array
 public static function edit_post(User $user, array $values)
     $artefact = new ArtefactTypeBlogPost($values['id']);
     if ($user->get('id') != $artefact->get('owner')) {
         return false;
     $artefact->set('title', $values['title']);
     $artefact->set('description', $values['description']);
     $artefact->set('published', $values['published']);
     $artefact->set('tags', $values['tags']);
     if (get_config('licensemetadata')) {
         $artefact->set('license', $values['license']);
         $artefact->set('licensor', $values['licensor']);
         $artefact->set('licensorurl', $values['licensorurl']);
     return true;
Beispiel #4
  * Checks to see if a blogpost had out-of-line content, and if it did, 
  * attaches the generated file to it
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry    The entry to check
  * @param PluginImportLeap $importer The importer
 private static function setup_outoflinecontent_relationship(SimpleXMLElement $entry, PluginImportLeap $importer)
     $artefactids = $importer->get_artefactids_imported_by_entryid((string) $entry->id);
     if (count($artefactids) == 2) {
         // In this case, a file was created as a result of
         // importing a blog entry with out-of-line content. We
         // attach the file to this post.
         $blogpost = new ArtefactTypeBlogPost($artefactids[0]);
Beispiel #5
function editpost_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $SESSION, $blogpost, $blog;
    $postobj = new ArtefactTypeBlogPost($blogpost, null);
    $postobj->set('title', $values['title']);
    $postobj->set('description', $values['description']);
    $postobj->set('tags', $values['tags']);
    $postobj->set('published', !$values['draft']);
    if (!$blogpost) {
        $postobj->set('parent', $blog);
        $postobj->set('owner', $USER->id);
    $blogpost = $postobj->get('id');
    // Attachments
    $old = $postobj->attachment_id_list();
    // $new = is_array($values['filebrowser']['selected']) ? $values['filebrowser']['selected'] : array();
    $new = is_array($values['filebrowser']) ? $values['filebrowser'] : array();
    if (!empty($new) || !empty($old)) {
        foreach ($old as $o) {
            if (!in_array($o, $new)) {
        foreach ($new as $n) {
            if (!in_array($n, $old)) {
    $result = array('error' => false, 'message' => get_string('blogpostsaved', ''), 'goto' => get_config('wwwroot') . 'artefact/blog/view/index.php?id=' . $blog);
    if ($form->submitted_by_js()) {
        // Redirect back to the blog page from within the iframe
        $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_OK, $result, false);
    $form->reply(PIEFORM_OK, $result);
function xmldb_artefact_blog_upgrade($oldversion = 0)
    // There was no database prior to this version.
    if ($oldversion < 2006120501) {
        install_from_xmldb_file(get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/blog/db/install.xml');
    if ($oldversion < 2006121501) {
        $table = new XMLDBTable('artefact_blog_blogpost_file_pending');
        $table->addFieldInfo('file', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL);
        $table->addFieldInfo('when', XMLDB_TYPE_DATETIME, null, null, XMLDB_NOTNULL);
        $table->addKeyInfo('blogpost_file_pending_pk', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('file'));
        $table->addKeyInfo('filefk', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('file'), 'artefact', array('id'));
        if (!create_table($table)) {
            throw new SQLException($table . " could not be created, check log for errors.");
    if ($oldversion < 2008012200) {
        // From 0.9, some files were not having their temporary download paths
        // translated to proper artefact/file/download.php paths. This upgrade
        // attempts to fix them. It should work in the vast majority of cases,
        // the largest assumption made is that artefacts were inserted in
        // ascending ID order when the post was created, which is a pretty safe
        // bet.
        if ($blogfiles = get_records_array('artefact_blog_blogpost_file', '', '', 'blogpost ASC, file ASC')) {
            $blogpostids = join(', ', array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->blogpost;'), $blogfiles));
            // Find all blogposts that have attached files
            if ($blogposts = get_records_select_array('artefact', 'id IN(' . $blogpostids . ')', null, 'id ASC')) {
                foreach ($blogposts as $post) {
                    log_debug("Checking post {$post->id}");
                    // Only doublecheck posts that are likely to have a broken URL in them
                    if (false !== strpos($post->description, 'createid')) {
                        log_debug(" * Looks like post " . $post->id . " has a createid in it");
                        $i = 0;
                        $body = $post->description;
                        foreach ($blogfiles as $file) {
                            if ($file->blogpost == $post->id) {
                                // This file is connected to this post, so likely it is to be displayed
                                log_debug('* Replace uploadnumber = ' . $i . ' with artefact id ' . $file->file);
                                $regexps = array('/<img([^>]+)src="([^>]+)downloadtemp.php\\?uploadnumber=' . $i . '&amp;createid=\\d+/', '/alt="uploaded:' . $i . '"/');
                                $subs = array('<img$1src="' . get_config('wwwroot') . 'artefact/file/download.php?file=' . $file->file, 'alt="artefact:' . $file->file . '"');
                                $body = preg_replace($regexps, $subs, $body);
                        // Update the post if necessary
                        if ($body != $post->description) {
                            $postobj = new ArtefactTypeBlogPost($post->id, null);
                            $postobj->set('description', $body);
    if ($oldversion < 2008020700) {
        $table = new XMLDBTable('artefact_blog_blog');
        if (is_mysql()) {
            execute_sql('DROP INDEX {arteblogblog_blo2_ix} ON {artefact_blog_blogpost}');
            execute_sql('CREATE INDEX {arteblogblog_blo_ix} ON {artefact_blog_blogpost} (blogpost)');
            execute_sql('ALTER TABLE {artefact_blog_blogpost} DROP FOREIGN KEY {arteblogblog_blo2_fk}');
            // I can't quite get mysql to name this key correctly, so there
            // will be a difference in the database if you upgrade from 0.9
            // compared with installing from 1.0
            execute_sql('ALTER TABLE {artefact_blog_blogpost} ADD FOREIGN KEY (blogpost) REFERENCES {artefact} (id)');
        } else {
            // Rename indexes to keep things the same regardless of whether the
            // user installed or upgraded to this release
            execute_sql('DROP INDEX {arteblogblog_blo2_ix}');
            execute_sql('CREATE INDEX {arteblogblog_blo_ix} ON {artefact_blog_blogpost} USING btree (blogpost)');
            execute_sql('ALTER TABLE {artefact_blog_blogpost} DROP CONSTRAINT {arteblogblog_blo2_fk}');
            execute_sql('ALTER TABLE {artefact_blog_blogpost} ADD CONSTRAINT {arteblogblog_blo_fk} FOREIGN KEY (blogpost) REFERENCES {artefact}(id)');
    if ($oldversion < 2008101602) {
        $table = new XMLDBTable('artefact_blog_blogpost_file_pending');
        $table->addFieldInfo('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, 10, XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null, null, null);
        $table->addFieldInfo('oldextension', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, null);
        $table->addFieldInfo('filetype', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, null);
        $table->addKeyInfo('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
    if ($oldversion < 2009033100) {
        $bloguploadbase = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/blog/uploads/';
        if (is_dir($bloguploadbase)) {
            if ($basedir = opendir($bloguploadbase)) {
                while (false !== ($sessionupload = readdir($basedir))) {
                    if ($sessionupload != "." && $sessionupload != "..") {
                        $sessionupload = $bloguploadbase . $sessionupload;
                        $subdir = opendir($sessionupload);
                        while (false !== ($uploadfile = readdir($subdir))) {
                            if ($uploadfile != "." && $uploadfile != "..") {
                                $uploadfile = $sessionupload . '/' . $uploadfile;
    if ($oldversion < 2009081800) {
        $subscription = (object) array('plugin' => 'blog', 'event' => 'createuser', 'callfunction' => 'create_default_blog');
        ensure_record_exists('artefact_event_subscription', $subscription, $subscription);
    return true;