Beispiel #1
  * Generates the JavaScript with the specified client changes.
  * @param string $event event name (without 'on')
  * @param array $htmlOptions HTML attributes which may contain the following special attributes
  * specifying the client change behaviors:
  * <ul>
  * <li>submit: string, specifies the URL to submit to. If the current element has a parent form, that form will be
  * submitted, and if 'submit' is non-empty its value will replace the form's URL. If there is no parent form the
  * data listed in 'params' will be submitted instead (via POST method), to the URL in 'submit' or the currently
  * requested URL if 'submit' is empty. Please note that if the 'csrf' setting is true, the CSRF token will be
  * included in the params too.</li>
  * <li>params: array, name-value pairs that should be submitted together with the form. This is only used when 'submit' option is specified.</li>
  * <li>csrf: boolean, whether a CSRF token should be automatically included in 'params' when {@link CHttpRequest::enableCsrfValidation} is true. Defaults to false.
  * You may want to set this to be true if there is no enclosing form around this element.
  * This option is meaningful only when 'submit' option is set.</li>
  * <li>return: boolean, the return value of the javascript. Defaults to false, meaning that the execution of
  * javascript would not cause the default behavior of the event.</li>
  * <li>confirm: string, specifies the message that should show in a pop-up confirmation dialog.</li>
  * <li>ajax: array, specifies the AJAX options (see {@link ajax}).</li>
  * <li>live: boolean, whether the event handler should be delegated or directly bound.
  * If not set, {@link liveEvents} will be used. This option has been available since version 1.1.11.</li>
  * </ul>
  * @see
 public static function clientChange($event, &$htmlOptions)
     if (!isset($htmlOptions['submit']) && !isset($htmlOptions['confirm']) && !isset($htmlOptions['ajax'])) {
     $live = ArrayHelper::getValue($htmlOptions, 'live', static::$liveEvents);
     $return = isset($htmlOptions['return']) && $htmlOptions['return'] ? 'return true' : 'return false';
     if (isset($htmlOptions['on' . $event])) {
         $handler = trim($htmlOptions['on' . $event], ';') . ';';
         unset($htmlOptions['on' . $event]);
     } else {
         $handler = '';
     if (isset($htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $id = $htmlOptions['id'] = isset($htmlOptions['name']) ? $htmlOptions['name'] : CHtml::ID_PREFIX . CHtml::$count++;
     $cs = \Yii::app()->getClientScript();
     if (isset($htmlOptions['submit'])) {
         $request = \Yii::app()->getRequest();
         if ($request->enableCsrfValidation && isset($htmlOptions['csrf']) && $htmlOptions['csrf']) {
             $htmlOptions['params'][$request->csrfTokenName] = $request->getCsrfToken();
         if (isset($htmlOptions['params'])) {
             $params = \CJavaScript::encode($htmlOptions['params']);
         } else {
             $params = '{}';
         if ($htmlOptions['submit'] !== '') {
             $url = \CJavaScript::quote(\CHtml::normalizeUrl($htmlOptions['submit']));
         } else {
             $url = '';
         $handler .= ";jQuery.yii.submitForm(this,'{$url}',{$params});{$return};";
     if (isset($htmlOptions['ajax'])) {
         $handler .= \CHtml::ajax($htmlOptions['ajax']) . "{$return};";
     if (isset($htmlOptions['confirm'])) {
         $confirm = 'confirm(\'' . \CJavaScript::quote($htmlOptions['confirm']) . '\')';
         if ($handler !== '') {
             $handler = "if({$confirm}) {" . $handler . "} else return false;";
         } else {
             $handler = "return {$confirm};";
     if ($live) {
         $cs->registerScript('Foundation.Html.#' . $id, "jQuery('body').on('{$event}','#{$id}',function(){{$handler}});");
     } else {
         $cs->registerScript('Foundation.Html.#' . $id, "jQuery('#{$id}').on('{$event}', function(){{$handler}});");
     $htmlOptions = ArrayHelper::removeKeys($htmlOptions, array('params', 'submit', 'ajax', 'confirm', 'return', 'csrf'));