function Newnews(&$smarty, &$form) { $news = new Noticias($smarty, $form); if (isset($form['page'])) { if (is_array($_FILES)) { ## se há arquivos enviados. foreach ($_FILES as $nome => $file) { $arquivo = new Arquivo(); $arquivo->SetOrigem($file['tmp_name']); $arquivo->SetDestino(NOTICIAS_DIR_IMG); $arquivo->SetPropriedades($file); if ($arquivo->error) { return $smarty->getFinishError($arquivo->error); } if ($arquivo->SetMimetype($arquivo->prop['filename'], array('jpg', 'jepg', 'gif', 'png'), $file['type']) == true) { return $smarty->getFinishError('ERROR_017'); } if ($arquivo->UploadFile() == true) { return $smarty->getFinishError('ERROR_021'); } $thb[$nome] = $arquivo->Thumbnail(NOTICIAS_THB_SIZE); $arquivo->FileLogs($nome); $form[$nome] = $arquivo->filelog[$nome]['filename']; $form[$nome . '_thb'] = $thb[$nome]['thb_name']; } } return $news->NewNoticias($smarty, $form); } }
function smarty_function_SelectFolders($params, &$smarty) { if (!$params['src'] || $params['src'] == "") { return $smarty->getFinishError('traducao_erro_01'); } if (!$params['id'] || $params['id'] == "") { return $smarty->getFinishError('traducao_erro_02'); } if (!$params['src'] || $params['src'] == "") { $params['src'] = $smarty->SelectFolders['src']; } if (!$params['list'] || $params['list'] == "") { $params['list'] = 'file'; } $optionSelect = '<select id="' . $params["id"] . '" name="' . $params["id"] . '"'; if (isset($params["size"]) && $params["size"] != "") { $optionSelect .= 'size="' . $params["size"] . '"'; } if (isset($params["height"]) && $params["height"] != "") { $optionSelect .= 'height="' . $params["height"] . '"'; } if (isset($params["onChange"]) && $params["onChange"] != "") { $optionSelect .= 'onchange="' . $params["onChange"] . '"'; } if (isset($params["onFocus"]) && $params["onFocus"] != "") { $optionSelect .= 'onfocus="' . $params["onFocus"] . '"'; } if (isset($params["onBlur"]) && $params["onBlur"] != "") { $optionSelect .= 'onblur="' . $params["onBlur"] . '"'; } $optionSelect .= ' >'; if (isset($params["SetInicial"])) { $optionSelect .= '<option value="">' . $params["SetInicial"] . '</option>' . "\r\n"; } $arq = new Arquivo(); $arq->SetOrigem($params['src']); $x = $arq->loadContent($params['list'], $params['limit']); foreach ($x as $i => $value) { $pt = explode('/', $value); $modulonome = array_pop($pt); if (isset($params['Ignore'])) { $ignore = explode(',', $params['Ignore']); if (in_array($modulonome, $ignore)) { continue; } } if (isset($params['SetSelectd']) && $params['SetSelectd'] == $modulonome) { $optionSelect .= '<option value="' . $modulonome . '" selected="selected">' . $modulonome . '</option>'; } else { $optionSelect .= '<option value="' . $modulonome . '" >' . $modulonome . '</option>'; } } $optionSelect .= '</select>'; return $optionSelect; }
function EditNews(&$smarty, $idde, $form) { unset($form[idde]); $tabela = $smarty->cfg['prefix'] . 'news'; $form = Check::RegForm($form); if (is_numeric($idde)) { if (is_array($_FILES)) { foreach ($_FILES as $nome => $file) { if ($file['tmp_name'] == '') { continue; } $result = $this->SqlSelect("SELECT {$nome},{$nome}_thb FROM {$tabela} WHERE ID_NEWS = '{$idde}'"); $item = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); unlink(realpath(NOTICIAS_DIR_IMG . '/' . $item[$nome])); unlink(realpath(NOTICIAS_DIR_IMG . THUMBNAIL_DIR_IMG . '/' . $item[$nome . '_thb'])); $arquivo = new Arquivo(); $arquivo->SetOrigem($file['tmp_name']); $arquivo->SetDestino(NOTICIAS_DIR_IMG); $arquivo->SetPropriedades($file); if ($arquivo->error) { return $smarty->getFinishError($arquivo->error); } if ($arquivo->SetMimetype($arquivo->prop['filename'], array('jpg', 'jepg', 'gif', 'png'), $file['type']) == true) { return $smarty->getFinishError('ERROR_017'); } if ($arquivo->UploadFile() == true) { return $smarty->getFinishError('ERROR_021'); } $thb[$nome] = $arquivo->Thumbnail(NOTICIAS_THB_SIZE); $arquivo->FileLogs($nome); $form[$nome] = $arquivo->filelog[$nome]['filename']; $form[$nome . '_thb'] = $thb[$nome]['thb_name']; } } $sql = $this->SqlUpdate($tabela, $form, "ID_NEWS = '{$idde}'"); $request = $this->SqlSelect($sql); if ($request != 1) { return $request; } } }
function smarty_function_LoadLingua($params, &$smarty) { if (!$params['src'] || $params['src'] == "") { return $smarty->getFinishError('traducao_erro_01'); } if (!$params['id'] || $params['id'] == "") { return $smarty->getFinishError('traducao_erro_02'); } if (!$params['send'] || $params['send'] == "") { return $smarty->getFinishError('traducao_erro_04'); } $arq = new Arquivo(); $arq->SetOrigem($params['src']); $x = $arq->loadPastas(); $a = '<select name="' . $params['id'] . '" id="' . $params['id'] . '" onchange="CheckForm(\'' . $params['send'] . '\')">'; $a .= '<option name="escolha" value="0" selected="selected">' . $smarty->get_config_vars('trad_select') . '</option>'; foreach ($x as $i => $value) { $pt = explode('/', $value); $modulonome = array_pop($pt); $a .= '<option value="' . $modulonome . '" >' . $modulonome . '</option>'; } $a .= '</select>'; return $a; }
function smarty_insert_editores($params, &$smarty) { // Automatically calculates the editor base path based on the _samples directory. // This is usefull only for these samples. A real application should use something like this: // $oFCKeditor->BasePath = '/fckeditor/' ; // '/fckeditor/' is the default value. function reloadlng($str, &$smarty) { foreach (glob("./modulos/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $dirname) { foreach (glob($dirname . '/' . $smarty->cfg['language_atual'] . '.*.conf') as $filename) { $smarty->config_load(realpath($filename), "atual"); } } if ($smarty->get_config_vars($str) == '') { return $str; } return $smarty->get_config_vars($str); } if (!isset($params['InstanceName']) || empty($params['InstanceName'])) { $smarty->trigger_error('fckeditor: required parameter "InstanceName" missing'); } if (isset($smarty->FCKCFG['Width'])) { $base_arguments['Width'] = $smarty->FCKCFG['Width']; } elseif (isset($params['Width'])) { $base_arguments['Width'] = $smarty->params['Width']; } else { $base_arguments['Width'] = '100%'; } if (isset($smarty->FCKCFG['Height'])) { $base_arguments['Height'] = $smarty->FCKCFG['Height']; } elseif (isset($params['Height'])) { $base_arguments['Height'] = $smarty->params['Height']; } else { $base_arguments['Height'] = '380'; } if (isset($smarty->FCKCFG['ToolbarSet'])) { $base_arguments['ToolbarSet'] = $smarty->FCKCFG['ToolbarSet']; } elseif (isset($params['ToolbarSet'])) { $base_arguments['ToolbarSet'] = $smarty->params['ToolbarSet']; } else { $base_arguments['ToolbarSet'] = 'Basic'; } if (isset($smarty->FCKCFG['patchSiteTemplate'])) { $base_arguments['patchSiteTemplate'] = $smarty->FCKCFG['patchSiteTemplate']; } elseif (isset($params['patchSiteTemplate'])) { $base_arguments['patchSiteTemplate'] = $smarty->params['patchSiteTemplate']; } else { $base_arguments['patchSiteTemplate'] = './templates'; } $config_arguments = array('DocType' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">', 'AutoDetectLanguage' => false, 'DefaultLanguage' => $_SESSION['language'], 'CustomConfigurationsPath' => "atrconfig.js", 'LinkDlgHideTarget' => true, 'DisableObjectResizing' => true, 'DisableFFTableHandles' => true, 'LinkDlgHideTarget' => true, 'LinkDlgHideAdvanced' => true, 'ImageDlgHideLink' => true, 'ImageDlgHideAdvanced' => true, 'FlashDlgHideAdvanced' => true, 'FormatOutput' => true, 'FormatSource' => true); // Use all other parameters for the config array (replace if needed) $other_arguments = array_diff_assoc($params, $base_arguments); $config_arguments = array_merge($config_arguments, $other_arguments); // parametro Value $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor($params['InstanceName']); $oFCKeditor->Config = $config_arguments; $file = new Arquivo(); $sBasePath = '' . $smarty->get_config_vars('modulo_dir') . 'FCKeditor/'; if ($smarty->FCKCFG['ID_SITE']) { $sBaseSrc = $smarty->get_config_vars('patchsite') . 'sites/' . $smarty->FCKCFG['ID_SITE'] . '/'; $file->SetOrigem('./' . $sBaseSrc . 'css'); $css = $file->loadContent('file', '/*.css'); $oFCKeditor->Config['EditorAreaCSS'] = $smarty->get_config_vars('http') . 'sites/css/' . $smarty->FCKCFG['ID_SITE'] . '/' . basename($css[0]); $oFCKeditor->Config['BaseHref'] = $smarty->get_config_vars('http') . 'sites/' . $smarty->FCKCFG['ID_SITE'] . '/'; } else { $sBaseSrc = $smarty->get_config_vars('patchsite'); $file->SetOrigem($smarty->get_config_vars('patch') . 'css'); $css = $file->loadContent('file', '/*.css'); $oFCKeditor->Config['EditorAreaCSS'] = $smarty->get_config_vars('http') . 'css/' . basename($css[0]); $oFCKeditor->Config['BaseHref'] = $smarty->get_config_vars('http'); } $oFCKeditor->BasePath = $sBasePath; $valor = isset($params['Value']) ? $params['Value'] : $smarty->FCKCFG['Value']; if (@is_file(realpath($valor))) { $file->SetOrigem($valor, true); $pfile = file_get_contents($file->origem); if (basename($valor) != 'feet.tpl') { $pfile = '<div id="' . $smarty->get_config_vars('page_main') . '">' . $pfile . '</div>'; } $searcharray = array("/(\\<head)(.*)?(\\>)(.*)(\\<\\/head\\>)/siU", "/(\\{)(insert)(.*)(name=\"(.*)\")(.*)\\}/siU", "/([^\"])(\\{\\#)(.*)(\\#\\})/esiU", "/([^\"])(\\{[\$])(.*)(\\})/siU", "/[^\"]\\{(.*)-\\>(.*)(\\s(.*))?(\\})/siU"); $replacearray = array('', '<span fck="\\2" class="FCK__Inserts"\\3\\4\\6>\\2 \\5</span>', '"<span fck=\\"vars\\" class=\\"FCK__vars\\" value=\\"\\3\\">".reloadlng("\\3",$smarty)."</span>"', '<span fck="\\3" class="FCK__vars">' . $smarty->get_config_vars('fkc_ref') . '\\3</span>', '<span fck="fckobj" class="FCK__vars" fck2="\\1" fck3="\\2" \\3>' . $smarty->get_config_vars('fkc_obj') . ': \\2</span>'); $oFCKeditor->Value = preg_replace($searcharray, $replacearray, $pfile); $smarty->clear_config('atual'); } $oFCKeditor->Config['ImageBrowserURL'] = $smarty->get_config_vars('http') . $smarty->get_config_vars('modulo_dir') . 'FCKeditor/editorftp/browser.html?ServerPath=' . $sBaseSrc . 'templates/&Type=Image&Connector=connectors/connector.php'; $oFCKeditor->Config['LinkBrowserURL'] = $smarty->get_config_vars('http') . $smarty->get_config_vars('modulo_dir') . 'FCKeditor/editorftp/browser.html?ServerPath=' . $sBaseSrc . 'templates/&Connector=connectors/connector.php'; $oFCKeditor->Config['FlashBrowserURL'] = $smarty->get_config_vars('http') . $smarty->get_config_vars('modulo_dir') . 'FCKeditor/editorftp/browser.html?ServerPath=' . $sBaseSrc . 'templates/&Type=Flash&Connector=connectors/connector.php'; $oFCKeditor->Width = $base_arguments['Width']; $oFCKeditor->Height = $base_arguments['Height']; $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = $base_arguments['ToolbarSet']; $oFCKeditor->Config['AutoDetectLanguage'] = isset($params['AutoDetectLanguage']) ? $params['AutoDetectLanguage'] : $config_arguments['AutoDetectLanguage']; $oFCKeditor->Config['DefaultLanguage'] = isset($params['DefaultLanguage']) ? $params['DefaultLanguage'] : $config_arguments['DefaultLanguage']; $oFCKeditor->Config['CustomConfigurationsPath'] = isset($smarty->cfg['CustomConfigurationsPath']) ? $smarty->cfg['CustomConfigurationsPath'] : $config_arguments['CustomConfigurationsPath']; return $oFCKeditor->CreateHtml(); }