Beispiel #1
 public function getSourceClaimer()
     if ($this->match_army_update) {
         return ArmyUpdates::find($this->match_table_id)->getClaimer();
     if ($this->match_found_person) {
         return FoundPeople::find($this->match_table_id)->getClaimer();
 public function getFoundTablePostURL()
     if ($this->found) {
         if ($this->found_in_army_updates) {
             return ArmyUpdates::find($this->found_table_id)->fb_url;
         } elseif ($this->found_in_found_people) {
             return "foundperson/show/" . $this->found_table_id;
         } else {
             return NULL;
         // this should never happen (by design)
     return NULL;
     // this should never happen (by assumption)
 public function search()
     //check if its our form  (prevents cross site injections)
     // TODO #7
     // if ( Session::token() !== Input::get( '_token' ) ) {
     //     return Response::json( array(
     //         'msg' => 'Unauthorized attempt to create option'
     //     ) );
     // }
     $updates_sno = Input::get('updates-sno');
     $updates_name = Input::get('updates-name');
     $updates_age = Input::get('updates-age');
     Log::info("===[AU Search]===");
     $results = ArmyUpdates::searchWithParam($updates_sno, $updates_name, $updates_age);
     Log::info("===[AU Search Results]===");
     $response = array('status' => 'success', 'results' => json_encode($results));
     return Response::json($response);
 private function doClaim($is_duplicate)
     $claim_match_id = Input::get('match-id');
     $match = Match::find($claim_match_id);
     $fip = FindPeople::find($match->fip_id);
     // MARK match as claimed and FIP as found
     $match->claimed = true;
     $fip->found = true;
     $fip->duplicate = $is_duplicate;
     if ($match->match_army_update) {
         $fip->found_in_army_updates = true;
         $au = ArmyUpdates::find($match->match_table_id);
         $au->claimed = true;
         // not deleting. allowing duplicate claims instead
         //Match::where('match_table_id', '=', $au->id)->delete();
     if ($match->match_found_person) {
         $fip->found_in_found_people = true;
         $fop = FoundPeople::find($match->match_table_id);
         $fop->claimed = true;
         //Match::where('match_table_id', '=', $fop->id)->delete();
     $fip->found_table_id = $match->match_table_id;
     // TODO : also send back the id in the table it was matched to
     // Turn into Found
     $response = array('status' => 'success', 'fip-id' => $fip->id);
     return Response::json($response);
Beispiel #5
Route::get('foundperson/show/{id}', array('as' => '', 'uses' => function ($id) {
    $fop = FoundPeople::find($id);
    $finder = $fop->getFinder();
    return View::make('found_person/show', ['fop' => $fop, 'finder' => $finder]);
Route::get('foundperson/edit/{id}', array('as' => 'found.person.edit', 'uses' => function ($id) {
    $fop = FoundPeople::find($id);
    return View::make('found_person/edit', ['fop' => $fop]);
Route::post('foundperson/edit/{id}', array('as' => 'found.person.edit', 'uses' => 'FoundPeopleController@edit'))->before('auth');
Route::post('deletefop', array('as' => 'found.people.delete', 'uses' => 'FoundPeopleController@delete'))->before('auth');
Route::get('AUdata', array('as' => '', 'uses' => function () {
    return Response::json(ArmyUpdates::all(array('first_name', 'age')));
Route::get('/updates', array('as' => 'updates', 'uses' => function () {
    $army_updates_pag = ArmyUpdates::orderBy('s_no', 'asc')->paginate(ArmyUpdates::SHOW_PER_PAGE);
    return View::make('armyupdates', ['army_updates_pag' => $army_updates_pag]);
Route::post('/updates', array('as' => '', 'uses' => 'ArmyUpdatesController@search'));
Route::get('/contributors', array('as' => 'contributors', 'uses' => function () {
    $cu_list = User::where('contributor', true)->get()->sortByDesc('contributed');
    return View::make('contributors', ['contributor_users_list' => $cu_list]);
Route::get('/contributor/add/form', array('as' => 'contributor.add.form', 'uses' => function () {
    return View::make('contributor/add');
Route::post('/contributor/add', array('as' => 'contributor.add', 'uses' => 'ArmyUpdatesController@addContributor'));
Route::get('/donate', array('as' => 'donate', 'uses' => function () {
    $dc_list = DonationCause::all();
    return View::make('donate/list', ['donation_causes_list' => $dc_list]);
 public function create()
     //check if its our form
     // TODO #7
     // if ( Session::token() !== Input::get( '_token' ) ) {
     //     return Response::json( array(
     //         'msg' => 'Unauthorized attempt to create option'
     //     ) );
     // }
     $find_name = Input::get('find-name');
     $find_age = Input::get('find-age');
     Log::info("===========================in FindPeopleController create [start]");
     // find_age is str
     // If not logged in, it could be New User or Returning User
     if (Auth::guest()) {
         /////// Create User of type Looker
         $looker_first_name = Input::get('looker-first-name');
         $looker_last_name = Input::get('looker-last-name');
         $looker_mobile = Input::get('looker-mobile');
         $returning_user = User::where('mobile', '=', $looker_mobile)->get()->first();
         if ($returning_user) {
             Auth::login($returning_user, true);
         } else {
             // New user
             $looker_obj = User::createLookerAndSave($looker_first_name, $looker_last_name, $looker_mobile);
             // Manually logging in user and 'Remember me' = true.
             // So no need to use Auth::attempt
             Auth::login($looker_obj, true);
     if (!Auth::user()->looker) {
     // TODO: check for duplicates before creating another record
     $fip = FindPeople::createNewForLooker($find_name, $find_age, Auth::user()->id);
     // If we wanted to print the findPeople per user.
     // $fp = User::find($looker_id)->findPeople()->get();
     // Log::info($fp);
     // Now that 'Looker' has created a new 'Fip', we should try to match this Fip against AU and FOP
     // TODO This code might need to move somewhere else
     // Doing only AU for now. TODO do FOP
     $au_search_results = ArmyUpdates::searchWithNameAndAge($find_name, $find_age);
     Log::info("==[AU search results]==");
     // If the number of search_results > 0, i.e. matches found, create matches on FIP. (Alerts to FIP->Looker fired automatically)
     // FIP->hasMany(Matches)
     if (count($au_search_results)) {
         $fip->createNewMatches(ArmyUpdates::TABLE_NAME, $au_search_results);
     $fop_search_results = FoundPeople::searchWithNameAndAge($find_name, $find_age);
     if (count($fop_search_results)) {
         $fip->createNewMatches(FoundPeople::TABLE_NAME, $fop_search_results);
     Log::info("========[in FindPeopleController -> fop__search_result is]==========");
     $num_matches = count($au_search_results) + count($fop_search_results);
     $response = array('status' => 'success', 'username' => Auth::user()->fname, 'notificationCount' => $num_matches, 'fname' => Helper::getDisplayFirstNameFrom($find_name), 'lname' => Helper::getDisplayLastNameFrom($find_name), 'age' => $find_age, 'msgCount' => Auth::user()->messages()->count(), 'msg' => 'Person inserted in Find-People Table successfully');
     Log::info("===========================in FindPeopleController create [end]");
     return Response::json($response);
Beispiel #7
 private static function createFromCSVFormat2($listing)
     $contributor_fname = $listing[0];
     $contributor_lname = $listing[1];
     $contributor_mob = $listing[2];
     $s_no = $listing[3];
     $first_name = $listing[4];
     $last_name = $listing[5];
     $age = $listing[7];
     $fb_url = $listing[10];
     $w_child = $listing[11];
     $contributor = User::createContributorIfNotExists($contributor_fname, $contributor_lname, $contributor_mob);
     // TODO: add col address and w-child and additional
     $update = ArmyUpdates::createNewForContributor($s_no, $first_name, $last_name, $age, $fb_url, $contributor->id);
 private static function getBuilderWithParam($find_sno, $find_name, $find_age)
     $sno = false;
     $name = false;
     $age = false;
     if ($find_name) {
         $name = true;
     if ($find_age) {
         $age = true;
     if ($find_sno) {
         $sno = true;
     $results = ArmyUpdates::where('s_no', '=', 0);
     // This returns an empty Builder obj // TODO : figure out better way
     $explanation = "";
     if ($sno) {
         // This can only return one row (I think . TODO: check assumption)
         $results = ArmyUpdates::where('s_no', '=', $find_sno);
         $explanation = "Do not search on '' and Another field together. '' is unique for every update, so it will never match 2 records. This search is returning results for '' = " . $find_sno . ".";
     } elseif ($name && !$age) {
         // Only Name Specified
         $results = Helper::searchTableForName(ArmyUpdates::TABLE_NAME, $find_name);
         // TODO : separate out exact matches and substr matches and disp them separately
     } elseif ($age && !$name) {
         // Only Age Specified
         $results = ArmyUpdates::where('age', '=', $find_age);
     } elseif ($name && $age) {
         // Name, Age Specified
         $results = Helper::searchTableForNameAndAge(ArmyUpdates::TABLE_NAME, $find_name, $find_age);
         // TODO : separate out exact matches and substr matches and disp them separately
     return $results;