  * Constructor.
  * @param string     $argumentName   Argument name
  * @param string     $message        The error message
  * @param \Exception $innerException An inner exception
 public function __construct($argumentName, $message = '', \Exception $innerException = null)
     if ($message == '') {
         $message = $argumentName . ' cannot be null';
     parent::__construct($argumentName, $message, $innerException);
  * @param string     $argumentName   Argument name
  * @param string     $message        The error message
  * @param \Exception $innerException An inner exception
 public function __construct($argumentName, $message = '', \Exception $innerException = null)
     if ($message == '') {
         $message = $argumentName . ' is out of range';
     parent::__construct($argumentName, $message, $innerException);
  * @param string                        $variableName
  * @param int|float|bool|resource|array $variableValue
  * @throws InvalidNotEmptyException
  * @throws InvalidNotIntException
  * @throws InvalidNotStringException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must be not same as: "%s"', $variableName, print_r($variableValue, true)));
  * @param string $variableName
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must be "not null" and "not int"', $variableName));
  * @param string $variableName
  * @param string $key
  * @throws InvalidIntOrStringException
  * @throws InvalidNotEmptyException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $key)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (!is_int($key) && !is_string($key)) {
         throw new InvalidIntOrStringException('key', $key);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must contain key: "%s"', $variableName, $key));
  * @param string $variableName
  * @param string $variableValue
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (!is_string($variableValue)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableValue', $variableValue);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must be "correct RegExp pattern", actual value: "%s"', $variableName, $variableValue));
  * @param string                           $variableName
  * @param array|bool|float|int|null|string $variableValue
  * @throws InvalidNotResourceException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (is_resource($variableValue)) {
         throw new InvalidNotResourceException('variableValue');
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must be "resource", actual type: "%s"', $variableName, gettype($variableValue)));
  * @param string                        $variableName
  * @param int|float|bool|resource|array $variableValue
  * @throws InvalidNotIntAndNotStringException
  * @throws InvalidNotEmptyException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (is_int($variableValue) || is_string($variableValue)) {
         throw new InvalidNotIntAndNotStringException($variableName);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must be: "int" or "string", actual type: "%s"', $variableName, gettype($variableValue)));
  * @param string                        $variableName
  * @param int|float|bool|resource|array $variableValue
  * @param int|float|bool|resource|array $anotherValue
  * @throws InvalidNotEmptyException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
  * @throws InvalidNotSameValueException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue, $anotherValue)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif ($variableValue === $anotherValue) {
         throw new InvalidNotSameValueException('variableValue', $variableValue);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must be same as: "%s", actual value: "%s"', $variableName, print_r($anotherValue, true), print_r($variableValue, true)));
 public function __construct($parameter, \Exception $previous = null)
     /*$message = Loc::getMessage(
     			array("#PARAMETER#" => $parameter)
     $message = sprintf("Argument '%s' is null or empty", $parameter);
     parent::__construct($message, $parameter, $previous);
  * @param string $variableName
  * @param mixed  $variableValue
  * @param array  $array
  * @throws InvalidArrayException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue, $array)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (!is_array($array)) {
         throw new InvalidArrayException('array', $array);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must be "in array" {%s}, actual value: "%s"', $variableName, print_r($array, true), print_r($variableValue, true)));
  * @param string $variableName
  * @param int    $variableValue
  * @throws InvalidIntOrFloatException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (!is_int($variableValue) && !is_float($variableValue)) {
         throw new InvalidIntOrFloatException('variableValue', $variableValue);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must be "positive", actual value: "%s"', $variableName, $variableValue));
  * Creates new exception object
  * @param string $parameter Argument that generates exception
  * @param string $requiredType Required type
  * @param \Exception $previous
 public function __construct($parameter, $requiredType = "", \Exception $previous = null)
     if (!empty($requiredType)) {
         $message = sprintf("The value of an argument '%s' must be of type %s", $parameter, $requiredType);
     } else {
         $message = sprintf("The value of an argument '%s' has an invalid type", $parameter);
     $this->requiredType = $requiredType;
     parent::__construct($message, $parameter, $previous);
  * @param string    $variableName
  * @param int|float $variableValue
  * @param int|float $number
  * @throws InvalidIntOrFloatException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue, $number)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (!is_int($variableValue) && !is_float($variableValue)) {
         throw new InvalidIntOrFloatException('variableValue', $variableValue);
     } elseif (!is_int($number) && !is_float($number)) {
         throw new InvalidIntOrFloatException('number', $number);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must be strictly greater than "%s", actual value: "%s"', $variableName, (string) $number, (string) $variableValue));
  * @param string $variableName
  * @param string $variableValue
  * @param string $pattern
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue, $pattern)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (!is_string($variableValue)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableValue', $variableValue);
     } elseif (!is_string($pattern)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('pattern', $pattern);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must match glob pattern "%s", actual value: "%s"', $variableName, $pattern, $variableValue));
  * @param string $variableName
  * @param string $variableValue
  * @param int    $length
  * @throws InvalidIntException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue, $length)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (!is_string($variableValue)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableValue', $variableValue);
     } elseif (!is_int($length)) {
         throw new InvalidIntException('length', $length);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must have length "%d", actual length: "%d"', $variableName, $length, mb_strlen($variableValue)));
  * @param string $variableName
  * @param array  $variableValue
  * @param int    $count
  * @throws InvalidArrayException
  * @throws InvalidIntException
  * @throws InvalidNotEmptyException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
  * @throws NumberNotGreaterException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue, $count)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (!is_array($variableValue)) {
         throw new InvalidArrayException('variableValue', $variableValue);
     } elseif (!is_int($count)) {
         throw new InvalidIntException('count', $count);
     } elseif ($count < 0) {
         throw new NumberNotGreaterException('count', $count, 0);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must contain: "%d" elements, actual count: "%d"', $variableName, $count, count($variableValue)));
  * @param string $variableName
  * @param string $variableValue
  * @param int    $from
  * @param int    $to
  * @throws InvalidIntException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue, $from, $to)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (!is_string($variableValue)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableValue', $variableValue);
     } elseif (!is_int($from)) {
         throw new InvalidIntException('from', $from);
     } elseif (!is_int($to)) {
         throw new InvalidIntException('to', $to);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must have length between "%d" and "%d", actual length: "%d"', $variableName, $from, $to, mb_strlen($variableValue)));
  * @param string    $variableName
  * @param int|float $variableValue
  * @param int|float $from
  * @param int|float $to
  * @throws InvalidIntOrFloatException
  * @throws InvalidStringException
 public function __construct($variableName, $variableValue, $from, $to)
     if (!is_string($variableName)) {
         throw new InvalidStringException('variableName', $variableName);
     } elseif (!is_int($variableValue) && !is_float($variableValue)) {
         throw new InvalidIntOrFloatException('variableValue', $variableValue);
     } elseif (!is_int($from) && !is_float($from)) {
         throw new InvalidIntOrFloatException('from', $from);
     } elseif (!is_int($to) && !is_float($to)) {
         throw new InvalidIntOrFloatException('to', $to);
     parent::__construct(sprintf('Variable "$%s" must be between "%s" and "%s", actual value: "%s"', $variableName, (string) $from, (string) $to, (string) $variableValue));
  * Creates new exception object.
  * @param string $parameter Argument that generates exception
  * @param null $lowerLimit Either lower limit of the allowable range of values or an array of allowable values
  * @param null $upperLimit Upper limit of the allowable values
  * @param \Exception $previous
 public function __construct($parameter, $lowerLimit = null, $upperLimit = null, \Exception $previous = null)
     if (is_array($lowerLimit)) {
         $message = sprintf("The value of an argument '%s' is outside the allowable range of values: %s", $parameter, implode(", ", $lowerLimit));
     } elseif ($lowerLimit !== null && $upperLimit !== null) {
         $message = sprintf("The value of an argument '%s' is outside the allowable range of values: from %s to %s", $parameter, $lowerLimit, $upperLimit);
     } elseif ($lowerLimit === null && $upperLimit !== null) {
         $message = sprintf("The value of an argument '%s' is outside the allowable range of values: not greater than %s", $parameter, $upperLimit);
     } elseif ($lowerLimit !== null && $upperLimit === null) {
         $message = sprintf("The value of an argument '%s' is outside the allowable range of values: not less than %s", $parameter, $lowerLimit);
     } else {
         $message = sprintf("The value of an argument '%s' is outside the allowable range of values", $parameter);
     $this->lowerLimit = $lowerLimit;
     $this->upperLimit = $upperLimit;
     parent::__construct($message, $parameter, $previous);
 public function __construct($parameter, \Exception $previous = null)
     $message = sprintf("Argument '%s' is null or empty", $parameter);
     parent::__construct($message, $parameter, $previous);
 protected function ArgumentOutOfRangeException_2($paramName, Exception $innerException = null)
     parent::SystemException_2($paramName . ' is out of range.', $innerException);
 public function __construct($parameter = "", \Exception $previous = null)
     parent::__construct("Object property \"" . $parameter . "\" not found.", $parameter, $previous);
 function __construct($argName, $argValue, $message = 'key violation')
     parent::__construct($argName, $message);
     $this->value = $argValue;
  * @param string $argumentName
  * @param string $message
 function __construct($argumentName, $expectedType, $message = 'unexpected argument type')
     parent::__construct($argumentName, $expectedType, $message);
     $this->expectedType = $expectedType;
  * @param string $argument
  * @param string $type
 public function __construct($argument = null, $type = null)
     parent::__construct('The specified argument is of a wrong type.');
     $this->isDisplayable = false;
 protected function ArgumentNullException_2($paramName, Exception $innerException = null)
     parent::SystemException_2($paramName . ' is null.', $innerException);
  * Initializes a new instance of that class.
  * @param mixed $actualValue The underlying value.
  * @param string $paramName The name of the underlying parameter.
  * @param string $message The message.
  * @param int $code The code.
  * @param \Exception $innerException The inner exception.
 public function __construct($actualValue = null, $paramName = null, $message = null, \Exception $innerException = null, $code = 0)
     $this->_actualValue = $actualValue;
     parent::__construct($paramName, $message, $innerException, $code);