* 					- show html information on which image to track
 * 					- hide and display the "what to track" information based on tracking events
 * 					- start an animation based on touchstart (click) event of the object
 * 					- start an animation based on animation ended event of the object 
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
require_once '../ARELLibrary/arel_xmlhelper.class.php';
//use the Arel Helper to start the output with arel
//start output
ArelXMLHelper::start(NULL, "arel.html", NULL);
//Create the blaster
$id = "blaster";
$model = "legoBlaster.zip";
$texture = "legoBlaster.png";
$screenAnchor = ArelAnchor::ANCHOR_BR;
$scale = array(0.75, 0.75, 0.75);
$rotation = array(0, 90, 0);
$oObject = ArelXMLHelper::createScreenFixedModel3D($id, $model, $texture, $screenAnchor, $scale, new ArelRotation(ArelRotation::ROTATION_EULERDEG, $rotation));
//Create the Crosshair
$id = "fadenkreuz";
$model = "";
$texture = "fadenkreuz.png";
$screenAnchor = ArelAnchor::ANCHOR_CC;
$scale = array(1, 1, 1);
$rotation = array(0, 0, 0);
$oObject = ArelXMLHelper::createScreenFixedModel3D($id, $model, $texture, $screenAnchor, $scale, new ArelRotation(ArelRotation::ROTATION_EULERDEG, $rotation));
//end the output
 * @link       http://www.metaio.com
 * @author     Frank Angermann
 * @abstract	Your own AR Shooter
 * 				Learnings:
 * 				(Simple)
 * 					- use occlusion with location based channels
 *					- advanced animation control
 *					- use the getObjectFromScreenCoordinates to determine which 3D model was hit 
 * 				(Advanced) - look for the *ADVANCED* comments
 * 					- adding new models on the fly (more troopers to shoot)
require_once '../ARELLibrary/arel_xmlhelper.class.php';
if (!empty($_GET['l'])) {
    $position = explode(",", $_GET['l']);
} else {
    trigger_error("user position (l) missing. For testing, please provide a 'l' GET parameter with your request. e.g. pois/search/?l=23.34534,11.56734,0");
ArelXMLHelper::start(NULL, "/arel/index.html", ArelXMLHelper::TRACKING_GPS);
//a trooper
$legoMan = ArelXMLHelper::create360Object("legoTrooper", "/resources/legoStormTrooper.zip", "/resources/legoStormTrooper.png", array(0, 2000, -1500), array(0.4, 0.4, 0.4), new ArelRotation(ArelRotation::ROTATION_EULERDEG, array(90, 0, 90)));
//the weapon
$legoWeapon = ArelXMLHelper::createScreenFixedModel3D("legoBlaster", "/resources/legoBlaster.zip", "/resources/legoBlaster.png", ArelAnchor::ANCHOR_BR, array(1, 1, 1), new ArelRotation(ArelRotation::ROTATION_EULERDEG, array(0, 90, 0)));
//occlusion model
$box = ArelXMLHelper::create360Object("box", "/resources/occlusionBox.zip", NULL, array(0, 0, -6400), array(50, 50, 50), new ArelRotation(ArelRotation::ROTATION_EULERDEG, array(90, 0, 90)));