Beispiel #1
// Setup routing of model autoloaders
$loader = new Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Resource(array('basePath' => $apppath . '/application/', 'namespace' => 'Application'));
// Name, path, namepsace
$loader->addResourceType('model', 'models', 'Model');
// Get our config file
$config = new Zend_Config_Ini($apppath . '/application/configs/application.ini');
Zend_Registry::set('config', $config->production);
// Because our models need it this way
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$id = $_POST['id'];
$first = $_POST['first'];
$last = $_POST['last'];
$day = $_POST['day'];
$month = $_POST['month'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$year = $_POST['year'];
$confirmed = $_POST['cnfy'];
$user = new Application_Model_User((int) $id);
$frm = new Application_Model_Form();
if ($user->reward == '1') {
    $clubreadyid = $user->accountstatus;
$sendemail = FALSE;
$dob = date($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day);
$res = $frm->postLeadsClubready($first, $last, $phone, $dob, $email, $clubreadyid, $sendemail);
//        {"UserId":3597061,"Success":true,"EmailSent":false,"PackageAdded":false}
echo $res;
//         echo $clubreadyid;
//        echo $phone." : ".$id." : ".$last." :  ".$day." : ".$month." : ".$year." : ".$confirmed." : ".$dob." CRR: ".$clubreadyid;
 public function linkAction()
     $formObj = new Application_Model_Form();
     $error = array();
     $success = array();
     $clubreadyid = 0;
     $urlWithUserId = strrev($this->request->getParam('url'));
     $breakUrlInParts = explode('txet', $urlWithUserId, 2);
     $userid = strrev($breakUrlInParts[0]);
     $formurl = strrev($breakUrlInParts[1]);
     $isClubready = FALSE;
     $user = new Application_Model_User((int) $userid);
     if ($user->additionalinfo == "CR") {
         $clubreadyid = $user->accountstatus;
         $isClubready = TRUE;
     $webformattb = $formObj->webformDetail($userid, addslashes($formurl));
     if (empty($webformattb)) {
         $message['type'] = "error";
         $message['body'] = "Form doesn't exist";
     } else {
         $this->view->webformattb = $webformattb;
     if ($this->request->isPost()) {
         $postdataValue = $this->_request->getParams();
         //echo '<pre>'; print_r($postdataValue);exit;
         //echo "<pre>"; print_r($this->_request->getParams());
         $webform_url_id = $webformattb['0']['webform_url_id'];
         $collectAttributesOnTheBasisOfDropdownAndCheckboxValues = $formObj->collectAttributesOnTheBasisOfDropdownAndCheckboxValues($webform_url_id);
         //          echo "<pre>";  print_r($collectAttributesOnTheBasisOfDropdownAndCheckboxValues);
         //          echo $webform_url_id;
         //          exit;
         $phonenumber = $postdataValue[0];
         $firstname = "";
         $lastname = "";
         $email = "";
         $birthday = "";
         $language = "";
         $attr_folder_ids_array = array();
         if (!empty($collectAttributesOnTheBasisOfDropdownAndCheckboxValues)) {
             foreach ($collectAttributesOnTheBasisOfDropdownAndCheckboxValues as $key => $value) {
                 foreach ($value as $k => $val) {
                     $folderid_attr = $postdataValue[$val];
                     //echo '<pre>'; print_r($folderid_attr);
                     if (is_array($folderid_attr)) {
                         foreach ($folderid_attr as $key => $v) {
                             $folder_id_individual = $v;
                             array_push($attr_folder_ids_array, $folder_id_individual);
                     } else {
                         $folder_id_individual = $folderid_attr;
                         array_push($attr_folder_ids_array, $folder_id_individual);
         $newfolderarray = substr($webformattb['0']['folderid'], 0, 1);
         if ($newfolderarray == ',') {
             $webformattb['0']['folderid'] = substr($webformattb['0']['folderid'], 1);
         $folderidArraySelectedFolder = explode(",", $webformattb['0']['folderid']);
         $folderidArray = array_unique(array_merge($folderidArraySelectedFolder, $attr_folder_ids_array));
         //echo '<pre>'; print_r($folderidArray);
         unset($postdataValue['controller'], $postdataValue['action'], $postdataValue['url'], $postdataValue['module'], $postdataValue['accept']);
         $this->view->postedValues = $postdataValue;
         if ($this->request->getParam('accept') == 1) {
             if (!empty($postdataValue[0])) {
                 $phonenumber = $formObj->cleanPhone($phonenumber);
                 // echo $phonenumber; exit;
                 if (strlen($phonenumber) == 10) {
                     $phonenumber = "1" . $phonenumber;
                     foreach ($postdataValue as $attbid => $attbvalue) {
                         $attbnameArray = $formObj->getAttributeName($attbid);
                         $attbnam = $attbnameArray['0']['attribute'];
                         if ($attbnam == "Email") {
                             $email = addslashes($postdataValue[$attbid]);
                         } elseif ($attbnam == "First Name") {
                             $firstname = addslashes($postdataValue[$attbid]);
                         } elseif ($attbnam == "Last Name") {
                             $lastname = addslashes($postdataValue[$attbid]);
                         } elseif ($attbnam == "Birthday") {
                             $attbvalue = implode("-", $postdataValue[$attbid]);
                             $birthday = $attbvalue;
                         } elseif ($attbnam == "Language") {
                             $language = addslashes($postdataValue[$attbid]);
                     $subs_array = array();
                     $a = 0;
                     $attbidArray = array();
                     $status_flag = '';
                     $b_ifnewsubscriber = TRUE;
                     $subscriberintheaccount = FALSE;
                     $tmp_alternate = "";
                     foreach ($folderidArray as $folderid) {
                         if ($formObj->checksubscriber($phonenumber, $folderid) && $formObj->checksubscriber($phonenumber, $folderid) != '') {
                             $subscriberid = $formObj->checksubscriber($phonenumber, $folderid);
                             $status_flag = 1;
                             $formObj->updateSubscriberAllDetails($subscriberid, $folderid, $phonenumber, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $birthday, $language, $webform_url_id);
                             $tmp_alternate = "Thank you for checking in with us again, we see you have redeemed this offer already. Please stay tuned for other VIP deals and promotions.";
                             array_push($subs_array, $subscriberid);
                         } else {
                             $info_msg = $webformattb[0]['alertmessage'];
                             $subscriberid = $formObj->addSubscriberAllDetails($folderid, $phonenumber, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $birthday, $language, $webform_url_id);
                             if ($isClubready) {
                                 $dobformat = date('Y-') . $birthday;
                                 $bool = false;
                                 $formObj->postLeadsClubready($firstname, $lastname, $phonenumber, $dobformat, $email, $clubreadyid, $bool);
                             /* here the new subcriber or opted out gets second info sms */
                             array_push($subs_array, $subscriberid);
                             $tmp_alternate = $webformattb['0']['thankumsg'];
                             $b_ifnewsubscriber = FALSE;
                             if ($formObj->getStatusOfSubscriberFromUserAccount($phonenumber, $userid)) {
                                 $subscriberintheaccount = TRUE;
                     foreach ($postdataValue as $attbid => $attbvalue) {
                         if (is_array($attbvalue)) {
                             $attbvalueins[$a] = implode(",", $attbvalue);
                             $attbvalueins[$a] = addslashes($attbvalueins[$a]);
                             $attbidArray[$a] = $attbid;
                         } else {
                             $attbvalueins[$a] = addslashes($attbvalue);
                             $attbidArray[$a] = $attbid;
                     $sendtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     for ($i = 0; $i < count($subs_array); $i++) {
                         for ($j = 0; $j < $a; $j++) {
                             if ($status_flag == 1) {
                                 //update values
                                 $formObj->updateFormValues($subs_array[$i], $attbidArray[$j], $attbvalueins[$j]);
                             } else {
                                 $formObj->insertFormValues($subs_array[$i], $attbidArray[$j], $attbvalueins[$j]);
                     $success[0] = $webformattb['0']['thankumsg'];
                     // the code
                     $msgObj = new Application_Model_Message();
                     $timezone = null;
                     $source = 202;
                     //queue($body, $recipients, $sendtime = null, $timezone = null, $confirmid = 0, $depth = 0, $createuser = 0, $shortcode=87365)
                     $status = $msgObj->queue($tmp_alternate, $phonenumber, $sendtime, $timezone, 0, $source, $userid);
                     if (!$b_ifnewsubscriber && !$subscriberintheaccount) {
                         $msgObj->queue($info_msg, $phonenumber, $sendtime, $timezone, 0, $source, $userid);
                         if ($webformattb['0']['notifybyemail']) {
                             $confirm = "A new subscriber optin through webform  on {$sendtime}:" . PHP_EOL . "First: " . $firstname . PHP_EOL . 'Last: ' . $lastname . PHP_EOL . "Phone: " . $phonenumber . PHP_EOL . "Email: " . $email;
                             $subject = "Lead notification";
                             $formObj->alertnewlead($webformattb['0']['notifybyemail'], $subject, $confirm);
                         if ($webformattb['0']['notifybysms']) {
                             if (strlen($webformattb['0']['notifybysms']) < 11) {
                                 $phone = "1" . $webformattb['0']['notifybysms'];
                             } else {
                                 $phone = $webformattb['0']['notifybysms'];
                             $confirm = "A new lead optin {$sendtime}" . PHP_EOL . "First: " . $firstname . PHP_EOL . 'Last: ' . $lastname . PHP_EOL . "Phone: " . $phonenumber . PHP_EOL . "Email: " . $email;
                             $formObj->alertMessage($phone, $confirm);
                 } else {
                     $error[1] = "Please enter 10 digit Phone number.";
             } else {
                 $error[2] = "Phone number is required.";
         } else {
             $error[3] = "Please accept the terms & conditions";
     $this->view->success = $success;
     $this->view->error = $error;