function preview()
     $id = $this->_arg('mailing_list');
     if (!$id) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('Invalid %s', true), __('mailing list', true)), 'default', array('class' => 'info'));
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
     $this->MailingList->contain(array('Affiliate', 'Subscription' => array('conditions' => array('subscribed' => 0))));
     $mailingList = $this->MailingList->read(null, $id);
     if (!$mailingList) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('Invalid %s', true), __('mailing list', true)), 'default', array('class' => 'info'));
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
     $affiliates = $this->_applicableAffiliateIDs(true);
     $this->set(compact('mailingList', 'affiliates'));
     // Handle the rule controlling mailing list membership
     $rule_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Rule', '', $this, true);
     if (!$rule_obj->init($mailingList['MailingList']['rule'])) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('Failed to parse the rule: %s', true), $rule_obj->parse_error), 'default', array('class' => 'error'));
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', 'mailing_list' => $id));
     $people = $rule_obj->query($mailingList['MailingList']['affiliate_id']);
     if ($people === null) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(__('The syntax of the mailing list rule is valid, but it is not possible to build a query which will return the expected results. See the "rules engine" help for suggestions.', true), 'default', array('class' => 'error'));
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', 'mailing_list' => $id));
     if (!empty($people)) {
         $unsubscribed_ids = Set::extract('/MailingList/Subscription/person_id', $mailingList);
         $people = array_diff($people, $unsubscribed_ids);
         $this->paginate = array('Person' => array('conditions' => array('' => $people), 'contain' => array(), 'fields' => array('', 'Person.first_name', 'Person.last_name'), 'order' => array('Person.first_name', 'Person.last_name'), 'limit' => 100));
     $this->set('people', $this->paginate('Person'));
Beispiel #2
 function set($one, $two = null)
     if (array_key_exists('EventType', $one)) {
         $this->event_obj = AppController::_getComponent('EventType', $one['EventType']['type']);
     $data = parent::set($one, $two);
     if (array_key_exists('EventType', $one)) {
     return $data;
Beispiel #3
 function beforeDelete()
     if (Configure::read('feature.badges')) {
         $data = $this->read(null, $this->id);
         $badge_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Badge');
         if (!$badge_obj->update('team', array('team_id' => $data['TeamsPerson']['team_id'], 'person_id' => $data['TeamsPerson']['person_id'], 'role' => null))) {
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #4
 function beforeValidate()
     if (array_key_exists('schedule_type', $this->data['Division'])) {
         $league_obj = AppController::_getComponent('LeagueType', $this->data['Division']['schedule_type']);
         $this->validate = array_merge($this->validate, $league_obj->schedulingFieldsValidation());
     if (!Configure::read('scoring.allstars')) {
     if (!Configure::read('scoring.most_spirited')) {
     return true;
Beispiel #5
 function _handleRuleSearch($params, $url)
     $affiliates = $this->_applicableAffiliates();
     $this->set(compact('url', 'affiliates'));
     // If a rule has been submitted through the form, ignore whatever might be saved in the URL
     if (array_key_exists('rule', $params)) {
     if (array_key_exists('rule64', $params)) {
         // Base 64 input must have a length that's a multiple of 4, add = to pad it out
         while (strlen($params['rule64']) % 4) {
             $params['rule64'] .= '=';
         // Encoding can include + signs, which get converted to spaces. Put them back...
         $params['rule64'] = str_replace(' ', '+', $params['rule64']);
         // Base 64 decode to recover the original input
         $params['rule'] = base64_decode($params['rule64']);
     if (array_key_exists('rule', $params)) {
         // Handle the rule
         $rule_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Rule', '', $this, true);
         if (!$rule_obj->init($params['rule'])) {
             $this->set('error', sprintf(__('Failed to parse the rule: %s', true), $rule_obj->parse_error));
         if (!array_key_exists('rule64', $params)) {
             // Base 64 encode the rule for easy URL manipulation, trim any = from the end
             $url['rule64'] = base64_encode($params['rule']);
             $url['rule64'] = trim($url['rule64'], '=');
         $this->set(compact('url', 'params'));
         $people = $rule_obj->query($params['affiliate_id']);
         if ($people === null) {
             $this->set('error', __('The syntax of the rule is valid, but it is not possible to build a query which will return the expected results. See the "rules engine" help for suggestions.', true));
         if (!empty($people)) {
             $conditions = array('' => $people);
             if (array_key_exists('affiliate_id', $params)) {
                 $conditions[] = array('OR' => array("AffiliatePerson.affiliate_id" => $params['affiliate_id'], 'group_id' => GROUP_ADMIN));
             if ($this->params['url']['ext'] == 'csv') {
                 Configure::write('debug', 0);
                 $user_model = $this->Auth->authenticate->name;
                 $id_field = $this->Auth->authenticate->primaryKey;
                 $config = new DATABASE_CONFIG();
                 $prefix = $this->Auth->authenticate->tablePrefix;
                 if ($this->Auth->authenticate->useDbConfig != 'default') {
                     $config_name = $this->Auth->authenticate->useDbConfig;
                     $config = $config->{$config_name};
                     $prefix = "{$config['database']}.{$prefix}";
                 $this->set('people', $this->Person->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'contain' => 'Related', 'fields' => array('DISTINCT', 'Person.*', "{$user_model}.*"), 'order' => array('Person.last_name', 'Person.first_name', ''), 'joins' => array(array('table' => "{$prefix}{$this->Auth->authenticate->useTable}", 'alias' => $this->Auth->authenticate->name, 'type' => 'LEFT', 'foreignKey' => false, 'conditions' => "{$user_model}.{$id_field} = Person.user_id"), array('table' => "{$this->Person->tablePrefix}affiliates_people", 'alias' => 'AffiliatePerson', 'type' => 'LEFT', 'foreignKey' => false, 'conditions' => 'AffiliatePerson.person_id ='), array('table' => "{$this->Person->tablePrefix}groups_people", 'alias' => 'GroupPerson', 'type' => 'LEFT', 'foreignKey' => false, 'conditions' => 'GroupPerson.person_id =')))));
                 $this->set('download_file_name', 'Search results');
             } else {
                 $this->paginate = array('Person' => array('conditions' => $conditions, 'contain' => array(), 'fields' => array('DISTINCT', 'Person.first_name', 'Person.last_name'), 'limit' => Configure::read('feature.items_per_page'), 'joins' => array(array('table' => "{$this->Person->tablePrefix}affiliates_people", 'alias' => 'AffiliatePerson', 'type' => 'LEFT', 'foreignKey' => false, 'conditions' => 'AffiliatePerson.person_id ='), array('table' => "{$this->Person->tablePrefix}groups_people", 'alias' => 'GroupPerson', 'type' => 'LEFT', 'foreignKey' => false, 'conditions' => 'GroupPerson.person_id ='))));
                 $this->set('people', $this->paginate('Person'));
         } else {
             $this->set('error', __('No matches found!', true));
 function send()
     $id = $this->_arg('newsletter');
     if (!$id) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('Invalid %s', true), __('newsletter', true)), 'default', array('class' => 'info'));
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
     $execute = $this->_arg('execute');
     $test = $this->_arg('test');
     $this->set(compact('execute', 'test'));
     if ($execute) {
         // Read the newsletter, including lists of who has received it
         // and who has unsubscribed from this mailing list
         $this->Newsletter->contain(array('Delivery', 'MailingList' => array('Affiliate', 'Subscription' => array('conditions' => array('subscribed' => 0)))));
         $newsletter = $this->Newsletter->read(null, $id);
         if (!$newsletter) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('Invalid %s', true), __('newsletter', true)), 'default', array('class' => 'info'));
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
         // Handle the rule controlling mailing list membership
         $rule_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Rule', '', $this, true);
         if (!$rule_obj->init($newsletter['MailingList']['rule'])) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('Failed to parse the rule: %s', true), $rule_obj->parse_error), 'default', array('class' => 'error'));
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', 'newsletter' => $id));
         $people = $rule_obj->query($newsletter['MailingList']['affiliate_id']);
         if ($people === null) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__('The syntax of the mailing list rule is valid, but it is not possible to build a query which will return the expected results. See the "rules engine" help for suggestions.', true), 'default', array('class' => 'error'));
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', 'newsletter' => $id));
         if (!empty($people)) {
             $sent_ids = Set::extract('/Delivery/person_id', $newsletter);
             $unsubscribed_ids = Set::extract('/MailingList/Subscription/person_id', $newsletter);
             $people = array_diff($people, $sent_ids, $unsubscribed_ids);
             $user_model = $this->Auth->authenticate->name;
             $people = $this->Person->find('all', array('contain' => array($user_model), 'conditions' => array('' => $people), 'limit' => $newsletter['Newsletter']['batch_size'], 'order' => array('Person.first_name', 'Person.last_name', '')));
         if (empty($people)) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__('Finished sending newsletters', true), 'default', array('class' => 'success'));
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'delivery', 'newsletter' => $id));
         if (!$this->Lock->lock('newsletter', $newsletter['MailingList']['affiliate_id'], 'newsletter delivery')) {
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', 'newsletter' => $id));
         $delay = $newsletter['Newsletter']['delay'] * MINUTE;
     } else {
         $this->Newsletter->contain(array('MailingList' => 'Affiliate'));
         $newsletter = $this->Newsletter->read(null, $id);
         if (!$newsletter) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('Invalid %s', true), __('newsletter', true)), 'default', array('class' => 'info'));
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
         if ($test) {
             $person = $this->Person->read(null, $this->UserCache->currentId());
             $people = array($person);
         } else {
     $emails = array_keys($this->_extractEmails($people, true));
     $this->set(compact('newsletter', 'people', 'emails'));
     $params = array('from' => $newsletter['Newsletter']['from'], 'subject' => $newsletter['Newsletter']['subject'], 'sendAs' => 'html', 'template' => 'newsletter', 'header' => array('Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-generated', 'X-Auto-Response-Suppress' => 'OOF', 'Precedence' => 'list'), 'attachments' => Configure::read('email.newsletter_attachments'));
     if ($newsletter['Newsletter']['personalize'] || $test) {
         foreach ($people as $person) {
             $params['to'] = $person;
             $code = $this->_hash($person['Person']['id'], $newsletter['MailingList']['id']);
             $this->set(compact('person', 'code'));
             if ($newsletter['MailingList']['opt_out']) {
                 $url = Router::url(array('controller' => 'mailing_lists', 'action' => 'unsubscribe', 'list' => $newsletter['MailingList']['id'], 'person' => $person['Person']['id'], 'code' => $code), true);
                 $params['header']['List-Unsubscribe'] = "<{$url}>";
             if ($execute) {
                 // Update the activity log
                 $this->Newsletter->Delivery->save(array('type' => 'newsletter', 'newsletter_id' => $id, 'person_id' => $person['Person']['id']));
     } else {
         $params['bcc'] = $people;
         if (!empty($newsletter['Newsletter']['to'])) {
             $params['to'] = $newsletter['Newsletter']['to'];
         } else {
             $params['to'] = $newsletter['Newsletter']['from'];
         if (!empty($newsletter['Newsletter']['replyto'])) {
             $params['replyTo'] = $newsletter['Newsletter']['replyto'];
         if ($newsletter['MailingList']['opt_out']) {
             $url = Router::url(array('controller' => 'mailing_lists', 'action' => 'unsubscribe', 'list' => $newsletter['MailingList']['id']), true);
             $params['header']['List-Unsubscribe'] = "<{$url}>";
         if ($execute) {
             foreach ($people as $person) {
                 // Update the activity log
                 $this->Newsletter->Delivery->save(array('type' => 'newsletter', 'newsletter_id' => $id, 'person_id' => $person['Person']['id']));
Beispiel #7
 function afterSave()
     if (!empty($this->data['Game']['game_slot_id'])) {
         $this->GameSlot->id = $this->data['Game']['game_slot_id'];
         if (!$this->GameSlot->saveField('assigned', true)) {
             return false;
     if (Configure::read('feature.badges') && $this->_is_finalized($this->data)) {
         $badge_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Badge');
         if (!$badge_obj->update('game', $this->data)) {
             return false;
Beispiel #8
  * Create a rule object and initialize it with a configuration string
  * @param mixed $rule The name of the rule
  * @param mixed $config The configuration string
  * @return mixed The created rule object on success, false otherwise
 function initRule($rule, $config)
     $rule_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Rule', $rule, $this->_controller, true);
     if ($rule_obj) {
         if ($rule_obj->init($config)) {
             return $rule_obj;
     $this->log("Failed to initialize rule component {$rule} with {$config}.", 'rules');
     if (!empty($rule_obj->parse_error)) {
         $this->log($rule_obj->parse_error, 'rules');
     $this->parse_error = $rule_obj->parse_error;
     return null;
Beispiel #9
 function _canAdd($person, $team, $role = null, $status = null, $strict = true, $text_reason = false, $absolute_url = false)
     if (in_array($person['Person']['status'], array('inactive', 'locked'))) {
         return __('Your account is currently inactive. You must contact an administrator to reactivate it before you can be added to a team.', true);
     if ($person['Person']['status'] != 'active') {
         return __('New players must be approved by an administrator before they can be added to a team; this normally happens within one business day.', true);
     if (array_key_exists('complete', $person['Person']) && !$person['Person']['complete']) {
         return __('This person has not yet completed their profile.  Please contact them directly to have them complete their profile.', true);
     // Maybe use the rules engine to decide if this person can be added to this roster
     if (array_key_exists('roster_rule', $team['Division']) && !empty($team['Division']['roster_rule'])) {
         if (!isset($this->can_add_rule_obj)) {
             $this->can_add_rule_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Rule', '', $this, true);
             if (!$this->can_add_rule_obj->init($team['Division']['roster_rule'])) {
                 return sprintf(__('Failed to parse the rule: %s', true), $this->can_add_rule_obj->parse_error);
         if (!array_key_exists('Registration', $person['Person']) || !array_key_exists('Team', $person['Person']) || !array_key_exists('Waiver', $person['Person'])) {
             // Get everything from the user record that the rule might need
             $person = array('Person' => $this->UserCache->read('Person', $person['Person']['id']), 'Team' => $this->UserCache->read('Teams', $person['Person']['id']), 'Registration' => $this->UserCache->read('RegistrationsReserved', $person['Person']['id']), 'Waiver' => $this->UserCache->read('Waivers', $person['Person']['id']));
         if (!$this->can_add_rule_obj->evaluate($team['Division']['League']['affiliate_id'], $person, $team, $strict, $text_reason, true, $absolute_url)) {
             switch ($this->can_add_rule_obj->reason_type) {
                 case REASON_TYPE_PLAYER_ACTIVE:
                     $prolog = 'To be added to this team, this person must first';
                 case REASON_TYPE_PLAYER_PASSIVE:
                     $prolog = 'This person';
                 case REASON_TYPE_TEAM:
                     $prolog = 'This team';
             return __($prolog, true) . ' ' . $this->can_add_rule_obj->reason . '.';
     if ($role !== null && $status != ROSTER_INVITED && $status != ROSTER_REQUESTED) {
         $roster_role_options = $this->_rosterRoleOptions(null, $team, $person['Person']['id']);
         if (!array_key_exists($role, $roster_role_options)) {
             return __('You are not allowed to invite someone to that role.', true);
     return true;
Beispiel #10
 function _unregisterDependencies($person_id)
     // Get everything from the user record that the decisions below might need
     $person = array('Person' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Person', $person_id), 'Team' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Teams', $person_id), 'Preregistration' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Preregistrations', $person_id), 'Registration' => array_merge($this->_controller->UserCache->read('RegistrationsPaid', $person_id), $this->_controller->UserCache->read('RegistrationsUnpaid', $person_id)), 'Upload' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Documents', $person_id), 'Affiliate' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Affiliates', $person_id), 'Waiver' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Waivers', $person_id));
     $unregistered = false;
     // Pull out the list of unpaid registrations; these are the ones that might be removed
     $unpaid = array();
     foreach (Configure::read('registration_none_paid') as $payment) {
         $unpaid = array_merge($unpaid, Set::extract("/Registration[payment={$payment}]/..", $person['Registration']));
     $rule_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Rule');
     foreach ($unpaid as $key => $registration) {
         $person['Registration'] = Set::extract("/Registration[id!={$registration['Registration']['id']}]/..", $person['Registration']);
         // Check the registration rule, if any
         $can_register = false;
         foreach ($registration['Event']['Price'] as $price) {
             if (strtotime($price['close']) > time() && (empty($price['register_rule']) || $rule_obj->init($price['register_rule']) && $rule_obj->evaluate($registration['Event']['affiliate_id'], $person))) {
                 $can_register = true;
         if (!$can_register) {
             $event_obj = $this->_controller->_getComponent('EventType', $registration['Event']['EventType']['type'], $this->_controller);
             if (in_array($registration['Registration']['payment'], Configure::read('registration_paid'))) {
                 $event_obj->unpaid($registration, $registration);
             if (in_array($registration['Registration']['payment'], Configure::read('registration_reserved'))) {
                 $event_obj->unreserve($registration, $registration);
             $event_obj->unregister($registration, $registration, false);
             $unregistered = true;
         // Refresh the list
         $person['Registration'] = array_merge($this->_controller->UserCache->read('RegistrationsPaid', $person_id), $this->_controller->UserCache->read('RegistrationsUnpaid', $person_id));
     return $unregistered;
Beispiel #11
 function rule($check)
     // $check array is passed using the form field name as the key
     // have to extract the value to make the function generic
     $value = current(array_values($check));
     $key = current(array_keys($check));
     $rule_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Rule');
     if (!$rule_obj->init($value)) {
         return $rule_obj->parse_error;
     return true;
Beispiel #12
  * Test whether a user is allowed to register for something
  * @param mixed $person_id Person id
  * @param mixed $event Event id
  * @param mixed $options Options controlling the returned data
  *		'ignore_date': If true, ignore open and close dates (default false)
  *		'strict': If false, allow things with prerequisites that are not yet filled but can easily be (default true)
  *		'waiting' If true, ignore the cap to allow waiting list registrations (default false)
  *		'all_rules': If true, test tries all price points instead of exiting as soon as an allowed one is found (default false)
  *		'for_edit': If true, we are editing a registration, so skip tests related to already being registered (default false)
  *		'simple_output': If true, output messages are consolidated into a single string (default false)
  * @return mixed True if the user can register for the event
 function test($person_id, $event, $options = array())
     extract(array_merge(array('ignore_date' => false, 'strict' => true, 'waiting' => false, 'all_rules' => false, 'for_edit' => false, 'simple_output' => false), $options));
     if (!isset($this->Html)) {
         App::import('helper', 'Html');
         $this->Html = new HtmlHelper();
     // Get everything from the user record that the decisions below might need
     if ($person_id != $this->person_id) {
         $this->person_id = $person_id;
         $this->person = array('Person' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Person', $person_id), 'Group' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('GroupIDs', $person_id), 'Team' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('AllTeams', $person_id), 'Preregistration' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Preregistrations', $person_id), 'Registration' => array_merge($this->_controller->UserCache->read('RegistrationsPaid', $person_id), $this->_controller->UserCache->read('RegistrationsUnpaid', $person_id)), 'Upload' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Documents', $person_id), 'Affiliate' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Affiliates', $person_id), 'Waiver' => $this->_controller->UserCache->read('Waivers', $person_id));
         $this->person_duplicates = null;
     // If we're editing a registration, remove it from the user's list,
     // as it only causes problems with rules in the CanRegister test
     if ($for_edit && !empty($event['Registration'])) {
         $this->person['Registration'] = Set::extract("/Registration[id!={$event['Registration']['id']}]/..", $this->person['Registration']);
     // Pull out the registration record(s) for the current event, if any.
     $registrations = Set::extract("/Event[id={$event['Event']['id']}]/..", $this->person['Registration']);
     $is_registered = !empty($registrations);
     // Find the registration cap and how many are already registered.
     $conditions = array('Registration.event_id' => $event['Event']['id'], 'Registration.payment' => Configure::read('registration_reserved'));
     if ($event['Event']['cap_female'] != -2) {
         $conditions['Person.gender'] = $this->person['Person']['gender'];
     $cap = Event::cap($event['Event']['cap_male'], $event['Event']['cap_female'], $this->person['Person']['gender']);
     if (!isset($this->_controller->Event)) {
         $this->_controller->Event = ClassRegistry::init('Event');
     if ($cap != -1) {
         $paid = $this->_controller->Event->Registration->find('count', array('conditions' => $conditions));
     // Check whether this user is considered active for the purposes of registration
     $is_active = $this->person['Person']['status'] == 'active';
     // If the user is not yet approved, we may let them register but not pay
     if ($this->person['Person']['status'] == 'new' && Configure::read('registration.allow_tentative')) {
         if ($this->person_duplicates === null) {
             if (!isset($this->_controller->Person)) {
                 $this->_controller->Person = ClassRegistry::init('Person');
             $this->person_duplicates = $this->_controller->Person->findDuplicates($this->person);
         if (empty($this->person_duplicates)) {
             $is_active = true;
     // Now, we determine whether they are allowed to register
     $continue = true;
     $messages = array();
     // TODO: Eliminate hard-coded event types
     if (array_key_exists('EventType', $event)) {
         $event_type = $event['EventType'];
     } else {
         $event_type = $event['Event']['EventType'];
     if (!in_array(GROUP_PLAYER, $this->person['Group']) && in_array($event_type['type'], array('membership', 'individual'))) {
         $messages[] = array('text' => __('Only players are allowed to register for this type of event.', true), 'class' => 'warning-message');
         $continue = false;
     if ($continue && in_array($this->person['Person']['status'], array('inactive', 'locked'))) {
         $messages[] = array('text' => __('Your account is currently inactive, please contact an administrator to reactivate it.', true), 'class' => 'warning-message');
         $continue = false;
     // First, some tests based on whether the person has already registered for this.
     if ($continue && $is_registered && !$for_edit) {
         if ($registrations[0]['Registration']['payment'] == 'Paid') {
             $messages[] = array('text' => __('You have already registered and paid for this event.', true), 'class' => 'open');
         } else {
             if (Configure::read('feature.waiting_list') && $registrations[0]['Registration']['payment'] == 'Waiting') {
                 $messages[] = array('text' => __('You have already been added to the waiting list for this event.', true), 'class' => 'open');
             } else {
                 // An unpaid registration might have been pre-empted by someone who paid.
                 // TODO: After a while, all such items will have been taken care of elsewhere
                 // and this whole block can go away.
                 if ($registrations[0]['Registration']['payment'] == 'Unpaid' && $cap > 0 && $paid >= $cap) {
                     if (Configure::read('feature.waiting_list')) {
                         // Move this, and any other Unpaid registrations for this event
                         $conditions = array('Registration.event_id' => $event['Event']['id'], 'Registration.payment' => 'Unpaid');
                         if ($event['Event']['cap_female'] != -2) {
                             $conditions['Person.gender'] = $this->person['Person']['gender'];
                         if (Configure::read('registration.delete_unpaid')) {
                             $event_obj = $this->_controller->_getComponent('EventType', $event['EventType']['type'], $this->_controller);
                             $unpaid = $this->_controller->Event->Registration->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions));
                             foreach ($unpaid as $registration) {
                                 $event_obj->unregister($registration, $registration);
                             $messages[] = array('text' => __('Your payment was not received in time, so your registration has been removed. If you have any questions about this, please contact the head office.', true), 'class' => 'error-message');
                         } else {
                             $this->_controller->Event->Registration->updateAll(array('payment' => '"Waiting"'), $conditions);
                             $messages[] = array('text' => __('Your payment was not received in time, so your registration has been moved to a waiting list. If you have any questions about this, please contact the head office.', true), 'class' => 'error-message');
                         $this->_controller->UserCache->clear('Registrations', $this->person['Person']['id']);
                         $this->_controller->UserCache->clear('RegistrationsUnpaid', $this->person['Person']['id']);
                         $this->_controller->UserCache->clear('RegistrationsCanPay', $this->person['Person']['id']);
                     } else {
                         $messages[] = array('text' => __('Your payment was not received in time, so you will not be able to complete this registration. If you have any questions about this, please contact the head office.', true), 'class' => 'error-message');
                 } else {
                     $messages[] = array('text' => __('You have already registered for this event, but not yet paid.', true), 'class' => 'warning-message');
                     $messages[] = sprintf(__('To complete your payment, please proceed to the %s.', true), $this->Html->link(__('checkout page', true), array('controller' => 'registrations', 'action' => 'checkout')));
                 $messages[] = sprintf(__('If you registered in error or have changed your mind about participating, you can remove this from your %s.', true), $this->Html->link(__('registration list', true), array('controller' => 'registrations', 'action' => 'checkout')));
         // If we allow multiple registrations, remember this.
         // Don't echo it right now, as it would be confusing if it's full or closed.
         if ($event['Event']['multiple']) {
             $continue = __('This event allows multiple registrations (e.g. the same person can register teams to play on different nights).', true);
         } else {
             $continue = false;
     // Price data comes in different forms, depending on how it was read
     if (!empty($event['Event']['Price'])) {
         $prices = $event['Event']['Price'];
     } else {
         $prices = $event['Price'];
         if (array_key_exists('id', $prices)) {
             $prices = array($prices);
     if (isset($price_id)) {
         $prices = Set::extract("/Price[id={$price_id}]/.", array('Price' => $prices));
     if ($continue && !$is_active) {
         $messages[] = array('text' => __('You may not register for this event until your account has been approved by an administrator. This normally happens in less than one business day, and often in just a few minutes.', true), 'class' => 'warning-message');
         $continue = false;
     if ($continue && !$for_edit) {
         if ($cap == 0) {
             // 0 means that nobody of this gender is allowed.
             $messages[] = array('text' => __('This event is for the opposite gender only.', true), 'class' => 'error-message');
             $continue = false;
         } else {
             if ($cap > 0 && !$waiting) {
                 // Check if this event is already full
                 // -1 means there is no cap, so don't check in that case.
                 if ($paid >= $cap) {
                     if (Configure::read('feature.waiting_list')) {
                         $messages[] = array('text' => sprintf(__('This event is already full.  You may however %s to be put on a waiting list in case others drop out.', true), $this->Html->link(__('continue with registration', true), array('controller' => 'registrations', 'action' => 'register', 'event' => $event['Event']['id'], 'waiting' => true))), 'class' => 'highlight-message');
                     } else {
                         $messages[] = array('text' => __('This event is already full.', true), 'class' => 'highlight-message');
                     $continue = false;
     $allowed = false;
     if ($continue) {
         if ($continue !== true) {
             $messages[] = $continue;
         // If there is a preregistration record, we ignore open and close times.
         $prereg = Set::extract("/Preregistration[event_id={$event['Event']['id']}]", $this->person['Preregistration']);
         // Check each price point
         $rule_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Rule');
         $price_allowed = array();
         foreach ($prices as $price) {
             $name = empty($price['name']) ? __('this event', true) : $price['name'];
             if (empty($prereg) && !$ignore_date) {
                 // Admins can test registration before it opens...
                 if (!$this->_controller->is_admin && strtotime($price['open']) + Configure::read('timezone.adjust') * 60 > time()) {
                     $price_allowed[$price['id']] = array('allowed' => false, 'messages' => sprintf(__('Registration for %s is not yet open.', true), $name), 'class' => 'closed');
                 if (time() > strtotime($price['close']) + Configure::read('timezone.adjust') * 60) {
                     $price_allowed[$price['id']] = array('allowed' => false, 'messages' => sprintf(__('Registration for %s has closed.', true), $name), 'class' => 'closed');
             // Check the registration rule, if any
             if (!empty($price['register_rule'])) {
                 if (!$rule_obj->init($price['register_rule'])) {
                     $this->_controller->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('Failed to parse the rule: %s', true), $rule_obj->parse_error), 'default', array('class' => 'error'));
                 } else {
                     $price_allowed[$price['id']] = array('allowed' => $rule_obj->evaluate($event['Event']['affiliate_id'], $this->person, null, $strict, false), 'reason' => $rule_obj->reason);
                     if ($price_allowed[$price['id']]['allowed']) {
                         $allowed = true;
                         $price_allowed[$price['id']]['messages'] = sprintf(__('You may register for %s.', true), $name);
                         if (!$all_rules) {
                     } else {
                         $price_allowed[$price['id']]['messages'] = sprintf(__('To register for %s, you must %s.', true), $name, $rule_obj->reason);
                         $price_allowed[$price['id']]['redirect'] = $rule_obj->redirect;
             } else {
                 $price_allowed[$price['id']] = array('allowed' => true, 'messages' => __('You may register for this because there are no prerequisites.', true));
                 $allowed = true;
         // We checked earlier that there is at least one price point currently applicable,
         // which means that at least one thing went through the rule check above.
         if ($allowed) {
             if (count($price_allowed) == 1) {
                 $price_result = reset($price_allowed);
                 $messages[] = $price_result['messages'];
         } else {
             if (empty($price_allowed)) {
                 $messages[] = __('You may register for this because there are no prerequisites.', true);
                 $allowed = true;
             } else {
                 if (count($price_allowed) == 1) {
                     $price_result = reset($price_allowed);
                     if ($price_result['allowed']) {
                         $messages[] = $price_result['messages'];
                         $allowed = true;
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($price_result['class'])) {
                             $class = $price_result['class'];
                         } else {
                             $class = 'error-message';
                         if (!empty($price_result['reason'])) {
                             $messages[] = array('text' => sprintf(__('To register for %s, you must %s.', true), __('this event', true), $price_result['reason']), 'class' => $class);
                         } else {
                             $messages[] = array('text' => $price_result['messages'], 'class' => $class);
                         if ($strict && !empty($price_result['redirect'])) {
                             $redirect = $price_result['redirect'];
                 } else {
                     $reasons = array_unique(Set::extract('/reason', $price_allowed));
                     if (count($reasons) == 1) {
                         $messages[] = array('text' => sprintf(__('To register for %s, you must %s.', true), __('this event', true), reset($reasons)), 'class' => 'error-message');
                     } else {
                         foreach ($price_allowed as $price_result) {
                             $messages[] = array('text' => $price_result['messages'], 'class' => 'error-message');
     if ($simple_output) {
         foreach ($messages as $key => $message) {
             if (is_array($message)) {
                 $messages[$key] = $message['text'];
         $messages = implode('<br>', $messages);
     return compact('allowed', 'messages', 'redirect', 'price_allowed');
Beispiel #13
 function recalculateRatings($id = null)
     if ($id) {
         $conditions = array('' => $id);
     } else {
         $conditions = array('League.is_open' => true);
     // Find any leagues that are currently open, and possibly recalculate ratings
     $leagues = $this->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'contain' => array('Division' => array('Team')), 'order' => ''));
     foreach ($leagues as $key => $league) {
         AppModel::_reindexInner($league['Division'], 'Team', 'id');
         // Find all games played by teams that are in this league
         $games = $this->readFinalizedGames($league);
         foreach ($league['Division'] as $dkey => $division) {
             $ratings_obj = AppController::_getComponent('Ratings', $division['rating_calculator']);
             $leagues[$key]['Division'][$dkey]['updates'] = $ratings_obj->recalculateRatings($league, $division, $games, true);
     return $leagues;