Beispiel #1
  * Add the correct metadata to an array of vars we want to export through
  * the API.
  * @param array $vars
  * @param boolean $forceHash
  * @return array
 public static function addMetadataToResultVars($vars, $forceHash = true)
     // Process subarrays and determine if this is a JS [] or {}
     $hash = $forceHash;
     $maxKey = -1;
     $bools = array();
     foreach ($vars as $k => $v) {
         if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) {
             $vars[$k] = ApiResult::addMetadataToResultVars((array) $v, is_object($v));
         } elseif (is_bool($v)) {
             // Better here to use real bools even in BC formats
             $bools[] = $k;
         if (is_string($k)) {
             $hash = true;
         } elseif ($k > $maxKey) {
             $maxKey = $k;
     if (!$hash && $maxKey !== count($vars) - 1) {
         $hash = true;
     // Set metadata appropriately
     if ($hash) {
         // Get the list of keys we actually care about. Unfortunately, we can't support
         // certain keys that conflict with ApiResult metadata.
         $keys = array_diff(array_keys($vars), array(ApiResult::META_TYPE, ApiResult::META_PRESERVE_KEYS, ApiResult::META_KVP_KEY_NAME, ApiResult::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME, ApiResult::META_BC_BOOLS));
         return array(ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'kvp', ApiResult::META_KVP_KEY_NAME => 'key', ApiResult::META_PRESERVE_KEYS => $keys, ApiResult::META_BC_BOOLS => $bools, ApiResult::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME => 'var') + $vars;
     } else {
         return array(ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'array', ApiResult::META_BC_BOOLS => $bools, ApiResult::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME => 'value') + $vars;
Beispiel #2
  * @covers ApiResult
 public function testAddMetadataToResultVars()
     $arr = array('a' => "foo", 'b' => false, 'c' => 10, 'sequential_numeric_keys' => array('a', 'b', 'c'), 'non_sequential_numeric_keys' => array('a', 'b', 4 => 'c'), 'string_keys' => array('one' => 1, 'two' => 2), 'object_sequential_keys' => (object) array('a', 'b', 'c'), '_type' => "should be overwritten in result");
     $this->assertSame(array(ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'kvp', ApiResult::META_KVP_KEY_NAME => 'key', ApiResult::META_PRESERVE_KEYS => array('a', 'b', 'c', 'sequential_numeric_keys', 'non_sequential_numeric_keys', 'string_keys', 'object_sequential_keys'), ApiResult::META_BC_BOOLS => array('b'), ApiResult::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME => 'var', 'a' => "foo", 'b' => false, 'c' => 10, 'sequential_numeric_keys' => array(ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'array', ApiResult::META_BC_BOOLS => array(), ApiResult::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME => 'value', 0 => 'a', 1 => 'b', 2 => 'c'), 'non_sequential_numeric_keys' => array(ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'kvp', ApiResult::META_KVP_KEY_NAME => 'key', ApiResult::META_PRESERVE_KEYS => array(0, 1, 4), ApiResult::META_BC_BOOLS => array(), ApiResult::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME => 'var', 0 => 'a', 1 => 'b', 4 => 'c'), 'string_keys' => array(ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'kvp', ApiResult::META_KVP_KEY_NAME => 'key', ApiResult::META_PRESERVE_KEYS => array('one', 'two'), ApiResult::META_BC_BOOLS => array(), ApiResult::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME => 'var', 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2), 'object_sequential_keys' => array(ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'kvp', ApiResult::META_KVP_KEY_NAME => 'key', ApiResult::META_PRESERVE_KEYS => array(0, 1, 2), ApiResult::META_BC_BOOLS => array(), ApiResult::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME => 'var', 0 => 'a', 1 => 'b', 2 => 'c')), ApiResult::addMetadataToResultVars($arr));
Beispiel #3
 public function execute()
     // The data is hot but user-dependent, like page views, so we set vary cookies
     // Get parameters
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     $text = $params['text'];
     $title = $params['title'];
     if ($title === null) {
         $titleProvided = false;
         // A title is needed for parsing, so arbitrarily choose one
         $title = 'API';
     } else {
         $titleProvided = true;
     $page = $params['page'];
     $pageid = $params['pageid'];
     $oldid = $params['oldid'];
     $model = $params['contentmodel'];
     $format = $params['contentformat'];
     if (!is_null($page) && (!is_null($text) || $titleProvided)) {
         $this->dieUsage('The page parameter cannot be used together with the text and title parameters', 'params');
     $prop = array_flip($params['prop']);
     if (isset($params['section'])) {
         $this->section = $params['section'];
         if (!preg_match('/^((T-)?\\d+|new)$/', $this->section)) {
             $this->dieUsage("The section parameter must be a valid section id or 'new'", "invalidsection");
     } else {
         $this->section = false;
     // The parser needs $wgTitle to be set, apparently the
     // $title parameter in Parser::parse isn't enough *sigh*
     // TODO: Does this still need $wgTitle?
     global $wgParser, $wgTitle;
     $redirValues = null;
     // Return result
     $result = $this->getResult();
     if (!is_null($oldid) || !is_null($pageid) || !is_null($page)) {
         if ($this->section === 'new') {
             $this->dieUsage('section=new cannot be combined with oldid, pageid or page parameters. ' . 'Please use text', 'params');
         if (!is_null($oldid)) {
             // Don't use the parser cache
             $rev = Revision::newFromId($oldid);
             if (!$rev) {
                 $this->dieUsage("There is no revision ID {$oldid}", 'missingrev');
             if (!$rev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $this->getUser())) {
                 $this->dieUsage("You don't have permission to view deleted revisions", 'permissiondenied');
             $titleObj = $rev->getTitle();
             $wgTitle = $titleObj;
             $pageObj = WikiPage::factory($titleObj);
             $popts = $this->makeParserOptions($pageObj, $params);
             // If for some reason the "oldid" is actually the current revision, it may be cached
             // Deliberately comparing $pageObj->getLatest() with $rev->getId(), rather than
             // checking $rev->isCurrent(), because $pageObj is what actually ends up being used,
             // and if its ->getLatest() is outdated, $rev->isCurrent() won't tell us that.
             if ($rev->getId() == $pageObj->getLatest()) {
                 // May get from/save to parser cache
                 $p_result = $this->getParsedContent($pageObj, $popts, $pageid, isset($prop['wikitext']));
             } else {
                 // This is an old revision, so get the text differently
                 $this->content = $rev->getContent(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $this->getUser());
                 if ($this->section !== false) {
                     $this->content = $this->getSectionContent($this->content, 'r' . $rev->getId());
                 // Should we save old revision parses to the parser cache?
                 $p_result = $this->content->getParserOutput($titleObj, $rev->getId(), $popts);
         } else {
             // Not $oldid, but $pageid or $page
             if ($params['redirects']) {
                 $reqParams = array('redirects' => '');
                 if (!is_null($pageid)) {
                     $reqParams['pageids'] = $pageid;
                 } else {
                     // $page
                     $reqParams['titles'] = $page;
                 $req = new FauxRequest($reqParams);
                 $main = new ApiMain($req);
                 $pageSet = new ApiPageSet($main);
                 $redirValues = $pageSet->getRedirectTitlesAsResult($this->getResult());
                 $to = $page;
                 foreach ($pageSet->getRedirectTitles() as $title) {
                     $to = $title->getFullText();
                 $pageParams = array('title' => $to);
             } elseif (!is_null($pageid)) {
                 $pageParams = array('pageid' => $pageid);
             } else {
                 // $page
                 $pageParams = array('title' => $page);
             $pageObj = $this->getTitleOrPageId($pageParams, 'fromdb');
             $titleObj = $pageObj->getTitle();
             if (!$titleObj || !$titleObj->exists()) {
                 $this->dieUsage("The page you specified doesn't exist", 'missingtitle');
             $wgTitle = $titleObj;
             if (isset($prop['revid'])) {
                 $oldid = $pageObj->getLatest();
             $popts = $this->makeParserOptions($pageObj, $params);
             // Don't pollute the parser cache when setting options that aren't
             // in ParserOptions::optionsHash()
             /// @todo: This should be handled closer to the actual cache instead of here, see T110269
             $suppressCache = $params['disablepp'] || $params['disablelimitreport'] || $params['preview'] || $params['sectionpreview'] || $params['disabletidy'];
             if ($suppressCache) {
                 $this->content = $this->getContent($pageObj, $pageid);
                 $p_result = $this->content->getParserOutput($titleObj, null, $popts);
             } else {
                 // Potentially cached
                 $p_result = $this->getParsedContent($pageObj, $popts, $pageid, isset($prop['wikitext']));
     } else {
         // Not $oldid, $pageid, $page. Hence based on $text
         $titleObj = Title::newFromText($title);
         if (!$titleObj || $titleObj->isExternal()) {
             $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $title));
         $wgTitle = $titleObj;
         if ($titleObj->canExist()) {
             $pageObj = WikiPage::factory($titleObj);
         } else {
             // Do like MediaWiki::initializeArticle()
             $article = Article::newFromTitle($titleObj, $this->getContext());
             $pageObj = $article->getPage();
         $popts = $this->makeParserOptions($pageObj, $params);
         $textProvided = !is_null($text);
         if (!$textProvided) {
             if ($titleProvided && ($prop || $params['generatexml'])) {
                 $this->setWarning("'title' used without 'text', and parsed page properties were requested " . "(did you mean to use 'page' instead of 'title'?)");
             // Prevent warning from ContentHandler::makeContent()
             $text = '';
         // If we are parsing text, do not use the content model of the default
         // API title, but default to wikitext to keep BC.
         if ($textProvided && !$titleProvided && is_null($model)) {
             $model = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT;
             $this->setWarning("No 'title' or 'contentmodel' was given, assuming {$model}.");
         try {
             $this->content = ContentHandler::makeContent($text, $titleObj, $model, $format);
         } catch (MWContentSerializationException $ex) {
             $this->dieUsage($ex->getMessage(), 'parseerror');
         if ($this->section !== false) {
             if ($this->section === 'new') {
                 // Insert the section title above the content.
                 if (!is_null($params['sectiontitle']) && $params['sectiontitle'] !== '') {
                     $this->content = $this->content->addSectionHeader($params['sectiontitle']);
             } else {
                 $this->content = $this->getSectionContent($this->content, $titleObj->getPrefixedText());
         if ($params['pst'] || $params['onlypst']) {
             $this->pstContent = $this->content->preSaveTransform($titleObj, $this->getUser(), $popts);
         if ($params['onlypst']) {
             // Build a result and bail out
             $result_array = array();
             $result_array['text'] = $this->pstContent->serialize($format);
             $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'text';
             if (isset($prop['wikitext'])) {
                 $result_array['wikitext'] = $this->content->serialize($format);
                 $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'wikitext';
             if (!is_null($params['summary']) || !is_null($params['sectiontitle']) && $this->section === 'new') {
                 $result_array['parsedsummary'] = $this->formatSummary($titleObj, $params);
                 $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'parsedsummary';
             $result->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), $result_array);
         // Not cached (save or load)
         if ($params['pst']) {
             $p_result = $this->pstContent->getParserOutput($titleObj, null, $popts);
         } else {
             $p_result = $this->content->getParserOutput($titleObj, null, $popts);
     $result_array = array();
     $result_array['title'] = $titleObj->getPrefixedText();
     $result_array['pageid'] = $pageid ? $pageid : $pageObj->getId();
     if (!is_null($oldid)) {
         $result_array['revid'] = intval($oldid);
     if ($params['redirects'] && !is_null($redirValues)) {
         $result_array['redirects'] = $redirValues;
     if ($params['disabletoc']) {
     if (isset($prop['text'])) {
         $result_array['text'] = $p_result->getText();
         $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'text';
     if (!is_null($params['summary']) || !is_null($params['sectiontitle']) && $this->section === 'new') {
         $result_array['parsedsummary'] = $this->formatSummary($titleObj, $params);
         $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'parsedsummary';
     if (isset($prop['langlinks'])) {
         $langlinks = $p_result->getLanguageLinks();
         if ($params['effectivelanglinks']) {
             // Link flags are ignored for now, but may in the future be
             // included in the result.
             $linkFlags = array();
             Hooks::run('LanguageLinks', array($titleObj, &$langlinks, &$linkFlags));
     } else {
         $langlinks = false;
     if (isset($prop['langlinks'])) {
         $result_array['langlinks'] = $this->formatLangLinks($langlinks);
     if (isset($prop['categories'])) {
         $result_array['categories'] = $this->formatCategoryLinks($p_result->getCategories());
     if (isset($prop['categorieshtml'])) {
         $result_array['categorieshtml'] = $this->categoriesHtml($p_result->getCategories());
         $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'categorieshtml';
     if (isset($prop['links'])) {
         $result_array['links'] = $this->formatLinks($p_result->getLinks());
     if (isset($prop['templates'])) {
         $result_array['templates'] = $this->formatLinks($p_result->getTemplates());
     if (isset($prop['images'])) {
         $result_array['images'] = array_keys($p_result->getImages());
     if (isset($prop['externallinks'])) {
         $result_array['externallinks'] = array_keys($p_result->getExternalLinks());
     if (isset($prop['sections'])) {
         $result_array['sections'] = $p_result->getSections();
     if (isset($prop['displaytitle'])) {
         $result_array['displaytitle'] = $p_result->getDisplayTitle() ? $p_result->getDisplayTitle() : $titleObj->getPrefixedText();
     if (isset($prop['headitems']) || isset($prop['headhtml'])) {
         $context = $this->getContext();
         if (isset($prop['headitems'])) {
             $headItems = $this->formatHeadItems($p_result->getHeadItems());
             $css = $this->formatCss($context->getOutput()->buildCssLinksArray());
             $scripts = array($context->getOutput()->getHeadScripts());
             $result_array['headitems'] = array_merge($headItems, $css, $scripts);
         if (isset($prop['headhtml'])) {
             $result_array['headhtml'] = $context->getOutput()->headElement($context->getSkin());
             $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'headhtml';
     if (isset($prop['modules'])) {
         $result_array['modules'] = array_values(array_unique($p_result->getModules()));
         $result_array['modulescripts'] = array_values(array_unique($p_result->getModuleScripts()));
         $result_array['modulestyles'] = array_values(array_unique($p_result->getModuleStyles()));
         // To be removed in 1.27
         $result_array['modulemessages'] = array();
         $this->setWarning('modulemessages is deprecated since MediaWiki 1.26');
     if (isset($prop['jsconfigvars'])) {
         $result_array['jsconfigvars'] = ApiResult::addMetadataToResultVars($p_result->getJsConfigVars());
     if (isset($prop['encodedjsconfigvars'])) {
         $result_array['encodedjsconfigvars'] = FormatJson::encode($p_result->getJsConfigVars(), false, FormatJson::ALL_OK);
         $result_array[ApiResult::META_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'encodedjsconfigvars';
     if (isset($prop['modules']) && !isset($prop['jsconfigvars']) && !isset($prop['encodedjsconfigvars'])) {
         $this->setWarning("Property 'modules' was set but not 'jsconfigvars' " . "or 'encodedjsconfigvars'. Configuration variables are necessary " . "for proper module usage.");
     if (isset($prop['indicators'])) {
         $result_array['indicators'] = (array) $p_result->getIndicators();
         ApiResult::setArrayType($result_array['indicators'], 'BCkvp', 'name');
     if (isset($prop['iwlinks'])) {
         $result_array['iwlinks'] = $this->formatIWLinks($p_result->getInterwikiLinks());
     if (isset($prop['wikitext'])) {
         $result_array['wikitext'] = $this->content->serialize($format);
         $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'wikitext';
         if (!is_null($this->pstContent)) {
             $result_array['psttext'] = $this->pstContent->serialize($format);
             $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'psttext';
     if (isset($prop['properties'])) {
         $result_array['properties'] = (array) $p_result->getProperties();
         ApiResult::setArrayType($result_array['properties'], 'BCkvp', 'name');
     if (isset($prop['limitreportdata'])) {
         $result_array['limitreportdata'] = $this->formatLimitReportData($p_result->getLimitReportData());
     if (isset($prop['limitreporthtml'])) {
         $result_array['limitreporthtml'] = EditPage::getPreviewLimitReport($p_result);
         $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'limitreporthtml';
     if (isset($prop['parsetree']) || $params['generatexml']) {
         if ($this->content->getModel() != CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) {
             $this->dieUsage("parsetree is only supported for wikitext content", "notwikitext");
         $wgParser->startExternalParse($titleObj, $popts, Parser::OT_PREPROCESS);
         $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($this->content->getNativeData());
         if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) {
             $xml = $dom->saveXML();
         } else {
             $xml = $dom->__toString();
         $result_array['parsetree'] = $xml;
         $result_array[ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'parsetree';
     $result_mapping = array('redirects' => 'r', 'langlinks' => 'll', 'categories' => 'cl', 'links' => 'pl', 'templates' => 'tl', 'images' => 'img', 'externallinks' => 'el', 'iwlinks' => 'iw', 'sections' => 's', 'headitems' => 'hi', 'modules' => 'm', 'indicators' => 'ind', 'modulescripts' => 'm', 'modulestyles' => 'm', 'modulemessages' => 'm', 'properties' => 'pp', 'limitreportdata' => 'lr');
     $this->setIndexedTagNames($result_array, $result_mapping);
     $result->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), $result_array);
 public function execute()
     // Cache may vary on $wgUser because ParserOptions gets data from it
     // Get parameters
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     $this->requireMaxOneParameter($params, 'prop', 'generatexml');
     if ($params['prop'] === null) {
         $this->setWarning('Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a ' . 'legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in ' . 'the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the new' . 'format to always be used.');
         $prop = array();
     } else {
         $prop = array_flip($params['prop']);
     // Get title and revision ID for parser
     $revid = $params['revid'];
     if ($revid !== null) {
         $rev = Revision::newFromId($revid);
         if (!$rev) {
             $this->dieUsage("There is no revision ID {$revid}", 'missingrev');
         $title_obj = $rev->getTitle();
     } else {
         $title_obj = Title::newFromText($params['title']);
         if (!$title_obj || $title_obj->isExternal()) {
             $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $params['title']));
     $result = $this->getResult();
     // Parse text
     global $wgParser;
     $options = ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext());
     if ($params['includecomments']) {
     $retval = array();
     if (isset($prop['parsetree']) || $params['generatexml']) {
         $wgParser->startExternalParse($title_obj, $options, Parser::OT_PREPROCESS);
         $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($params['text']);
         if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) {
             $xml = $dom->saveXML();
         } else {
             $xml = $dom->__toString();
         if (isset($prop['parsetree'])) {
             $retval['parsetree'] = $xml;
         } else {
             // the old way
             $result->addValue(null, 'parsetree', $xml);
             $result->addValue(null, ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS, array('parsetree'));
     // if they didn't want any output except (probably) the parse tree,
     // then don't bother actually fully expanding it
     if ($prop || $params['prop'] === null) {
         $wgParser->startExternalParse($title_obj, $options, Parser::OT_PREPROCESS);
         $frame = $wgParser->getPreprocessor()->newFrame();
         $wikitext = $wgParser->preprocess($params['text'], $title_obj, $options, $revid, $frame);
         if ($params['prop'] === null) {
             // the old way
             ApiResult::setContentValue($retval, 'wikitext', $wikitext);
         } else {
             $p_output = $wgParser->getOutput();
             if (isset($prop['categories'])) {
                 $categories = $p_output->getCategories();
                 if ($categories) {
                     $categories_result = array();
                     foreach ($categories as $category => $sortkey) {
                         $entry = array();
                         $entry['sortkey'] = $sortkey;
                         ApiResult::setContentValue($entry, 'category', $category);
                         $categories_result[] = $entry;
                     ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($categories_result, 'category');
                     $retval['categories'] = $categories_result;
             if (isset($prop['properties'])) {
                 $properties = $p_output->getProperties();
                 if ($properties) {
                     ApiResult::setArrayType($properties, 'BCkvp', 'name');
                     ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($properties, 'property');
                     $retval['properties'] = $properties;
             if (isset($prop['volatile'])) {
                 $retval['volatile'] = $frame->isVolatile();
             if (isset($prop['ttl']) && $frame->getTTL() !== null) {
                 $retval['ttl'] = $frame->getTTL();
             if (isset($prop['wikitext'])) {
                 $retval['wikitext'] = $wikitext;
             if (isset($prop['modules'])) {
                 $retval['modules'] = array_values(array_unique($p_output->getModules()));
                 $retval['modulescripts'] = array_values(array_unique($p_output->getModuleScripts()));
                 $retval['modulestyles'] = array_values(array_unique($p_output->getModuleStyles()));
             if (isset($prop['jsconfigvars'])) {
                 $retval['jsconfigvars'] = ApiResult::addMetadataToResultVars($p_output->getJsConfigVars());
             if (isset($prop['encodedjsconfigvars'])) {
                 $retval['encodedjsconfigvars'] = FormatJson::encode($p_output->getJsConfigVars(), false, FormatJson::ALL_OK);
                 $retval[ApiResult::META_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'encodedjsconfigvars';
             if (isset($prop['modules']) && !isset($prop['jsconfigvars']) && !isset($prop['encodedjsconfigvars'])) {
                 $this->setWarning("Property 'modules' was set but not 'jsconfigvars' " . "or 'encodedjsconfigvars'. Configuration variables are necessary " . "for proper module usage.");
     ApiResult::setSubelementsList($retval, array('wikitext', 'parsetree'));
     $result->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), $retval);