/** * Set profile in smarty var * * @param Smarty $smarty */ public static function setProfile(Smarty $smarty) { $profileRequest = new Request(array("username" => array_key_exists("username", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["username"] : null, "auth_token" => $smarty->getTemplateVars('CURRENT_USER_AUTH_TOKEN'))); $profileRequest->method = "UserController::apiProfile"; $response = ApiCaller::call($profileRequest); if ($response["status"] === "ok") { $response["userinfo"]["graduation_date"] = is_null($response["userinfo"]["graduation_date"]) ? null : gmdate('d/m/Y', $response["userinfo"]["graduation_date"]); $response["userinfo"]["birth_date"] = is_null($response["userinfo"]["birth_date"]) ? null : gmdate('d/m/Y', $response["userinfo"]["birth_date"]); $smarty->assign('profile', $response); } else { $smarty->assign('STATUS_ERROR', $response["error"]); } }
/** * Set profile in smarty var * * @param Smarty $smarty */ public static function setProfile(Smarty $smarty) { $profileRequest = new Request(array('username' => array_key_exists('username', $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST['username'] : null, 'auth_token' => $smarty->getTemplateVars('CURRENT_USER_AUTH_TOKEN'))); $profileRequest->method = 'UserController::apiProfile'; $response = ApiCaller::call($profileRequest); if ($response['status'] === 'ok') { $response['userinfo']['graduation_date'] = is_null($response['userinfo']['graduation_date']) ? null : gmdate('d/m/Y', $response['userinfo']['graduation_date']); $response['userinfo']['birth_date'] = is_null($response['userinfo']['birth_date']) ? null : gmdate('d/m/Y', $response['userinfo']['birth_date']); $smarty->assign('profile', $response); } else { $smarty->assign('STATUS_ERROR', $response['error']); } }
<?php require_once 'ApiCaller.php'; ApiCaller::httpEntryPoint();
<span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default" type="button"> <i class="fa fa-search"></i> </button> </span> </div> <!-- /input-group --> </li> <li> <a href="index.html"><i class="fa fa-dashboard fa-fw"></i> Dashboard</a> </li> <li> <?php include_once 'apicaller.php'; // $apicaller = new ApiCaller('APP001', '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632','http://localhost:8000/api'); $apicaller = new ApiCaller('APP001', '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632', 'http://localhost/gnt-aops/public/api'); $data = $apicaller->sendRequest(array('action' => 'login', 'apiname' => 'aops', 'apipass' => 'password', 'member_id' => 2, 'username' => 'natalius', 'name' => 'Natalius Sen', 'tgllahir' => '09101987', 'tglaplikasi' => '09101987', 'sponsor_id' => 0, 'introducer_id' => 0)); echo '<a href="http://localhost/gnt-aops/public/loginapi/' . $data . '"><i class="fa fa-edit fa-fw"></i>Prospecting System</a>'; // echo '<a href="http://localhost:8000/loginapi/'.$data.'"><i class="fa fa-edit fa-fw"></i>Prospecting System</a>'; ?> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-collapse --> </div> <!-- /.navbar-static-side --> </nav> <div id="page-wrapper"> <div class="row">
<?php require_once "../server/bootstrap.php"; require_once "api/ApiCaller.php"; $r = new Request(array("contest_alias" => $_REQUEST["contest_alias"], "auth_token" => $smarty->getTemplateVars('CURRENT_USER_AUTH_TOKEN'))); $r->method = "ContestController::apiReport"; $fullResponse = ApiCaller::call($r); if ($fullResponse["status"] == "ok") { $response = $fullResponse["ranking"]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($response); $i++) { if (!isset($response[$i]['problems'])) { continue; } foreach ($response[$i]['problems'] as &$problem) { if (!isset($problem['run_details']) || !isset($problem['run_details']['groups'])) { continue; } foreach ($problem['run_details']['groups'] as &$group) { foreach ($group['cases'] as &$case) { $case['meta']['time'] = (double) $case['meta']['time']; $case['meta']['time-wall'] = (double) $case['meta']['time-wall']; $case['meta']['mem'] = (double) $case['meta']['mem'] / 1024.0 / 1024.0; } } } } $smarty->assign('contestReport', $response); $smarty->display('../templates/contest.report.tpl'); }
<?php session_start(); include_once 'apicaller.php'; $apicaller = new ApiCaller('APP001', '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632', 'http://localhost/aops-server/'); $todo_items = $apicaller->sendRequest(array('controller' => 'member', 'action' => 'getmemberchilds', 'username' => 'aops', 'userpass' => 'password', 'member_id' => 4)); echo var_dump($todo_items);
<?php include_once 'bootstrap.php'; switch ($_POST['productType']) { case 'resource': $_POST['productType'] = 1; break; case 'product': $_POST['productType'] = 2; break; default: die('wtf?'); break; } $data = array('name' => $_POST['name'], 'product' => (int) $_POST['resource'], 'productType' => (int) $_POST['productType']); if (empty($data['name']) || empty($data['product']) || empty($data['productType'])) { header('Location: http://' . Config::get('domain')); } $response = ApiCaller::get('company/create', $data, true); if ($response->status) { $_SESSION['user']->gold -= Company::CREATION_COST; } header('Location: http://' . Config::get('domain') . '/companies.htm');
<?php session_start(); var_dump($_POST['markasdone_button']); ?> <?php session_start(); include_once 'apicaller.php'; $apicaller = new ApiCaller('APP001', '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632', 'http://localhost/simpletodo_api/'); $mark_as_done = isset($_POST['markasdone_button']) ? 'true' : $_POST['is_done']; $new_item = $apicaller->sendRequest(array('controller' => 'todo', 'action' => 'update', 'todo_id' => $_POST['todo_id'], 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'due_date' => $_POST['due_date'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'is_done' => $mark_as_done, 'username' => $_SESSION['username'], 'userpass' => $_SESSION['userpass'])); header('Location: todo.php'); exit;
<?php header('Content-type: application/json'); // its json include_once 'apicaller.php'; session_start(); $apicaller = new ApiCaller('APP001', '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632', 'http://radmation.com/budget/'); $bill_items = $apicaller->sendRequest(array('controller' => 'bill', 'action' => 'read', 'username' => $_SESSION['username'], 'userpass' => $_SESSION['userpass'])); //echo ''; echo $bill_items;
<?php include_once 'apicaller.php'; session_start(); $apicaller = new ApiCaller('APP001', '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632', 'http://radmation.com/budget/'); //$bill->is_gain = $this->_params['is_gain']; // bill name/type todo add me //$bill->bill_name = $this->_params['bill_name']; // bill name/type todo change me from bill type //$bill->frequency = $this->_params['frequency']; // how often todo SINGLE WEEKLY BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY //$bill->due_period = $this->_params['due_period']; // how often todo enum('eom','bom') //$bill->every_x_days = $this->_params['every_x_days']; // how often todo int add me //$bill->on_the_x = $this->_params['on_the_x']; // how often todo int add me //$bill->amount = $this->_params['amount']; // dollar amount $updated_bill = $apicaller->sendRequest(array('controller' => 'bill', 'action' => 'update', 'username' => $_SESSION['username'], 'userpass' => $_SESSION['userpass'], 'bill_id' => '112', 'is_gain' => '0', 'bill_name' => 'Radleys Bill', 'frequency' => 'weekly', 'every_x_days' => '15', 'amount' => '1000.50')); //echo ''; echo $updated_bill;
<?php include_once 'bootstrap.php'; $post = array('email' => $_POST['login'], 'password' => $_POST['password']); if (empty($post['email']) || empty($post['password'])) { header('Location: http://' . Config::get('domain')); } $userToken = ApiCaller::get('usertoken/create', $post); if ($userToken->status == 1) { $_SESSION['app']->userToken = $userToken->data; $userData = ApiCaller::get('user/get', array(), true); if ($userData->status == 1) { $_SESSION['user'] = $userData->data; setcookie('uid', $_SESSION['user']->id, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, '/'); // 1 week setcookie('__utmf', md5($_SESSION['user']->id), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, '/'); // 1 week } } header('Location: http://' . Config::get('domain'));
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Radley * Date: 12/13/2015 * Time: 3:45 PM */ header('Content-type: application/json'); // its json include_once 'apicaller.php'; session_start(); $apicaller = new ApiCaller('APP001', '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632', 'http://radmation.com/budget/'); $bill_items = $apicaller->sendRequest(array('controller' => 'bill', 'action' => 'delete', 'username' => $_SESSION['username'], 'userpass' => $_SESSION['userpass'], 'bill_id' => '111')); //echo ''; echo $bill_items;
public static function getmemberchilds($member_id) { try { $apicaller = new ApiCaller(MemberAPI::API_KEY, MemberAPI::API_SECRET, MemberAPI::API_TARGET); $todo_items = $apicaller->sendRequest(array('controller' => 'member', 'action' => 'getmemberchilds', 'username' => MemberAPI::API_USERNAME, 'userpass' => MemberAPI::API_PASSWORD, 'member_id' => $member_id)); return $todo_items; } catch (Exception $e) { return 'Trouble Connection'; } }
<?php include_once 'apicaller.php'; session_start(); $apicaller = new ApiCaller('APP001', '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632', 'http://radmation.com/budget/'); //$bill->is_gain = $this->_params['is_gain']; // bill name/type todo add me //$bill->bill_name = $this->_params['bill_name']; // bill name/type todo change me from bill type //$bill->frequency = $this->_params['frequency']; // how often todo SINGLE WEEKLY BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY //$bill->due_period = $this->_params['due_period']; // how often todo enum('eom','bom') //$bill->every_x_days = $this->_params['every_x_days']; // how often todo int add me //$bill->on_the_x = $this->_params['on_the_x']; // how often todo int add me //$bill->amount = $this->_params['amount']; // dollar amount $added_bill = $apicaller->sendRequest(array('controller' => 'bill', 'action' => 'create', 'username' => $_SESSION['username'], 'userpass' => $_SESSION['userpass'], 'is_gain' => '1', 'bill_name' => 'Amandas Bill', 'frequency' => 'weekly', 'due_period' => '', 'every_x_days' => '10', 'amount' => '500.50')); //echo ''; $added_bill; //echo $enc_request = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632', json_encode($added_bill), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB));
$request["auth_token"] = $cs["auth_token"]; } for ($i = 4; $i + 1 < sizeof($args); $i += 2) { $request[$args[$i]] = urldecode($args[$i + 1]); } $request->method = $controllerName . "::" . $methodName; return $request; } /** * Sets all required headers for the API called via HTTP * * @param array $response */ private static function setHttpHeaders(array $response) { // Scumbag IE y su cache agresivo. header("Expires: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 06:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); // Set header accordingly if (isset($response["header"])) { header($response["header"]); } else { header("Content-Type: application/json"); } } } ApiCaller::$log = Logger::getLogger("ApiCaller");
$request[$args[$i]] = urldecode($args[$i + 1]); } $request->method = $controllerName . '::' . $methodName; return $request; } /** * Sets all required headers for the API called via HTTP * * @param array $response */ private static function setHttpHeaders(array $response) { // Scumbag IE y su cache agresivo. header('Expires: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 06:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0'); header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false); header('Pragma: no-cache'); // Set header accordingly if (isset($response['header'])) { header($response['header']); if ($response['header'] == 'HTTP/1.1 401 UNAUTHORIZED') { header('WWW-Authenticate: omegaUp location="/login"'); } } else { header('Content-Type: application/json'); } } } ApiCaller::$log = Logger::getLogger('ApiCaller');
<?php session_start(); include_once 'apicaller.php'; $apicaller = new ApiCaller('APP001', '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632', 'http://localhost/simpletodo_api/'); $new_item = $apicaller->sendRequest(array('controller' => 'todo', 'action' => 'delete', 'todo_id' => $_GET['todo_id'], 'username' => $_SESSION['username'], 'userpass' => $_SESSION['userpass'])); header('Location: todo.php'); exit;
<?php require_once "../server/bootstrap.php"; require_once "api/ApiCaller.php"; $triedToLogin = false; $emailVerified = true; $c_Session = new SessionController(); if (isset($_POST["request"]) && $_POST["request"] == "login") { // user wants to login natively $r = new Request(); $r["usernameOrEmail"] = $_POST["user"]; $r["password"] = $_POST["pass"]; $r->method = "UserController::apiLogin"; $response = ApiCaller::call($r); if ($response["status"] === "error") { if ($response["errorcode"] === 600 || $response["errorcode"] === 601) { $emailVerified = false; } } $triedToLogin = true; } if (isset($_GET["state"])) { $c_Session->LoginViaFacebook(); $triedToLogin = true; } if (isset($_GET["shva"])) { $triedToLogin = true; } if ($c_Session->CurrentSessionAvailable()) { if (isset($_GET['redirect'])) { die(header('Location: ' . $_GET['redirect']));
<?php session_start(); include_once 'apicaller.php'; /*ApiCaller(<API NAME>,<API KEY>,<URL SERVER>)*/ $apicaller = new ApiCaller('APP001', '28e336ac6c9423d946ba02d19c6a2632', 'http://localhost/gnt-aops/public/api'); $data = $apicaller->sendRequest(array('action' => 'logout', 'apiname' => 'aops', 'apipass' => 'password', 'member_id' => 3));
<?php /** * Sample API php client application * * In this example we will fetch ip by its id * * http://phpipam/api/client/getSubnetById.php?id=3 */ # config include_once '../apiConfig.php'; # API caller class include_once '../apiClient.php'; # commands $req['controller'] = "addresses"; $req['action'] = "read"; $req['format'] = "decimal"; $req['id'] = 1; # wrap in try to catch exceptions try { # initialize API caller $apicaller = new ApiCaller($app['id'], $app['enc'], $url, $format); # send request $response = $apicaller->sendRequest($req); print "<pre>"; print_r($response); } catch (Exception $e) { //catch any exceptions and report the problem print "Error: " . $e->getMessage(); }
<?php $products = ApiCaller::get('product/list'); $products = $products->data; $resources = ApiCaller::get('resource/list'); $resources = $resources->data; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> <head> <meta property="fb:admins" content="100001950649351" /> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="202930519772507" /> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <meta name="keywords" content="e-sim, mmog, browser game, free game, multiplayer game, social game"/> <meta name="description" content="Free strategic browser game. Fight, earn money, manage businesses"/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="e-Sim"/> <base href="http://<?php echo Config::get('domain'); ?> /"> <meta http-equiv="Last-Modified" content="2013-12-08 12:58:57" /> <meta property="og:image" content="images/PrimeraLogo.png"/> <meta property="og:description" content="Free strategic browser game. Fight, earn money, manage businesses. Join us, let's have some fun together, help your ecountry to grow."/>