Beispiel #1
  * Returns information about the source of this module, if known
  * Returned array is an array with the following keys:
  * - path: Install path
  * - name: Extension name, or "MediaWiki" for core
  * - namemsg: (optional) i18n message key for a display name
  * - license-name: (optional) Name of license
  * @return array|null
 protected function getModuleSourceInfo()
     global $IP;
     if ($this->mModuleSource !== false) {
         return $this->mModuleSource;
     // First, try to find where the module comes from...
     $rClass = new ReflectionClass($this);
     $path = $rClass->getFileName();
     if (!$path) {
         // No path known?
         $this->mModuleSource = null;
         return null;
     $path = realpath($path) ?: $path;
     // Build map of extension directories to extension info
     if (self::$extensionInfo === null) {
         self::$extensionInfo = array(realpath(__DIR__) ?: __DIR__ => array('path' => $IP, 'name' => 'MediaWiki', 'license-name' => 'GPL-2.0+'), realpath("{$IP}/extensions") ?: "{$IP}/extensions" => null);
         $keep = array('path' => null, 'name' => null, 'namemsg' => null, 'license-name' => null);
         foreach ($this->getConfig()->get('ExtensionCredits') as $group) {
             foreach ($group as $ext) {
                 if (!isset($ext['path']) || !isset($ext['name'])) {
                     // This shouldn't happen, but does anyway.
                 $extpath = $ext['path'];
                 if (!is_dir($extpath)) {
                     $extpath = dirname($extpath);
                 self::$extensionInfo[realpath($extpath) ?: $extpath] = array_intersect_key($ext, $keep);
         foreach (ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->getAllThings() as $ext) {
             $extpath = $ext['path'];
             if (!is_dir($extpath)) {
                 $extpath = dirname($extpath);
             self::$extensionInfo[realpath($extpath) ?: $extpath] = array_intersect_key($ext, $keep);
     // Now traverse parent directories until we find a match or run out of
     // parents.
     do {
         if (array_key_exists($path, self::$extensionInfo)) {
             // Found it!
             $this->mModuleSource = self::$extensionInfo[$path];
             return $this->mModuleSource;
         $oldpath = $path;
         $path = dirname($path);
     } while ($path !== $oldpath);
     // No idea what extension this might be.
     $this->mModuleSource = null;
     return null;