Beispiel #1
  * Instantiate a new entity based on the passed data This method is called from _create.
  * @param string $identifier The identifier of the entity to instantiate
  * @param array  $data       The raw data
  * @return AnDomainEntityAbstract
 protected function _instantiateEntity($identifier, $data)
     $identifier = clone $identifier;
     $identifier->package = str_replace('com_', '', $data['option']);
     register_default(array('identifier' => $identifier, 'default' => array('ComComponentsDomainEntityComponent', 'LibComponentsDomainEntityComponent')));
     return clone AnDomain::getRepository($identifier)->getClone();
Beispiel #2
  * Return an array of identifiers within the component.
  * @param string $class The class from which the entities are inherting
  * @return array()
 public function getEntityRepositories($class)
     $identifiers = $this->getEntityIdentifiers($class);
     foreach ($identifiers as $i => $identifier) {
         $identifiers[$i] = AnDomain::getRepository($identifier);
     return $identifiers;
Beispiel #3
  * Return.
  * @param KConfigInterface  $config    An optional KConfig object with configuration options
  * @param KServiceInterface $container A KServiceInterface object
  * @return KServiceInstantiatable
 public static function getInstance(KConfigInterface $config, KServiceInterface $container)
     if (!$container->has($config->service_identifier)) {
         $identifier = self::_identifier($config->service_identifier);
         $instance = AnDomain::getRepository($identifier, $config->toArray());
         $container->set($config->service_identifier, $instance);
     return $container->get($config->service_identifier);
Beispiel #4
  * Return an array of permissions by using the medium objects
  * @return array()
 protected static function _getDefaultPermissions($component)
     $identifiers = $component->getEntityIdentifiers('ComMediumDomainEntityMedium');
     $permissions = array();
     foreach ($identifiers as $identifier) {
         try {
             $repos = AnDomain::getRepository($identifier);
             if ($repos->entityInherits('ComMediumDomainEntityMedium')) {
                 $actions = array('add');
                 //if commentable then allow to set
                 //comment permissions
                 if ($repos->hasBehavior('commentable')) {
                     $actions[] = 'addcomment';
                 $permissions[(string) $identifier] = $actions;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     return $permissions;
Beispiel #5
  * Return the target repository
  * @return AnDomainRepositoryAbstract
 public function getTargetRepository()
     return AnDomain::getRepository($this->_target);
Beispiel #6
  * Return the controller repository.
  * @return AnDomainRepositoryAbstract
 public function getRepository()
     if (!$this->_repository instanceof AnDomainRepositoryAbstract) {
         if (!$this->_repository instanceof KServiceIdentifier) {
         $this->_repository = AnDomain::getRepository($this->_repository);
     return $this->_repository;
Beispiel #7
  * Return the entity repository
  * @return AnDomainRepositoryAbstract
 public function getParentRepository()
     return AnDomain::getRepository($this->_parent);
Beispiel #8
  * Instantiate a new entity based on the passed data This method is called from _create.
  * @param string $identifier The identifier of the entity to instantiate
  * @param array  $data       The raw data
  * @return AnDomainEntityAbstract
 protected function _instantiateEntity($identifier, $data)
     //since the identifier doesn't have an
     //application set, it gets the application of the parent
     $identifier = KService::getIdentifier($identifier);
     $identifier->application = $this->getIdentifier()->application;
     return clone AnDomain::getRepository($identifier)->getClone();
Beispiel #9
 public function unserialize($data)
     $data = unserialize($data);
     $this->_repository = AnDomain::getRepository($data['identifier']);
     $this->_data = new AnDomainEntityData(new KConfig(array('entity' => $this)));
     $this->__service_container = $this->_repository->getService();
     $this->__service_identifier = $this->_repository->getIdentifier($data['identifier']);
Beispiel #10
  * Return the parent repository.
  * @return AnDomainRepositoryAbstract
 public function getParentRepository()
     $parent = $this->getRepository()->getDescription()->getProperty('parent');
     $parent = $this->getIdentifier($parent->getParent());
     return AnDomain::getRepository($parent);
Beispiel #11
  * Links a query to anotehr query by joining the main query resoruce.
  * @param mixed        $query     Query object
  * @param string|array $condition Array condition
  * @param array        $options   Options
  * @return AnDomainQuery
 public function link($query, $condition = array(), $options = array())
     if (is_string($query)) {
         if (strpos($query, '.') === false) {
             $name = $query;
             if ($property = $this->getRepository()->getDescription()->getProperty($name)) {
                 $name = $property->getName();
             AnDomainQueryHelper::addRelationship($this, $name);
             $link = $this->getLink($name);
             $config = new KConfig($condition);
             $config->append(array('type' => $link->type, 'bind_type' => $link->bind_type, 'conditions' => array()));
             $link->offsetSet('type', $config->type)->offsetSet('bind_type', $config->bind_type);
             foreach ($config->conditions as $key => $value) {
                 if (is_string($value)) {
                     $value = AnDomainQueryBuilder::getInstance()->parseMethods($this, $value);
                 } elseif ($value instanceof AnDomainResourceColumn) {
                     $value = clone $value;
                 $link->conditions[$key] = $value;
             return $this;
         } else {
             $query = AnDomain::getRepository($query)->getQuery();
     } elseif ($query instanceof AnDomainRepositoryAbstract) {
         $query = $query->getQuery();
     settype($condition, 'array');
     $options = new KConfig($options);
     $options->append(array('type' => 'strong', 'resource' => $query->getRepository()->getResources()->main(), 'as' => $query->getRepository()->getDescription()->getEntityIdentifier()->name));
     if (!isset($this->link[$options->as])) {
         $destination = $query->getRepository()->getDescription()->getInheritanceColumn();
         $link = array('query' => $query, 'resource' => $options->resource, 'resource_name' => $options->resource->getAlias(), 'type' => $options->type, 'conditions' => array(), 'bind_type' => $destination ? clone $destination : null);
         foreach ($condition as $key => $value) {
             $link['conditions'][$key] = $value instanceof AnDomainResourceColumn ? clone $value : $value;
         $this->link[$options->as] = new KConfig($link);
         $this->distinct = true;
     return $this;
Beispiel #12
  * Materialize a many-to-one relationship for the entity and the data from
  * the database.
  * @param AnDomainEntityAbstract $instance The entity whose relationship it's materializing for
  * @param array                  $data     The row data
  * @return AnDomainProxyEntity
 public function materialize(array $data, $instance)
     if (empty($data)) {
     if (!$this->isMaterializable($data)) {
         throw new AnDomainExceptionMapping($this->getName() . ' Mapping Failed');
     $child_key = $this->_child_column->key();
     //get parent value
     $parent_value = $data[$child_key];
     //get parent class identifier
     //if relationsip is polymorphic then get the type from
     //the data
     if ($this->_polymorphic) {
         $key = $this->_type_column->key();
         $parent = isset($data[$key]) ? $data[$key] : null;
         if ($parent) {
             $parent = KService::getIdentifier($parent);
             if (!$parent->application) {
                 $parent->application = $this->_child->application;
     } else {
         $parent = $this->_parent;
     //if any of the parent and parent value is missing then
     //nullify the relationship
     if (empty($parent) || empty($parent_value)) {
     $config = array();
     $config['relationship'] = $this;
     $config['value'] = $parent_value;
     $config['property'] = $this->_parent_key;
     $config['service_identifier'] = AnDomain::getRepository($parent)->getDescription()->getEntityIdentifier();
     return new AnDomainEntityProxy(new KConfig($config));
Beispiel #13
  * Get the proxied entity. Since there could many entities proxied. The getObject method will try to
  * load all the proxied entities of the same type in order to reduce the number of calls
  * to the storage later on.
  * @return AnDomainEntityAbstract
 public function getObject()
     //security check
     if (!isset($this->_object)) {
         $condition = array($this->_property => $this->_value);
         $repository = AnDomain::getRepository($this->getIdentifier());
         //check if an entity exiting in the repository with $condition
         if ($data = $repository->find($condition, false)) {
             $this->_object = $data;
             return $this->_object;
         //now time to fetch the object from the database
         //but lets grab all the similar entities all together
         $handle = $this->getIdentifier() . $this->_property;
         $values = isset(self::$_values[$handle]) ? self::$_values[$handle] : array();
         if (empty($values)) {
         $values = AnHelperArray::unique($values);
         $query = $repository->getQuery();
         AnDomainQueryHelper::applyFilters($query, $this->_relationship->getQueryFilters());
         $query->where(array($this->_property => $values));
         $entities = $repository->fetchSet($query);
         //the object must have been fetched with the set
         //in the previous line
         //if the object is still not fetched, then the object
         //doesn't exists in the databse
         $this->_object = $repository->find($condition, false);
         if (!$this->_object) {
             //lets cache the null result to prevent re-fetching
             //the same result
             $query = $repository->getQuery()->where($condition)->limit(1);
             if ($repository->hasBehavior('cachable')) {
             $this->_object = false;
             //if it's a required one-to-one relationship
             //then instantaite a new entity if the entity doesn't exists
             if ($this->_relationship->isOneToOne()) {
                 if ($this->_relationship->isRequired()) {
                     $this->_object = $repository->getEntity(array('data' => array($this->_property => $this->_value)));
     return $this->_object;
Beispiel #14
  * Return an array of node repositories for a list of ids.
  * @param array $ids
  * @return array
 public function getNodeRepositories($ids)
     $types = $this->getService('repos:base.node')->getQuery()->disableChain()->id($ids);
     $types->distinct = true;
     $repositories = array();
     foreach ($types->fetchValues('type') as $key => $type) {
         $type = explode(',', $type);
         $identifier = end($type);
         $repositories[] = AnDomain::getRepository($identifier);
     return $repositories;