public function testGetById() { $_ = $this; $AmazonSearch = new AmazonSearch(); CmdLibs::bannerBig('ItemLookup Books', false); $conditions = ['SearchIndex' => 'Books', 'IdType' => 'ISBN', 'ResponseGroup' => 'ItemIds,ItemAttributes,SalesRank,Images', 'ItemId' => '9784774174099']; $result = $AmazonSearch->getById($conditions); foreach ($result as $item) { echo $item['Title'] . "\n"; } $this->assertTrue(is_array($result)); $this->assertNotEquals(0, count($result)); }
/** * gather_arts * Returns arts for what we're passed in. */ public function gather_arts($type, $options = array(), $limit = 5) { $images = array(); $final_results = array(); $possible_keys = array('LargeImage', 'MediumImage', 'SmallImage'); $mediaType = $type == 'album' || $type == 'artist' ? 'Music' : 'Video'; // Prevent the script from timing out set_time_limit(0); // Create the Search Object $amazon = new AmazonSearch($this->amazon_developer_public_key, $this->amazon_developer_private_api_key, $this->amazon_developer_associate_tag, $this->amazon_base_url); if (AmpConfig::get('proxy_host') && AmpConfig::get('proxy_port')) { $proxyhost = AmpConfig::get('proxy_host'); $proxyport = AmpConfig::get('proxy_port'); $proxyuser = AmpConfig::get('proxy_user'); $proxypass = AmpConfig::get('proxy_pass'); debug_event('amazon', 'setProxy', 5); $amazon->setProxy($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyuser, $proxypass); } $search_results = array(); /* Set up the needed variables */ $max_pages_to_search = max($this->amazon_max_results_pages, $amazon->_default_results_pages); // while we have pages to search do { $raw_results = $amazon->search(array('artist' => '', 'album' => '', 'keywords' => $options['keyword']), $mediaType); $total = count($raw_results) + count($search_results); // If we've gotten more then we wanted if ($limit && $total > $limit) { $raw_results = array_slice($raw_results, 0, -($total - $limit), true); debug_event('amazon-xml', "Found {$total}, limit {$limit}; reducing and breaking from loop", 5); // Merge the results and BREAK! $search_results = array_merge($search_results, $raw_results); break; } // if limit defined $search_results = array_merge($search_results, $raw_results); $pages_to_search = min($max_pages_to_search, $amazon->_maxPage); debug_event('amazon-xml', "Searched results page " . ($amazon->_currentPage + 1) . "/" . $pages_to_search, '5'); $amazon->_currentPage++; } while ($amazon->_currentPage < $pages_to_search); // Only do the second search if the first actually returns something if (count($search_results)) { $final_results = $amazon->lookup($search_results); } /* Log this if we're doin debug */ debug_event('amazon-xml', "Searched using " . $options['keyword'] . ", results: " . count($final_results), 5); /* Foreach through what we've found */ foreach ($final_results as $result) { $key = ''; /* Recurse through the images found */ foreach ($possible_keys as $k) { if (strlen($result[$k])) { $key = $k; break; } } // foreach if (!empty($key)) { // Rudimentary image type detection, only JPG and GIF allowed. if (substr($result[$key], -4) == '.jpg') { $mime = "image/jpeg"; } elseif (substr($result[$key], -4) == '.gif') { $mime = "image/gif"; } elseif (substr($result[$key], -4) == '.png') { $mime = "image/png"; } else { /* Just go to the next result */ continue; } $data = array(); $data['url'] = $result[$key]; $data['mime'] = $mime; $data['title'] = $this->name; $images[] = $data; if (!empty($limit)) { if (count($images) >= $limit) { return $images; } } } } // if we've got something return $images; }
public static function getDefaultObject() { $o = parent::getDefaultObject(); $o->artist = ''; $o->label = ''; $o->release_date = ''; $o->image_medium = array('url' => Amazon::$default_image_url, 'width' => Amazon::$default_image_width, 'height' => Amazon::$default_image_height); $o->image_large = array('url' => Amazon::$default_image_url, 'width' => Amazon::$default_image_width, 'height' => Amazon::$default_image_height); return $o; }
/** * gather_amazon * This takes keywords and performs a search of the Amazon website * for the art. It returns an array of found objects with mime/url keys */ public function gather_amazon($limit = 5, $keywords = '') { $images = array(); $final_results = array(); $possible_keys = array('LargeImage', 'MediumImage', 'SmallImage'); if ($this->type == 'album') { $album = new Album($this->uid); } else { return $images; } // Prevent the script from timing out set_time_limit(0); if (empty($keywords)) { $keywords = $album->full_name; /* If this isn't a various album combine with artist name */ if ($album->artist_count == '1') { $keywords .= ' ' . $album->artist_name; } } /* Attempt to retrieve the album art order */ $amazon_base_urls = AmpConfig::get('amazon_base_urls'); /* If it's not set */ if (!count($amazon_base_urls)) { $amazon_base_urls = array(''); } /* Foreach through the base urls that we should check */ foreach ($amazon_base_urls as $amazon_base) { // Create the Search Object $amazon = new AmazonSearch(AmpConfig::get('amazon_developer_public_key'), AmpConfig::get('amazon_developer_private_key'), AmpConfig::get('amazon_developer_associate_tag'), $amazon_base); if (AmpConfig::get('proxy_host') and AmpConfig::get('proxy_port')) { $proxyhost = AmpConfig::get('proxy_host'); $proxyport = AmpConfig::get('proxy_port'); $proxyuser = AmpConfig::get('proxy_user'); $proxypass = AmpConfig::get('proxy_pass'); debug_event('amazon', 'setProxy', 5); $amazon->setProxy($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyuser, $proxypass); } $search_results = array(); /* Set up the needed variables */ $max_pages_to_search = max(AmpConfig::get('max_amazon_results_pages'), $amazon->_default_results_pages); // while we have pages to search do { $raw_results = $amazon->search(array('artist' => '', 'album' => '', 'keywords' => $keywords)); $total = count($raw_results) + count($search_results); // If we've gotten more then we wanted if ($limit && $total > $limit) { $raw_results = array_slice($raw_results, 0, -($total - $limit), true); debug_event('amazon-xml', "Found {$total}, limit {$limit}; reducing and breaking from loop", 5); // Merge the results and BREAK! $search_results = array_merge($search_results, $raw_results); break; } // if limit defined $search_results = array_merge($search_results, $raw_results); $pages_to_search = min($max_pages_to_search, $amazon->_maxPage); debug_event('amazon-xml', "Searched results page " . ($amazon->_currentPage + 1) . "/" . $pages_to_search, '5'); $amazon->_currentPage++; } while ($amazon->_currentPage < $pages_to_search); // Only do the second search if the first actually returns something if (count($search_results)) { $final_results = $amazon->lookup($search_results); } /* Log this if we're doin debug */ debug_event('amazon-xml', "Searched using {$keywords} with " . AmpConfig::get('amazon_developer_key') . " as key, results: " . count($final_results), 5); // If we've hit our limit if (!empty($limit) && count($final_results) >= $limit) { break; } } // end foreach /* Foreach through what we've found */ foreach ($final_results as $result) { $key = ''; /* Recurse through the images found */ foreach ($possible_keys as $k) { if (strlen($result[$k])) { $key = $k; break; } } // foreach // Rudimentary image type detection, only JPG and GIF allowed. if (substr($result[$key], -4) == '.jpg') { $mime = "image/jpeg"; } elseif (substr($result[$key], -4) == '.gif') { $mime = "image/gif"; } elseif (substr($result[$key], -4) == '.png') { $mime = "image/png"; } else { /* Just go to the next result */ continue; } $data = array(); $data['url'] = $result[$key]; $data['mime'] = $mime; $images[] = $data; if (!empty($limit)) { if (count($images) >= $limit) { return $images; } } } // if we've got something return $images; }
$this->objMyAssets->Publisher = $arrParameter[8]; $this->objMyAssets->Isbn = $arrParameter[10]; break; case 'DVD': //Fill MyAssets $this->objMyAssets->Actor = $arrParameter[5]; $this->objMyAssets->Director = $arrParameter[6]; $this->objMyAssets->RunningTime = $arrParameter[7]; break; case 'Music': //Fill MyAssets $this->objMyAssets->Artist = $arrParameter[5]; $this->objMyAssets->Label = $arrParameter[6]; $this->objMyAssets->NumberOfDiscs = $arrParameter[7]; break; } $this->objMyAssets->Owner = $_SESSION['User']; $this->objMyAssets->Save(); QApplication::DisplayAlert('"' . $this->objMyAssets->Title . '"' . ' has been added to your library'); } protected function MyLibrary_Click() { QApplication::Redirect('MyLibrary.php'); } protected function Home_Click() { QApplication::Redirect('index.php'); } } AmazonSearch::Run('AmazonSearch');
$this->total_pages = (int) $xml->Items->TotalPages; $this->total_results = (int) $xml->Items->TotalResults; return true; } } include ""; $query = @$_GET['keywords']; $page = @$_GET['page']; if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $output = @$_GET['output']; if ($output != 'rdf') { $output = 'html'; } $service = new AmazonSearch($query, $page); $service->execute(); if ($output == 'rdf') { include RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR . "RdfAPI.php"; $model = ModelFactory::getDefaultModel(); define("SEARCH_NS", "urn:x-search:"); $rdf_type = new Resource(RDF_NAMESPACE_URI . "type"); $rdfs_label = new Resource(RDF_SCHEMA_URI . "label"); $dc_creator = new Resource(DC_NS . "creator"); $dc_subject = new Resource(DC_NS . "subject"); $foaf_name = new Resource(FOAF_NS . "name"); $foaf_depiction = new Resource(FOAF_NS . "depiction"); $SearchResultPage = new Resource(SEARCH_NS . "SearchResultPage"); $searchTerm = new Resource(SEARCH_NS . "searchTerm"); $page = new Resource(SEARCH_NS . "page"); $totalPages = new Resource(SEARCH_NS . "totalPages");