Beispiel #1
 public function post_commands()
     $params = Input::param();
     require_once 'AWSSDKforPHP/sdk.class.php';
     $ddb = new AmazonDynamoDB();
     $body = $params['body'];
     $ret = $ddb->put_item(array('TableName' => 'watasync2b', 'Item' => array('id' => array(AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_STRING => (string) uniqid()), 'command' => array(AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_STRING => (string) $body), 'created_at' => array(AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_NUMBER => (string) time()), 'updated_at' => array(AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_NUMBER => (string) time()))));
     $responce = array("hoge" => "hoge");
     $this->response($responce, 200);
Beispiel #2

// If necessary, reference the sdk.class.php file.
// For example, the following line assumes the sdk.class.php file is
// in an sdk sub-directory relative to this file
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/amazonwebservices/aws-sdk-for-php/sdk.class.php';
// Instantiate the class.
$dynamodb = new AmazonDynamoDB(array('key' => getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY'), 'secret' => getenv('AWS_SECRET_KEY')));
$dynamodb->set_region('dynamodb.' . getenv('AWS_REGION') . '');
$fourteen_days_ago = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("-14 days"));
$response = $dynamodb->query(array('TableName' => 'Reply', 'HashKeyValue' => array(AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_STRING => 'Amazon DynamoDB#DynamoDB Thread 2'), 'RangeKeyCondition' => array('ComparisonOperator' => AmazonDynamoDB::CONDITION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, 'AttributeValueList' => array(array(AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_STRING => $fourteen_days_ago)))));
header('content-type: text/plain');
// Response code 200 indicates success