Beispiel #1
 public function setupElements(Am_Form $form, $prefix = null)
     $gr = $form->addGroup()->setLabel(___("Default Size\n" . "width×height"));
     $gr->addText($prefix . 'width', array('size' => 4));
     $gr->addStatic()->setContent(' &times ');
     $gr->addText($prefix . 'height', array('size' => 4));
     $form->addElement('select', $prefix . 'autoPlay')->setLabel(___("Auto Play\n" . 'whether the player should start playback immediately upon loading'))->loadOptions(array(0 => ___('No'), 1 => ___('Yes')));
     $form->addElement('select', $prefix . 'autoBuffering')->setLabel(___("Auto Buffering\n" . 'whether loading of clip into player\'s memory should begin ' . 'straight away. When this is true and autoPlay is false then ' . 'the clip will automatically stop at the first frame of the video.'))->loadOptions(array(0 => ___('No'), 1 => ___('Yes')));
     $form->addInteger($prefix . 'bufferLength')->setLabel(___("Buffer Length\n" . 'The amount of video data (in seconds) which should be loaded ' . 'into Flowplayer\'s memory in advance of playback commencing.'));
     $form->addElement('select', $prefix . 'scaling')->setLabel(___("Scaling\n" . "Setting which defines how video is scaled on the video screen. Available options are:\n" . "<strong>fit</strong>: Fit to window by preserving the aspect ratio encoded in the file's metadata.\n" . "<strong>half</strong>: Half-size (preserves aspect ratio)\n" . "<strong>orig</strong>: Use the dimensions encoded in the file. " . "If the video is too big for the available space, the video is scaled using the 'fit' option.\n" . "<strong>scale</strong>: Scale the video to fill all available space. " . "Ignores the dimensions in the metadata. This is the default setting."))->loadOptions(array('fit' => 'fit', 'half' => 'half', 'orig' => 'orig', 'scale' => 'scale'));