Beispiel #1
    function renderAllVideos(&$row, &$params, $page = 0)
        // API
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        $document = JFactory::getDocument();
        // Assign paths
        $sitePath = JPATH_SITE;
        $siteUrl = JURI::root(true);
        if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5.0', 'ge')) {
            $pluginLivePath = $siteUrl . '/plugins/content/' . $this->plg_name . '/' . $this->plg_name;
        } else {
            $pluginLivePath = $siteUrl . '/plugins/content/' . $this->plg_name;
        // Check if plugin is enabled
        if (JPluginHelper::isEnabled('content', $this->plg_name) == false) {
        // Load the plugin language file the proper way
        JPlugin::loadLanguage('plg_content_' . $this->plg_name, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
        // Includes
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . $this->plg_name . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'helper.php';
        require dirname(__FILE__) . DS . $this->plg_name . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'sources.php';
        // Simple performance check to determine whether plugin should process further
        $grabTags = strtolower(implode(array_keys($tagReplace), "|"));
        if (preg_match("#{(" . $grabTags . ")}#is", $row->text) == false) {
        // ----------------------------------- Get plugin parameters -----------------------------------
        // Get plugin info
        $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', $this->plg_name);
        // Control external parameters and set variable for controlling plugin layout within modules
        if (!$params) {
            $params = class_exists('JParameter') ? new JParameter(null) : new JRegistry(null);
        $parsedInModule = $params->get('parsedInModule');
        $pluginParams = class_exists('JParameter') ? new JParameter($plugin->params) : new JRegistry($plugin->params);
        /* Video Parameters */
        $playerTemplate = $params->get('playerTemplate') ? $params->get('playerTemplate') : $pluginParams->get('playerTemplate', 'Responsive');
        $vfolder = $params->get('vfolder') ? $params->get('vfolder') : $pluginParams->get('vfolder', 'images/stories/videos');
        $vwidth = $params->get('vwidth') ? $params->get('vwidth') : $pluginParams->get('vwidth', 400);
        $vheight = $params->get('vheight') ? $params->get('vheight') : $pluginParams->get('vheight', 300);
        $transparency = $pluginParams->get('transparency', 'transparent');
        $background = $pluginParams->get('background', '#010101');
        $backgroundQT = $pluginParams->get('backgroundQT', 'black');
        $controls = $pluginParams->get('controls', 1);
        /* Audio Parameters */
        $afolder = $pluginParams->get('afolder', 'images/stories/audio');
        $awidth = $params->get('awidth') ? $params->get('awidth') : $pluginParams->get('awidth', 480);
        $aheight = $params->get('aheight') ? $params->get('aheight') : $pluginParams->get('aheight', 24);
        $abackground = $pluginParams->get('abackground', '#010101');
        $afrontcolor = $pluginParams->get('afrontcolor', '#FFFFFF');
        $alightcolor = $pluginParams->get('alightcolor', '#00ADE3');
        $allowAudioDownloading = $pluginParams->get('allowAudioDownloading', 0);
        /* Global Parameters */
        $autoplay = $params->get('autoplay') ? $params->get('autoplay') : $pluginParams->get('autoplay', 0);
        $loop = $params->get('loop') ? $params->get('loop') : $pluginParams->get('loop', 0);
        /* Performance Parameters */
        $gzipScripts = $pluginParams->get('gzipScripts', 0);
        /* Advanced */
        $jwPlayerLoading = $pluginParams->get('jwPlayerLoading', 'local');
        // local | cdn
        $jwPlayerAPIKey = $pluginParams->get('jwPlayerAPIKey', 'plXkZcoHeQXVlRo0nD6AUscwEXmFJCmIpGL3kw==');
        $jwPlayerCDNUrl = $pluginParams->get('jwPlayerCDNUrl', '');
        // Variable cleanups for K2
        if (JRequest::getCmd('format') == 'raw') {
            $this->plg_copyrights_start = '';
            $this->plg_copyrights_end = '';
        // Assign the AllVideos helper class
        $AllVideosHelper = new AllVideosHelper();
        // ----------------------------------- Render the output -----------------------------------
        // Append head includes only when the document is in HTML mode
        if (JRequest::getCmd('format') == 'html' || JRequest::getCmd('format') == '') {
            // CSS
            $avCSS = $AllVideosHelper->getTemplatePath($this->plg_name, 'css/template.css', $playerTemplate);
            $avCSS = $avCSS->http;
            // JS
            if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5.0', 'ge')) {
            } else {
            if ($gzipScripts) {
                $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/jwp.js.php?v=4.7.0');
            } else {
                $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/behaviour.js?v=4.7.0');
                $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/wmvplayer/silverlight.js?v=4.7.0');
                $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/wmvplayer/wmvplayer.js?v=4.7.0');
                $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/quicktimeplayer/ac_quicktime.js?v=4.7.0');
            if ($jwPlayerLoading == 'local') {
                $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/jwplayer/jwplayer.js?v=4.7.0');
					/* JW Player API Key */
					jwplayer.key="' . $jwPlayerAPIKey . '";
            } else {
        // Loop throught the found tags
        $tagReplace = array_change_key_case($tagReplace, CASE_LOWER);
        foreach ($tagReplace as $plg_tag => $value) {
            $cloned_plg_tag = $plg_tag;
            $plg_tag = strtolower($plg_tag);
            // expression to search for
            $regex = "#{" . $plg_tag . "}.*?{/" . $plg_tag . "}#is";
            // process tags
            if (preg_match_all($regex, $row->text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
                // start the replace loop
                foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) {
                    $tagcontent = preg_replace("/{.+?}/", "", $match);
                    $tagcontent = str_replace(array('"', '\'', '`'), array('"', ''', '`'), $tagcontent);
                    // Address potential XSS attacks
                    $tagparams = explode('|', $tagcontent);
                    $tagsource = trim(strip_tags($tagparams[0]));
                    // Prepare the HTML
                    $output = new JObject();
                    // Width/height/source folder split per media type
                    if (in_array($plg_tag, array('mp3', 'mp3remote', 'aac', 'aacremote', 'm4a', 'm4aremote', 'ogg', 'oggremote', 'wma', 'wmaremote', 'soundcloud'))) {
                        $final_awidth = @$tagparams[1] ? $tagparams[1] : $awidth;
                        $final_aheight = @$tagparams[2] ? $tagparams[2] : $aheight;
                        $output->playerWidth = $final_awidth;
                        $output->playerHeight = $final_aheight;
                        $output->folder = $afolder;
                        if ($plg_tag == 'soundcloud') {
                            if (strpos($tagsource, '/sets/') !== false) {
                                $output->mediaTypeClass = ' avSoundCloudSet';
                            } else {
                                $output->mediaTypeClass = ' avSoundCloudSong';
                            $output->mediaType = '';
                        } else {
                            $output->mediaTypeClass = ' avAudio';
                            $output->mediaType = 'audio';
                        if (in_array($plg_tag, array('mp3', 'aac', 'm4a', 'ogg', 'wma'))) {
                            $output->source = "{$siteUrl}/{$afolder}/{$tagsource}.{$plg_tag}";
                        } elseif (in_array($plg_tag, array('mp3remote', 'aacremote', 'm4aremote', 'oggremote', 'wmaremote'))) {
                            $output->source = $tagsource;
                        } else {
                            $output->source = '';
                    } else {
                        $final_vwidth = @$tagparams[1] ? $tagparams[1] : $vwidth;
                        $final_vheight = @$tagparams[2] ? $tagparams[2] : $vheight;
                        $output->playerWidth = $final_vwidth;
                        $output->playerHeight = $final_vheight;
                        $output->folder = $vfolder;
                        $output->mediaType = 'video';
                        $output->mediaTypeClass = ' avVideo';
                    // Autoplay
                    $final_autoplay = @$tagparams[3] ? $tagparams[3] : $autoplay;
                    $final_autoplay = $final_autoplay ? 'true' : 'false';
                    // Loop
                    $final_loop = @$tagparams[4] ? $tagparams[4] : $loop;
                    $final_loop = $final_loop ? 'true' : 'false';
                    // Special treatment for specific video providers
                    if ($plg_tag == "dailymotion") {
                        $tagsource = preg_replace("~(http|https):(.+?)\\/video\\/~s", "", $tagsource);
                        $tagsourceDailymotion = explode('_', $tagsource);
                        $tagsource = $tagsourceDailymotion[0];
                        if ($final_autoplay == 'true') {
                            if (strpos($tagsource, '?') !== false) {
                                $tagsource = $tagsource . '&autoplay=1';
                            } else {
                                $tagsource = $tagsource . '?autoplay=1';
                    if ($plg_tag == "ku6") {
                        $tagsource = str_replace('.html', '', $tagsource);
                    if ($plg_tag == "metacafe" && substr($tagsource, -1, 1) == '/') {
                        $tagsource = substr($tagsource, 0, -1);
                    if ($plg_tag == "sevenload") {
                        $tagsource = parse_url($tagsource);
                        $tagsource = explode('-', $tagsource['query']);
                        $tagsource = array_reverse($tagsource);
                        $tagsource = $tagsource[0];
                    if ($plg_tag == "sohu") {
                        $tagsource = parse_url($tagsource);
                        $tagsource = explode('/', $tagsource['query']);
                        $tagsource = array_reverse($tagsource);
                        $tagsource = str_replace('.shtml', '', $tagsource[0]);
                    if ($plg_tag == "vidiac") {
                        $tagsourceVidiac = explode(';', $tagsource);
                        $tagsource = $tagsourceVidiac[0];
                    if ($plg_tag == "vimeo") {
                        $tagsource = preg_replace("~(http|https):(.+?)\\/~s", "", $tagsource);
                        if (strpos($tagsource, '?') !== false) {
                            $tagsource = $tagsource . '&portrait=0';
                        } else {
                            $tagsource = $tagsource . '?portrait=0';
                        if ($final_autoplay == 'true') {
                            $tagsource = $tagsource . '&autoplay=1';
                        if ($final_loop == 'true') {
                            $tagsource = $tagsource . '&loop=1';
                    if ($plg_tag == "vine") {
                        if (strpos($tagsource, 'http') === false) {
                            $tagsource = '' . $tagsource;
                    if ($plg_tag == "yfrog") {
                        $tagsource = preg_replace("~(http|https):(.+?)\\/~s", "", $tagsource);
                    if ($plg_tag == "youmaker") {
                        $tagsourceYoumaker = explode('-', str_replace('.html', '', $tagsource));
                        $tagsource = $tagsourceYoumaker[1];
                    if ($plg_tag == "youku") {
                        $tagsource = str_replace('.html', '', $tagsource);
                        $tagsource = substr($tagsource, 3);
                    if ($plg_tag == "youtube") {
                        // Check the presence of fully pasted URLs
                        if (strpos($tagsource, '') !== false || strpos($tagsource, '') !== false) {
                            $ytQuery = parse_url($tagsource, PHP_URL_QUERY);
                            $ytQuery = str_replace('&', '&', $ytQuery);
                        } else {
                            $ytQuery = $tagsource;
                        // Process string
                        if (strpos($ytQuery, '&') !== false) {
                            $ytQuery = explode('&', $ytQuery);
                            $ytParams = array();
                            foreach ($ytQuery as $ytParam) {
                                $ytParam = explode('=', $ytParam);
                                $ytParams[$ytParam[0]] = $ytParam[1];
                            if (array_key_exists('v', $ytParams)) {
                                $tagsource = $ytParams['v'];
                            } elseif (array_key_exists('list', $ytParams)) {
                                $tagsource = 'videoseries?list=' . $ytParams['list'];
                        } elseif (strpos($ytQuery, '=') !== false) {
                            $ytQuery = explode('=', $ytQuery);
                            $ytParams = array();
                            $ytParams[$ytQuery[0]] = $ytQuery[1];
                            if (array_key_exists('v', $ytParams)) {
                                $tagsource = $ytParams['v'];
                            } elseif (array_key_exists('list', $ytParams)) {
                                $tagsource = 'videoseries?list=' . $ytParams['list'];
                        } else {
                            if (substr($tagsource, 0, 2) == "PL") {
                                $tagsource = 'videoseries?list=' . $tagsource;
                        if (strpos($tagsource, '?') !== false) {
                            $tagsource = $tagsource . '&rel=0&fs=1&wmode=transparent';
                        } else {
                            $tagsource = $tagsource . '?rel=0&fs=1&wmode=transparent';
                        // Additional playback parameters
                        if ($final_autoplay == 'true') {
                            $tagsource = $tagsource . '&autoplay=1';
                        if ($final_loop == 'true') {
                            $tagsource = $tagsource . '&loop=1';
                    // Poster frame
                    $posterFramePath = $sitePath . DS . str_replace('/', DS, $vfolder);
                    if (JFile::exists($posterFramePath . DS . $tagsource . '.jpg')) {
                        $output->posterFrame = $siteUrl . '/' . $vfolder . '/' . $tagsource . '.jpg';
                    } elseif (JFile::exists($posterFramePath . DS . $tagsource . '.png')) {
                        $output->posterFrame = $siteUrl . '/' . $vfolder . '/' . $tagsource . '.png';
                    } elseif (JFile::exists($posterFramePath . DS . $tagsource . '.gif')) {
                        $output->posterFrame = $siteUrl . '/' . $vfolder . '/' . $tagsource . '.gif';
                    } else {
                        $output->posterFrame = '';
                    // Poster frame (remote)
                    $output->posterFrameRemote = substr($tagsource, 0, -3) . 'jpg';
                    // Set a unique ID
                    $output->playerID = 'AVPlayerID_' . $key . '_' . md5($tagsource);
                    // Placeholder elements
                    // Replacement elements
                    $replaceAVparams = array($tagsource, $output->playerID, $output->folder, $output->playerWidth, $output->playerHeight, $final_autoplay, $final_loop, $transparency, $background, $backgroundQT, $controls, $siteUrl, substr(JURI::root(false), 0, -1), $plg_tag, $pluginLivePath, $output->posterFrame, $output->posterFrameRemote, $abackground, $afrontcolor, $alightcolor);
                    // Do the element replace
                    $output->player = JFilterOutput::ampReplace(str_replace($findAVparams, $replaceAVparams, $tagReplace[$cloned_plg_tag]));
                    // Fetch the template
                    $getTemplatePath = $AllVideosHelper->getTemplatePath($this->plg_name, 'default.php', $playerTemplate);
                    $getTemplatePath = $getTemplatePath->file;
                    include $getTemplatePath;
                    $getTemplate = $this->plg_copyrights_start . ob_get_contents() . $this->plg_copyrights_end;
                    // Output
                    $row->text = preg_replace("#{" . $plg_tag . "}" . preg_quote($tagcontent) . "{/" . $plg_tag . "}#is", $getTemplate, $row->text);
                // End second foreach
            // End if
        // End first foreach
 function renderAllVideos(&$row, &$params, $page = 0)
     // API
     $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     // Assign paths
     $sitePath = JPATH_SITE;
     $siteUrl = JURI::root(true);
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge')) {
         $pluginLivePath = JURI::root(true) . '/plugins/content/' . $this->plg_name . '/' . $this->plg_name;
     } else {
         $pluginLivePath = JURI::root(true) . '/plugins/content/' . $this->plg_name;
     // Check if plugin is enabled
     if (JPluginHelper::isEnabled('content', $this->plg_name) == false) {
     // Load the plugin language file the proper way
     JPlugin::loadLanguage('plg_content_' . $this->plg_name, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
     // Includes
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . $this->plg_name . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'helper.php';
     require dirname(__FILE__) . DS . $this->plg_name . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'sources.php';
     // Simple performance check to determine whether plugin should process further
     $grabTags = str_replace("(", "", str_replace(")", "", implode(array_keys($tagReplace), "|")));
     if (preg_match("#{(" . $grabTags . ")}#s", $row->text) == false) {
     // ----------------------------------- Get plugin parameters -----------------------------------
     // Outside Parameters
     if (!$params) {
         $params = new JParameter(null);
     $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', $this->plg_name);
     $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params);
     /* Preset Parameters */
     $template = 'Classic';
     $skin = 'bekle';
     /* Video Parameters */
     $vfolder = $params->get('vfolder') ? $params->get('vfolder') : $pluginParams->get('vfolder', 'images/stories/videos');
     $vwidth = $params->get('vwidth') ? $params->get('vwidth') : $pluginParams->get('vwidth', 400);
     $vheight = $params->get('vheight') ? $params->get('vheight') : $pluginParams->get('vheight', 300);
     $transparency = $pluginParams->get('transparency', 'transparent');
     $background = $pluginParams->get('background', '#010101');
     $backgroundQT = $pluginParams->get('backgroundQT', 'black');
     $controlBarLocation = $pluginParams->get('controlBarLocation', 'bottom');
     /* Audio Parameters */
     $afolder = $pluginParams->get('afolder', 'images/stories/audio');
     $awidth = $params->get('awidth') ? $params->get('awidth') : $pluginParams->get('awidth', 480);
     $aheight = $params->get('aheight') ? $params->get('aheight') : $pluginParams->get('aheight', 24);
     $abackground = $pluginParams->get('abackground', '#010101');
     $afrontcolor = $pluginParams->get('afrontcolor', '#FFFFFF');
     $alightcolor = $pluginParams->get('alightcolor', '#00ADE3');
     $allowAudioDownloading = $pluginParams->get('allowAudioDownloading', 0);
     /* Global Parameters */
     $autoplay = $params->get('autoplay') ? $params->get('autoplay') : $pluginParams->get('autoplay', 0);
     /* Performance Parameters */
     $gzipScripts = $pluginParams->get('gzipScripts', 0);
     // Variable cleanups for K2
     if (JRequest::getCmd('format') == 'raw') {
         $this->plg_copyrights_start = '';
         $this->plg_copyrights_end = '';
     // ----------------------------------- Render the output -----------------------------------
     // Append head includes only when the document is in HTML mode
     if (JRequest::getCmd('format') == 'html' || JRequest::getCmd('format') == '') {
         // CSS
         $avCSS = AllVideosHelper::getTemplatePath($this->plg_name, 'css/template.css', $template);
         $avCSS = $avCSS->http;
         // JS
         if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge')) {
         } else {
         if ($gzipScripts) {
             $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/jw_allvideos.js.php');
         } else {
             $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/behaviour.js');
             $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/mediaplayer/jwplayer.js');
             $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/wmvplayer/silverlight.js');
             $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/wmvplayer/wmvplayer.js');
             $document->addScript($pluginLivePath . '/includes/js/quicktimeplayer/AC_QuickTime.js');
     // Loop throught the found tags
     foreach ($tagReplace as $plg_tag => $value) {
         // expression to search for
         $regex = "#{" . $plg_tag . "}.*?{/" . $plg_tag . "}#s";
         // process tags
         if (preg_match_all($regex, $row->text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
             // start the replace loop
             foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) {
                 $tagcontent = preg_replace("/{.+?}/", "", $match);
                 $tagparams = explode('|', $tagcontent);
                 $tagsource = trim(strip_tags($tagparams[0]));
                 // Prepare the HTML
                 $output = new JObject();
                 // Width/height/source folder split per media type
                 if (in_array($plg_tag, array('mp3', 'mp3remote', 'aac', 'aacremote', 'm4a', 'm4aremote', 'ogg', 'oggremote', 'wma', 'wmaremote', 'soundcloud'))) {
                     $final_awidth = @$tagparams[1] ? $tagparams[1] : $awidth;
                     $final_aheight = @$tagparams[2] ? $tagparams[2] : $aheight;
                     $output->playerWidth = $final_awidth;
                     $output->playerHeight = $final_aheight;
                     $output->folder = $afolder;
                     $output->mediaTypeClass = ' avAudio';
                     if ($plg_tag != 'soundcloud') {
                         $output->mediaType = 'audio';
                     if (in_array($plg_tag, array('mp3', 'aac', 'm4a', 'ogg', 'wma'))) {
                         $output->source = "{$siteUrl}/{$afolder}/{$tagsource}.{$plg_tag}";
                     } elseif (in_array($plg_tag, array('mp3remote', 'aacremote', 'm4aremote', 'oggremote', 'wmaremote'))) {
                         $output->source = $tagsource;
                     } else {
                         $output->source = '';
                 } else {
                     $final_vwidth = @$tagparams[1] ? $tagparams[1] : $vwidth;
                     $final_vheight = @$tagparams[2] ? $tagparams[2] : $vheight;
                     $output->playerWidth = $final_vwidth;
                     $output->playerHeight = $final_vheight;
                     $output->folder = $vfolder;
                     $output->mediaType = 'video';
                     $output->mediaTypeClass = ' avVideo';
                 // Autoplay
                 $final_autoplay = @$tagparams[3] ? $tagparams[3] : $autoplay;
                 $final_autoplay = $final_autoplay ? 'true' : 'false';
                 // Special treatment for specific video providers
                 if ($plg_tag == "dailymotion") {
                     $tagsource = preg_replace("~(http|https):(.+?)\\/video\\/~s", "", $tagsource);
                     $tagsourceDailymotion = explode('_', $tagsource);
                     $tagsource = $tagsourceDailymotion[0];
                     if ($final_autoplay == 'true') {
                         if (strpos($tagsource, '?') !== false) {
                             $tagsource = $tagsource . '&autoPlay=1';
                         } else {
                             $tagsource = $tagsource . '?autoPlay=1';
                 if ($plg_tag == "ku6") {
                     $tagsource = str_replace('.html', '', $tagsource);
                 if ($plg_tag == "metacafe" && substr($tagsource, -1, 1) == '/') {
                     $tagsource = substr($tagsource, 0, -1);
                 if ($plg_tag == "twitvid") {
                     $tagsource = preg_replace("~(http|https):(.+?)\\/~s", "", $tagsource);
                     if ($final_autoplay == 'true') {
                         $tagsource = $tagsource . '&autoplay=1';
                 if ($plg_tag == "vidiac") {
                     $tagsourceVidiac = explode(';', $tagsource);
                     $tagsource = $tagsourceVidiac[0];
                 if ($plg_tag == "vimeo") {
                     $tagsource = preg_replace("~(http|https):(.+?)\\/~s", "", $tagsource);
                     if (strpos($tagsource, '?') !== false) {
                         $tagsource = $tagsource . '&portrait=0';
                     } else {
                         $tagsource = $tagsource . '?portrait=0';
                     if ($final_autoplay == 'true') {
                         $tagsource = $tagsource . '&autoplay=1';
                 if ($plg_tag == "yahoo") {
                     $tagsourceYahoo = explode('-', str_replace('.html', '', $tagsource));
                     $tagsourceYahoo = array_reverse($tagsourceYahoo);
                     $tagsource = $tagsourceYahoo[0];
                 if ($plg_tag == "yfrog") {
                     $tagsource = preg_replace("~(http|https):(.+?)\\/~s", "", $tagsource);
                 if ($plg_tag == "youmaker") {
                     $tagsourceYoumaker = explode('-', str_replace('.html', '', $tagsource));
                     $tagsource = $tagsourceYoumaker[1];
                 if ($plg_tag == "youku") {
                     $tagsource = str_replace('.html', '', $tagsource);
                     $tagsource = substr($tagsource, 3);
                 if ($plg_tag == "youtube") {
                     $tagsource = preg_replace("~(http|https):(.+?)\\/watch\\?v=~s", "", $tagsource);
                     $tagsourceYoutube = explode('&', $tagsource);
                     $tagsource = $tagsourceYoutube[0];
                     if (strpos($tagsource, '?') !== false) {
                         $tagsource = $tagsource . '&rel=0&fs=1&wmode=transparent';
                     } else {
                         $tagsource = $tagsource . '?rel=0&fs=1&wmode=transparent';
                     if ($final_autoplay == 'true') {
                         $tagsource = $tagsource . '&autoplay=1';
                 // Poster frame
                 $posterFramePath = $sitePath . DS . str_replace('/', DS, $vfolder);
                 if (JFile::exists($posterFramePath . DS . $tagsource . '.jpg')) {
                     $output->posterFrame = $siteUrl . '/' . $vfolder . '/' . $tagsource . '.jpg';
                 } elseif (JFile::exists($posterFramePath . DS . $tagsource . '.png')) {
                     $output->posterFrame = $siteUrl . '/' . $vfolder . '/' . $tagsource . '.png';
                 } elseif (JFile::exists($posterFramePath . DS . $tagsource . '.gif')) {
                     $output->posterFrame = $siteUrl . '/' . $vfolder . '/' . $tagsource . '.gif';
                 } else {
                     $output->posterFrame = '';
                 // Set a unique ID
                 $output->playerID = 'AVPlayerID_' . substr(md5($tagsource), 1, 8) . '_' . rand();
                 // Placeholder elements
                 // Replacement elements
                 $replaceAVparams = array($tagsource, $output->playerID, $output->folder, $output->playerWidth, $output->playerHeight, $final_autoplay, $transparency, $background, $backgroundQT, $controlBarLocation, $siteUrl, $plg_tag, $pluginLivePath, $output->posterFrame, $skin, $abackground, $afrontcolor, $alightcolor);
                 // Do the element replace
                 $output->player = JFilterOutput::ampReplace(str_replace($findAVparams, $replaceAVparams, $tagReplace[$plg_tag]));
                 // Fetch the template
                 $getTemplatePath = AllVideosHelper::getTemplatePath($this->plg_name, 'default.php', $template);
                 $getTemplatePath = $getTemplatePath->file;
                 include $getTemplatePath;
                 $getTemplate = $this->plg_copyrights_start . ob_get_contents() . $this->plg_copyrights_end;
                 // Output
                 $row->text = preg_replace("#{" . $plg_tag . "}" . preg_quote($tagcontent) . "{/" . $plg_tag . "}#s", $getTemplate, $row->text);
             // End second foreach
         // End if
     // End first foreach
 function renderMedia($tagOrder)
     $option = JRequest::getVar('option', '', '', 'string');
     include_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . $option . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'players' . DS . 'sources.php';
     include_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . $option . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'players' . DS . 'helper.php';
     $live_site = JURI::root();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $user_id = $user->get('id');
     $paramsC = JComponentHelper::getParams(KISS_COMPONENT_JDIR);
     foreach ($tagReplace as $plg_tag => $value) {
         // expression to search for
         $regex = "#{" . $plg_tag . "}(.*?){/" . $plg_tag . "}#s";
         // process tags
         if (preg_match_all($regex, $tagOrder, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) > 0) {
             // start the replace loop
             foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) {
                 $tagcontent = preg_replace("/{.+?}/", "", $match);
                 $tagparams = explode('|', $tagcontent);
                 $tagsource = trim(strip_tags($tagparams[0]));
                 $final_vwidth = @$tagparams[1] ? $tagparams[1] : $paramsC->get('med_width');
                 $final_vheight = @$tagparams[2] ? $tagparams[2] : $paramsC->get('med_height');
                 $final_autoplay = @$tagparams[3] ? $tagparams[3] : $paramsC->get('med_autoplay');
                 $final_transparency = @$tagparams[4] ? $tagparams[4] : $paramsC->get('med_transparency');
                 $final_background = @$tagparams[5] ? $tagparams[5] : $paramsC->get('med_background');
                 $final_backgroundqt = @$tagparams[6] ? $tagparams[6] : $paramsC->get('med_backgroundQT');
                 $final_controlbar = @$tagparams[7] ? $tagparams[7] : $paramsC->get('med_controlbar');
                 // source elements
                 $findAVparams = array("{SOURCE}", "{SOURCEID}", "{FOLDER}", "{WIDTH}", "{HEIGHT}", "{AUTOPLAY}", "{TRANSPARENCY}", "{BACKGROUND}", "{BACKGROUNDQT}", "{CONTROLBAR}", "{SITEURL}");
                 // special treatment
                 if ($plg_tag == "yahoo") {
                     $tagsourceyahoo = explode('/', $tagsource);
                     $tagsource = 'id=' . $tagsourceyahoo[1] . '&vid=' . $tagsourceyahoo[0];
                 if ($plg_tag == "youku") {
                     $tagsource = substr($tagsource, 3);
                 // Prepare the HTML
                 $output = new JObject();
                 // replacement elements
                 if (in_array($plg_tag, array("mp3", "mp3remote", "wma", "wmaremote"))) {
                     $afolder = self::getImageDirforUser($user_id, 0) . "videos";
                     $transparency = $paramsC->get('med_transparency');
                     $background = $paramsC->get('med_background');
                     $backgroundQT = $paramsC->get('med_backgroundQT');
                     $controlBarLocation = $paramsC->get('med_controlbar');
                     $replaceAVparams = array($tagsource, substr(md5($tagsource), 1, 8), $afolder, $awidth, $aheight, $final_autoplay, $transparency, $background, $backgroundQT, $controlBarLocation, $live_site);
                     $output->playerWidth = $awidth;
                     $output->playerHeight = $aheight;
                 } else {
                     $vfolder = self::getImageDirforUser($user_id, 0) . "videos";
                     $transparency = $paramsC->get('med_transparency');
                     $background = $paramsC->get('med_background');
                     $backgroundQT = $paramsC->get('med_backgroundQT');
                     $controlBarLocation = $paramsC->get('med_controlbar');
                     $replaceAVparams = array($tagsource, substr(md5($tagsource), 1, 8), $vfolder, $final_vwidth, $final_vheight, $final_autoplay, $transparency, $background, $backgroundQT, $controlBarLocation, $live_site);
                     $output->playerWidth = $final_vwidth;
                     $output->playerHeight = $final_vheight;
                 $output->playerID = 'AVPlayerID_' . substr(md5($tagsource), 1, 8);
                 $output->player = JFilterOutput::ampReplace(str_replace($findAVparams, $replaceAVparams, $tagReplace[$plg_tag]));
                 $output->playerEmbedHTML = preg_replace("#(\r|\t|\n|)#s", "", htmlentities($output->player, ENT_QUOTES));
                 // Download button
                 if (isset($downloadLink) && $downloadLink) {
                     if (in_array($plg_tag, array("flv", "swf", "wmv", "mov", "mp4", "3gp", "divx"))) {
                         $output->downloadLink = $live_site . 'components' . DS . $option . DS . 'players' . DS . 'download.php?file=' . $vfolder . DS . $tagsource;
                     } elseif (in_array($plg_tag, array("mp3", "wma"))) {
                         $output->downloadLink = $live_site . 'components' . DS . $option . DS . 'players' . DS . 'download.php?file=' . $afolder . DS . $tagsource;
                     } else {
                         $output->downloadLink = '';
                 } else {
                     $output->downloadLink = '';
                 // Lightbox popup
                 if (isset($lightboxLink) && $lightboxLink && !in_array($plg_tag, array("mp3", "mp3remote", "wma", "wmaremote"))) {
                     // video formats only
                     $output->lightboxLink = '#' . $output->playerID;
                 } else {
                     $output->lightboxLink = '';
                 // Embed form
                 if (isset($embedForm) && $embedForm && !in_array($plg_tag, array("wmv", "wmvremote", "wma", "wmaremote"))) {
                     // no Windows Media formats
                     $output->embedLink = 'embed_' . $output->playerID;
                 } else {
                     $output->embedLink = '';
                 // Fetch the template
                 if (!isset($plg_name)) {
                     $plg_name = null;
                 $getTemplatePath = AllVideosHelper::getTemplatePath($plg_name, 'default.php');
                 $getTemplatePath = $getTemplatePath->file;
                 include $getTemplatePath;
                 $getTemplate = "<!-- Video Player Start -->" . ob_get_contents() . "<!-- Video Player End -->";
                 // Do the replace
                 $retval = preg_replace("#{" . $plg_tag . "}" . preg_quote($tagcontent) . "{/" . $plg_tag . "}#s", $getTemplate, $tagOrder);
                 return $retval;
             // end foreach
         // end if