public function getAllAlbumComment($albumId, $item_type)
     $objModelComment = new Application_Model_Comment();
     $objModelAlbum = new Album_Model_Album();
     $objModelAlbumPhoto = new Album_Model_AlbumPhoto();
     $objModelUser = new Application_Model_User();
     /*------------------- LoggedIn User -----------------*/
     $userNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace("members");
     $loggedInUserId = $userNs->userId;
     /*-------------- GET Item Posted User ---------------*/
     if ($item_type == 'photo_comment') {
         $valItem = $objModelAlbumPhoto->find($albumId);
     } else {
         if ($item_type == 'album_comment') {
             $valItem = $objModelAlbum->find($albumId);
     $itemCreatedUserId = $valItem->userId;
     $arrAllComment = array();
     $whereComment = "parent_id='0' AND item_type='{$item_type}' AND item_id='{$albumId}' AND publish='1'";
     $orderComment = "addedon DESC";
     $arrComment = $objModelComment->fetchAll($whereComment, $orderComment);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($arrComment as $com) {
         $userId = $com->userId;
         $permission = $this->checkCommentRemovePermission($loggedInUserId, $itemCreatedUserId, $userId);
         $valUser = $objModelUser->find($userId);
         $arrAllComment[$i]['commenterName'] = $valUser->getFirstName() . ' ' . $valUser->getLastName();
         $arrAllComment[$i]['imageName'] = $valUser->getImage();
         $arrAllComment[$i]['comment'] = nl2br(stripslashes($com->comment));
         $arrAllComment[$i]['commentId'] = stripslashes($com->id);
         $arrAllComment[$i]['addedon'] = $com->addedon;
         $arrAllComment[$i]['permission'] = $permission;
     return $arrAllComment;
Beispiel #2
  * @Created By	: Mahipal Singh Adhikari
  * @Created On	: 27-Jan-2011
  * @Description	: Report Journal/Wall and other items as abuse to admin
 public function reportAbuseAction()
     //get request parameters
     $item_id = $this->_getParam('item_id');
     $item_type = $this->_getParam('item_type');
     //get logged in user ID
     $usersNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace('members');
     $user_id = $usersNs->userId;
     if ($user_id == "" || $user_id == 0) {
         $JsonResultArray = array('error' => 1, 'response' => "Please login to report abuse.");
         echo Zend_Json::encode($JsonResultArray);
     if ($item_id == "" || $item_id == 0) {
         $JsonResultArray = array('error' => 2, 'response' => "No item is selected to report abuse.");
         echo Zend_Json::encode($JsonResultArray);
     if ($item_type == "") {
         $JsonResultArray = array('error' => 2, 'response' => "No item type is selected to report abuse.");
         echo Zend_Json::encode($JsonResultArray);
     //Get user report abuse info for item
     $modelM = new Application_Model_ReportAbuse();
     $modelRes = $modelM->fetchRow("item_id={$item_id} AND item_type='{$item_type}' AND user_id={$user_id}");
     if ($modelRes && $modelRes->getStatus() == 1) {
         $JsonResultArray = array('error' => 2, 'response' => "You've already reported this as abuse.");
         echo Zend_Json::encode($JsonResultArray);
     } else {
         $params["itemId"] = $item_id;
         $params["itemType"] = $item_type;
         $params["userId"] = $user_id;
         $params["comment"] = "";
         $params["status"] = 1;
         $dbRes = $modelM->save();
         if ($dbRes) {
             //get item type information
             $itemTitle = "";
             $authorId = "";
             $author = "";
             if ($item_type == 'blog') {
                 $blogM = new Application_Model_Blog();
                 $blogRes = $blogM->find($item_id);
                 $itemTitle = $blogRes->getTitle();
                 $authorId = $blogRes->getUserId();
                 $blog_url = Zend_Registry::get('siteurl') . "/journal/view-post/blog_id/" . $item_id;
                 $itemTitle = "<a href='" . $blog_url . "' target='_blank'>" . $itemTitle . "</a>";
             } else {
                 if ($item_type == 'wall') {
                     $wallM = new Application_Model_Wall();
                     $wallRes = $wallM->find($item_id);
                     $itemTitle = $wallRes->getStatus();
                     $authorId = $wallRes->getUserId();
                 } else {
                     if ($item_type == 'photo') {
                         $objModelAlbumPhoto = new Album_Model_AlbumPhoto();
                         $albumPhotoRes = $objModelAlbumPhoto->find($item_id);
                         $itemTitle = $albumPhotoRes->getName();
                         $authorId = $albumPhotoRes->getUserId();
             //get Blog/Wall owner/author user information
             if ($authorId != "") {
                 $useAuthor = new Application_Model_User();
                 $authorRes = $useAuthor->find($authorId);
                 $author = ucfirst($authorRes->getFirstName()) . " " . ucfirst($authorRes->getLastName()) . " (" . $authorRes->getUsername() . ")";
             //get user information who is reporting abuse item
             $userM = new Application_Model_User();
             $userR = $userM->find($user_id);
             $reporterName = ucfirst($userR->getFirstName()) . " " . ucfirst($userR->getLastName()) . " (" . $userR->getUsername() . ")";
             $reporterEmail = $userR->getEmail();
             //Now send report abuse email to Administrator
             $settings = new Admin_Model_GlobalSettings();
             $admin_email = $settings->settingValue('report_abuse');
             //$admin_email	= "*****@*****.**";
             $mailOptions['receiver_email'] = $admin_email;
             $mailOptions['item_type'] = ucfirst($item_type);
             $mailOptions['item_title'] = $itemTitle;
             $mailOptions['item_author'] = $author;
             $mailOptions['reporter_name'] = $reporterName;
             $mailOptions['reporter_email'] = $reporterEmail;
             //create mail class object and send the email
             $Mail = new Base_Mail();
             //send response
             $JsonResultArray = array('error' => 3, 'response' => "Consider it reported!");
         } else {
             $JsonResultArray = array('error' => 2, 'response' => "Error occured, please try again later.");
     echo Zend_Json::encode($JsonResultArray);
 public function getTaggesPhotoInfo($photoId)
     $objModelAlbumPhoto = new Album_Model_AlbumPhoto();
     $objModelVote = new Application_Model_Vote();
     $objModelPhotoTag = new Album_Model_PhotoTag();
     $usersNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace("members");
     $userId = $usersNs->userId;
     $userFullName = $usersNs->userFullName;
     /*--------- START CHECK NEXT TAGGED IMAGE EXIST OR NOT ---------------*/
     $whereTaggedPhoto = "photo_id='{$photoId}'";
     $arrTaggedPhoto = $objModelPhotoTag->fetchRow($whereTaggedPhoto);
     if (empty($arrTaggedPhoto)) {
     /*--------- END CHECK NEXT TAGGED IMAGE EXIST OR NOT ---------------*/
     $arrPhotoIds = array();
     $valAlbumPhoto = $objModelAlbumPhoto->find($photoId);
     $this->view->photo = $valAlbumPhoto->getImage();
     $this->view->name = $valAlbumPhoto->getName();
     $this->view->caption = stripslashes($valAlbumPhoto->getCaption());
     $this->view->location = $valAlbumPhoto->getLocation();
     $this->view->permission = $valAlbumPhoto->getPermission();
     $albumId = $valAlbumPhoto->getAlbumId();
     $this->view->myLatitude = $latitude = $valAlbumPhoto->getLatitude();
     $this->view->myLongitude = $longitude = $valAlbumPhoto->getLongitude();
     // Get album info
     $this->view->albumId = $albumId;
     $this->view->photoId = $photoId;
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
     $where = "tagged_id='{$userId}'";
     $query = $db->select()->from(array("pt" => "photo_tag"), array("pt.photo_id"))->join(array("ap" => "album_photo"), "", array("ap.image", ""))->where($where)->order(array('pt.created DESC'));
     $recordSet = $db->query($query);
     $arrRecord = $recordSet->fetchAll();
     $this->view->numRecord = $numRecord = count($arrRecord);
     foreach ($arrRecord as $photo) {
         $arrPhotoIds[] = $photo->id;
     $position = array_search($photoId, $arrPhotoIds);
     $nextPosition = $position + 1;
     $prevPosition = $position - 1;
     $arrSize = count($arrPhotoIds);
     $this->view->photoPosition = $nextPosition;
     $this->view->numPhotoAlbum = $arrSize;
     if (array_key_exists($nextPosition, $arrPhotoIds)) {
         $this->view->nextId = $arrPhotoIds[$nextPosition];
     } else {
         $this->view->nextId = $arrPhotoIds[0];
     if (array_key_exists($prevPosition, $arrPhotoIds)) {
         $this->view->prevId = $arrPhotoIds[$prevPosition];
     } else {
         $this->view->prevId = $arrPhotoIds[$arrSize - 1];
     /*------------------ CHECK LIKED-UNLIKED ALBUM ------------------*/
     $this->view->userFullName = $userFullName;
     $whereVote = "item_type='album_photo' AND item_id='{$photoId}' AND user_id='{$userId}' AND vote='1'";
     $arrVote = $objModelVote->fetchAll($whereVote);
     if (count($arrVote) > 0) {
         $this->view->numVote = 1;
     } else {
         $this->view->numVote = 0;
     /*----------------- GET TAGGED PHOTO COUNTER ---------------------*/
     $whereTagged = "tagged_id='{$userId}' AND photo_id='{$photoId}'";
     $queryTagged = $db->select()->from(array("pt" => "photo_tag"), array("pt.counter"))->where($whereTagged);
     $recordSetTagged = $db->query($queryTagged);
     $arrRecordTaggedCounter = $recordSetTagged->fetchAll();
     $this->view->counter = $arrRecordTaggedCounter[0]->counter;
     /*----------------- GET ALL TAGE FOR PHOTO -------------------------*/
     $objAlbumPhotoTag = new Album_Model_AlbumPhotoTag();
     $objTag = new Application_Model_Tags();
     $allTagId = $objAlbumPhotoTag->fetchAll("photo_id='{$photoId}'");
     $tagStr = "";
     foreach ($allTagId as $tagId) {
         $valTag = $objTag->find($tagId->tagId);
         $tagStr .= $valTag->getTag();
     $this->view->tagStr = $tagStr;
     $this->view->likeSrcUrl = Zend_Registry::get('siteurl') . "%2Falbum%2Fmy-photos%2Ftagged-photo%2Fid%2F" . $photoId;
 public function getTaggesPhotoInfo($photoId)
     $objModelAlbumPhoto = new Album_Model_AlbumPhoto();
     $objModelVote = new Application_Model_Vote();
     $usersNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace("members");
     $userId = $usersNs->userId;
     $userFullName = $usersNs->userFullName;
     $arrPhotoIds = array();
     $valAlbumPhoto = $objModelAlbumPhoto->find($photoId);
     $this->view->photo = $valAlbumPhoto->getImage();
     $this->view->name = $valAlbumPhoto->getName();
     $this->view->caption = stripslashes($valAlbumPhoto->getCaption());
     $this->view->location = $valAlbumPhoto->getLocation();
     $this->view->permission = $valAlbumPhoto->getPermission();
     $albumId = $valAlbumPhoto->getAlbumId();
     $this->view->myLatitude = $latitude = $valAlbumPhoto->getLatitude();
     $this->view->myLongitude = $longitude = $valAlbumPhoto->getLongitude();
     // Get album info
     $this->view->albumId = $albumId;
     $this->view->photoId = $photoId;
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
     $where = "tagged_id='{$userId}'";
     $query = $db->select()->from(array("pt" => "photo_tag"), array("pt.photo_id"))->join(array("ap" => "album_photo"), "", array("ap.image", ""))->where($where)->order(array('pt.created DESC'));
     $recordSet = $db->query($query);
     $arrRecord = $recordSet->fetchAll();
     $this->view->numRecord = $numRecord = count($arrRecord);
     foreach ($arrRecord as $photo) {
         $arrPhotoIds[] = $photo->id;
     $position = array_search($photoId, $arrPhotoIds);
     $nextPosition = $position + 1;
     $prevPosition = $position - 1;
     $arrSize = count($arrPhotoIds);
     $this->view->photoPosition = $nextPosition;
     $this->view->numPhotoAlbum = $arrSize;
     if (array_key_exists($nextPosition, $arrPhotoIds)) {
         $this->view->nextId = $arrPhotoIds[$nextPosition];
     } else {
         $this->view->nextId = $arrPhotoIds[0];
     if (array_key_exists($prevPosition, $arrPhotoIds)) {
         $this->view->prevId = $arrPhotoIds[$prevPosition];
     } else {
         $this->view->prevId = $arrPhotoIds[$arrSize - 1];
     /*	$whereAlbumPhoto	=	"album_id='{$albumId}' AND status='1'";
     		$orderAlbumPhoto	=	"addedon DESC";
     		$arrAlbumPhoto		=	$objModelAlbumPhoto->fetchAll($whereAlbumPhoto, $orderAlbumPhoto);
     		foreach ($arrAlbumPhoto as $photo)
     			$arrPhotoIds[]	=	$photo->id;
     		$position = array_search($photoId, $arrPhotoIds);
     		$nextPosition	=	$position+1;
     		$prevPosition	=	$position-1;
     		$arrSize		=	count($arrPhotoIds);
     		$this->view->photoPosition	=	$nextPosition;
     		$this->view->numPhotoAlbum	=	$arrSize;
     		if(array_key_exists($nextPosition, $arrPhotoIds))
     			$this->view->nextId	=	$arrPhotoIds[$nextPosition];
     			$this->view->nextId	=	$arrPhotoIds[0];
     		if(array_key_exists($prevPosition, $arrPhotoIds))
     			$this->view->prevId	=	$arrPhotoIds[$prevPosition];
     			$this->view->prevId	=	$arrPhotoIds[$arrSize-1];
     /*------------------ CHECK LIKED-UNLIKED ALBUM ------------------*/
     $this->view->userFullName = $userFullName;
     $whereVote = "item_type='album_photo' AND item_id='{$photoId}' AND user_id='{$userId}' AND vote='1'";
     $arrVote = $objModelVote->fetchAll($whereVote);
     if (count($arrVote) > 0) {
         $this->view->numVote = 1;
     } else {
         $this->view->numVote = 0;