Beispiel #1
 * Save module settings
function save_module_settings()
    global $xoopsSecurity, $xoopsDB;
    $mod = RMHttpRequest::post('mod', 'string', '');
    $via_ajax = RMHttpRequest::post('via_ajax', 'integer', 0);
    if ($via_ajax) {
        $ajax = new AjaxResponse();
    if ($mod == '') {
        RMUris::redirect_with_message(__('A module has not been specified!', 'rmcommon'), 'settings.php', RMMSG_ERROR);
    //echo RMHttpRequest::request('CUTOKEN_REQUEST', 'string', '') . ' ' . print_r($_SESSION['CUTOKEN_SESSION'], true); die();
    if (!$xoopsSecurity->check(true, false, $via_ajax ? 'CUTOKEN' : 'XOOPS_TOKEN')) {
        if ($via_ajax) {
            $ajax->ajax_response(__('Session token expired. Please try again.', 'rmcommon'), 1, 0);
        } else {
            RMUris::redirect_with_message(__('Session token expired. Please try again.', 'rmcommon'), 'settings.php', RMMSG_WARN);
    $module = RMModules::load_module($mod);
    if (!$module) {
        if ($via_ajax) {
            $ajax->ajax_response(__('The specified module does not exists.', 'rmcommon'), 1, 1);
        } else {
            RMUris::redirect_with_message(__('The specified module does not exists.', 'rmcommon'), 'settings.php', RMMSG_ERROR);
    $current_settings = (array) RMSettings::module_settings($module->getVar('dirname'));
    $new_settings = RMHttpRequest::post(ucfirst($module->getVar('dirname')), 'array', array());
    $configs = $module->getInfo('config');
    $fields = array();
    // Container for all fields and values
    foreach ($configs as $option) {
        $id = $option['name'];
        $field = new stdClass();
        $field->id = $id;
        $field->value = isset($values->{$id}) ? $values->{$id} : $option['default'];
        $field->caption = defined($option['title']) ? constant($option['title']) : $option['title'];
        $field->description = defined($option['description']) ? constant($option['description']) : $option['description'];
        $field->field = $option['formtype'];
        $field->type = $option['valuetype'];
        $field->options = isset($option['options']) ? $option['options'] : null;
        $category = isset($option['category']) ? $option['category'] : 'all';
        $fields[$id] = $field;
     * This keys already exists in database
    $to_save = array_intersect_key($new_settings, $current_settings);
     * This settings will be added to database beacause don't exists in table
    $to_add = array_diff_key($new_settings, $current_settings);
     * This keys has been removed from xoops_version.php file and then
     * must be removed from table
    $to_delete = array_diff_key($current_settings, $new_settings);
    $errors = '';
    // Errors ocurred while saving
     * First for all, remove unused items
    $keys = array_keys($to_delete);
    if (!empty($keys)) {
        $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("config") . " WHERE conf_modid = " . $module->mid() . " AND (conf_name = '" . implode("' OR conf_name='", $keys) . "')";
        if (!$xoopsDB->queryF($sql)) {
            $errors .= $xoopsDB->error() . '<br>';
     * Save existing items
    if (!empty($to_save)) {
        foreach ($to_save as $name => $value) {
            $item = new Rmcommon_Config_Item($name, $module->mid());
            if (isset($fields[$name])) {
                $item->setVar('conf_valuetype', $fields[$name]->type);
                $item->setVar('conf_title', $fields[$name]->caption);
                $item->setVar('conf_desc', $fields[$name]->description);
                $item->setVar('conf_formtype', $fields[$name]->field);
            $item->set_value($value, $item->getVar('conf_valuetype'));
     * Add new items
    if (!empty($to_add)) {
        foreach ($to_add as $name => $value) {
            $item = new Rmcommon_Config_Item($name, $module->mid());
            if (isset($fields[$name])) {
                $item->setVar('conf_modid', $module->mid());
                $item->setVar('conf_name', $name);
                $item->setVar('conf_valuetype', $fields[$name]->type);
                $item->setVar('conf_title', $fields[$name]->caption);
                $item->setVar('conf_desc', $fields[$name]->description);
                $item->setVar('conf_formtype', $fields[$name]->field);
            $item->set_value($value, $item->getVar('conf_valuetype'));
     * Notify to system events
    RMEvents::get()->trigger('rmcommon.saved.settings', $module->dirname(), $to_save, $to_add, $to_delete);
    if ($module->getInfo('hasAdmin')) {
        $goto = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $module->getInfo('adminindex');
    } else {
        $goto = 'settings.php';
    if ($via_ajax) {
        $ajax->ajax_response(__('Settings saved successfully!', 'rmcommon'), 0, 1, array('closeWindow' => '#cu-settings-form', 'notify' => array('icon' => 'svg-rmcommon-ok-circle', 'type' => 'alert-success')));
    } else {
        RMUris::redirect_with_message(__('Settings saved successfully!', 'rmcommon'), $goto, RMMSG_SUCCESS, 'fa fa-check');