Beispiel #1
 protected function saveModel($airport = false)
     if (Input::get('id')) {
         $airport = Airport::find(Input::get('id'));
     if (!$airport) {
         $airport = new Airport();
     $airport->name = Input::get('name');
     $address = $airport->address()->first() ?: new Address();
     $country = Country::where('name', Input::get('country'))->first();
     $address->address = Input::get('address_address');
     $address->postal_code = Input::get('address_postal_code');
     $address->city = Input::get('address_city');
     $address->state_province = Input::get('address_state_province');
     $address->phone = Input::get('address_phone');
     $address->fax = Input::get('address_fax');
     $address->email = Input::get('address_email');
     $address->website = Input::get('address_website');
     return $airport;
 public function new_item_info()
     $origin = Airport::where('id', Input::get('origin_airport_id'))->first();
     $destination = Airport::where('id', Input::get('destination_airport_id'))->first();
     $distance = great_circle_distance($origin->lat, $origin->lng, $destination->lat, $destination->lng);
     return Response::json(array('flight_duration' => flight_duration(Input::get('speed'), $distance), 'origin_iata_code' => $origin->iata_code, 'distance' => $distance, 'destination_iata_code' => $destination->iata_code));
 function show(Airport $airport)
     $departures = $airport->departures()->with('pilot', 'arrival', '')->whereIn('state', array(0, 1, 4))->whereMissing(false)->where('arrival_id', '!=', '')->get();
     $arrivals = $airport->arrivals()->with('pilot', 'departure', '')->whereIn('state', array(1, 3))->whereMissing(false)->get();
     try {
         $metar = file_get_contents('' . strtoupper($airport->icao) . '.TXT');
     } catch (ErrorException $e) {
         $metar = null;
     try {
         $taf = file_get_contents('' . strtoupper($airport->icao) . '.TXT');
     } catch (ErrorException $e) {
         $taf = null;
     $this->autoRender(compact('airport', 'departures', 'arrivals', 'metar', 'taf'), $airport->icao . ' - ' . $airport->name);
 function index()
     $q = trim(Input::get('q'));
     if (empty($q) || !Input::has('q')) {
         return Redirect::home();
     if (!Input::has('guess') || Input::get('guess') != 'no') {
         $regex = array('pilot' => '[0-9]+', 'airport' => '[A-Z0-9]{4}', 'airline' => '[A-Z0-9]{3}', 'airportIata' => '[A-Z0-9]{3}', 'citypair' => '([A-Z0-9]{3,4})(?:(?:\\s*?[-|>]\\s*?)|\\s+to\\s+|\\s+)([A-Z0-9]{3,4})', 'callsign' => '.*');
         $search = new Search($q);
         foreach ($regex as $type => $pattern) {
             if (preg_match('/^' . $pattern . '$/i', $q, $matches) && ($match = $search->quick($type, $matches))) {
                 Messages::info('You were redirected here by a best guess of the search system. <a href="' . URL::route('search', array('q' => $q, 'guess' => 'no')) . '" class="alert-link">Return to search results.</a>');
                 return $match;
     $pilots = Pilot::where(function ($search) use($q) {
         $search->where('vatsim_id', '=', $q);
         $search->orWhere(function ($name) use($q) {
             $name->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%');
             $name->where('anonymous', '=', false);
     })->where('vatsim_id', '!=', 0)->get();
     $flights = Flight::where('callsign', '=', $q)->orderBy('departure_time', 'desc')->get();
     $airlines = Airline::where('icao', '=', $q)->orWhere('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%')->get();
     $airports = Airport::where('icao', '=', $q)->orWhere('iata', '=', $q)->orWhere('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%')->orWhere('city', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%')->get();
     $this->autoRender(compact('q', 'flights', 'pilots', 'airlines', 'airports'), 'Search');
 function citypair($departureId, $arrivalId)
     $routes = Flight::select('id', 'route', DB::raw('COUNT(route) AS count'))->whereDepartureId($departureId)->whereArrivalId($arrivalId)->where('route', '!=', '')->whereState(2)->groupBy('route')->orderBy('count', 'desc')->get();
     $departure = Airport::whereIcao($departureId)->first();
     $arrival = Airport::whereIcao($arrivalId)->first();
     $this->autoRender(compact('departure', 'arrival', 'routes', 'airports', 'departureId', 'arrivalId'), 'Routes for ' . $departureId . ' - ' . $arrivalId);
 public function to_string()
     $res = "Total cost: \${$this->cost}</br>";
     $res = "{$res} Total flights: {$this->num_flights}</br>";
     $fuck_php = round($this->get_trip_time() / 60, 0);
     $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->flights[0]['e_depart_time']);
     $res = "{$res} Departs at: {$time} </br>";
     $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->flights[$this->num_flights - 1]['e_arrival_time']);
     $res = "{$res} Arrives at: {$time} </br>";
     $res = "{$res} Total time (minutes): {$fuck_php}</br>";
     $res = "{$res} Flights: </br>";
     $count = 1;
     foreach ($this->flights as $flight) {
         $a = Airport::get_name_by_id($flight['org_id'], new users());
         $b = Airport::get_name_by_id($flight['dest_id'], new users());
         $res = $res . $count . " : " . $a . " to " . $b . "</br>";
         //$res .= "     departs at: " .  date('D M j, Y - g:i', $flight['e_depart_time']) . "<br>";
         //$res .= "     arrives at: " .  date('D M j, Y - g:i', $flight['e_arrival_time']) . "<br>";
         $res .= "     departs at: " . $flight['e_depart_time'] . "<br>";
         $res .= "     arrives at: " . $flight['e_arrival_time'] . "<br>";
     $res .= "<br>";
     return $res;
Beispiel #7
 function topAirports()
     $other = 0;
     $result = array();
     $chart = array();
     $names = array();
     $counter = $this->query()->select(DB::raw('airport_id, count(airport_id) as counter'))->groupBy('airport_id')->whereNotNull('airport_id')->orderBy('counter', 'DESC')->lists('counter', 'airport_id');
     $other = $this->_total - array_sum($counter);
     if (count($counter) > 0) {
         $namesRaw = Airport::with('country')->whereIn('icao', array_keys($counter))->get();
         foreach ($namesRaw as $airport) {
             $names[$airport->icao] = $airport;
         foreach ($counter as $key => $flights) {
             if (count($result) < 5 && array_key_exists($key, $names)) {
                 $percentage = $this->_total == 0 ? 0 : number_format($flights / $this->_total * 100, 1);
                 $result[] = array('data' => $names[$key], 'count' => $flights, 'percent' => $percentage, 'key' => $key);
                 if ($percentage > 0) {
                     $chart[] = [$key, $percentage];
             } else {
                 $other += $flights;
     $result['Other'] = array('count' => $other, 'percent' => $this->_total == 0 ? 0 : number_format($other / $this->_total * 100, 1), 'key' => 'Other');
     $chart[] = ['Other', $result['Other']['percent']];
     $piechartData = piechartData($chart);
     return array('table' => $result, 'chart' => $piechartData['javascript'], 'colours' => $piechartData['colours']);
Beispiel #8
 function citypair($matches)
     $departure = strtoupper($matches[1]);
     $arrival = strtoupper($matches[2]);
     if (!is_null(Airport::whereIcao($departure)->first()) && !is_null(Airport::whereIcao($arrival)->first())) {
         return Redirect::route('citypair', array('departure' => $departure, 'arrival' => $arrival));
     return false;
 public function run()
     // waw
     Airport::create(array('iata_code' => 'waw', 'name' => 'Warsaw Chopin Airport', 'country' => 'pl', 'slots_per_hour' => 25, 'lat' => '52.165833', 'lng' => '20.967222', 'runway_length' => 3600));
     // krk
     Airport::create(array('iata_code' => 'krk', 'name' => 'Kraków Balice', 'country' => 'pl', 'slots_per_hour' => 15, 'lat' => '50.077778', 'lng' => '19.784722', 'runway_length' => 2550));
     // ktw
     Airport::create(array('iata_code' => 'ktw', 'name' => 'Katowice Pyrzowice', 'country' => 'pl', 'slots_per_hour' => 5, 'lat' => '50.474167', 'lng' => '19.08', 'runway_length' => 3200));
     // fra
     Airport::create(array('iata_code' => 'fra', 'name' => 'Frankfurt', 'country' => 'de', 'slots_per_hour' => 40, 'lat' => '50.026422', 'lng' => '8.543125', 'runway_length' => 4000));
     // lhr
     Airport::create(array('iata_code' => 'lhr', 'name' => 'London Heathrow', 'country' => 'gb', 'slots_per_hour' => 45, 'lat' => '51.470833', 'lng' => '-0.460556', 'runway_length' => 3900));
Beispiel #10
 public static function getAirportByPk($id)
     if (isset(Airport::$airports[$id])) {
         return Airport::$airports[$id];
     } else {
         $airport = Airport::model()->findByPk($id);
         if ($airport) {
             $city = $airport->city;
             Airport::$airports[$airport->id] = $airport;
             Airport::$codeIdMap[$airport->code] = $airport->id;
             return Airport::$airports[$id];
         } else {
             throw new CException(Yii::t('application', 'City with id {id} not found', array('{id}' => $id)));

include_once '../../class/pattern/abstractFactory.php';
$barrack = new Barrack();
$terranUnit = $barrack->outputTerranUnit();
$zergUnit = $barrack->outputZergUnit();
$commandCenter = new CommandCenter();
$terranUnit = $commandCenter->outputTerranUnit();
$zergUnit = $commandCenter->outputZergUnit();
$airport = new Airport();
$terranUnit = $airport->outputTerranUnit();
$zergUnit = $airport->outputZergUnit();
Beispiel #12
  * Declares an association between this object and a Airport object.
  * @param      Airport $v
  * @return     Camp The current object (for fluent API support)
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function setAirport(Airport $v = null)
     if ($v === null) {
     } else {
     $this->aAirport = $v;
     // Add binding for other direction of this n:n relationship.
     // If this object has already been added to the Airport object, it will not be re-added.
     if ($v !== null) {
     return $this;
Beispiel #13
<!--  airport.php
      airport flights page

require_once '../includes/Airport.php';
$airportID = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'airport', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$airport = new Airport($airportID);
            <!DOCTYPE html>

include_once 'head.php';

            <div id="flights" class="container">

include_once 'header.php';

                <!-- page content -->
                <div class="content-wrap">
                    <div class="content-left">
include_once 'nav-airport.php';
Beispiel #14

include_once '../../class/pattern/factory.php';
$barrack = new Barrack();
// 建立軍營
$solider = $barrack->outputUnit();
// 產生單位
$commandCenter = new CommandCenter();
// 建立指揮中心
$worker = $commandCenter->outputUnit();
// 產生單位
$airport = new Airport();
// 建立機場
$aircraft = $airport->outputUnit();
// 產生單位
Beispiel #15
 public function __construct($oParams)
     if (is_object($oParams)) {
         $this->departureCityId = $oParams->departure_city->id;
         $this->arrivalCityId = $oParams->arrival_city->id;
         $this->timestampBegin = strtotime($oParams->datetime_begin);
         $this->timestampEnd = strtotime($oParams->datetime_end);
         $this->datetimeBegin = $oParams->datetime_begin;
         $this->datetimeEnd = $oParams->datetime_end;
         $this->code = $oParams->code;
         $this->duration = $oParams->duration;
         $this->departureTerminalCode = $oParams->departure_terminal_code;
         $this->arrivalTerminalCode = $oParams->arrival_terminal_code;
         $this->aircraftCode = $oParams->aircraft_code;
         //$this->aircraft_name = $oParams->aircraft_name;
         $this->transportAirlineCode = $oParams->transport_airline->code;
         $this->opAirline = $oParams->opAirline;
         $this->markAirline = $oParams->markAirline;
         $this->departureAirportId = $oParams->departure_airport->id;
         $this->arrivalAirportId = $oParams->arrival_airport->id;
         $this->departureAirport = $oParams->departure_airport;
         $this->arrivalAirport = $oParams->arrival_airport;
         $this->stopNum = $oParams->stopNum;
         $this->bookingCodes = $oParams->aBookingCodes;
     } else {
         $this->departureCityId = $oParams['departureCityId'];
         $this->arrivalCityId = $oParams['arrivalCityId'];
         $this->timestampBegin = strtotime($oParams['datetimeBegin']);
         $this->timestampEnd = strtotime($oParams['datetimeEnd']);
         $this->datetimeBegin = $oParams['datetimeBegin'];
         $this->datetimeEnd = $oParams['datetimeEnd'];
         $this->code = $oParams['flightCode'];
         $this->duration = $oParams['duration'];
         //$this->departureTerminalCode = $oParams['departureCityId'];
         //$this->arrivalTerminalCode = $oParams->arrival_terminal_code;
         $this->aircraftCode = $oParams['aircraftCode'];
         //$this->aircraft_name = $oParams->aircraft_name;
         $this->transportAirlineCode = $oParams['transportAirline'];
         if ($oParams['markAirline']) {
             $this->markAirline = Airline::getAirlineByCode($oParams['markAirline']);
         } else {
             $this->markAirline = Airline::getAirlineByCode($oParams['transportAirline']);
         //$this->opAirline = $oParams['duration'];
         //$this->markAirline = $oParams['duration'];
         $this->departureAirportId = $oParams['departureAirportId'];
         $this->arrivalAirportId = $oParams['arrivalAirportId'];
         $this->departureAirport = Airport::getAirportByPk($oParams['departureAirportId']);
         $this->arrivalAirport = Airport::getAirportByPk($oParams['arrivalAirportId']);
         $this->stopNum = $oParams['stopNum'];
         $this->bookingCodes = array($oParams['bookingCode']);
 public function asString()
     return $this->origin->asCode() . ' to ' . $this->destination->asCode();
Beispiel #17
<!--  shopping.php
      airport shopping & food page
require_once '../includes/Airport.php';
$airportID = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'airport', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$airport = new Airport($airportID);
            <!DOCTYPE html>

include_once 'head.php';

            <div id="shopping" class="container">

include_once 'header.php';

                <!-- page content -->
                <div class="content-wrap">
                    <div class="content-left">
include_once 'nav-airport.php';
                    <div class="content-right">
Beispiel #18
 public function addRoundTripToCache($row, $url)
     $price = ceil($row->ReturnPrice);
     $codesFrom = explode('*', $row->OutboundWebsiteFlightCode);
     $codesTo = explode('*', $row->InboundWebsiteFlightCode);
     if (sizeof($codesFrom) > 1 && sizeof($codesTo) > 1) {
         $airline = $codesFrom[2];
         $depAirportDate = $codesFrom[1];
         $arrAirportDate = end($codesFrom);
         $fromAirp = Airport::model()->findByAttributes(array('code' => substr($depAirportDate, 0, 3)));
         if (!$fromAirp) {
             echo "Airport {$depAirportDate} not defined \n";
             return false;
         $toAirp = Airport::model()->findByAttributes(array('code' => substr($arrAirportDate, 0, 3)));
         if (!$toAirp) {
             echo "Airport {$arrAirportDate} not defined \n";
             return false;
         $from = $fromAirp->cityId;
         $to = $toAirp->cityId;
     } else {
         $airline = '';
         $from = $this->intRouters[$url][0];
         $to = $this->intRouters[$url][1];
         if (!$from || !$to) {
             echo "Cities not defined \n";
             return false;
     $timeFrom = strtotime($row->OutboundDepartureDate);
     $timeBack = strtotime($row->InboundDepartureDate);
     if ($timeFrom == 0 || $timeBack == 0) {
         echo "Time does not determined\n";
         return false;
     $dateFrom = date('Y-m-d', $timeFrom);
     $dateBack = date('Y-m-d', $timeBack);
     $flightCache = FlightCache::model()->findByAttributes(array('from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'dateFrom' => $dateFrom, 'dateBack' => $dateBack));
     if (!$flightCache) {
         echo "Creating record {$from} - {$to} - {$from} at {$dateFrom} <-> {$dateBack}. It is {$price}\n";
         $flightCache = new FlightCache();
     } else {
         if ($flightCache->priceBestPrice > $price) {
             echo "Updating record {$from} - {$to} - {$from} at {$dateFrom} <-> {$dateBack}. It was {$flightCache->priceBestPrice} become {$price}\n";
         } else {
             return true;
     $flightCache->from = $from;
     $flightCache->to = $to;
     $flightCache->dateFrom = $dateFrom;
     $flightCache->dateBack = $dateBack;
     $flightCache->priceBestPrice = $price;
     $flightCache->transportBestPrice = $airline;
     $flightCache->validatorBestPrice = $airline;
     return $flightCache->save();
Beispiel #19
<!--  reviews.php
      airport reviews page
require_once '../includes/Airport.php';
$airportID = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'airport', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$airport = new Airport($airportID);
            <!DOCTYPE html>

include_once 'head.php';

            <div id="reviews" class="container">

include_once 'header.php';

                <!-- page content -->
                <div class="content-wrap">
                    <div class="content-left">
include_once 'nav-airport.php';
                    <div class="content-right">
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     return Airport::create(["name" => Input::get("name"), "city" => Input::get("city")]);
Beispiel #21
  * Add new airport from pop up by ajax
  * CODE:airport_create
 public function executeUpdateAjax(sfWebRequest $request)
     # security
     if (!$this->getUser()->hasCredential(array('Administrator'), false)) {
         $this->getUser()->setFlash("warning", 'You don\'t have permission to access this url ' . $request->getReferer());
     //    $this->setLayout(false);
     $airport = new Airport();
     $this->airport = $airport;
     $this->form = new AirportForm($airport);
     $this->back = $request->getReferer();
     if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
         $this->referer = $request->getReferer();
         if ($this->form->isValid() && $this->form->getValue('ident')) {
             if ($this->form->getValue('ident') && $request->getParameter('id')) {
                 $is_used = AirportPeer::getByIdent($this->form->getValue('ident'));
             } elseif ($this->form->getValue('ident') && !$request->getParameter('id')) {
                 $is_used = AirportPeer::getByIdent($this->form->getValue('ident'));
                 if (isset($is_used)) {
                     if ($is_used->getIdent() == $this->form->getValue('ident')) {
                         if ($request->getParameter('back') == null) {
                             $last = $request->getReferer();
                         } else {
                             $last = $request->getParameter('back');
                         if (strstr($last, 'camp/create')) {
                             $back_url = $last;
                         } elseif (strstr($last, 'fbo/create')) {
                             $back_url = $last;
                         } else {
                             $back_url = 'airport';
                         $this->getUser()->setFlash('success', 'This Airport Ident has already used. Please confirm else!');
                 } elseif ($this->form->getValue('ident') == 'null') {
                 } else {
             if ($this->form->getValue('wing_id') == 0) {
             } else {
             if ($this->form->getValue('closed') == null) {
             } else {
             if ($airport->isNew()) {
                 $content = $this->getUser()->getName() . ' added new Airport: ' . $airport->getName() . ' (' . $airport->getIdent() . ')';
             $str = '<script type="text/javascript">' . 'var a = $id;' . "window.\$('#back_airport_id').val('');" . "window.\$('#back_airport_id').val(a);" . "window.\$('#back1').val(\$('#camp_agency_id').val());" . "window.location.reload();" . '</script>';
             $this->getUser()->setFlash('success', 'New Airport created successfully!');
             $this->formValid = true;
             $this->airportName = $airport->getName();
             //return $this->renderText($str);
         } else {
             $str = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "//window.setTimeout(\\'window.location.reload()\\', 1500);" . 'window.location.reload();' . '</script>';
             $this->getUser()->setFlash('success', 'Can not create new Airport without datas!');
             $this->formNotValid = true;
             //return $this->renderText($str);
     } else {
         # Set referer URL
         $this->referer = $request->getReferer() ? $request->getReferer() : '@airport';
     $this->airport = $airport;
Beispiel #22
 function topAirports()
     $other = 0;
     $result = array();
     $chart = array();
     $names = array();
     $origCounter = $this->query()->select(DB::raw('departure_id, count(departure_id) as counter'))->groupBy('departure_id')->where('departure_id', '!=', '')->orderBy('counter', 'DESC')->lists('counter', 'departure_id');
     $destCounter = $this->query()->select(DB::raw('arrival_id, count(arrival_id) as counter'))->groupBy('arrival_id')->where('arrival_id', '!=', '')->orderBy('counter', 'DESC')->lists('counter', 'arrival_id');
     $airportsId = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($origCounter), array_keys($destCounter)));
     $counter = array_combine($airportsId, $airportsId);
     foreach ($counter as &$airportId) {
         $airportId = @$origCounter[$airportId] + @$destCounter[$airportId];
     if (count($counter) > 0) {
         $namesRaw = Airport::with('country')->whereIn('icao', array_slice(array_keys($counter), 0, 5))->get();
         foreach ($namesRaw as $airport) {
             $names[$airport->icao] = $airport;
     foreach ($counter as $key => $flights) {
         if (count($result) < 5 && array_key_exists($key, $names)) {
             $percentage = $this->_total == 0 ? 0 : number_format($flights / ($this->_total * 2) * 100, 1);
             $result[] = array('data' => $names[$key], 'count' => $flights, 'percent' => $percentage, 'key' => $names[$key]->icao);
             if ($percentage > 0) {
                 $chart[] = [$names[$key]->icao, $percentage];
         } else {
             $other += $flights;
     $result['Other'] = array('count' => $other, 'percent' => $this->_total == 0 ? 0 : number_format($other / ($this->_total * 2) * 100, 1), 'key' => 'Other');
     $chart[] = ['Other', $result['Other']['percent']];
     $piechartData = piechartData($chart);
     return array('table' => $result, 'chart' => $piechartData['javascript'], 'colours' => $piechartData['colours']);
Beispiel #23
<!--  parking.php
      airport parking page
require_once '../includes/Airport.php';
$airportID = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'airport', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$airport = new Airport($airportID);
            <!DOCTYPE html>

include_once 'head.php';

            <div id="parking" class="container">

include_once 'header.php';

                <!-- page content -->
                <div class="content-wrap">
                    <div class="content-left">
include_once 'nav-airport.php';
                    <div class="content-right">
Beispiel #24
	<section id="content">
		   <div class="wrapper pad1">
		 <!--  DO YOU WORK HERE !!!! -->  
echo "<strong>My Flights</strong><img src= images/plus.png class=but1 />";
echo "<div class=content_1 style=background-color:#eee9e9;>";
echo "you currently have " . count($reservations) . " reservation(s) on your account.";
echo " <table width=77% border=1 cellpadding=5>\n  <tr>\n  <td><strong>Departure</strong></td>\n    <td><strong>Destination</strong></td>\n    <td><strong>Ticket#</strong></td>\n    <td><strong>Flight#</strong></td>\n    <td><strong>Seat#</strong></td>\n    <td><strong>Price</strong></td>\n\t<td><strong>Status</strong></td>\n\t<td><strong>Action</strong></td>\n  </tr>";
foreach ($results as $result) {
    $depart = Airport::get_name_by_id($result['org_id'], $users);
    $arrival = Airport::get_name_by_id($result['dest_id'], $users);
    $ticket_id = $result['ticket_id'];
    echo "<tr>\n    <td>{$depart}</td>\n\t<td>{$arrival}</td>\n    <td>{$result['ticket_id']}</td>\n    <td>{$result['flight_id']}</td>\n    <td>{$result['seat_id']}</td>\n    <td>\${$result['price']}</td>\n\t<td><strong style=color:green;>Active</strong></td>";
    echo "<td><a href='checkin.php?id=" . $result['ticket_id'] . "'><input type=submit style=background-color:#87ceeb;  value=check-in></td>";
    echo "<td><a href='delete.php?id=" . $result['ticket_id'] . "'><button class=button1 onclick='return doConfirmDelete(;'>Delete</button></a></td>";
    echo "\n  </tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
Beispiel #25
 function fire($job, $vatsim_id)
     $pilot = Pilot::whereVatsimId($vatsim_id)->first();
     if ($pilot->processing == 1) {
     try {
         $it = new XmlIterator\XmlIterator('' . $vatsim_id, 'user');
         $official = iterator_to_array($it)[0];
         $pilot->name = $official['name_first'] . ' ' . $official['name_last'];
         $pilot->rating_id = $official['rating'];
     } catch (ErrorException $e) {
     $newFlights = array();
     $flights = Flight::whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereState(2)->get();
     $totalDistance = 0;
     $totalDuration = 0;
     $totalFlights = $flights->count();
     foreach ($flights as $flight) {
         if ($flight->processed == 1) {
             $totalDistance += $flight->distance;
             $totalDuration += $flight->duration;
         } else {
             $callsign = str_replace('-', '', strtoupper($flight->callsign));
             if (!is_null($airline = $this->getAirlines($callsign))) {
                 // Airline
             } elseif (!is_null($registration = $this->getRegistrations($callsign))) {
             if (!is_null($flight->departure_time) && !is_null($flight->arrival_time)) {
                 $duration = $this->duration($flight->departure_time, $flight->arrival_time);
                 $flight->duration = $duration;
                 $totalDuration += $duration;
             $distance = 0;
             foreach ($flight->positions as $key => $position) {
                 if ($key > 0) {
                     $distance += $this->distance($position->lat, $position->lon, $previous->lat, $previous->lon);
                 $previous = $position;
             $flight->distance = $distance;
             // $flight->processed = true;
             // $flight->save();
             if (!is_nan($distance)) {
                 $totalDistance += $distance;
             unset($distance, $previous);
         $newFlights[] = array('id' => $flight->id, 'duration' => $flight->duration, 'distance' => $flight->distance, 'airline_id' => $flight->airline_id, 'callsign_type' => $flight->callsign_type);
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - processed flights');
     DB::statement("create temporary table if not exists flights_temp (\n\t\t\t`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`callsign_type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t`airline_id` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t`duration` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t`distance` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n\t\t)");
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - created temp table flights');
     $remaining = count($newFlights);
     $step = 0;
     do {
         Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted flights - ' . $remaining);
         DB::table('flights_temp')->insert(array_slice($newFlights, 100 * $step, 100));
         $remaining -= 100;
     } while ($remaining > 0);
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted flights - done');
     DB::statement("update flights dest, flights_temp src set\n\t\t\tdest.callsign_type = src.callsign_type,\n\t\t\tdest.airline_id = src.airline_id,\n\t\t\tdest.duration = src.duration,\n\t\t\tdest.distance = src.distance,\n\t\t\tdest.processed = 1\n\t\twhere =\n\t\t");
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - updated flights');
     $atcs = ATC::whereVatsimId($vatsim_id)->whereNotNull('end')->get();
     $totalDurationAtc = 0;
     $totalAtc = $atcs->count();
     $newAtc = array();
     foreach ($atcs as $atc) {
         if ($atc->processed) {
             if ($atc->facility_id != 99) {
                 $totalDurationAtc += $atc->duration;
             } else {
         } else {
             $atc->facility_id = ends_with($atc->callsign, '_ATIS') ? 99 : $atc->facility_id;
             $duration = $this->duration($atc->start, $atc->end);
             $atc->duration = $duration;
             if ($atc->facility_id != 99) {
                 $totalDurationAtc += $duration;
             if ($atc->facility_id < 6) {
                 $airport = Airport::select('icao')->whereIcao(explode('_', $atc->callsign)[0])->orWhere('iata', '=', explode('_', $atc->callsign)[0])->pluck('icao');
                 $atc->airport_id = is_null($airport) ? null : $airport;
             } elseif ($atc->facility_id == 6) {
                 $sector = SectorAlias::select('sectors.code')->where('sector_aliases.code', '=', explode('_', $atc->callsign)[0])->join('sectors', 'sector_aliases.sector_id', '=', '')->pluck('code');
                 $atc->sector_id = is_null($sector) ? null : $sector;
             } else {
             // $atc->processed = true;
             // $atc->save();
         $newAtc[] = array('id' => $atc->id, 'airport_id' => $atc->airport_id, 'sector_id' => $atc->sector_id, 'duration' => $atc->duration, 'facility_id' => $atc->facility_id);
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - processed atc');
     DB::statement("create temporary table if not exists atc_temp (\n\t\t\t`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`facility_id` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`airport_id` varchar(6) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t`sector_id` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t`duration` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n\t\t)");
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - created temp table atc');
     $remaining = count($newAtc);
     $step = 0;
     do {
         Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted atc - ' . $remaining);
         DB::table('atc_temp')->insert(array_slice($newAtc, 100 * $step, 100));
         $remaining -= 100;
     } while ($remaining > 0);
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted atc - done');
     DB::statement("update atc dest, atc_temp src set\n\t\t\tdest.duration = src.duration,\n\t\t\tdest.facility_id = src.facility_id,\n\t\t\tdest.airport_id = src.airport_id,\n\t\t\tdest.sector_id = src.sector_id,\n\t\t\tdest.processed = 1\n\t\twhere =\n\t\t");
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - updated atc');
     $pilot->processing = 1;
     $pilot->distance = $totalDistance;
     $pilot->duration = $totalDuration;
     $pilot->counter = $totalFlights;
     $pilot->counter_atc = $totalAtc;
     $pilot->duration_atc = $totalDurationAtc;
Beispiel #26
require_once '../includes/Airport.php';
$airportID = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'airport', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$airport = new Airport($airportID);
            <!DOCTYPE html>

include_once 'head.php';

            <div id="reviews" class="container">

include_once 'header.php';

                <!-- page content -->
                <div class="content-wrap">
                    <div class="content-left">
include_once 'nav-airport.php';
                    <div class="content-right">
if (!$airport->exists()) {
    Common::error("Error: Airport could not be found!");
Beispiel #27
if (isset($_POST['go'])) {
    $message = " <div   style=background-image:url(images/ticket.jpg); width:959px;height:500px;><strong>Print ticket<strong>\n\t   <img input type=image src=images/print.png height=40px width=40px onClick=window.print()/>\n\t<form id=CheckOutForm action=survey.php method=post >\n\t<div style=margin-left:400px;>\n\t<tr><br/><br/><br/><br/>\n\t<strong><td>First Name</td></strong>\n\t<?\techo {$_POST['First_N']}\t?>\n\t</br>\n\t\n\t<strong><td>Last Name</td></strong>\n\t<?\techo {$_POST['Last_N']}\t?>\n\t</br>\n\t\n\t<strong><td>Email</td></strong>\n\t<?\techo {$_POST['email']}\t?>\n\t</br>\n\t\n\t<strong><td>Your Flight ID: </td></strong>\n\t<?\techo {$this_id}\t?>\n\t</br>\n\t\n\t<!-- ONLY DOES FOR 1 SEAT SELECTED -->\n\t<strong><td>Your Seat(s) ID: </td></strong>\n\t<?\techo {$_SESSION['seat_id']};\t?>\n\t</br>\n\t\n\t<strong><td>From: </td></strong>\n\t<? echo {$a}\t?>\n\t</br>\n\t\n\t<strong><td>TO: </td></strong>\n\t<? echo {$b}\t?>\n\t</br>\n\t\n\t<strong><td>Departure Time: </td></strong>\n\t<? echo {$d_date}\t?>\n\t</br>\n\t\n\t<strong><td>Arrival Time: </td></strong>\n\t<? echo {$a_date}\t?>\n\t</br>\n\t\n\t<button><input type=submit id =Sumbit class=button1 value=Take quick survey><button>\n\t\n\t</div>";
    $email = new email($_POST['email'], $message, "Password Recovery (GA)");
$users = new users();
$num = trim($_SESSION['leave_ids']);
$id_array = explode("_", $num);
$this_id = $id_array[0];
$seat = $_SESSION['seat_id'];
$flight = $users->get_specific_flight($this_id);
$d_time = $flight[0]['e_depart_time'];
$a_time = $flight[0]['e_arrival_time'];
//echo $this_id;
$a = Airport::get_name_by_id($flight[0]['org_id'], $users);
$b = Airport::get_name_by_id($flight[0]['dest_id'], $users);
$d_date = date('M j, Y - g:ia', $d_time);
$a_date = date('M j, Y - g:ia', $a_time);
//$d_date = $_SESSION['d_time'];
//$a_date = $_SESSION['a_time'];
$record = array();
//$record['seat_id'] = $seat;
if (isset($_SESSION['leave_ids'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['loggedIn'])) {
        $record['cid'] = $_SESSION['cid'];
    } else {
        $record['cid'] = 1;
    $price = $users->get_price($flight[0]['flight_id']);
    $record['price'] = $price[0]['coach_class_cost'];
    $record['flight_id'] = $flight[0]['flight_id'];
Beispiel #28
 public function executeAutoAddMissionsOnCamp(sfWebRequest $request)
     // see if there is airport exist with this name
     $airport_name = $request->getParameter('airportname');
     $airport = AirportPeer::getBySpecificAirportName($airport_name);
     // If there is no airport then insert it into airport table
     if (!$airport) {
         // @TODO Set default airport fields values
         $airport = new Airport();
     $pass_id = $request->getParameter('passenger');
     $camp_id = $request->getParameter('camp_id');
     $camp_passenger = new CampPassenger();
     if (CampPassengerPeer::doCount($camp_passenger->buildCriteria())) {
         $passenger = PassengerPeer::retrieveByPK($pass_id);
         $this->getUser()->setFlash('warning', 'Passenger "' . $passenger->getPerson()->getName() . '" has already been added!');
         return $this->redirect('camp/view?id=' . $request->getParameter('camp_id'));
     $camp = CampPeer::retrieveByPK($camp_id);
     $note = $request->getParameter('note');
     //$camp_passenger->setAirportId($camp->getAirportId ()); // Camp Location Id
     //if ($camp_passenger->save()){
     //return $this->renderText($airport->getId());
     $mission_type = MissionTypePeer::getByName('normal');
     if (!$mission_type instanceof MissionType) {
         $mission_type = MissionTypePeer::doSelectOne(new Criteria());
     $airport = AirportPeer::getBySpecificAirportName($airport_name);
     $camp_location = $camp->getAirport();
     $itinerary = new Itinerary();
     // Mission 1
     $mission1 = new Mission();
     // this indicates that return airport id would be camp airport id
     $mission1_leg1 = new MissionLeg();
     if ($camp_location) {
     } else {
     // Mission 2
     $mission2 = new Mission();
     // From treatment to hme
     $camp_passenger2 = new CampPassenger();
     // this indicates that return airport id would be camp airport id
     $mission2_leg2 = new MissionLeg();
     if ($camp_location) {
     } else {
     return $this->redirect('camp/view?id=' . $camp->getId());
Beispiel #29
<!--  airport.php
      airport landing page

require_once '../includes/Airport.php';
$airportID = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'airport', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$airport = new Airport($airportID);
        <!DOCTYPE html>

include_once 'head.php';

        <div id="airport" class="container">

include_once 'header.php';

            <!-- page content -->
            <div class="content-wrap">
                <div class="content-left">
include_once 'nav-airport.php';
 public function ReadHeader($extBruType, $extFilePath)
     $bruType = $extBruType;
     $file = $extFilePath;
     $Bru = new Bru();
     $bruInfo = $Bru->GetBruInfo($bruType);
     $frameLength = $bruInfo['frameLength'];
     $stepLength = $bruInfo['stepLength'];
     $wordLength = $bruInfo['wordLength'];
     $headerLength = $bruInfo['headerLength'];
     $headerScr = $bruInfo['headerScr'];
     $frameSyncroCode = $bruInfo['frameSyncroCode'];
     $flightInfo['bruType'] = $bruType;
     if ($headerScr != '' || $headerScr != null) {
         if (isset($flightInfo['startCopyTime'])) {
             $startCopyTime = $flightInfo['startCopyTime'];
             $flightInfo['startCopyTime'] = date('H:i:s Y-m-d', $startCopyTime);
             $flightInfo['copyCreationTime'] = date('H:i:s', $startCopyTime);
             $flightInfo['copyCreationDate'] = date('Y-m-d', $startCopyTime);
         $airport = new Airport();
         if (isset($flightInfo['takeOffLat']) && isset($flightInfo['takeOffLong'])) {
             $lat = $flightInfo['takeOffLat'];
             $long = $flightInfo['takeOffLong'];
             $landingAirport = $airport->getAirportByLatAndLong($lat, $long);
             if (!empty($landingAirport)) {
                 $flightInfo['departureAirport'] = $landingAirport['ICAO'];
                 $flightInfo['departureAirportName'] = $landingAirport['name'];
         if (isset($flightInfo['landingLat']) && isset($flightInfo['landingLong'])) {
             $lat = $flightInfo['landingLat'];
             $long = $flightInfo['landingLong'];
             $landingAirport = $airport->getAirportByLatAndLong($lat, $long);
             if (!empty($landingAirport)) {
                 $flightInfo['arrivalAirport'] = $landingAirport['ICAO'];
                 $flightInfo['arrivalAirportName'] = $landingAirport['name'];
     return $flightInfo;