Beispiel #1
    echo "Appointment: ", date('l, F d, Y g:i A', $oldDatephp), "<br>";
    // Display meeting location
    echo "Meeting Location: ", $appt->getMeeting(), "</label><br>";
    // Hidden input for old appointment ID
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='oldAppID' value='{$oldApptID}'>";
$currentAdvisorID = $_POST["advisor"];
$currentDatephp = strtotime($_POST["appTime"]);
// Get appointment information for current appointment, even if it's taken
$appointments = Appointment::searchAppointments($COMMON, $currentAdvisorID, $student->getMajor(), $_POST["appTime"], null, false, 1, '');
$currentAppt = $appointments[0];
$currentApptID = $currentAppt->getID();
if ($currentAdvisorID != 0) {
    // Individual advisor, so get info from database
    $currentAdvisor = new Advisor($COMMON, $currentAdvisorID);
    $currentAdvisorName = $currentAdvisor->convertFullName();
    $currentAdvisorOffice = $currentAdvisor->getOffice();
} else {
    // Group advising appointment
    $currentAdvisorName = "Group";
echo "<h2>Current Appointment</h2>";
echo "<label for='newinfo'>";
echo "Advisor: ", $currentAdvisorName, "<br>";
// Display office for individual advisor
if (isset($currentAdvisorOffice)) {
    echo "Office: ", $currentAdvisorOffice, "<br>";
echo "Appointment: ", date('l, F d, Y g:i A', $currentDatephp), "<br>";
echo "Meeting Location: ", $currentAppt->getMeeting(), "</label>";
// Hidden input for appointment id
Beispiel #2
        <div class="top">
		<h1>Select Appointment Time</h1>
	    <div class="field">
		<form action = "10StudConfirmSch.php" method = "post" name = "SelectTime">
// Hidden form field for advisor ID
echo "<input type='hidden' name='advisor' value='{$localAdvisor}'>";
// fpr SQL statements below
// Comparing timestamps, could not remember.
$curtime = time();
// Search for open appointments with given advisor, student's major, and that are in the future
$appointments = Appointment::searchAppointments($COMMON, $localAdvisor, $student->getMajor());
// Display title
if ($localAdvisor != 0) {
    echo "<h2>Individual Advising</h2><br>";
    echo "<label for='prompt'>Select appointment with ", $advisor->convertFullName(), ":</label><br>";
} else {
    echo "<h2>Group Advising</h2><br>";
    echo "<label for='prompt'>Select appointment:</label><br>";
// Display all appointment options on screen
foreach ($appointments as $appt) {
    $datephp = strtotime($appt->getTime());
    echo "<label for='", $appt->getID(), "'>";
    echo "<input id='", $appt->getID(), "' type='radio' name='appTime' required value='", $appt->getTime(), "'>", date('l, F d, Y g:i A', $datephp), "</label><br>\n";
// Do not allow continuing if there are no appointments for this advisor
if (count($appointments) > 0) {
Beispiel #3
	    <div class="field">
// Search for appointment with this student
$appointments = Appointment::searchAppointments($COMMON, null, null, null, null, null, null, '', $studID);
// if for some reason there really isn't a match, (something got messed up, tell them there really isn't one there)
$num_rows = count($appointments);
if ($num_rows > 0) {
    $appt = $appointments[0];
    // get legit data
    $advisorID = $appt->getAdvisorID();
    $datephp = strtotime($appt->getTime());
    if ($advisorID != 0) {
        // Individual advisor - Get advisor info from database
        $advisor = new Advisor($COMMON, $advisorID);
        $advisorOffice = $advisor->getOffice();
        $advisorName = $advisor->convertFullName();
    } else {
        // Group advisor
        $advisorName = "Group";
    echo "<label for='info'>";
    echo "Advisor: ", $advisorName, "<br>";
    // If individual advisor, display office location
    if (isset($advisorOffice)) {
        echo "Office: ", $advisorOffice, "<br>";
    echo "Appointment: ", date('l, F d, Y g:i A', $datephp), "<br>";
    // Display appointment location
    echo "Meeting Location: ", $appt->getMeeting(), "</label>";
} else {
    echo "No appointment was detected. It may have been cancelled. Please make another appointment.";
include '../Advisor.php';
$COMMON = new Common($debug);
$indID = $_POST["IndApp"];
// Get appointment info from the database
$appt = new Appointment($COMMON, $indID);
$adv = $appt->getAdvisorID();
$advisor = new Advisor($COMMON, $adv);
if ($appt->getEnrolledID()) {
    $student = new Student($COMMON, trim($appt->getEnrolledID()));
    $std = $student->getFirstName() . " " . $student->getLastName();
    $eml = $student->getEmail();
$sql = "DELETE FROM `Proj2Appointments` WHERE `id`='{$indID}'";
$rs = $COMMON->executeQuery($sql, "Advising Appointments");
echo "Time: " . date('l, F d, Y g:i A', strtotime($appt->getTime())) . "<br>";
echo "Advisor: " . $advisor->convertFullName() . "<br>";
echo "Majors included: ";
if ($appt->getMajor()) {
    echo $appt->convertMajor() . "<br>";
} else {
    echo "Available to all majors<br>";
echo "Enrolled: ";
if ($appt->getEnrolledID()) {
    echo "{$std}</b>";
    $sql = "UPDATE `Proj2Students` SET `Status`='C' WHERE `StudentID` = '" . trim($appt->getEnrolledID()) . "'";
    $rs = $COMMON->executeQuery($sql, "Advising Appointments");
    $message = "The following appointment has been deleted by the adminstration of your advisor: " . "\r\n" . "Time: " . $appt->getTime() . "\r\n" . "Advisor: " . $advisor->convertFullName() . "\r\n" . "Student: {$std}" . "\r\n" . "To schedule for a new appointment, please log back into the UMBC COEIT Engineering and Computer Science Advising webpage." . "\r\n" . "  -> COEIT Advising Scheduling \r\n Reminder, this is only accessible on campus.";
    mail($eml, "Your Advising Appointment Has Been Deleted", $message);
} else {
    echo "Empty";
    echo "Time: ";
    foreach ($times as $t) {
        echo ++$i, ") ", date('g:i A', strtotime($t)), " ";
echo "<br>";
if ($advisor == '') {
    echo "Advisor: All appointments";
} elseif ($advisor == 'I') {
    echo "Advisor: All individual appointments";
} elseif ($advisor == '0') {
    echo "Advisor: All group appointments";
} else {
    // Get advisor info from database
    $advisor = new Advisor($COMMON, $advisor);
    echo "Advisor: ", $advisor->convertFullName();
echo "<br>";
if ($studID == '' && $studLN == '') {
    echo "Student: All";
} else {
    $studLN = strtoupper($studLN);
    $studID = strtoupper($studID);
    $sql = "select `LastName`, `StudentID` from Proj2Students where `StudentID` = '{$studID}' or `LastName` = '{$studLN}'";
    $rs = $COMMON->executeQuery($sql, $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($rs);
    $studLN = $row[0];
    $studID = $row[1];
    echo "Student: ", $studID, " ", $studLN;
echo "<br>";